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Nancy B

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Everything posted by Nancy B

  1. Cathy, I am so sorry for the loss of your Dad. I am praying for peace and comfort for you and your Mom. Hugs, Nancy B
  2. My dear friend Fay, my heart hurts. Thank you for all you have given to me....your wisdom, your knowledge about lung cancer, your support, your love and especially the beaded headpiece you gave me to wear when I was bald. I am praying for peace and comfort for you and your family. Many hugs and prayers, Love, Nancy B
  3. Sue, prayers coming for Mike and you. Take care, Nancy B
  4. Ginny, sending prayers for Devin and her family and you. I am sure it will be nothing, but I sure know the feelings you go through until you know. Prayers and hugs, Nancy B
  5. I have short term memory loss from chemo, two thoracotomies, and especially the brain radiation. I have talked with people that experience memory loss after surgeries. It is very frustrating. I am making mistakes at work and since my husband and I are self-employed, he is having to deal with this. If anybody has any hints to help with this (besides PostIt Notes) I would be very grateful to know them. Reading is not the same and it is very tiring to be sooooo attentive all the time. If I don't pay really close attention, I don't remember it. I hate going through this but it is helpful to know that I am not alone. Nancy B
  6. Debbie, welcome, let us know what we can do to help you. Prayers and hugs, Nancy B
  7. Dear, dear Fay - I feel so honored to call you friend. You have helped me through some rough times. I can never thank you enough. I love you, Nancy B
  8. Surviving in So California 6 years this month NSCLC 2 years (in April) SCLC
  9. Welcome Rob. I have had two surgeries and the second was without a biopsy first. There will be someone on here that can answer your questions. It is a rough ride but the support here is fantastic. Stay with us and let us know how we can help you. Take care, Nancy B
  10. Fay, so glad you finally let everybody see what a beautiful person you are. I think about you and say prayers for you every day. I called the other day but you were sleeping. Take care my sweet friend. Love and hugs, Nancy B
  11. Just curious, what is the flaxseed oil/cottage cheese diet - what is it supposed to do? I take flaxseed capsules but don't particularly like cottage cheese. Just wondering. Thanks, Nancy B
  12. I haven't heard of this - is it a supplement? Where did you hear about it? I'll try anything if it works against cancer.
  13. Ginny, that is beautiful. Thanks for sharing. Hugs, Nancy B
  14. and Becky buy another beer truck.... (sorry Becky, in reading back, didn't realize you were IN the beer truck - I was just trying to get rid of the BEER TRUCK).
  15. Becky's beer truck, so we don't have to worry about that anymore, however......
  16. You go girl! Wish I coulda heard you. I just love music but have absolutely no talent. Did you get my check? Love and hugs, Nancy B
  17. Hi Warren, welcome. I don't have any answers for you but I am sure someone on here will. I have had both NSCLC and SCLC but was able to have surgeries for both of them, then chemo and brain radiation. Just be sure that you are comfortable with your doctors, get 2nd, 3rd and 4th opinions if you need to. Sounds like you are a fighter, keep up the good work and the good attitude. Let us know what we can do to help. Hugs, Nancy B
  18. Teri, so glad to hear from you. I am praying that you will be home and feeling better soon. Hugs and prayers, Nancy B
  19. Connie, you are such a sweetheart. I was so glad to be able to do something to bring awareness to LCSC. Until we get a major sponsor, LCSC will remain on the side of the car. This is just a picture that I took, but we did have 2 professional photographers take pictures and as soon as I get those I will ask Rick and Katie to post them. Thanks for the thanks Connie. Love and hugs, Nancy B
  20. Nancy, sorry I don't have any answers for you but I have many prayers coming your way. I am so sorry you have to wait until Monday to talk to a Dr., I really can understand your frustration. Seems like I can handle the bad results, but I just can't handle the "not knowing". I am sure someone on here will have some answers for you (possibly radiation to the affected areas?). Take care. Prayers and hugs, Nancy B
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