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    crafts, kayaking, camping, birding
  1. TAnn, Sorry about the chemo mess, but I know what you mean. I am on steroids also and have gained weight and everyone says how well I look. HAH! That is the steroids. The list of side effects just keeps growing. But Chemo is just a temporary stage and then it will be over and I can get back to somewhat normal:) hopefull. Right now my lymph system is so swollen I look like a linebacker. But it WILL go away, so just hang in there and know this is only a sidepath. Hang tough! Jean
  2. Fay, Although I was a smoker for 30 years and now did not beat the gene pool! It still amazes me how many non-smokers ther are out there with lung cancer. I firmly believe that stress plays a big part in what happens as it compromises one's immunity and continous stress just keeps your system down. Just food for thought Good luck Hang tough Jean
  3. TBone, I was dx right before Thanksgiving, so I know what you mean about the Holidays. Anyway regarding the radiation treatments, they have to allow time for any swelling from the radiation to goe away, and take heart, my 3 tumors in my brain shrunk 50% after 15 rounds of radiation, so my visualization while laying on the table helped as I thought die you _____, die!! So hang in there, this is just the beginning of the battle and everyone's battle is different. Wishing you the best of luck Any questions feel free. Jean
  4. Hi Guys, Hope everyone is hanging in there. Well my disability was quickly approved in about 3 weeks, I had my medical files with me when I went. Even though it will stll be 6 months till you receive a check. So it will not be till June, oh well not much can be done about that. But at least it is okayed. Thanks for everyone's support. Till later Jean
  5. Adam, Glad to hear your Dad came home under his own steam. Sounds like a good set up for him. Take care Hang in there Jean
  6. Bruce, Thanks, I have since found out that since I am StageIV, that it could go alot faster. So I will wait and see. By the way love the dogs!! Thay are so cute. It is hard to give up working after so many years. You feel a loss of independence and freedom. It is like one more choice being taken away. Oh well best quit dwelling on it. Jean ------------ DX 11-22-2003 Stage IV w/multiple mets brain Primary lung and aveoli Full head radiation x 15 days to begin Then see what happens
  7. Hi, Oh am I learning about disability. Since I can no longer work, I have an appointment next week with SSA to file. And yes I heard it could take 4-6 months. So I was bad, I sicced my sister on them. She makes a Jack Russell Terrier look like a bloodhound. I think so far she has called the govenor, delegates, and was going after the state comptroller. This really is a bad deal when you work all your life and they make you dance thru though hoops. Believe me I would lovee to go back to work and carry on as before. Anywho We'll see as the saga turns. Jean
  8. Cheryl, Here's the low down on my mess, and yes I was a smoker for many years. Though I received my first brochure for going to Aruba. A place called Bucuti Bay. Gotta ride that horse on the beach before I go off this earth. My husband and I had planned on going on our tenth anniversary, it was recommended, shall we say, to go sooner. OKAY with me. So we are looking at the first week of February. They will just have to work the treatments around it. Keep your chin up and hang in there!! Jean DX 11-22-2003 NSCLC Stage IV w/met to brain Bone scan not done yet scheduled the 9th Full pathology not back yet. Started Full Head radiation for 15 days on 11-25-03 On just steroid decadron for swelling
  9. Shawna, They gave me the short term stats too. Well I don,t think so, because I have too much left to do to roll over on some stats. So I intend to beat the odds. Used to work with racehorses so I know about odds:) Keep looking around and learn as much as you can about lung cancer and you will learn there are a whole lot of paths. So hang tough. There really are alot of good people out there, and more and more every day. Jean
  10. Cheryl, Bugger the statistics!! They pretty much told me the same thing and my response was I don't think so. Because everyone is indiviual and there is no surefire answer. You fight it as I intend to. I lay on the table under radiation and tell those buggers in my head to fry ____ fry!! Learn as much information as you can because as the old saying goes, Knowledge is Power! As you learn more in enables you to face the challenges easier because you know what you are up against. So hang in there Jean
  11. Hi, I am a newly diagonised NSCLC and I am still learing my way around the forum board. But I have been reading as much as I can of everyone's messages. To find out where to go next. But I do plan on taking a trip to Aruba alot sooner than I anticipated! ******* 11-22-03 Diagnosied multiple brain metastes, primary is in right upper lobe of lung plus smaller nodules. Bone scan not done yet. Started 15 days of full head radiation and decadron. Full pathology is not back yet. The feeding frenzy steroid:)=Decadron And all I thought I had was a beastly headache!
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