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Posts posted by asa

  1. Thank you all for your kind wishes.

    When my wife was in hospital we were told that because the cancer was so widely disseminated, any chemo would be very aggressive. We were told that undergoing chemo might make a difference of only a few weeks and she would have to stay in hospital for the duration. We opted for quality. The oncologist said he would prefer if she went home to be with her family.

    We have both come to terms with the outcome but its difficult to deal with the constraints the fractured spine has placed on day to day freedoms, and making the most of our time together.

  2. Thank you Randy,

    The only treatment shes had is the radiotherapy sessions for pain. No other treatment. She is under hospice homecare, who are fantastic. Her medical consultant gave us his mobile no, and phones me every couple of weeks to see how she is. When she was in hospital he visited her on his weekends off. Shes not a suitable candidate for surgery to stabalise the spine. Her cervical spine is fractured and she has numerous lesions on thoracic and lumbar spine. Three weeks ago she developed a severe pain in her left shoulder which was treated with a session of radiotherapy. The pain management team ring every two days, dosages are altered to keep her pain free but as alert as possible.

    It breaks my heart to see how she has lost her independance, as she was so active (serious shopper) but to go out now she has to be taken in a wheelchair. Weve had a few nights where she felt if she went to sleep she wasn't going to wake up.

    As long as my wife is with me I'll do ok, I can't think of the future...

  3. My wife 48 was diagnosed with NSCLC left lung with mets to spine, liver, adrenal glands in August. We originally thought in was a pulled muscle but after second set of xrays they did MRI and admitted her to hospital.

    She is home now, in very positive frame of mind, even with a fractured neck, has had a couple of down days, mainly attributed to new pains that appear but are usually managed by hospice homecare team within a day or two.

    I'm doing my best but I feel its never good enough

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