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Don M

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Everything posted by Don M

  1. I hope the scan shows no more spread and the treatment nails the cancer. don m
  2. Jeffrey and Rose have my prayers. Don M
  3. Hi Cat and welcome. It looks like your sister's tumor is responding well to treatment. don M
  4. Don M

    Thank you

    Nova: may the results be good. don M
  5. Hi. I would like to welcome you too. If your mom is in otherwise good heath and has a good attitude she may do very well with treatment. Others have. Don M
  6. I have had 3 needle biopsies and they were not bad. I was sent home with a chest tube on my insistence after a collapsed lung for 2 of them. The tube was removed the next day. I did not want to spend the night in the hospital. Don M
  7. I have had 2 lung surgeries with intent to cure and it was doable. Go for it. Go for the cure. Ask if you can have video assisted thoracic surgery (VATS). It is less invasive and the recovery time is quicker. Don M
  8. I think seeing a pain management specialist is a good idea. Don M
  9. You have gotten a lot of good advice. Just remember that no one deserves lung cancer. Don M
  10. I have had two lung surgeries and never felt pain like your sister describes. I would insist on having the pain managed. Don M
  11. Welcome. My brother had lung cancer too. Don M
  12. If one had a tumor that has been staged at 3a, the typical treatment path is concurrent chemo and radiation with the chemo at a reduced dose until the radiation is done and then a stronger chemo treatment. Then if there is significant shrinkage and no more cancer in the lymph nodes, one may go on to surgery for a possible cure. Your husband’s doc probably considers the tumor inoperable because of cancer in the lymph nodes, which makes it a system wide problem that has to be treated systemically. Surgery is for local treatment. If your husband had the lung cut out now with the tumor, the cancer would still be in his body. It is always a good idea to get a second opinion. I would ask for both a diagnosis and treatment recommendation although, I suspect the diagnosis would be the same, especially after the PET scan results are in. You might as well wait for the PET scan results if you are going to go ask for a second opinion. Don M
  13. Welcome. There is only one National Caner Institute (NCI) designated comprehensive cancer center in Ohio and it is at Ohio State University in Columbus. http://cancercenters.cancer.gov/cancer_ ... osccc.html I think your mom would not have to wait 3 weeks for an appointment and all of the specialists would be under one roof. Often times, you can arrange to see more than one specialist in a day if needed. I think it would be a good idea to contact them and see if she can get in right away. Don M
  14. Laurie, please accept my condolences and extend them to your family for your loss. don M
  15. Don M

    Dad Passed Away

    Please accept my condolences for your loss. Don M
  16. Please accept my condolences for your loss Bobby. Don M
  17. Don M

    My Tony

    Please accept my condolences Debi for your loss. don M
  18. Good luck with your new treatment. Don M
  19. II guess I would be a little unsettled too if the hospital went against my wishes as a patient or a caregiver if I knew for sure that the person I cared for wanted to keep on with treatment. One thing to consider is that your mom may regain her strength in hospice and be able to resume treatment. I hear that happens more often these days. In any event, you all have my prayers. don M
  20. I hope the new treatment is very effective Hawkeye. Don M
  21. Good Luck Terry with chemo and finals and the get up and go. Don M
  22. Yah, good luck today. You may find that after your consultations you will both feel better because at lest you know what you will be dealing with and should have a plan in hand. Don m
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