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Don M

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Everything posted by Don M

  1. I am glad you got some relief Patty and hope things continue to improve. Don M
  2. Welcome Vivian: Just try to support your aunt any way you can. It appears that she does not want to talk or think about her cancer. Don M
  3. Hang in there. It will get easier for you once they know how to treat it and a treatment plan can be implemented. Don M
  4. Don M

    is true or false

    Yeah Bucky, find something fun to do and then do it. Don't let the what ifs with this disease get to you. My fun thing has been taking video of my grandkids and my cats with a high definition video camera I bought a few months ago. I tried to capture it on my pc and discovered that I need to upgrade, so I am now in the middle of assembling a new pc with a lot more oomph. It is an enjoyable pastime and keeps my mind off my cancer. I always seem to think of it again around scan time though. Oh well. So, my understanding is that lc can be treated more and more like a chronic disease these days. People are still dying, yes, but not as much as just 10 years ago. I think that in 4 or 5 years time there will be new treatments available that will box it up even more. Don M
  5. From what you describe of the biopsy, it sounds like he had a bronchoscopy to gather tissue samples. These biopsies are often inconclusive. If they don't find cancer, it is considered inconclusive. Lung needle biopsies are also often inconclusive. I have had 2 bronchoscopys, and 3 fine needle aspiration biopsies and they were all inconclusive. The only way they could tell for sure what my first 2 cancers were was to cut them out. For my third cancer, I never had a biopsy because it was considered too risky. They assumed it was a third adenocarcinoma. All of my cancers lit up on the PET scam. The problem the docs may have for your dad is that maybe they won't get a conclusive biopsy and may not know for sure what kind of cancer your dad has. Did they say why surgery is not an option? They might have to do a wedge resection if they really want to figure out which cancer it is. Don M
  6. Yah, the hardest part is getting the information needed for a treatment plan. It will go a little better once you know what's going on. I hope you find out soon. don M
  7. I hope your sister can keep her spirits up and continue to feel better. Don M
  8. I am sorry you got bad news Stephanie. Progression is always disheartening. I hope a new plan whacks it back. Don M
  9. Your mum has my prayers Michelle. Don M
  10. Don M

    4 Years

    Way to go Joe and I hope yo have many more. Don M
  11. Welcome JB and Colleen. While no one deserves this disease, I still especially hate that so many young people have to deal with it. So, welcome. Don M
  12. Congratulations on your anniversary Ralph and I hope you have many more. Don M
  13. Yeah... brain mets are easily treatable but progression is progression and I am sorry you all have to deal with it. It seems like you cross a psychological threshold when there is spread, especially brain mets. You all have my prayers. Don M
  14. I am gad you are still here Barb and I hope you are around many more years..20 or 30 or whatever. Don M
  15. Hi: I have read that cancer responding to air is bogus. Getting a PET scan is the next logical step. Don M
  16. Hi: what a tough road you and your mom have. I agree that your mom should get a second opinion and/or hospice care. Also, I have been treated for my third cancer without a biopsy because it was deemed too risky. Although, in my case, the first 2 cancers were known adenocarcinomas and so the likelihood of my 3rd cancer being adenocarcinoma is very high. Don M
  17. I hope the scan results are good Brandy. Don M
  18. H Cyndy. I have adenocarcinoma too and am willing to share my experiences. Don M
  19. They are beginning human trials in Edmonton: http://canadianpress.google.com/article ... MsZfaFmLSw Don M
  20. Welcome Max: I hope it is not lung cancer. I understand your desire to learn as much about lc and its treatment while you await the results. Here are some links you can browse while you await the results of your PET scan. http://www.cyberknifesupport.org/forum/ http://www.accuray.com/ http://www.onctalk.com/ http://cancercenters.cancer.gov/cancer_ ... names.html Don M
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