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Don M

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Everything posted by Don M

  1. Gloria, I noticed that when I took xanax about an hour before I ate, my appetite increased. It is an anti anxiety drug. I hope the megace works for your dad and he can put on some weight now. Also, I too have heard of people having surgery with just a single met to the adrenal. I think Dr. West can speak to that. http://cancergrace.org/lung/ Don M
  2. Don M

    Bad news

    I am sorry it has gone so badly for you all in such a short time. Hospice will make it better. Don M
  3. Welcome Amy. Perhaps your dad is being sent to the pulmonologist to evaluate his lung function in case he is a candidate for surgery. The pulmonologist is the one who says yes or no for surgery. You will know a lot more after the pet scan report comes in about the extent of his cancer. I hope it can be stopped with surgery. If the anxiety is getting to be too much for you, you could ask your gp for some xanax. You will feel much better once a treatment plan is implemented. Don't pay any attention to the statistics. I have been dinking around with the stupid cancer for almost 5 years now. Don M
  4. Welcome Kelly: I am glad to see your mom is responding to treatment now. Don M
  5. Hi Blue Angel. I am having more fatigue too. I try to take short naps interspersed through the day. I try to be active for at least an hour. I go for short walks. I have heard of others taking ritalin to offset the fatigue. I am going to ask my oncologist about ritalin today. Don M
  6. Welcome Bug. As others have said, getting a treatment plan going will help you focus. Don't you just love Google Earth? Don M
  7. I am going to ask for afternoon infusions from now on. Don M
  8. I hope your dad gets to feeling better. Don M
  9. Don M


    I have had just one nosebleed since being on taxotere. I had to stuff tp up my nose to stop it. It happened after a coughing fit. Don M
  10. I hope you all have a great time Cat with no owies. Cyberknife takes a while to do its thing after treatment. Hopefully it will kill your sister's tumor and she will still have a lot of lung function. Don M
  11. Ree, you, your mom and the rest of your family have my prayers at this difficult time. Don M
  12. I had carboplatin and gemzar for my first chemo. I had it in the adjuvant stetting following my second surgery. My oncologist offered it to me instead of carboplatin/taxol because he said there would be no chance of getting neuropathy with the gemzar. I tolerated it fairly well, but unfortunately my cancer came back a year later. Avastin was not available then. I have just completed my 4th round of taxotere as a single agent and have had no problems with neuropathy at the extremities so far. Don M
  13. Linda: I just finished 4 rounds of taxotere as a single agent. I have lost some hair and my beard is about gone. I have had thrush but got that cleared up. I have had no neuropathy or nail changes. I had an infiltration into my arm muscle at the first infusion, but that is another story. I carry an oximeter with me now and I notice that my saturation drops 5 percent by day 2 after chemo. After that it comes back up. The side effects have been tolerable. I do get fatigue. My scan a week ago shows everything to be stable. I had my 4th infusion yesterday. Don M
  14. Don M

    His fight is over

    Janette, please accept my condolences for your loss. Don M
  15. Tarek, please accept my condolences for your loss. Don M
  16. Welcome Gabby: I hope your dad has complete remission that lasts in the yeas to come. Don m
  17. I hope Tom likes his new hair. It is interesting to read how one's hair can come back looking different. I am in the process of losing my hair now after 3 rounds of taxotere. I have had a beard since before my children were born. My beard is mostly gone now and my daughters know what I look like without a beard now. My son's have not yet seen me in my defolicated condition. My youngest daughter says I look like my sons. Don M
  18. It sounds encouraging Coni. Don m
  19. Hi Katie, welcome to lchelp. That is a nice picture of you and your dad. Tarceva has brought some people years of stability. I hope your dad does well on it after he gets his dose figured out. Don M
  20. Well said Newbride and welcome back. Don M
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