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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Make sure you get soem good cake!
  2. I will be obsessively compulsively waiting for results!!!! I remember when I first told you that your dad was a few months behind my mom and I was sure he was on the road to surgery. I am sooooo happy for you!!!! ANd by the way, we are in sync, remember on June 9, your dad had a dr appt and so did my mom? Well your dad had surgery todayand my mom sees the dr today. Wierd
  3. Andrea


    Just a note about taking action, this is not legal advice, and I truly believe each situation is unique whether or not action should be taken. I want to choke my mom's doc for laughing at her little cough and my insistance on a chest xray, but I know that was not med mal, most people who have a dry cough for 2 weeks don't have LC Anyway, one thing to keep in mind is statute of limitations--many states require that you must bring a negligence/medical malpractice claim within 1 year of discovering the mistake. 1 year can go by pretty fast
  4. Thanks everyone. And to answer Becky's question, heck ya, I LOVE being in the driver's seat! It is a good feeling to know that if it does not work out, I am outta here It is nice to feel powerful and in control of something once in awhile ; )
  5. Andrea


    Now rest up TBone. Isnt your party this weekend?
  6. Andrea


    Donna, I am so sorry for your loss Please do not leave us, you will get so much support and love here
  7. Laurie that is awesome news about your mom! Phew!
  8. yayayayaay! So happy for yoU!
  9. i saw her post in another forum, i dont think she made it here though to see this post
  10. Becky, You are right, we gotta fix what we can. Tomorrow they will be able to tell if she is anemic and needs a shot or how her lungs sound, etc. And just for the record, you are not at all overweight Anyone who does not have to shop in the plus size section is not overweight. You are a perfect size!!!
  11. Thank you I know logically that sounds absolutely accurate. She did go through a lot. I just hate to see her "regress". She did call me today and said if I wanted to go to the new plus size store that opened in Tustin today she would say yes, but just to that one store There was an article in The Cure about cancer fatigue too. I just feel helpless
  12. Thanks Heather! But I am confused, weren't you supposed to be gone ona honeymoon? Are you back already????
  13. We are seeing the oncologist tomorrow and #1 issue will be my mom's increasing fatigue. He had said that she was supposed to be getting stronger and she was for a bit. But the past week her engergy has gotten so low. She went to my future sister-in-law's shower with me on Sat and did great, but the days leading up to it, after the shower, and yest she has been sooo tired and napping and my dad would not even let her exercise. She said if I invited her to Bloomingdale's or Nordstroms yest she would have said no I hope it is nothing serious, it seems abnormal, but I have read a lot about cancer related fatigue. Her timeline is: Nov 2003 diagnosis Feb 2004 finished chemo March 2004 surgery May 2004 finished radiation. June 2004 Iressa. Anyone else experience something similar?
  14. Ginny, I like this post much better than the previous one Keep them coming!
  15. That is great! I am glad you enjoyed it. Relays are so amazing, it is hard to describe the emotional impact of the luminaria until you've been there! And then the generosity of people who donate or participate, simply heart felt and what a rush of emotions.
  16. I concur, if you can get surgery, go for it! And who knows, it might be able to be done the minimally i nvase way and not be as bad as you think! Like the thoracic surgeon told my mom, he said if they did not think s urgery could prolong her life drastically or save her life, theywould say go on a cruise, nothing we can do. But if they have to make her sick for a few months to get her better, so be it I ohpe that makes sense
  17. I wish you and Lucie many many many many m ore years together!!!!!
  18. Welcome back. Did you request a hall pass that we forgot about? Ry may fine you if not! I am sorry that MDA was not more helpful. Sometimes I think that the drs see it all the time and just lack compassion. It is sort of like a factory for them. I hope you don't have to go back and the Iressa works! As for the chest tube, if he leaks a night, put some depends or something like that down on the bed to sleep on top of. My mom leaked a lot after her surgery and had to do that. How is your son doing? How are you holding up?
  19. Julie, How hard it must be to be so far away. I used to live that far until my parents followed me out to CA. It is rough. There is another girl on this website, Laurie, who also lives in San Diego and her parents are back east and her mom is battling LC. Please post and vent anytime you want and please know that there are great people here for support. The "Family members" forum is a wonderful place to vent, a lot of us vent their and share fears about our loved ones.
  20. Renee, Welcome even though I hate that you had to find this, especially at such a young age! As everyone said, this place is filed with support and love and is wonderful!
  21. Preston, Welcome and congrats on the results! I hope Sloan brings further good news!
  22. Hi Dolly, My office manager's brother in law has been on Iressa for a long time now and it is keeping his cancer stable, he is Stage IV and has hardly anyside effects!!!! Keep us posted and best of luck to you!
  23. Peggy, I am so sorry for your loss and for everything you are going through. It is so much for one person to bear Sendng good thoughts your way!
  24. Yikes! You guys have too much going on, but thank goodness you have FAITH to help you through it! (pun intended, a little humor on a Sat morning ) I am so sorry about Karen's mom Our paralegal was just diagnosed with colon mets to liver this week also. I can;t wait to hear good things from Dave's bone scan! Thinking of you all and anxiously awaiting better news!
  25. Sending prayers and I am so glad he is home from the hospital! Hopefully it is nothing and he is home resting away and feeling better! As for the headache, who wouldn't have a headache going to the hospital It seems natural.
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