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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. Some people said they could not read the story without registering. Here it is, cut and paste. TOP STORY Party with a purpose Tributes, promise embraced at annual 24-hour Relay for Life. Deepa Bharath, Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH — Beverly Nassif's feet were trudging a makeshift track at Newport Harbor High School. But her heart and her mind were with her late husband, Charles, who died of mesothelioma, a rare form of lung cancer believed to be caused by exposure to asbestos. He died on Thanksgiving Day. Beverly Nassif also lost both her parents to cancer. And she had a lot in common with hundreds of other people who were pounding that track at the third annual Relay for Life, a benefit for the American Cancer Society. This year, between 800 and 1,000 people participated in the 24-hour walk, which began Friday night at 7 p.m., organizers said. On Friday night, participants lighted luminarias either in memory of a loved one lost to cancer or in honor of a survivor who has or is fighting the disease. On Saturday morning, the luminarias that resemble white paper bags, lined the track. Messages of love and remembrance were written on the luminarias to friends, dads, moms, sisters and brothers. For those like Beverly Nassif, the event is a way to memorialize those who died fighting a horrible disease. "It's not just that this person had cancer and passed away," she said. "This event sends a message that we have not forgotten about them." The event has also been great for her children, who are coping with the loss of their father who was only 56 when he died, Nassif said. "They've met other kids who've lost parents," she said. "They know they're not alone and understand what everyone is going through." Gaylene Olson, who works as an office administrator for the Newport Beach Fire Department, was wearing a visor with the word "sis" on it. He sister Sharon Alwin died of leukemia nine years ago. "That's her," she said, pointing to a luminaria that had Alwin's name on it with the message: "We love you and miss you." "I think it's an inspiration to see how this disease has affected so many people," Olson said. "It lifts your spirits to see people who have survived it." Marsha Weiss was one of those survivors. Weiss' daughter, Andrea Sheff, had formed a relay team for the Lung Cancer Support Group and called it Marsha's Heroes. Weiss was diagnosed with lung cancer in November. She finished her radiation treatment days ago. "Does she look like she has lung cancer?" Sheff asked proudly, pointed to her mom. Weiss smiled shyly. "This is beautiful," Weiss said. "It gives me hope because I know now that there are many people like me fighting this disease." Sandi Vanian, event chair, said the group expects to meet its fundraising goals by hitting the $8000-mark this year. "Last year, we hit a snag because of the rain and unfavorable weather," she said. "But this year has been great. It's a beautiful day and the atmosphere is great." The event also brings different people in the community together, Vanian said. "You hang out with people like city council members and city officials with whom you normally don't get to hang out in such a setting," she said. "That's why it's great. "It's a 24-hour party."
  2. David, I am so glad that you had fun. And Katie---we love you and appreciate all you can do. With those wonderful t-shirts we can all be like walking soldiers getting our messages across, while looking stylish, being comfortable, wearing short sleeves but yet not having the flab hang oug
  3. http://www.latimes.com/news/local/pilot ... pilot-news But gosh darn it, they got the name of our group wrong, they called it Lung Cancer Support Group instead of Community. They also said the Relay goal was $8,000, it was $80,000
  4. Andrea


    Hi. My mom finished 27 sessions of radiation on Tues and she said today she is more tired than she has been since she started any cancer treatment. I'd almost say Relay was too much for her, but, I would not let her walk much and she has been "active" on weekends meaning going to the mall, Costco, that kind of stuff, so she is used to activity. I am just curious from those who experienced radiation--did the fatigue linger? I know each person is different. They were at the same facility as the oncologist unrelated last wek, so she went in for blood and her Rbc was low and she got a shot. Thanks so much all
  5. Ginny, I cannot even believe you would say selfish. I have to give you a mad face for that one. Here it is You are so special, obviously not selfish, and such a strong person. You have so much going on, I can only imagine how your head is spinning. Saying lots of prayers for you
  6. Roseanne, GOOD LUCK WITH THE WALK!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you need to bounce ideas around, feel free to post. I learned a bit from Relay on how these things work and would love to help in any way.
  7. Andrea


    I am back. Physically exhausted, my body is NOT used to activity. And manning the food booth and setting up the tables for two days, it was like cardio overload. Snowflake, all I can tell you is that I did not eat 1 donut. Read into that what you may. But I did sweat a ton! Newport Beach raised $87,000 and it was just a great experience. Our team tied for first place for "mission delivery" b/c of all the lung cancer information we put up. The best part was when my mom's friends from her office came to see her for the first time since diagnosis. Talk about waterworks
  8. Andrea

    An Update.

    Dean, Thank you for posting. I am so sorry that your energey level is down. However, I am so in awe of you and inspired and happy about your spirit. I hope you know how much you are loved here and how importantyou are to all of us. We consider you, what is the word, the "patriorch" of this website. (If I used the wrong word, ho pefully you know what I mean) Love, Andrea
  9. Tbone, How are you feeling now? Any effects? I hope not
  10. Andrea


    Not sure which forum to post this. Ray A posted it under good news and boy was he right, it is amazing. Ours started today, I came home to sleep 6 hours and I just wanted to tell everyone how wonderful it is. A lot of relays are this weekend and in the upcoming weeks. I urge people to check it out, it is such a special feeling. You don;t have to be on a team to go, you can just walk the survivor lap and hang around and meet people. There are different booths set up, and kids camp for the kids. The kids were having a BLAST!!!! The environment and the peope, oh my gosh. I cried my eyes out over certain songs. The survivors had a purple sash on. Oh my gosh. Wow. Natalie if you read this--tissues are required for yours tomorrow Organization wise, I have to say, it was hectic and chaotic in the beginning hours and setting up, but suddenly, it was like boom, time came and it just came together.
  11. Andrea

    My Dad's Good News

    Excellent news for a beautiful family!!!!!!!
  12. Hi. I wrote to Tammy Faye from her website and told her about this website. She wrote back to me that she loves it and if she has time she will post. She said it is hard with chemo, dr visit, grandkids, interviews, church openings, etc. I just wanted to put her official website in case anyone wants to write to her. I know she actually read my message because her response was very specific. She has a great spirit www.tammyfaye.com
  13. My mom got a radiation cough. Or at least a cough while on radiation and still lingering. Not sure if it is left over from sur gery or radiation. Want to hear something wierd? She called me today, she is taking vicadin for her cough, that helps it. The liquid vicadin b/c the codeine robitussun maker her sleepier. I canot figure out how vicadin can help a cough, but if it helps, it helps.
  14. I think the CT is double security and also CT shows exact position of tumor in lung. The pet just shows "hot spots". That is good taht the surgeon is doing it, that is what they did for my mom too, the surgeon did the biopsy so they were "familiar" with her chest Your dad wins a prize, he is a good boy! And probably the smart thing is to wait for the dr to explain it b/c sometimes you can get caught up on words in a report and don't understand them. My husband is on your side. My two bosses, my husband and my dad, have conflicting views. Brian HATES when I push to get results sooner b/c sometimes I have questions and then I will be trying to get answers. My dad LIKES to know immediately. My mom is middle of the road Usually I sawy Brian is the boss, but sometimes I cannot help myself to know. Although, like I said, I do have an "advantage" in where I work, there are medically knowledgable people here who I immediately show reports to. I know the waiting game is the absolute worst. I am praying for ya.
  15. How are they doing the biopsy? Is the surgeon doing it? There are diffrent ways, like just a needle biopsy. With my mom, they did a procedure called a mediastonocopy to biopsy it and if it was negative they could jsut continue with removing the lung. Difference between a PET and CT--CT picks up big stuff and focuses on areas. A PET scan is almost like a full body scan, if there is any cancer throughout the body,it lights up like a Christmas tree on the scan. That is why they do the PET before su rgery, just to be sure. The oncologist was positive on my mom it would be negative, which it was, but the surgeon insisted on it. Why will it be two weeks? If you can, try to push for CT results sooner. It bothers me so much b/c they know right away, a radioligist immediately reads it If you keep calling and calling and be really nice about it, explain that you have one dad, even cry, they might get back to you. I honestly did not mean to "manipulate" when we had some recent tests, but I was truly physically shaken and we found out. I like the clear PET. that sounds very hopeful to me.
  16. Jamie, I so feel for you. I HATE the waiting game. With my mom it was like is she getting surgery, isn't she, what does PET say. Even when I thought we were all set, oncologist said surgery is a go, Thoracic Surgeon said ok, it hopefully will be a go, but we need another PET and Brain MRI before we can schedule. I said she had one not too long before that, maybe 4 months. He said I know, but we need to make 100% sure before we do the surgery. So it was like waiting and waiting for those tests. It felt like an eternity, but it was just a week. The doctors need to be overly cautious. Does he have anything scheduled coming up?
  17. Jerrye, Kudos for switching oncologists! And ignore the beside manner of the second one. Drs can be v ery cranky Our onc was sooooo ogor like on my mom's first visit and so negative on her, he really scared us, but we heard he was the best, and we stuck with him and now it is like night and day, love him and he himself said we are doing better than he could have expected. Drs have that g-d like complex Also I think they have to use standard forms when they dictate reports and kind of fill in blanks. Don't pay too much attention to that. I once read a report from a neuro which said I was "a pleasant mild mannered 24 year old student". I was like how did he get pleasant from one short visit
  18. Wow Ginny, I am soooooo sorry. When it rains, it pours . I hope after this storm a rainbow will shine. I will be sending tons of prayers for everyone, including you to be strong. Do you have some xanax to take? I only ask b/c it calms me down adn I am sure your blood pressure must be through the roof and I want you to feel "ok". I can only imagine how your own body is reacting right now. Hugs and prayers are comingyour way!!!
  19. Shirley, What an amazing job with Relay!! Congrats!!!! I hop;e your ankle heals smoothly. Please take care of yourself!
  20. Have a good time! It will be an adventure! Speaking of vacation, I have something funny to share. I have no clue where I want to go on a honeymoon, so I said today "I know, lets go to timbuctoo. where is that anyway?" Brian cracked up laughing---it is a fake place, that is why people say it. Oops
  21. YES THE LAKERS JUST WON. DID ANYONE JUST SEE THAT 0.4 SECOND END???? OH MY GOSH!!! Anyway, back to the important stuff. Peggy, breathe and relax. You said it beautifully and exactly the way it is, or at least what my understanding is also. Once you have mets, they don't want to wait to kill floating cancer cells. They have to immediately start chemo and try to get rid of everything. If they wait to do lung surgery first, then chemo for other effected areas is delayed by like a month for body healing from sugery. So chemo makes sense to target everywhere, and/or radiation. Like Snowflake said, questions bring more questions and I have not read or seen or anything about which approach is more popular or accepted either. I really think it is like my mom's oncologist said, my mom is a guinea pig since all of this is new We had the opposite of Snowflake--my mom went in for a mediastonoscopy and we were told if any lymphs were positive they would close her up and do chemo before removing the t umor. However, if the lymphs are negative, she could expect to be in the hospital for a few days and have a lobe removed. It was positive, she was closed, had chemo, then went in again. I dont think there are answers. Things that make me go hmmmm
  22. Leandra, Like Jamie, I am an adult but I act and feel like a kid! My mom has lung cancer too. I have no kids, so I am really just a kid I know you are scared. It is great news though that the tumor shrunk!!! Anytime you feel like talking, please post or PM. And don't forget to let us know what the dr says tomorrow!
  23. That is so creative! I love it. What a great way to actually demonstrate what lung cancer does!!!!!! My mom is feeling really icky today and can;t speak and her throat hurts. It comes and goes depending on the day. Radiation was done on Tues so I guess it takes time to bounce back. I am hoping so badly she will feel better tomorrow and Sat b/c she has her fan club coming to see her at the Relay. ie, her friends from work who have wanted to see her, but she has not wanted to see anyone. This is her public debut
  24. Yeah, I was not talking about met outside chest. I was talking about surgery in general if there is no met. Sometimes with Stage III it just depends wehre the lymphs are. I still have not figured out why they won't do surgery if there is a met outside of the chest area.
  25. My mom does not have reflux, but radiation hurt a whole lot and liquid vicadin provided relief
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