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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. I had so much fun reading these slogans. I want to hear more ideas, it helps me with my comedy routines when I try to make lung cancer jokes to shock people. Well not jokes per se, you know what I mean. I find a way to turn everything into cancer, it was really fun to do to the timeshare salesguy I want to make totes for the Relay for Life and I wanted to do something classy, simple, yet add shock value as Debi said. So I came up with: Lung cancer may be only just a breath away.... even if you never smoked INSERT RIBBON www.lchelp.com This way it catches the eye of former smokers and non smokers, but is not "offensive". I had other suggestions at work like "Together we can beat this". However, I didn't like it. It was too optomistic and not true. If we could beat this together, this disease would not be one of the leading cancer killers It is only with awareness and funds that we can beat this. Duh!
  2. Andrea

    chest ct scans

    Joanie, I don't think I articulated myself correctly on my post :)I am not a smoker. I never smoked. I am simply a normal too chubby 31 year old with slight worrywartitis My question to the dr was regarding screening. We do mamograms as screenings, colonoscopys after a certain age, pap smears, etc. Well I wanted to know----besides the insurance cost, what are the downsides to a chest ct scan. And that is when he mentioned radiation. I am curious, does anyone here have an opinion? Have you sent your family for chest ct scans? My point was anyone can really get one if they insist on it or make up symptoms. I am curious to know, HOW OFTEN SHOULD NON SMOKERS (or even smokers) BE SCREENED FOR LC? It does not seem that there is enough done for screening.
  3. Curtis, I am praying for you daily. Please keep come back here and remain with us. We care so much about you!
  4. Andrea

    chest ct scans

    Hi Cheryl, I am not offended, I know I have been too high strung lately I asked the dr if it was an emergency, he said no. I could not tell. When he was examining he felt something, but ssaid it was like ligiment and kind of equal on both sides. I called his office and left a message and asked can this wait till May or should I go to a HMO dr. My plan is not changing so much as I am just upgrading from my existing plan to a PPO I have to admit though, my heart fluttering episodes stopped the day after the intervention when I realized I could not do the walk alone. THat is progress
  5. Thanks Mo I guess it is better to get screened. The fact that he said it is not "urgent" makes me feel better. He said it is all part of "cancer screening". Also what he felt was almost identical on both sides. I am just tired of feeling bipolar, one second up, one second down. I never was a roller coaster fan heehehehee. I love everyone here.
  6. Andrea

    chest ct scans

    Has there been a discussion on the benefits v. risks of chest ct scans every 2 years? One more thing about my dr visit today--I asked him besides cost, what are the downfalls of getting chest ct scans every 2 years. His answer was excessive radiation which if gotten every 2 years at an early age can lead to other cancers and that the risk of lung cancer in a non young smoker is so low. I then went into the speech of early detection, etc. (this is funny, I guess to cover his butt he asked if I wanted a referral to an oncologist for a consult on cancer screening. I said no, I will just ask my mom's oncologist what I need to do) I really do wonder, is it benefical to do chest ct scans every 2 years? And at what age? This seems to be an unanswered question, and I ask this without thought of cost to insurance companies (we can all fake a need for a scan if we wanted to). I know for instance ultrasounds are non-invasive. Hmmmm Of course this dr also got me nuts by wanitng me to see a breast surgeon But I guess better safe than sorry. Now the dilemma is he said it is not an "emergency" and I get on a PPO May 1 where I could see the "good" dr, so not sure if I should wait until then or get a HMO one sooner. It is so much fun playing dr
  7. Icannot handle it anymore. The gynecologist did the breast and pap a month ago, all was well. Today was the appt with my internist where he looks at my skin, orders lab work, etc. He decides to do a breast exam. He said I have "subareolar stranding", whatever the hecj that means, my breasts are dense, so he is sending me to a Hoag surgeon regarding testing. I am tired of drs. I don't want breast cancer. I have no idea what he felt. I am so on the edge it is not even funny
  8. Andrea

    Relay for Life

    Nat, I LOVE the forum idea, it could be Relay for Life ideas and other fundraising event ideas. This way we won't bother everyone with posts that they don't want to read and we can bounce around ideas. I have ideas I would like to share and throw around
  9. Karen, Sending tons and tons and tons of prayers for a speedy recovery!!!!!!!!!
  10. Does anyone know how many can be on a team for the Relay for Life? I am getting my team captain package on Monday.
  11. I PMd her, still no word I am very worried. She did mention she cannot use the computer as much as she used to a little awhile ago. I hope that is it
  12. I was thinking the following would be neat for a tote bag or a button or something (got the ideas from prior posts). What do you think? ============================================ Sometimes a cough is more than a cough......22,000 non-smokers can't be wrong! Demographics for lung cancer are changing - are you a carrier? LUNG CANCER RIBBBON For more information about lung cancer or for support, go to www.lchelp.com
  13. I got the chills. How heartbreaking.
  14. Funny you mentioned the LC shirts Nat. I just PMd Katie to see if we could do that Or I was thinking of buying totes for everyone with money I collected for the other walk. I wish I could walk around with a big sign no my head, but taht would look odd. I told my mom she needs a sign to parade through the mall with--"Do I look like I have lung cancer? Well I do. Go get a chest scan". She wouldnt go for it
  15. Andrea

    Relay for Life

    I just got my firm to foot the bill for registration Yay
  16. In my baby step attempts, I am captial for a team for the Relay for Life, it is being held in Newport Beach May 14-15, that is Friday at 6pm to Sat at 6pm (obviously you don't have to spend the night) If anyone wants to be on my team, please let me know. My team theme will revolve around lungs
  17. Andrea

    Relay for Life

    I am so excited. Yes, I realize you all think I am crazy in general, for no particular reason. Well I am crazy and nutty, so be it My sister Natalie is such a huge inspiration. I called and spoke to the head of the Newport Beach Relay for Life. I explained to her my saga about wanting to do a walk, but having no clue. I am going to be in charge of a Food Committee which basically is organizing when food comes in. And I will be heading up my own team. I am following in Natalie's footsteps and g-d willing, maybe one day I will only be 30lbs heavier than her instead of what I am now I want to do whatever I can to hand out flyers for this website, etc
  18. Good luck! You may feel run down a bit, but it is well worth it. When my mom started chemo I had no idea what to expect and I kept asking questions as she went along such as "are low blood coutns normal". They are So if anything is stressing you out, post and I bet others can calm you down like they did for me
  19. Hi Karen, Yup, I am a lawyer. This profession is for the dogs, isn't it? I thought of you last night, they had St Baldricks day on the news :)
  20. Natalie is doing the Relay for Life in Sacramento and I was like hmmm, I should see what it is about. So I checked on line and there are tons in my area. I signed up to be a volunteer at as many events as I can, they are going to contact me and from there I can network, meet people, and also push this website. I called my mom to tell her and she said perfect, that is exactly what you should be doing, helping and learning how it goes. So yay, my mommy is proud of me and that is what matters most :):) My daddy is also proud. Natalie is my sister, my mom hears about her all the time and now says she is the sane one in the family and I need to follow her footsteps
  21. Sandy, We will want to use it The mailer won't be till Nov so we have some time. Thank you so much
  22. Fay, Maybe we could all meet up sometime It is great to have met such amazing people.
  23. Let's face it Becky, we will not let you take a vacation. We need you to bring us back to reality on an almost daily basis. Your work is never done Thank you! I do take everything seriously, if something is abnormal, I go to the dr. I'd rather know than not know. As one of my clients once said "I never want to hear the doctor say I should have come in with my symptoms earlier." It is one thing if you don't have any, but my philosophy is if there is an abnormality, get it checked
  24. I too am nuts and I just thought about it, if I listed every symptom I have experienced in the past two months, I'd need a head to toe, inside and out exam I am probably one of the only kooks who would love to get a bunch of testing done every 2 years for no reason. Like an abdominal, pelvic, brain and chest ct scan; pelvic ultrasound; colonoscopy; stress test; mamogram; and a PET to see if there are any hot spots waiting to rear their head. I think that should be standard health care I know the insurance companies would not agree And when I tell this to friends or doctors (in a social situation), they think I am extra nuts
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