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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. I don't recall hearing about that, but I am sure others will answer. It can't hurt to put a call into your surgeon. I know in genearl my mom had shortness of breath issues fo rawhile after lobectomy and being tired made it much worse.
  2. On the top left is me and Elizabeth and bottom is my mom and Jacob
  3. Tomatoes, Chicken and Rice recipe......p. 135 Volume II. I left out the amount of tomatoes. It is 1 can (28 oz.) diced tomatoes, undrained
  4. Andrea

    Goodbye Beautiful

    I am so sorry for your loss
  5. A brownie toast to Donna's b-day!
  6. Thanks everyone I am so in love with my little creatures!!!!
  7. I'd like to volunteer my time as a pub employee, in charge of the most important part of the pub (in my opinion at least), desserts :) So I will bring warm soft chocolate chip cookies topped with vanilla ice cream; warm gooey brownies with ice cream; yummy cakes of all kinds!!!!! Dessert is mandatory, calories are optional.
  8. Oh and it can't be a party without Geri's Crab Dip (recipe in the first cookbook). I will make a few batches as it goes fast
  9. Jen, I have no knowledge about the PCI. I just want to say that your post really made sense to me. Val put it best, right from the start I grieved the loss of innocence. After my dad's diagnosis, I think I lost it more and I now grieve never being able to feel safe and never having the ability to not think of illness/death on a daily basis. Anyone
  10. Sending a big hug your way.
  11. Wow, I have the chills. Thank you for sharing that. It does put things into perspective.
  12. I just thought of another one. I was told by a co-worker that my mom should go to different doctors until one said it is not cancer. She was serious. She did not believe in medicine based on her religion. Unfortunately she has since passed from colon cancer b/c she ignored symptoms
  13. Andrea

    Roll Call...

    Rich and Heather and everyone else, thank you for checking in!!
  14. Andrea

    Two Years!

    Peggy, I always keep you and your son in my prayers and thoughts. I am so sorry he is not doing well and that you have a heart attack. However I am so glad to see you post and that you are recovering and settling into a new home.
  15. Gosh I have so many :) Like Beatlemike also got told that my mom should not have surgery b/c opening her up would make it spread. I got told this by my hair colorist's assistant. I explained to him that it was a myth The most annoying comment was someone telling my mom that "maybe it would be easier for you and Andrea if she were not an only child and you were not so close". People just say the dumbest things!
  16. Soft chocolate chip cookies and ice cream :)
  17. Thanks everyone! And thanks Dr. West for taking the time.
  18. Andrea

    The Big "5"

    That is so wonderful :)
  19. Teri, thank you for this post and thank you for taking the time to donate to LUNGevity to help find a cure when you yourself are grieving. You are a sweet kind person and Bill is smiling down. I recently donated in honor of my newborns. I think it is important to give back in honor of everyone here. If everyone who is able to donates a little here or there, hopefully we can find a CURE. Take care of youreslf.
  20. Andrea

    Pet results

  21. Gail, I thought of this in the middle of the night--did you google Inflamatory Breast Cancer? I once did b/c I had a rash and I got to see pictures :) I remember my husband walking in and asking why I was looking at boobs on the internet!!!
  22. Sending you extra good vibes and hoping to hear only good news!!!
  23. Hi everyone, I just got news that my former boss's mother in law was diagnosed with the beast I don't know too much about treatment with effusions since my parents haven't dealt with that. Does anyone have any advice? Info is as follows: Adenocarcinoma, non-small cell. It is in the mediastinal node, the pleura and pleural effusions. There is no primary that has been located, but it is suspected it began in the lung. It has been suggested we treat with conventional chemo starting with Carboplatin/Taxol/Avastin. Also, that we put her into a trial that will, after 4 rounds of these are completed, add oral Tarsava. It is a blind study and thus 50% chance of placebo rather than Tarsava.
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