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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. Welcome. Sorry you had to find us. Keep us updated on how you are doing. You will find lots of support here!
  2. There are a lot of nodule watchers here. The watching and waiting can be nerve wracking. I once read that the majority of nodules are not cancer. Keep us updated on how you are doing.
  3. Well it looks like good news, the babies grew!!!! So they are going to brew them a bit longer and we go back next Tuesday. Somehow they grew about 2lbs each in 2 weeks!!! They say the measurements are estimates though. I appreciate all the good thoughts!
  4. Wishing you a fast recovery!
  5. Andrea


    Best of luck with the surgery. I heard something similar to what Pewjumper wrote. When my mom had her bypass they said the older patients in their 80s recovered much easier than the younger ones. I am not sure why that is
  6. Andrea


    Unless people have walked in your shoes, they can't judge or comment. People probably mean well and just want the best for you. Keep on doing what is best for YOU.
  7. I would ask whether treatment will be postponed b/c of recovery from surgery. Maybe she can start chemo but wait on the radiation to the chest area. Also maybe ask if her recovery from surgery is taking longer than they expected or if they expected this discomfort. Keep us posted on her progress!
  8. I would want to know what the PET scan showed also. Maybe you can call tomorrow and see what's going on? It is good though that they are being aggressive with treatment. Keep us posted
  9. What kind of doggie? Enjoy
  10. We are at 33 1/2 weeks now of pregnancy The doctor said if it were not for Jacob's small size it would be the most unremarkable twin pregnancy he ever saw because our surrogate is in such good health, perfect blood pressure, etc. On Tuesday June 5 we do another big ultrasound measuring and weighing the babies. If Jacob falls off the growth chart, babies will be delivered on Wednesday after a steroid shot is given to speed up lung growth Otherwise the doctor expects delivery around week 35 We are still holding out hope for a week 38 delivery so they can be more mature My surrogate thinks 38 weeks is crazy We probably are facing some NICU time due to small size. We are just hoping that everyone makes it safe and sound! That's all for now I'll update Tues afternoon after the big day.
  11. First it was 3 month intervals for my mom, then 4 month, and now 3 years out 6 months.
  12. I am sorry to hear about your mom I too am an only child. Keep us updated, you will receive great support and make lots of friends here!
  13. My mom was a smoker but quit 25 years ago. She was diagnosed at age 58. My dad was a smoker but quit about 30 years ago. He was diagnosed at age 65. And I know of countless people who smoke and they have no problems. My belief it is all a "lottery". My mom's tumor was an aggressive NSCLC adenocarcinoma; my dad's was a less aggressive BAC. The two don't seem to be related. Like Snowflake said, my parents contribute their survival so far to pure luck. Of course a good medical team helps. But otherwise it was luck of the draw. My mom was overweight and diabetic at diagnosis, otherwise healthy. My dad was a little chubby, otherwise healthy. People ask my mom all the time: lung cancer, chemo, radiation, lobectomy, pulmonary embolism, brain anyerusm, triple bypass all within 3 years. "HOW DID YOU SURVIE AND HOW DO YOU LOOK SO GOOD NOW???" they ask. Her response "LUCK!".
  14. I only know it in relation to cancer where radiation treatment can cause scarring of the lung area leading to fibrosis and causing shortenss of breath. It happened to my mom.
  15. That was such a great story!
  16. Andrea


    Love you Connie! You hold such a dear place in my heart.
  17. Andrea

    The Struggle

    Don you will be missed more than words can express. I do understand your need to move on. I do hope that you allow Katie to let us know how you are doing. Wishing you the best and thank you for all you did for us.
  18. Andrea

    Prayers please

    Sorry to hear that. Sending peaceful thoughts.
  19. That is great news! When you say yawn, are you talking about the sensation of trying to take a deep breath and then yawning to see if you can get a deep breath but can't? If so, I get that from anxiety often.
  20. Cheryl, I never once stopped caring about you. I often went to search out other boards to see how you were doing. I was thrilled when you came back here and updated us with your progress. I hope you decide to keep posting and offer and receive suppport. We DO care about you.
  21. Happy happy happy b-day my friend!
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