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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. Your attitude is inspiring. You are a true champion. Thinking of you.
  2. Unfortunately Volume 1 is gone. I could order mroe, but it would ahve to be in the quantity of 100.
  3. Thanks, I will make a donation to the TTTS foundation. I appreciate the input and I know they appreciate the prayers
  4. Thanks Does anyone have a favorite recipe? If it were not for feedback last year on Vol 1, I would not have found my new FAVORITE thing to make for parties: Geri's Crab Dip. I ahve to make it just for gatherings or I'd eat it all in one sitting
  5. Andrea


    Happy anniversary and many many more!
  6. The littlest twin passed on his 50th day of life And the father's father (so grandfather) passed away just 5 days before the birth suddenly without warning or being sick of a heart attack. Life is just too short and precious.
  7. You can maybe order one of Andrea B's lung cancer awareness bracelets for her and mail it to her with a little note that you are thinking of her and are there to talk, with a reminder of the lchelp website address. It will show her you are thinking of her.
  8. You are such a great writer Val. You put everything I think into words. I am not in your shoes yet, I have not lost my parents yet, but I do share your sentiment. People at work are like happy holidays and I say that's nice, people close to me lose their loved ones, this is a horrible time for them, but yeah, happy holidays. Some people look at me strange, others understand. And I have responded a few times about the "stress" of not getting all presents bought, not having enough time with holiday cards, with things like "yeah, I heard chemo is a good time to do holiday cards, but thankfully you are here instead of there" or "be thankful you have people to buy for", etc, etc. There was some incident at work and the office manager wanted to know who told me something and I wouldn't squeal. We argued and I literally yelled at her (which is something I do NOT normally do) "You know, I really don't care, is this cancer related? is this life or death? is this medical related? No, then I don't care, not worth my time". I can't imagine having said that 3 years ago.
  9. Andrea

    To Carleen

    You are always in my thoughts Carleen
  10. Andrea

    Gifts from Lucie

    I am thinking of you this holiday season.
  11. I have thought the same things you posted a million times. I hate not being able to think about next year, I hate this new normal. I am so sorry that you are going through this and that you are having a hard time now. I truly appreciate your post b/c it is nice to know that others feel the same way (I hope that made sense).
  12. My neighbors had twin boys 40 days ago, there were problems, they had twin-to-twin transfusion. The little one is not going to make it The other one should make it, but still has some issues. They also have two boys ages 4 and 6. I was wondering if anyone had any advice on what I could do to help them or what I could bring them? I do not know them that well b/c we just moved in a year ago. I have "big brother" presents for the boys, but I know now is not an appropriate time to bring them. Any ideas on what I can bring the family, or just a card? Thanks.
  13. That is such great news!
  14. My mom lost 1/2 only and it started to grow back a couple of months after chemo. If you are that worried, you can always go to a makeup shop to have the eyebrows drawn on, but I bet if you go as is, you will still look wonderful!
  15. Hi. My mom had a lobectomy done with VATS, which is minimally invasive. She was in the hospital 3-4 days and was not in that much discomfort at all (in the scheme of things). I remember it hurt after, but the breathing exercises are important. It is great news that your mom is a surgical candidate!
  16. You will freak out for awhile as that is part of the norm. I freaked out so much, I pulled away from the gas station with the pump still attached to my car In the scheme of things, your mom is VERY lucky b/c surgery offers the best chance of a cure. It sounds scary as heck to do the chemo and radiation, but it is very doable. My mom is proof You are on a roller coaster ride, I hope it slows a bit for you soon.
  17. I like the sale idea, but not for awhile. The sale will be later on if books are left To get there in time for Christmas I have to do priority mail now which makes it more expensive. We are doing ok, I anticipate as of next week, after a couple of checks come in, we will have made $4,500 which was the cost of publishing, so everything after that is strict profits and I want LOTS of strict profit for research I also have my mother in law to work. She typically sells a lot for me at $20 each
  18. Orders are at a stand still. Suck a duck.
  19. The first thing I did was get my mom one, I absolutely think you should get one. My mom tries her best not to use it at places like the oncologist office, etc, but it comes in very handy if we have to park far b/c she tires out. The only negative is the looks you sometime get. My mom is so healthy looking, she is fluffy, always looks good, so sometimes people stare like she does not need it. I want to say "she'll trade you lung cancer for her handicap placard", but I am not allowed to b/c there are crazies in California who could shoot without warning I doubt you would get resistence.
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