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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. Andrea

    5 years ago

    Congratulations and t hank you for sharing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here is to many m any more anniversaries!
  2. When my dad was diagnosed he had a lot of small nodules and one slightly larger. The slightly larger one was cancer. They did not biopsy all of the other ones, but they did some, and the small nodules were not malignant. I hope the nodules are not cancer!
  3. THanks everyone She did fine! I will be more nervous for her scans at the end of the month
  4. We know in the scheme of things that knee surgery is no big deal, like a scrape on the knee compared to many other things, but since it is still a surgery and anasthesia, please think good thoughts! Thanks How funny that 4 1/2 years ago we would have made a big deal about knee surgery. Now it is like just another little tiny thing
  5. Mom, DX IIIA Nov 2003 Treatment: 11/03---Chemo (Gemzaer/Carbo) 3/04--Lobectomy 5/04--Radiation (Followed by brain anyerusm found on routine brainMRI in 2005 and triple bypass in 2005) Currently NED Anaheim Hills, California
  6. Sending love and hugs and peaceful vibes your way my friend.
  7. Hurry home superman, our hero!
  8. You definately do belong here We all care for you deeply! But I do understand if you n eed time away. Please please come back and let us know how you are. ANd I will keep up with you on Facebook
  9. Andrea

    He is gone

    I am so sorry for your loss I can't even imagine what a shock it was happening so fast. Sending prayers your way for you and your mom.
  10. Andrea

    Alan is with God

    I am so sorry for your loss I am sending peaceful vibes your way during this difficult time.
  11. Get well soon Rich! Thanks for updating us Ry.
  12. My babies turn 1 today!!! We are having a big party and asked guests to donate to LUNGevity in lieu of gifts. So far Elizabeth and Jacob raised $1,697. So many of you have been with me through my fertility treatments, miscarriages, etc. I will be thinking of you all as we celebrate today. Thank you for being my friends.
  13. My heart is breaking for you. I am sending good vibes and love your way. I guess if skirting reality is her way to cope, then she needs to do it. I wish you didn't have to deal with all of this.
  14. My mom took a long long tme to recover after her bypass, which is a similar surgery to lung surgery. They said after radiation to the area, it heals slower. She healed much slower than a typical bypass patient b/c of the radiation.
  15. We cleaned out the garage and I still have a bunch of "A Taste of Hope", Volume 2, cookbooks to sell. For our newer members, we put together a great cookbook, hard cover, in a 3 ring binder, compiled of recipes from our LCSC members and their friends and family. We raised a few thousand dollars for LUNGevity from our first and second volumes. If you are interested in purchasing a copy, please donate $15 for each book to LUNGevity at http://events.lungevity.org/goto/Scheff and e-mail me at andreascheff@roadrunner.com with your address or PM me here and I will mail them to you. Thanks so much!
  16. My mom: Had a chronic dry cough. GP said it was allergies. I was bothered, threw a temper tantrum, mom called GP and said my daughter is crazy, insists I get a chest xray, dr chuckkles, order xray. No one was chuckling the next day with the call that there is a mass and she needs a ct-scan. My dad: Went to urologist for enlarged prostate. Ordered abdominal ct-scan which showed something in the lung window. No symptoms.
  17. Andrea


    Sue--there are a few Sue Shine's, not sure w hich you are. I am Andrea Scheff on Facebook
  18. Andrea

    Why Me???

    You have and have had way too much on your plate :( I have been thinking of you.
  19. Andrea


    I am so sorry :(
  20. I don't have much input, but I know my mom was dehydrated a lot on chemo and got hydration IVs which helped a lot. If he doesn't drink a lot and needs to be hydrated, she went a few times a week.
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