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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. Andrea


    LUNGevity is on there as a cause to join. One of my friends found it and sent me the link to join today
  2. Yayayaayyay!!!!! Babies are so much fun.
  3. No answers, just wanted to let you know I am thinking of you. Stable is better t han progression, but we need to see reduction. Please keep us updated.
  4. My mom was Stage III in November 2003. We initially didn't think she'd have long based on what we read. She just left my house from visiting the babies a few minutes ago. There is HOPE!
  5. Both of my parents have lung cancer. I have to say my dad's diagnosis was "easier" in that we already had a medical team in place that we trusted and I already knew the questions to ask. I did feel very numb and was in shock for most of his preliminary diagnosis, so I didnt know how to react. It does get frustrating and overwhelming and for me what helped was to get as much info directly from the drs because there was always confusion when the info was relayed by o thers. Now both of my parents are in remission for now and we use humor, there is no other way but to poke fun (at least for us).
  6. Well suck a duck I am so sorry to hear the news and still am praying it is not a malignancy. Fortunately for your mom you have a lot of knowledge and knowledge is power. When my dad got diagnosed, the surgeon joked that I didn't need him to answer questions b/c I knew too much Hanging in there. Will look for updates.
  7. I can only imagine how you are hurting. Your mom was such a beautiful person
  8. I had one back in the late 90s checking for MS also b/c I was having a lot of weakness. I am not sure how much it changed, the first time at the dr office it hurt too much, so I had it done at a hospital under guidance of ultrasound (or some machine). It was not too bad and then I remember I had to lay in bed for the day. Let us know how she does.
  9. That was so beautiful and so touching. Thank you for sharing. Heather's spirit will always live on, she was truly one of a kind.
  10. Andrea

    Sigh of relief here

    Phew!!!! Waiting is cruel and unusual punishment.
  11. Sometimes I think back to the days when I didn't know what any of those names meant! Good luck with everything, so much going on for you.
  12. I found this--LUNGevity set up a page to donate in memory of Heather. http://events.lungevity.org/site/TR?pg= ... r541.app1a
  13. Thank you for sharing this Jamie.
  14. Friends, I have learned so much from you over the years, I am once again calling to see if anyone has had a colectomy (part of colon removed) to see how bad it was. I have a benign mass (a lipoma) in my colon that finally started to cause significant pain. I meet with the surgeon on Tues to discuss, no one is sure what to do yet. On the one hand if it continues on the path of growth it will have to come out eventually b/c it could cause a blockage, etc. On the other hand if it stops growing, I can maybe tolerate some discomfort. And on one foot I think getting it out is best for a full biopsy since the whole thing is rare (a colonic lipoma is very rare) and on the other foot I don't want my colon chopped out since there are risks to surgery and they are confident it is benign (it was biopsied on colonoscopy) Here is the growth pattern: 2005 3.1X2.3 6/06 4.6X3.3 10/06 5.4X2.6 8/07 6.0X2.8 5/08 5X4 Thanks for listening to me whine Us nice jewish girls are known for our whining. If anyone has had experience with the surgery I'd love to hear the good, bad and ugly.
  15. My mom had hers in for awhile, once t hey decided she was "done" they took it out. I think it was in for over a year.
  16. Adorable! And a lovely family moment in the last night. Your litlte man would make a perfect boyfriend for my little diva. :)
  17. Adorable! Too bad we are on differnt coasts, we could have some fun playdates!
  18. My heart breaks to hear this news. Heather is such a wonderful person. Please keep us updated. Thank you for posting.
  19. Thinking good thoughts! There are a lot of tips here about recovery from the surgery. Let us know how it goes. My mom said hers was not as bad as she thought it would be.
  20. As many of you may know, I had my babies through a surrogate. We were strangers and now we are the best of friends and more like family. Randi's mom is a beautiful healthy woman in her 50's. She went to the hospital with pancreatitis a few days ago and now I got the following update from Randi. Please add her to your prayer list, her name is Julie. Thanks! ----------------------------- I am not sure where the infection is but it is becuase her immune system is supressed and cant fight, she has cold sores all over her tongue. She is not doing very well. She now has pnuemonia, has been diagnosed with diabetes, and her organs are being attacked and therefore may start to fail.
  21. Andrea

    Relay for Life

    I just donated to a friend's Relay and the on-line receipt gave the following information on how funds are spent: How the Money is Spent Your donations enables the American Cancer Society to fund cutting-edge research, provide up-to-date cancer information and education, advocate for all people to have access to critical cancer screenings and follow-up care, and offer free programs to improve the quality of life ofr patients and their families. Nationwide Program Support- 40% Research: over $16 million reallocated to CA research institutions Patient support and education programs: to be used in local communities in CA and the US Supporting services: to administer the research and program activities California Mission Delivery Programs- 35% Patient Support-14% Prevention/risk reduction- 12% Detection/treatment- 9% Fundraising- 21% Management and General- 4%
  22. My mom was wearing a post surgical bra after recovery from her bypass for awhile, it has no underwire. Also when she came home she slept in the recliner for awhile. Coughing or laughing hurt her awhile, she found if she squeezed a soft pillow to her chest, it helped the pain. She had soft pillows in all the areas she might be sitting. Good luck!! Don't be shy to ask for pain killers.
  23. Andrea


    I am not sure, I haven't heard anything much about it. My babies are taking Culterelle which is a probiotic for digestion. Their doctor said it is good to take.
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