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Posts posted by paddy

  1. I am sorry that I don't know anything about Celebrex Angie. I did want to say that I hope you get to the route of the problem and hope your Dad will be feeling better soon. Paddy.

  2. I am so sorry I can't be there, I would love to come. My daughter Karen says they are'nt going to be able to join you either :( Oh well perhaps there will be another chance some other time.

    Hope you all have a good time, and yes I want to see photos too pse.!Paddy

  3. Hi Outside,

    I was advised to try Zinc lozenges for thrush, it really helped my husband. Also, he found drinking Sprite before eating helps with the "taste" problem.

    You are going through a very hard time right now, and to be kept from helping with your daughter must be heartbreaking. I would visit the hospital and be with her as much as possible, but don't forget to leave her alone with her husband whenever you can too. If he says anything, why don't you tell him exactly how you feel. Perhaps he needs to know !


  4. So sorry you are having such a very hard time Denise. Please remember that it is "the disease speaking" and not your Mom. It is so hard, I know I have been through it, and still am from time to time.

    I offer my husband the things I think he might eat and then if he won't ,I say, "OK if you won't eat that then drink some Insure at least." He will usually agree to drink the Insure if he thinks I will stop "nagging" him. Paddy.

  5. Karen,

    I am so sorry for all you and Dave are going through. I am also experiencing the "short temper" thing. As you know, it is just the disease talking and not meant personally at all. A friend of mine says that when this happens with her husband she just calmly says, "I love you too Darling!"

    You have a great deal on your plate at the moment Karen, it sounds as if you need more help. Now wonder things are so tense.

    I will be saying a special prayer for you all,



  6. I just wanted to tell you that it's David's one year survival anniversary and also his 65th birthday on Monday. Yesterday he managed to enjoy a party which our friends gave for him. He even managed to eat , "sausage rolls" and English trifle, (two of his favourite things which I make for him,) although he said they didn't taste quite as good as usual. I am so proud of Dave for the tremendous effort he is making to get well and this goes for all my friends on this board too. Bless you all,


  7. You can count us in too. Niether our primary doctor or pulmonory specialist picked up the fact that my husbands lung was full of fluid. I had been frightened that he had "pneumonia but they reassured me that he didn't! Ha Ha! Makes you wonder doesn't it! Anger, yes, I have enough to go around but I try so hard to forgive and forget as it doesn't help at all if you hold on to it, does it!


  8. Hello Nina,

    Having someone creep into your home while you are asleep is just the most horrible thing and violation is the only way to describe it! I know how you must be feeling and I am so sorry this happened

    I must tell you something that a friend of ours ,(who lives in South Africa ,) told us, you won't believe it. In South Africa now, robberies and car jackings are a way of life, but the way this one was carried out was amazing. Apparently, one day a family were sitting in their lounge, (talking after lunch,) and a robber , (with a motor-cycle helmet on his head,) charged their glass door with his head down like a charging bull, and smashed into the house. Once in, he held them up with a gun and he and his accomplices proceeded to rob them of all they had! A drastic change from night robberies I would say!


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