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Posts posted by paddy

  1. Hello Harlee,

    So sorry to hear you are going through such a difficult time with your Mom. As for crying and screaming and such, I am sure we have all " been there" and "done that"! In fact, I think that if you can go somewhere where no one can hear you, (hard to do in stucco walled houses,) it really does get rid of the tension and lets you begin to think rationaly again.

    In the beginning of this roller coaster ride things seems so surrealistic and overwhelming, but after a while, when the treatment begins, you will be able to put your energy into helping your Mom get well.

    I will say a prayer for you and your Mom and family tonight .


  2. Welome Back Joni.

    I have been popping in only occasionaly these days and so missed the fact that you have been away.

    I do hope that the doctors can get Robert feeling comfortable again soon regardless of what they decide to do for him.

    I wish that Dave would make his own decisions regarding treatment. I sometimes feel I am carrying a heavy load here. Oh Well, everyone is different and we just have to make the best of things.

    Prayers and positive thoughts,


  3. Hello Don,

    I really feel for you, I am so sorry you find yourself in this awful position.

    You are doing a wonderful job looking after your Mom but it must be very lonely for you.

    Why don't these doctors warn people about the side effects of some of these drugs, it really is too bad!

    Is your Mom taking "Ambian" (a sleeping medication,) by any chance. When my husband was taking this med he became quite delusional.

    I will be thinking of you and your Mum and sending prayers your way.


  4. Hi There Folks,

    I need help to find something to take away the awful metallic taste that my David is experiencing . He cannot face food, he is even refusing the things he loves, like his beloved frapachino's and my home-made custard tart!! I tried to get him to have an ensure at lunch time and later found it back in the fridge.I am so afraid that he is going to start losing weight again. He is so fatigued and depressed, (dispite taking 50 mls of zoloft!) and I am at a loss to know what to do for him. He has six more sessions of Taxotere to go so I have to find something soon.

    I saw something about "Magic Mouth" on this board some time ago. I have searched for that post but cannot find it. Has anyone had experience with this product and if so, does it really work? We have tried "lemon drops" and mouth rinses to no avail. Any help you can give will be greatly appreciated.



  5. Happy Aniversary to a wonderful couple. No, I have never met you , however but I know, from reading Don's posts, that this is true. Prayers added to all the rest for a good clear pet scan. Love and God Bless you both,


  6. My heart goes out to you, I have two lovely daughters and I don't know how you bear this. I pray that the radiation will get rid of the pain quickly . Please keep in touch with us and don't be afraid to "vent". We all do it and I am on the verge of having another venting eppisode myself! :)

    Meanwhile my thoughts and prayers are on their way to you all.


  7. So sorry the news wasn't good Tina. What a terrible let down it is when this happens. Keep your chin up, and lets hope the next treatment does the trick.

    Love and Prayers to you both,


  8. Thanks Guys, it's wonderful to have your support! Now, if I could just find a way to get rid of this awful metallic taste in my husbands mouth. When I suggest a meal he groans. Not like him at all. Any suggestions?


  9. Hi TBone,

    I just wanted to wish you a belated Happy 50th Birthday. I was sorry to hear you had been feeling lousy. Dave is also getting "knocked out" by Taxotere. The Doc said it was milder than his first chemo but it turns out that the effects are worse. Do you get the metallic taste in your mouth, it drives Dave crazy as nothing tastes good anymore?

    Do hope you are feeling much better since your last post.

    All the Best,


  10. Dear Ginny,

    So very sorry for what you and Earl are going through, it's enough to break one's heart.

    I am sure that Doc must have felt so awful, and so he should. At least he was honest though, and didn't say he had an emergency or anything like that!

    I am glad that Earl has an appetite, it is so important that we can get whatever we can into our husband's isn't it! Dave has such an awful metallic taste in his mouth that nothing tastes good, even his beloved frappachino has lost favour! If you mention food he just groans.

    Prayers and positive thoughts for Earl's next treatment go out to you both,


  11. Renee,

    My heart goes out to you, your emotions must be running riot. What a darned cruel disease this is, and so indiscriminate! Please see Dean's section on "The Path Less Travelled" if your husband still refuses to take chemo. I think he is very courageous and I do hope he will enjoy a good quality of life for a long, long time.

    God Bless you both,


  12. Hello All,

    Just to let you know that David has had the results of his latest CT scans and they were not quite as discouraging as they have been in the past. We were so grateful to hear that there has been a slight decrease of a few of the tumors and the rest have not grown much since the last scan.

    There is however, a "slight" new plural effusion in the left lung and tiny nodules can be seen in the right hemithorax , "which could represent small airways disease/Bronchiolitis, as opposed to true metastases".

    The Oncologist, (who incidentally is really "listening" to me as well as David these days,) has cut his Taxotere dose to 75%, as he has been having some nasty side-effects which are not condusive to "quality of life!" He will be having 6 more sessions of Taxotere and then another CT scan. Depending on what they find then, they will either give him a break or start Iressa.

    By the way, we have found that Hydrocortisone cream, (One percent,)

    is very good for the awful dry skin and sores on the hands, which, (as in Dave's case,) is sometimes caused by Taxotere.

    God Bless you all and thanks for all your prayers and positibe thoughts,


  13. I too say a nightly communal prayer for all on this board . There are so many of us, it is hard to remember everyone by name especially the newbies. The love that is felt on this board is almost tangible and so I am sure you were not left out Sandy.

    Positive thoughts are coming your way.

    God Bless Paddy

  14. It sounds as if your Mum really does have a chance of beating this thing. Talk to the oncologist and find out what chemo she will be on. They will give you brochures regarding all the things you can do for her to make her comfortable. No two people take chemo the same way it seems and these days they give anti-nausia meds with the chemo, so she may not feel sick at all. My husband didn't feel sick with his first chemo, just fatigued. He lost his appetite because of a metallic taste in his mouth, but other than that he tolerated it pretty well. The "Taxotere" which he is taking now has been more of a problem.

    Wishing your Mum well,


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