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Posts posted by paddy

  1. Thanks Guys!

    I think it gave me as much pleasure as it did Dave, as I got to see the big smile on his face. Today hasn't been so good I'm afraid. That roller coaster again!

    Love ,


  2. As usual I am a little late here! However, I wanted to say that I agree with Karen C, having a good cry once or twice a week is really the way to get through it. I go for long, early- morning walks and get it all done and over with then. Some ice, and possibly dark glasses, hide the evidence, and then I can face Dave with a smile when he wakes up. I find that I can keep a brave front until something drastic happens, (like Dave having a terrible coughing fit,or falling down or something) and then I feel physically sick with fear. I always think, "Well if I feel like this, how scared is he feeling?" and try to put my energy into calming him. It's not an easy "walk" we are all "walking" is it! I pray for strength for all of us. Love to you and positive thoughts,


  3. Hi. Margaret's suggestion of picking up the notes is a good one. When we are going to meeting with the oncologist to discuss the results of scans, I always drop into the hospital and get copies of the records, (and sometimes the xrays as well, ) so that I am prepared to ask the neccessary, (Goodness I wish we had a spell check on here!) questions.

    Dave doesn't read them, the less he knows about the bad things the better as far as he is concerned, but I really emphasize the good news.

    Hope you get things sorted out soon,

    All the Best,


  4. Hello Cat,

    Congrats on getting back to the walking.

    My husband has started to walk again too. At first he used to get quite a few weird aches and pains in his legs but he says it is getting better all the time. He says it really makes a difference with his "fatigue level". I am not in the medical field but I should imagine that your muscles are very weak and are showing some strain. Perhaps it would be better to build up to it very, very slowly than do too much at once.

    Best of luck,


  5. Dear "John"s Sister",

    I was so sorry to hear about your brother. I have a very dear brother too and I know how you must be feeling. I agree with the others that you should write him a letter, and in fact keep writing letters. He may not feel like writing back, but he will read and treasure them. After a while, if he has not shown a willingness to have you visit, I would take the initiative.

    My husband always enjoys seeing people these days and finds the conversation gets him "out of himself"!

    I am thinking positive thoughts for you and your brother.


  6. Welcome Lesli.

    I am sure you are terrified, and even more so because you are a nurse.

    Who am I to advise a member of the medical profession, however since you asked....for a start, I would take note of our "Snowflakes" notes for new caregivers, they really help one to slow down and calm oneself. Tell your family exactly what you told us. "You can't be strong for everyone when you are feeling so scared yourself". Come here often to vent or just to chat. There are so many nice folks here to give you support.

    I will say a prayer for you, your Mom and for all your family.


  7. Hi Everyone,

    I wanted to tell you about something nice that happened recently. A friend of ours, who is a Pilot' managed to arrange a flight for David in a B25 Mitchell, (World War 11 plane for those who are not up with aircraft.) Dave is a WW11 buff and is very interested in aircraft of that period. Everyone went out of their way to accomodate him, even to the nurses at the oncologists who changed his chemo appointment so that he could make the flight. What a treat it was for him, he had a great time. He even managed to crawl through the access tunnel , in the fuselage, to get into the bombadiers position in the nose. He said it took him about half an hour to get there but it was well worth it. I am so thankful that he was well enough to enjoy this flight as you know what a roller coaster the chemo takes one on, (feeling OK one day and ill the next.) Unfortunately the photos that were taken did not come out well enough for me to post one as an avatar . Instead I have posted a photo of Dave and I taken at a wedding a few years ago when we looked a "little" younger. (I wanted a change from the other picture for a while.

    Love to you all,


  8. Dear Laurie,

    My heart is aching for you. What a terrible time you are going through having to watch your Mom and friend go through this awful time.

    I often have clots in my eyes and they usually go away after a while and are not anything too serious. Lets hope this is the case with your Mom's eye problem . Is your Mom taking aspirin, sometimes too much aspiring will cause bleeding in the eyes? My thoughts and prayers are with you and your loved ones'


  9. What a difference a few days has made in your outlook Phyllis. Please keep your hopes up. It sounds as if you have made as many provisions for your daughter as you can. Now you must put your efforts into getting well again. Lots of love to you both. Paddy

  10. This must all be terrifying for you and your Mom, Don. The first weeks seem to be the worst and then as soon as you get a course of treatment planned you will feel better able to cope. Hang in There ! Paddy

  11. Dear Karen,

    My heart aches for you, what a terrible choice to have to make. If my husband was able to smile and squeeze my hand I would not be prepared to let him go. As long as he is not in terrible pain I think there is always hope. I am so very sorry you are going through this and my thoughts and prayers are with you and your husband.


  12. Sorry you are "Blah" time of it Kim. Sometimes it all gets a little too much doesn't it!

    My husband is on "Taxotere" at the moment and has been feeling pretty good, other than dealing with alergies and the bad taste in his mouth. He gets very tired on about the third day after the chemo and usually picks up in a couple of days time.

    I do hope you will find that Taxotere will suit your Mom.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and I hope you are feeling much better by now. Paddy

  13. Welcome Raych! So very sorry to hear about your sister. It is so difficult being so far away from our loved one's isn't it. My daughters live in MI and MD and we are in CA, so I know what you mean. My oncologist has said that my daughters may phone him if they want to discuss their Dad's case. I wonder if you call to speak to your sister's Oncologist . It is a bit difficult as one more- or- less has to book a phone call before hand, but I am sure it could be managed. Write all your questions down and have them to hand when you call.

    God Bless,


  14. Dear Shelly,

    I hope you will take Ry's advice, I can tell you are overwrought and need a good day, (or more, ) in bed. When you have had the rest you will feel more able to face all the strife that life is throwing at you.

    As far as the things your Dad is saying. I know how hurtful it is when a loved one, and someone you have been caring for with all the love in the world, uses harsh words. When he does that, just think to yourself, "It's the disease, because that is all it is.

    I send all my love and prayer to you My Dear and I hope you will keep in touch with us. Paddy

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