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Posts posted by paddy

  1. Hello BLT,

    We are proud of him too, and all the other brave men who played their part in WW2! We are so very grateful to them all.

    My husband Dave was very interested in your husbands career, and he wants to know if he knew of a "Col. Rex Applegate," who was in charge of fire-arms training for the OSS, at , (what is now,) Camp David?

    I do hope the the leg pain will be under control soon and I am so glad he didn't let it stop him from going to the reunion. I hope you will soon be feeling well again too BLT!


  2. Hi David A,

    So sorry to hear you have been beating yourself up! You had better get well again before the car show!

    My husband finds that he has to "build up " to things. If he does one smart walk around the block his legs hurt the next day, but if he slowly increases the walks each day he reaches a point where he can master the block without suffering afterwards. So, take your time and do that laundry bit-by-bit and then come along to our place, we have lots of laundry you can do! :lol:


  3. Dear Trish,

    You seem to be in a difficult position since your Mom is the one who is keeping you out of the Dr.,s office! She must be very brave to want to face all this alone. Perhaps she will come around and see the sense in taking you and your Dad into her confidence.I do hope so as it would be make it so much easier for you to be able to your Mom help herself.

    Praying that things will go well.


  4. Marie,

    Welcome to the board! Hope to hear more about you and what kind of diagnosis you have had. I am sure there are many people here who will be able to help you with advice and encouragment.


  5. Jamie, I am sorry I missed your post. I just wanted to tell you how delighted I am to hear your Good News! This is so wonderful and I am so thrilled for you all, especially your Dad.

    Keep it up.



  6. Yes, I agree with Curtis. You need a new doctor. I am sure there is something they could do for your Mom. It's not right to treat her this way just because she is older. What are these doctors thinking of, have they lost all compassion, this makes me furious!


  7. Great that your pain has subsided TBone! :D David is also on Taxotere and has the same lack of appetite but I think it is caused mainly by the metalic taste he gets in his mouth after chemo. He too finds walking a good thing for fatigue and is doing more of it these days.

    I hope the Taxotere works for you, we will be holding thumbs!

    All the Best,


  8. Prayers coming your way Cat! Your not going insane, you are just riding this darned awful roller coaster which is enough to drive anyone bonkers!

    I don't even have the disease, but I do have to watch my beloved husband going through it and I think I am more crazy than he is!

    Do hope you get that pain seen to soon, you shouldn't have to go through this. Love and positive vibes,


  9. Hi There,

    My husband David has had two thorocentesis. The first one was done when he was diagnosed and before he had any treatment and they drew off two litres of fluid. He said there was no pain and he did not even know that they had done it until he saw the full bottles.

    The second time there was very little pain and it did not take such a long time as there was not so much fluid. Both times there has been no pain after the proceedure. I think the worst problem we had was getting all the admin work done as they had lost his blood work results and would not do the thoro until they had found those. (It was Caeser Chaves day, and so the oncologist had all left ,save one< who could not find the records! What a performance and so tiring for Dave!

    When he has the proceedure done they make sure that they are putting the needle in the right place by doing some kind of radio screening. The make him sit' bending over slightly, (leaning on a prop,) and put the needle in after using a topical anaesthetic. Is this the way they did it with you?


  10. Dear Shellie,

    So very sorry to hear that you are going through such a terrible time. Are you all on you own, physically I mean, (as you know you are not alone spiritually with all us folks on the board who keep you in our prayers and thoughts?!) I wish I knew there was someone, a close friend or relative who can help you through this, it is such an awful burden to bear on your own.

    Love Paddy

  11. Nice to hear from you Dan, you are often in my thoughts and prayers too.

    You should have seen me trying to change a light bulb in our porch lantern the other day, (in the dark)! Actually I should say, you should have "heard" me as the air became quite blue! What a frustrating job it is. Dave of course never had any trouble doing it being 6ft 5" but I need a ladder to stand on. That took some hauling too! Anyway I did it and was quite proud of myself.

    Keep in touch,


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