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Posts posted by paddy

  1. Am I wierd or do you find this funny, (the last part,) too. It certainly gave us a good laugh and relieved some tension;

    My husband, David, (or Dave, whichever fits the mood at the time,) has a very dry humor. Just lately it has been sorely tested but ,as this incident proved , it is still evident.

    We were driving to the hospital the other day, (for the usual round of chemo and shots etc.) and feeling pretty depressed. The radio was tuned to one of the local talk shows. There was a man from PETA on that day discussing the terrible atrocities a certain restaurant chain are "apparently" inflicting on poor feathered creatures, before they reach our plates. Of course Dave and I were disgusted by what we were hearing. We are not vegetarians, but we consider cruel treatment of any animal apalling. We were sitting in silence thinking about what we had heard when suddenly Dave came out with, "Oh Heck, I suppose it will be just my luck to come back to this earth as a chicken!!!!"


  2. Dear Melinda,

    My heart goes out to you, how lucky your family and your fiance's family are to have you. You are such a sweet and caring person not to mention a smart one! I am so sorry things were worse than you thought, what a blow it must have been.

    I think that sometimes people just do not want to believe what is happening to themselves or their loved one's, they just can't handle it. I know my husband is enclined "not to hear" what the doctors say sometimes and he often gets an entirely different message from the Oncs explanations than I do. My short term memory is bad these days too, so I usually take a recorder with me to the meetings now. This way I am able to go over what was said afterwards and understand it all more clearly. Perhaps you could get your Mum and future Mum-In-Law to do this and go over it with you and your fiance later. I also make a point of picking up the records and Scan photos from the hospital before every meeting. This way I can discuss anything that I don't understand or that I have not seen before with the Onc. The last time we went to see him, I forgot the recorder and I was so mad at myself because now I can't remember exactly what was said.

    Please look after yourself and don't forget to eat, we don't want you sick too!

    Love and prayers,


  3. Dear Jen,

    So glad your Mom is improving and things are looking up. My daughter who lives in MI told me today that today was a lovely spring day and all sorts of "green things" are popping up all over the garden. So, it looks like spring is here and your Mom will be able to get out that old fishing pole!! Love Paddy

  4. Great to know you are beginning to recover from the radiation TBone! Hope the weather in your neck of the woods is hotting up again so that you can enjoy the outdoors.


  5. Snowflake, the poem is a good one. I will remember it when I get down and it will make me smile again.

    Fay, I love your Easter set-up and all those beautiful eggs which I hear you painted yourself. Super!


  6. Hello Julie,

    I am so sorry to hear your Grandmother is so ill. She is lucky to have such a loving grandaughter!

    What kind of cancer did the oncologist say your Grandmother has? I agree with the others, make sure she gets a second opinion. My husband would not go for a second opinion, he trusted the oncologist he has. I wish, even just for our peace of mind, that he had.


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