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Posts posted by paddy

  1. This has not been a good day for us, to say the least. The results of David's scans revealed that his cancer has progressed. It is hard to believe since he has been feeling so well lately. The tumors have grown and there are now mets to spine and liver. The lung is effused and Dave will have guided thoracentesis on the 23rd. The oncologist has started him on "Taxotere" , (once a week, for four weeks,) in hopes that it will stabilise him again for a while. We are heart-sick and David says he is "sick of everything"!

    Is there anything anyone can tell me about Taxotere?

    Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.


  2. Oh, Dolfan, my heart goes out to you. I am so sorry that your husband is so ill. I am sure you do feel angry.I often feel I want to take some of these young folks ,(whom I see standing outside the movie theatres with cigarettes in their hands,) and scream at them, but what good would that do, they think they are invincible. Although smoking may make the risk of getting LC greater, the disease does however seem to be indiscriminate. My husband has never smoked and always kept himself fit, (until he had a stroke at the age of 57.) He is the last person I would have thought would have expected to get lung cancer. I know many of the people on this board have never smoked either.

    My thoughts and prayers will be with you and your husband,


  3. Hello Cookieman! Nice to meet Becky's other half.

    I know exactly what you mean as I'm sure do most of us on this board. We went for scans for my husband David yesterday and I can tell you we were both in a mess. I still feel weak at the knees and physically sick, dreading what they might tell us in a few days time.

    Please know that you and "Snowflake" will be in our thoughts and we will be sending prayers and positive vibes your way. I so enjoy Becky's input on the board, she sounds like a fun person.


  4. Thank you all for your messages, you really helped me through a particularly "Yucky" day yesterday.

    Cathy, we are going to Clarkston, near Detroit. It's a lovely little town, very "countryfide", with lots of trees, which I love. We are looking forward to it. Do you have family in Michigan?

    Thanks again everyone,


  5. Dear All,

    My David is going for CT scans tomorrow and I would like to ask if you could give send some of your prayerful, positive thoughts our way. He has been feeling so good during this break without drugs, but I am so scared because I have noticed some wheezing recently. We see the oncologist on the 17th. David is such a Dear, brave, man and I cannot bear the thought of him getting so ill again.

    I am hoping he doesn't have to go on Iressa yet as it might put paid to the trip we are planning to see our daughter and family in Michigan. The grand-kids are so looking forward to seeing their Grandpa and we can't wait to see them again either. Kids grow so quickly don't they!

    Thanks and love,


  6. I'ts all been said by our Dear friends here Carleen, except to add that this all seems too much for two loving folks to bear. I hope the job and the house problems work out for the best , that will lift some weight off your shoulders. Thinking and praying for you both, Love Paddy.

  7. Isn't it a shame that it takes hard times like these to make us realize the value of these "simple things". I love the idea of your Mom making the sweater and beret for your daughter, that will keep her mind off things a bit.


  8. Dear Shelly,

    What a terrible time you and your family are going through. Your Dad is so lucky to have such a caring daughter. I wish the best for you all.

    God Bless,


    PS. Grief Councillors say that anger is a stage of grief and it's quite natural you should feel this way.

  9. Dear Judith,

    I hope that "Iressa" does the trick for your friend and that her symptoms are mild.

    Thanks also to all the folks who posted here with their experiences, my husband may have to go on Iressa soon and being "forwarned is forarmed" as they say! , Paddy.

  10. Dear Jeanne,

    Welcome to this little family. I am so sorry you have had to join this board, however, I must tell you that there are some very strong minded people here who are battling the disease so courageously. They have been an inspiration to me and I am sure they will help you fight the fight.

    God Bless you,


  11. So very glad that you and your Mom enjoyed the wedding so much. I can just imagine your Mom dancing around, (although I have never seen her in person,) and having a wonderful time. God Bless you both,


  12. Hi Ginny,

    I am so very sorry to hear about your sister, how awful for you, you have more than enough to worry about already!

    I too wonder what is going on, so many people I know either have cancer or know someone who does. These are not older people either, most of them are under 40yrs., of age. Like you I wonder when this bad news is going to stop. It makes me wonder if like you say it is from pollution or is it something else?!

    My prayers are going out to your sister and your friend.


  13. Dear Sharon,

    I was so very sorry to hear that your Mom is so down. This darned disease is so hard on everyone, sometimes it's just too much to take.

    My love and prayers go out to you both. I hope you can put your troubles behind you for a while and enjoy the wedding.


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