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Everything posted by BeckyCW

  1. Wow, great articles. Thanks for posting them! BeckyCW
  2. I have no change in weight to report, but I did just return from the gym! (This week's goal of 4 workouts: 1 down, 3 to go.) And Kim, thanks for the recipe, I may just try that tonight -- it sounds good! BeckyCW
  3. Paddy, I'm praying for those docs to do something wonderful and QUICK, so that David is home soon and you're both able to relax. You know we're all praying for you both. BeckyCW
  4. Angie, I'm sorry to hear your dad is having a hard time, and hope next week will bring a new plan of attack to wipe this out. Continued prayers... BeckyCW
  5. Cindy, what a beautiful message. I hope you do plant some bulbs in pots and move them with you! BeckyCW
  6. Debi, good to see your update. I hope your grandson is doing better, and that your son will make many baskets just to prove you wrong. So sorry to hear about your coworker and that you missed her service. You're one of the people I watch for here, even if I don't write often. May your only goblins be the ones ringing the doorbell tomorrow night! BeckyCW
  7. Very interesting news! I'm not much of a wine drinker, except for a glass of white zinfindel now and then, or a good reisling. (Of course I don't drink enough to know what's going to BE good... sometimes I just get lucky when there's wine at a party.) But maybe I'll go on a quest to find a red wine I like! BeckyCW
  8. Rich, just wanted you to know I'm thinking about you and hoping you feel much, much better soon. Hang in there! Praying for us all, BeckyCW
  9. Thanks for letting us know, TeeTaa. Prayers coming for Evelyn, James and the rest of the family. BeckyCW
  10. Terra, I'll be looking for the results to come with good news for your mom. In the meantime, I hope you can all find ways to get the tests off your mind and enjoy life. I know it's a tense time -- hang in there and know that lots of us are thinking of you and praying for the best. BeckyCW
  11. Jen, I'm so sorry to hear this,. I hope and pray they do figure it out and get her back home and out of pain very soon. BeckyCW
  12. Joni, I'm so sorry, but glad to hear you are dwelling on the happy memories and not the painful ones. I'm not sure if it's appropriate to say "Happy Anniversary," but I wish you a day full of celebrating your love for Robert and his for you. BeckyCW
  13. BeckyCW


    Alisa, thanks for the articles -- and Kathy, what a great idea! BeckyCW
  14. Don't know how I missed this, too -- Hope you're still celebrating!!! Will NED be handing out candy with you on Halloween? BeckyCW
  15. Hope you're having a great time in San Francisco as we speak! BeckyCW
  16. Curtis, the scholarship sounds like a lovely tribute to Becky, and I know everyone there will be moved by your stories and your obvious love for her. I pray you will have a good weekend and that the family and friends there will move closer together around you and Katie. BeckyCW
  17. BeckyCW

    ct results

    I'm very sorry to hear about your dad's spread of disease and his pain. I hope the doctors will find something to make him better and decrease the pain very soon. Praying for us all, BeckyCW
  18. Yep, that's my brother! He actually ENJOYs that camping trip, comes back and hears the doctor say he wants to increase the cisplatin, and says, "Bring it on!" If I didn't already know he was crazy, here's confirmation, right? (I love crazy folks. Bring 'em on!) BeckyCW P.S. Go, David, Go!
  19. Ellen, So far, only once this week: Monday. I've been at a conference for the last 2 days, but hoping to walk tonight, walk tomorrow with a friend, and yoga Sunday. That'll be 4. I hope. Nag away... I need it! BeckyCW
  20. Fay, Happy Birthday! You amaze me. Congratulations for checking off so many things on your list. Hope you're adding some new fun ones. BeckyCW
  21. Oh, that was a real groaner! BeckyCW
  22. Betty, I don't know how I missed this before, but I'm so THRILLED to hear you're in remission! You GO, girl! (Oh, you already did that... Glad to hear you had a good trip, too.) Happy dancin' here, still, BeckyCW
  23. Well, you're all doing so much better than I am. Andrea, your 6 measly pounds is 8 more than I've lost! (I've gained 2.) But like Ry said, muscle weighs more than fat, and that MUST be it, since I've been working out once a week whether I need it or not. I took a "class" by phone last night -- a free thing from a motivational coach -- on changing one habit. (I said, "Do I have to pick just one?" She said yes.) So I picked exercise. By the end of the class I had committed to exercising 4 days a week. We shall see. That'll be the key for me. I lost 15 pounds over the past year, but then stalled. I keep going up and down these 2 pounds, and currently I'm up. I'm hoping you'll all help hold me accountable for my "4 days a week" of exercise. I need all the nagging I can get. BeckyCW
  24. Thanks, Tina! Here's to progress! BeckyCW
  25. Karen, I'm so sorry to hear this latest news. I hope your dad is more comfortable now and that your mom is keeping her faith through all this. (I know she is.) My prayers are with your family. BeckyCW
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