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Everything posted by BeckyCW

  1. What a great article, great picture, great event! Go, Heather, Go! BeckyCW
  2. Connie, that is so wonderful to hear about!!! Keep those updates coming, and give Austin a hug from yet another person rooting for him! BeckyCW P.S. He's probably not into Beethoven yet, but someday!!!
  3. Bet, Another heartfelt welcome -- although of course I'm sorry you have to be here. I love your mom's comment about making her doctor famous! She sounds like quite a character, and I hope she does just that. Others will have much more information for you than I will, but I wanted to let you know you and your mom are in my thoughts and prayers. BeckyCW
  4. Dean, you really do have such a gift -- and you are a gift to us all. Wishing you and Gay many happy moments... BeckyCW
  5. Oh, TeeTaa, Caleb sounds (and looks!) like a great kid, and I'm so sorry to hear he's had this accident. Thanks for letting us know. He sounds like he has a great attitude and will overcome this, but I know it won't be easy for him. And it sounds so painful! I will indeed be praying that the surgery is successful at saving his eye. BeckyCW
  6. Yes, way to go, Heather! Wish I was closer -- I would come. I hope it's a fantastic success. BeckyCW
  7. BeckyCW


    This thread is breaking my heart AND making me smile at the same time. And Becky, I read your message wrong the first time and thought you were saying to check his PMS. Curtis, like others have said, I can't presume to say I know how you feel, but I sure do feel for you. I was never much good at that "just staying friends" thing, either -- How do you share just part of your heart when you want to share the whole thing? Some people seem to strike that balance a lot easier and let things unfold more slowly, but I am certainly not one to even suggest how to manage that. I'm glad you talked with some people about how much it would mean to you to get together to study, etc. -- and I hope they will take you up on that and fill some of the loneliness. You and Katie (and Christina!) are in my thoughts and prayers. BeckyCW
  8. Angie, I'm so very sorry. BeckyCW
  9. Thank you so much for the update. Paddy, when you get a chance to ready this, just know that I'm thinking of you both and praying for the very best. BeckyCW
  10. Don & Lucie, thank you, thank you, thank you! BeckyCW
  11. BeckyCW

    broken up

    Curtis, I'm sorry to hear this, but impressed with your perspective about it all. Katie is a lucky girl to have you for a father! BeckyCW
  12. BeckyCW

    Dean Carl~

    Dean & Gay, I've been away from the boards for over a week, and just saw this. I'm thinking of you (which always makes me smile) and hoping you are having more good times than bad, more smiles than frowns, more watching the birds and enjoying the cats playing, and more snuggles with Gay, more of every good thing. You're always in my prayers, BeckyCW
  13. Paddy, I've been away from the boards for awhile and just saw this. What a wonderful thing your family is doing for David. That's really heartwarming, and worth several good cries! I hope the Iressa works wonders for him. BeckyCW
  14. BeckyCW

    Mental Being

    Don, I see no hole in those eyelids, but you'd better keep checking often. Loved your message! BeckyCW P.S. My cat loves also to smash her forehead into my hand, foot, whatever... What is that all about, I wonder?
  15. LOVE THEM APPLES, Don & Lucie. That's terrific! Go Lucie, Go Lucie, Go Lucie!!! Becky
  16. Renee, I'm so very sorry, but glad to know he's no longer suffering, and that his passing was full of love and peace. My thoughts and prayers are wtih you. BeckyCW
  17. That's just too cute. BeckyCW
  18. Thanks for posting this, Elaine! Very interesting... BeckyCW
  19. I'm so very sorry. BeckyCW
  20. Cheryl, I hope everyone's messages have helped calm the worry-monster in you -- and it's really great that Dr. Joe could help! My husband is the worry-monster in our family, but cancer brings that out in ANYone. Like they said, it's a shame to borrow trouble from tomorrow that may never happen... but what're ya gonna do? Hang in there, my friend. You're always in my prayers, BeckyCW
  21. Angie, This is so devastating. It does sound like you've lost a big part of your dad that you know and love, but I agree with Ginny -- I think that somewhere inside him, he still feels it when you show him love and affection, even if he can't show you that he does. I'm so sorry you all have to go through this, and I wish there was something more we could do to make things better. My prayers are with you, BeckyCW
  22. BeckyCW


    Rachel, That's TERRIFIC! You and NED have a great trip, and all my best to your father, too. BeckyCW
  23. oops -- If anyone is still reading here, see the update Bruce posted! (Message posted in "General" by LisaO asking Bruce how it went, and he replied there)...
  24. Bruce, I'm another one out here hoping that your appointment was so boring yesterday that there's nothing much to tell. Let us hear from you when you can -- We're all thinking about you! BeckyCW
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