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Everything posted by BeckyCW

  1. Beth, I'm so sorry to hear you're still having such a rough time of it. Hospitals are no fun, but I'm glad you're there to get treated for this and get BETTER soon. Just imagine, if every word in these messages was one flower sent to you in your hospital room, there would be no room for anything else! But it's a pretty thought, anyway -- and will cause none of the bad reactions the real flowers can cause. Mine are purple and white flowers, by the way -- irises and lisianthus. I hope they make you feel better! My thoughts and prayers are with you. BeckyCW
  2. Curtis, you do have a challenging weekend ahead, it sounds like. I'm sure you will come through with flying colors, and that Katie will love seeing her grandmother as much as Becky's mom will love seeing her. I hope all goes well and that there are no painful misunderstandings. You were a wonderful husband to Becky, and her mom must know that you would give anything to have her back, just as she would. You have quite a tightrope to walk! BeckyCW
  3. Oncodoc, I'm the sister of a lung cancer patient, and when my brother first told me about this group I hesitated to participate because I thought maybe patients and caregivers should have this place to themselves, private. My brother set me straight on that one - ha! I think you will feel very welcome, if not overwhelmed. People need information AND support, and all are welcome! Thanks for posting, I hope we hear from you again. BeckyCW
  4. Kris, that was a GREAT letter! I hope it gets major results. BeckyCW
  5. Paddy, thanks for the report, and I'm glad there's a plan in place to fight this off. Decadron probably affects different people in different ways, and I pray it does nothing negative to David, and only helps. You're in my thoughts and prayers, BeckyCW
  6. Shelly, I'm so sorry your sister has to go through still more to fight this cancer off. But she WILL fight it off, and she's fortunate to have you fighting by her side. Hang in there and know that we're all pulling for her! BeckyCW
  7. Yes, I hope and pray everyone stays safe with this hurricane. Like David said, I was "home alone" one day in Auburn during a hurricane. We lived in the woods where all the trees were fairly young. What I heard outside the house was like Rice Crispies -- snap, crackle, pop -- trees blowing over left and right. Fortunately, none of them fell into the house breaking any windows. Auburn is a long way from the ocean, too. Those of you closer to the Gulf, especially, I hope there's no damage to life, limb or property. Be careful -- Thinking of you! BeckyCW
  8. BeckyCW


    Ray, so glad to hear this!!! Good to see your smiling face here again! BeckyCW
  9. Elaine, Ah, yes, you're right about John. But since the joke never assigns gender to either the chicken or the egg, I was thinking perhaps the egg was male and the chicken female... or ... well, we won't get into that! BeckyCW
  10. Paddy, I'm so sorry to hear this. I know you're rushing off -- Just wanted to let you know you and David are in my prayers. BeckyCW
  11. MJ, thanks for posting this. I worked for Dr. Morton's research institute (the John Wayne Cancer Institute at St. John's in Santa Monica) for a couple of years. He is a pioneer in cancer vaccines and other things, and leads a team of great researchers. Much of his early work involved malignant melanoma. Back when I worked there, they were coordinating the national sentinal node study for breast cancer. That has resulted in doctors everywhere now being able to see, in breast cancer patients, which lymph nodes cancer has spread to and which it has not, thus saving healthy lymph nodes and taking out only ones that need to be removed. (Removing lymph nodes that still work is not good!) I'm sure it also was good for helping doctors and patients make decisions about other treatments to have or not to have. I hope this is one more step towards treating lung cancer better, too. BeckyCW
  12. Ha! Why didn't my little brother think of that one?! BeckyCW
  13. TeeTaa, I needed this! Don, it took me a few seconds longer than I'd like to admit... good one. John, we probably shouldn't get into this, but how do you KNOW the chicken was a rooster? BeckyCW
  14. Carleen, I'm in tears hearing about this news and the pain you and Keith are in. I am sure you'll hear encouragement from others in the medical sense (people who have gotten through this). I can only give you moral support and let you know you're in my thoughts and prayers. (((((((hugs))))))), BeckyCW
  15. BeckyCW


    David, I'm sorry, but no one in my family is allowed to feel like dog d** d**. You'll just have to stop! Seriously, I'm so, so sorry this chemo is kicking you so badly. You were brave to let them hit you with it harder than before, and I know it's to do maximum damage to any cancer cells that may be trying to grow. I just hate that it does this much damage to YOU in the process. I heard you all had yogurt smoothies for breakfast this morning, and I hope there are some serious healing powers in those things. Hang in there, little brother. I'm thinkin' about cha. Love, BeckyCW
  16. I've also been away from the boards for awhile and am so very sorry to hear that we've lost Bob. I will miss him, and my prayers are with all those who are mourning his loss -- and I'm sure that's a LOT of people. This is just so very sad. BeckyCW
  17. Paddy, I'm sorry to be so late answering. I understand City of Hope is an excellent hospital and research center, especially for cancer. Let us know if you went, and what you learned. I hope they can help. BeckyCW
  18. I'm so very sorry to hear you've lost your father. I'm sure the pain is intense, and I wish there was something that could take it away. I pray you will have the comfort of some happy memories and much love during this especially difficult time. BeckyCW
  19. Andrea, I think you make perfect sense! It seems to me that having a loved one with cancer changes each of us. Maybe it doesn't change us all in the same ways, but it's such a huge thing in our lives that it does changes our whole lives. Hopefully some of those changes, at least, are good ones -- We become kinder people, we become more patient with people's faults (people who have nothing to do with cancer, even), we get more impatient for change or making things better, we get a new perspective on what's important in life and what's really "small stuff," we learn a little bit more about what love really is... and more. Oh, and we meet people we never would have met, and each of them changes us, too. The people here have made me a better person, that's for sure. BeckyCW
  20. BeckyCW


    Ray, like the others have said, it's surely only natural to be scared about this, but every person is unique -- No need to compare this to DavidA's surgery. (Like they said, he'll surely be on your side, here!) It sounds like you've really done your research, found a great doctor, looked at the options, and this is your choice. I'm sure it's a good one! By the time 9/3 rolls around (a special day in our family!), I'm sure you will be more at peace with the decision and even more determined to get this done so you can go on with your life in better health. Prayers comin' your way, BeckyCW
  21. Dean, It was good to hear your unique and very wise voice tonight. I've missed you and have been praying for you and Gay -- and will continue to. You are an inspiration to so many of us -- That sounds trite, maybe, but in your case it's so true. From my heart, thank you for making the effort to write and share your life with us. BeckyCW P.S. Hugs to Gay.
  22. BeckyCW

    needin' prayers

    TeeTaa, I'm so sorry to hear this. I don't know anything about this type of cancer, but wanted you to know you're in my thoughts and prayers, and your father-in-law will be now, too. BeckyCW
  23. BeckyCW

    New puppy

    Mary Ann, It's nice to "hear your voice" and have a chance to tell you personally how much we miss DavidA. I'm so happy for you all to have a new puppy to love. Harley is a perfect name! Puppies are magic -- Enjoy! BeckyCW
  24. They have my prayers, also -- as do all of you! BeckyCW
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