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  1. My mother has also had swelling in her lower legs, much like you have described. The pain in her feet has made it hard for her to walk at times. Her doctors have given her no helpful information regarding a cause. Blood chemistries were normal, a pelvic mass has been ruled out, no blood clots and no CHF. I had her get some support hose from a medical supply store. These have helped her greatly. It forces the fluid out of the tissues and prevent further accumulation of fluid. My own hypothesis is that the lymph system is not functioning properly due to metastis.
  2. I just wanted to thank everyone for the nice welcome I've received. Books is just a username I've used since I've been on the internet. Years ago my husband and I had dreams of opening a used book store.
  3. books


    I'm hoping others may have some experience with this problem. My mother was diagnosed with stage 3b or 4 NSCLC in November. Unfortunately, she has put off getting the necessary tests to exactly determine the extent of the cancer. I'm letting her deal with this in her own way, so I cannot push her to get the tests done. So far, they have discovered several tumors in two upper lobes of one lung with mets to hilar and mediastinal lymph nodes. For the last month, she has had edema in one leg and one arm. She also has reported severe pain in her afffected foot which I am attributing to the swelling. She has told me that the doctors have given her no reason for the swelling other than ruling out blood clots. I have gotten her to go get support hose and that has helped, but I'm wondering what the underlying cause may be. She also tried Lasix which had no effect. My fear is that there is either an undiagnosed tumor in her pelvic region or that her lymph system is just nonfunctioning to to cancer in the lymph system. Any ideas? She will hopefully getting an MRI and PET scan later this month and I am sure that will answer many questions.
  4. Hi, I just wanted to introduce myself. My mother was diagnosed with NSCLC in November. We aren't quite sure as to staging yet but it looks to be either 3b or 4 . This seems like a wonderful and supportive site and I'm glad I found it.
  5. Norme, I'm new to the forum, but just had to reply to your post. The first thing that came to my mind upon reading the symptoms you listed was low oxygen levels. Did they check his O2 sats? Many times simple confusion like this is simply due to not getting enough oxygen to the brain. Maybe you can try an O2 tank at home to see if it helps?
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