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Everything posted by jstdzy

  1. Dawn, That was my first "live chat" and I really enjoyed it! Thank you for being the moderator! See everybody on Thursday! Dana
  2. Adding my 2 cents. I agree with Ellen attitude does not cure cancer. But the question for me is this what does it mean to defeat cancer? If I let my cancer keep me scared and afraid of living my life doesn't cancer win whether it kills me or not? If I go out with a positive attitude and a joy in my life whose won then me or cancer? I say I won and I kicked it a**! (((Everybody))) Dana
  3. Michelle, I smoked for 37 years started at 13yrs old. I smoked all the way to the hospital for my biopsy and woke up missing my ULL and surrounding lymph glads. It was small cell lung cancer. I haven't smoked since 4/28/08. Dana
  4. Debra, My prayers to your family, I'm glad Dad got his wish. Dana
  5. Michelle, Glad hubby is doing better! No go take a nap! (((hugs))) Dana
  6. Sarah, I didn't know your Dad, but have read some of his posts. I think it's awesome you are using his sign in! I'm sorry but I lost my Mom recently and I say do what you need to do today to feel better. If you'll feel better at work go, if you feel better staying home and thinking about Dad go for it! Dana
  7. That's great news Annette! What type of cancers were they? Dana
  8. Hi Joy, Glad radiation went so well for you! About chemo it's really hard to say we all seem to react so differantly. I started out doing okay, then got sicker with each treatment. But I saw people getting the same chemo and they were going to work, out golfing and seemed just fine. You are right on in not buying the "you'll be so sick" line. First they had me on all kinds of anti-nausea meds, my doc's got me well dosed before starting the chemo. I started taking my meds before I got sick, never threw up once, so don't wait till your really sick to take your meds. I ate all the time, it seemed to help not to let my stomach get empty, so I ate a little something every couple of hours. I also gained 50lbs! The taste of food being all messed up seems to be one of the universal things with us. Foods or drinks I normally loved I couldn't stand and vice a versa. I was getting Cisplatin & VP16 3 days with a 3 week break, for 4 rounds. Dana
  9. ((((Michelle)))) Sorry I have no advice for you except for the stuff I know you've already done. Prayers on the way!!! Dana P.S. I don't like your ONC, he's a big chicken and a dork!
  10. First don't let her get nauseated if you can help it. Keep her meds on board. Also what really helped me was eating every couple of hours, it really didn't matter what. Every time my stomach got empty I would get sick. One day I could tolerate something, the next I couldn't stand the smell! I did the "finger foods" thing to and it worked pretty good. I also liked fresh melons, especially watermelon. My Mom would cut it up in small bite size pieces and just kept a bowl handy. Don't count on favorite foods being favorites anymore. Dana
  11. Good question! I've been wondering myself, so thanks for asking! Dana
  12. Awesome Michelle! Congratulations! I'm so glad hubby is doing better!!! Tell him to keep up the good work!!! ((((hugs)))) Dana
  13. jstdzy


    WOW Lilly!!!! Way to go!!!!! Dana
  14. Good Morning Kimberly, I have no clue on this one. I was totally wiped out by my chemo treatments. I still get easily tired and I've been finished with chemo for a year. My ONC said that in some cases chemo is really hard on your metabolism, which is my case. I try and eat a healthy, varied diet and have snacks as well. I take a "whole foods" multiple vitamin that I got at a vitamin store, nothing "high" in anything just your 100% daily amounts and I take a calcium supplement. I'm sure you are going to get some great ideas from the others. I would try to have some high protein snacks around and see if that helps. Dana
  15. Richard that is AMAZING!!!! Thank you for posting! Prayers for continued success!!!! Dana
  16. Hi! Welcome aboard. I also had sclc, sneaky crap! Glad you made it! Glad you found this site. It has been such a haven for me. People here are great! Dana
  17. jstdzy

    CT scan update

    Sorry Michelle, Sounds just like me! I should be happy but? I think it's just the rollercoaster of cancer and treatment. It got to the point I had to go to my shrink and get on medication. No kidding! You are reacting perfectly normal for someone in this horrific un-normal situation! Dana
  18. jstdzy


    Lilly, Prayers on the way! Dana
  19. My 2 cents. I started smoking in 1971 when I was 13 years old. I bought my cigs out of a machine for 35 cents a pack. I thought it was cool. I think the cig companies knew a long time how dangerous smoking was and didn't do anything until they were forced. Even after we started finding out how dangerous it was all they did was put that little lable on the side of the pack, I still bought my cigs out of the same machine. What happens when the cig companies loss a suit? They price of cigs go up! Maybe the higher the price gos the fewer people will smoke? Dana P.S. Does anybody have a lawyer?
  20. Katy, Welcome back! Great news about Gene! I was on STD and went to LTD, the only mistake I made with that was I didn't stay on LTD long enough! I should have stayed on it another month or two, but my pride got in the way! Dana
  21. jstdzy

    Final chemo

    Donny, "NO CANCER"?!?!?!!? YIPPPPEEE!!!! WOW!!! If I had some fireworks I would shoot them off!!! Dana
  22. Congratulation! Glad Glen is doing better! Dana
  23. jstdzy

    Dodged the bullet!

    Judy! AWESOME NEWS!!!! YIIIIIPPPPPPEEE!!! Dudette I am soooo happy for you!!! Dana
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