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Everything posted by jstdzy

  1. Good Morning! A friend and I had been talking about the "older you get the faster time flys", her theory was when you are 5 yrs old, one year is 20% of your life, where being 50 yrs old it's only a .02% of your life, so the older you get the faster time seems to move. BREAD AND BUTTER PICKLES!!!! Dana
  2. Casey, Welcome. Sorry you have the need to be here, but glad you found this site. Dana
  3. My Mom said she didn't like it but she would be "Grandmama" when my sister and I both had schnauzers, but she would be damned if she was going to be any kind of relation to a filthy, sneaky cat! But then I would catch her talking baby talk to them! Dana
  4. Okay! I call mine "the kids", they are the only ones I've had. Right now I have "the girls" (puppy & cat) and my "baby boy" (cat). Dana
  5. Judy, I don't mind the CAT's, I can't stand the MRI's I swear I'm going to get stuck in that tube! I just keep my eye's closed the whole time and sing songs in my head! Everything crossed for great readings!!! Dana
  6. Dawn? What the heck is a fur baby? Dana
  7. jstdzy

    CT scans

    Michelle!!!!! How amazing!!!! That is just sooooo freaking COOOOOL!!!!! Dana
  8. I certainly believe in premonitions. I've had a few. mine usually come as dreams. I've dreamed about 2 car wrecks one was a boy friend I just kept seeing his car roll over and over. When I woke up I called his house and his Mom said he was in the hospital but okay, he had rolled his car. The next one I was dreaming about my Grandpa driving and then there were headlights in his eyes, again just seeing it again and again. My Mom came in my room and woke me up, she said she had some bad news. I said, "Is Grandpa dead"? Mom said yes and told me what happened. I know my Mom would get funny feelings about stuff all the time, some we could prove to be right on most we just never knew. I like Ned's "real time connection", Mom and I had that. It was just plain funny how she would call me to see when I would be home and I'm turning in the drive way. We did it all the time, several times a week. I would always tell her to get out of my head! Dana
  9. (((Everybody))) thank you guys so much, for being so understanding. Dana
  10. My first MRI was in June '08, before they started chemo all clear. When I saw my ONC on one of my follow scans in Dec. '08, I asked her about getting anymore MRI's since I hadn't had one. She checked her notes and ordered one for my next set of scans Apr. '09. I have been a very good girl and get all the scans requested. The only thing in my head is my brain! I have proof of that now! According to the surgeon and my ONC it was small cell it was a little smaller then a dime (I don't remember the exact number). Just having the one small tumor I believe is why nobody thought "small cell". When my surgeon opened me up and saw it he just took everything out. I really believe because of him doing that it just didn't have a chance to spread. After surgery I did have chemo. The only thing anybody said about radiation was the rad. doc that walked in my room after surgery and said "I guess you won't be needing me. Congratulations it looks like you are going to be one of the 5%". I will ask about getting a copy of my dx, I have questions every now and again. Thank you (((Everybody))) Dana
  11. Update: The cancer center called and my ONC thinks it would be very "beneficial" for me to have a consultation with the Rad Doc. So being the open minded person I'm trying to be I made the appointment. It's in mid Sept. I want to see what this guy has to say. Thanks for putting up with me! Dana
  12. Nope you are not crazy! I do it with my Mom too. Dana
  13. Sorry Debbie. Prayers on the way! Dana
  14. Michelle, You and hubby are both in my thoughts and prayers. The saying "God doesn't give us more then we can handle"? I originally heard it "God doesn't give us more then we can bear". With my life I go with the second one, because God sometimes will take me right to the limit of what I can bear and then let up. It usually turns out to be a good for me in the long run. ((((hugs))) Dana
  15. jstdzy

    HE ROCKED IT!!!!!

    Wonderful news!! Congratulations! Dana
  16. jstdzy

    Margaret Rose

    Sorry about you losing your Mum. Prayers on the way to you and your family. Dana
  17. jstdzy

    Thom Harmon

    Jean, I'm so sorry! Prayers are on the way! Dana
  18. Susan, That's so awesome! Congratulations to you and Mom!! Dana
  19. Michelle, Do not beat yourself up! How in the world are we supposed to know anything about cancer and chemo? That's why we realy on ONC's. That's their job not ours! But when all is said and done the doctor's are human too. Dana
  20. Thank you all very much for your input. It helped to clarify alot of things for me. First as most if not all of you know small cell is fast growing, very fast. I should have had PCI before or immediatly after chemo, not one year after chemo. I believe my surgeon got all of it by removing the ULL and the surrounding lymph nodes. My ONC wanted to follow up with chemo just to be sure as a preventative. It seems to me the only time the cancer cells had a chance at my brain was before surgery, which was Apr. '08 or maybe even after chemo, either way I should have a brain tumor the size of Kansas in my head at this point. I think what happened is my ONC dropped the ball or forgot about my "unusual" circumstances when I saw her on Friday. So at this point the answer to the PCI question is no, to me it's locking the barn door after the horse is gone, it just makes no sense at this late date. Man I am sooooo sick of this cancer crap!!!! Once again thank you ((((everybody)))), Dana
  21. Thank you all. That makes me feel alot better. I was feeling like a freaking lab rat. I will try and be a little more opened minded. I will keep you posted, thank you all so much. Dana
  22. I can't stay on line anymore. I'll be back tonight hopefully Dr. West will have something or someone here will have something about this. Thank you! Dana
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