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Everything posted by jstdzy

  1. jstdzy

    Hello All

    Hi Larry, I'm one of the new names you don't know. Thought I would say hello since we're both Kansas people. Sorry about the loss of your wife, but glad to know that you are getting along okay. Dana
  2. Paula, I am so sorry for your loss. Sending prayers to you and your family. You couldn't have stopped it and you couldn't have changed it. Dana
  3. Running with my sisters in the back yard, playing peek a boo between the sheets on the clothes line! Clothes always smelled so good dried on the line in the sunshine! Dana
  4. Michelle, I took care of my Mom when she was sick (congestive heart failure), and some days I just wanted to strangle her! But then on the other hand she is the one that took care of me during my cancer dx and treatment. She would just flat out tell me, "I don't know why you are being so nasty to me right now, but stop it"! I was turned totally inward and scared out of my mind. From what you've said hubby hasn't dealt with any of his emotions concerning his cancer. When I'm afraid alot of times it comes out as anger and when my life is feeling so out of control, I try to control everything and everyone else. My feelings are the next time hubby wants a blue straw instead of a yellow one, say, "Dear I love you, but get of your a** and get it yourself"! At least it would get him out of the recliner! Just a thought he's your hubby and you know him best. Dana
  5. For those of us with slightly lower scores, it's not like we stubbed our toes or can't find our favorite pair of shoes! We are dealing with a horrible nasty disease. So some days I'm a 1 and I even have a day or two when I'm an 8. But I'm not going to beat myself up when I'm only a 1! Some days I deserve to be a 1! Oh YEAH another thing!!!! Hugs definitely help ! Dana
  6. I truthfully don't know what I would do. I might just say "Excuse me I don't know if you noticed but you just sneezed all over my donuts and the box. I would like a do over on those" or I might just say, "I changed my mind". Hopefully it would be the first so the next customer didn't get her cooties! Dana
  7. Heavens I'm glad I moved back home to Kansas City! I lived in Phoenix for 5 years over 100 begining in May until October. I don't think we've hit 100 this year in KC. It gets into the 90's and a thunderstorm comes through and everything cools back off. I love KC weather! It's the best weather in the world! Dana
  8. Sorry Jen, The only positive thing I can say is that it is great news that they are treating this as a "new" cancer rather then a reccurence. That is very good news! The fact that it is also so early is GREAT news! Cancer sucks and it is totally unfair that your dad and you have to go through this again. Prayers are on the way! Dana
  9. Hi Shirley, That's one of the things I hated the waiting for this test, then waiting for the that result, the waiting, waiting, waiting! Hang in there! Dana
  10. In answer to TS's response! Yep I'm like a little kid that keeps scaring myself with ghost stories. I just get some scary thing stuck in my head and can't get it out. So I just ask Dr. West questions! Poor man! Dana
  11. Hey Donny, Congrats on your 22! I have read a few of the Robert Aspirin books. Favorite authors are Mercedes Lackey, Anne Mccaffrey, Robert Salvatore, David Eddings and a couple of others that all the sudden I can't remember! Dana
  12. jstdzy

    Surgery Today

    Prayers on the way! Dana
  13. Lisa, I'm sorry for your loss. I lost my Mom this past February. The people on this site really helped me a lot. For me it has gotten easier, some days. Dana
  14. Hi Kimberly, Been there done that! I think it might have gotten a little easier for me. Maybe a little. It's like I was just in this constant state of high anxiety, waiting for the next shoe to drop. The further down the road I get from my treatment and the more positive scans I get, I seem to be calming down a little bit. This is definitly the place to vent and you are not alone with all your feelings. Dana
  15. Hi Shirley, Well that is enough to scare the begeezus out of you isn't it? But you have already gotten some excellent advice. We are here for you and are ready to help you through this. Dana
  16. Hi All, My name is Dana and I'm 51 years old. I guess the biggest things about me is the fact that I'm a recovering alcoholic, I'll have 16 years this year. They caught my cancer last year on a total fluke, my allergies were driving me crazy and my allergist ordered and xray. You can read the rest in my signature. My Mom died this year which is still horrific. About a month after her death, which was my first b-day without Mom, I went out and bought a puppy. She is half golden retriever and half doberman. She looks like a little doberman but has the soul of a golden, happiest little thing I have ever seen. Best thing I could have done, she makes me laugh so much! That's her picture, she's not so little anymore, she's 8 months old and about 40 pounds. I named her Brin, which is actually a cheese. Why name my puppy after a cheese you may ask? Because I also have two cats, my 12 year old baby boy, Triscuit and my 10 year old little lady Ritz. So yes, I really did it, I named my pets after cheese and crackers! Brin doesn't understand why the cats won't play with her, they just hiss and growl, even after she brings them her favorite chew bone! I work in the civil engineering field, I'm a CAD drafter, so I basically color and draw all day! It's a pretty cool job. You know when they tear up your streets? I'm the one that makes the drawings telling them what to do. I have two older sisters, Deauna & Debbie. My oldest sister Deauna disappeared when she was 19 years old, never heard from her again. We tried to find her for years. Debbie and I haven't gotten on that well in the past, nothing too major, we are just totally differant. I've been married twice, which is cool, because it matches my number of divorces! I never had kids, just wasn't in the cards. I still am struggling with working full time and trying to take care of myself and the kids (puppy & cats), so that's about all I can manage right now. I don't know if it's just lack of exercise or just still some hang over from the chemo, but I seem to be just tired all the time. I am also a big reality tv junking, my Mom got me hooked! Love Hell's Kitchen, Project Runway, Biggest Loser, didn't really get into the Bachelor stuff or Big Brother, starting to burn out on Survivor too. How could I forget? I guess because I haven't done it for awhile. Major book reader, science fiction/fantasy. I like the books with magic and wizards and elves, going on quests to save the world! Maybe I should dig out some of my books! So that's me. Dana
  17. jstdzy

    Holy Cow!

    Well isn't that a blessing? Good for you and Dad! Yeah! Dana
  18. Thanks Jen and everyone for posting! Dana
  19. jstdzy

    Surgery This Week

    Prayers on the way! Dana
  20. Thoughts and prayers on the way! Dana
  21. Hi Eileen, Not taboo. I started smoking when I was 13 and quit 37 years later when they removed my upper left lobe. I kept telling myself over the years to quit but just never did. When they found the spot my doc prescribed Chantix, which I had no problem with. I was supposed to quit smoking after being on it after the first week but kept smoking up until my surgery. I have it firmly embedded in my head that if I smoke again I will die, that seems to help with any thoughts of smoking again. I also give the Chantix a lot of credit because I had no cravings at all, when previous attempts I would lose my mind after a few hours. Another thing that keeps me smoke free is the fact that I have gone this long not smoking why would I mess that up? Why not make a list of all the reasons you don't want to smoke and carry that with you? You can take it out and read it when the urge strikes. I also know that with most people the cravings will taper off. Good Luck! Dana
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