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Everything posted by jstdzy

  1. Fly! My Mom was a pilot, small planes, and she would take my sister's and I flying. She taught us all how to land and take off. I loved being up over the clouds in a small plane. Dana
  2. Jen, Did you check with Dr. West at cancergrace.org? Dana
  3. All I'm doing is echoing what everyone else said. If Mom's tummy starts getting a tiny bit upset, don't wait, get the meds down. Meals might be a thing of the past they were with me. It really helped if I ate every couple of hours. Dana
  4. Jen, I had an upper left lobectomy where they removed that part of my lung and I was in the hospital a week. So I'm not sure what kind of surgery they are planning for your Dad. But lots of us have had lung surgery and are here to tell you about it! So prayers are on the way and don't give up hope! Dana
  5. Sandra, Sorry I haven't a clue. I'm sorry your friend took so badly to chemo, since small cell responds so well to that. They gave me Emend and other anti nausea meds before starting my chemo. Some people start out horrible and it gets more tolerable, others like me start out not to bad then the chemo reactions got worse. I hope that your friend talks to his oncology team before he completely gives up on chemo all together. His choice and his right. Dana
  6. Welcome Linda, Sorry you have to be here, but glad you found us. You guys are doing great!! You are so right Mom isn't a statistic. All the stats do is scare people to death. It sounds like Mom is doing great! Please keep us posted! Dana
  7. Hi Cynthia, I had an upper left lobectomey, you have 2 lobes on the left and 3 lobes on the right, so you will be losing less lung then I did. I would do my surgery again in a heart beat. I was in the hospital a week they had me on a spinal block so I felt no pain at all. The pain killer Tramedol the doc sent me home with worked great. It is a major surgery no doubt about it, but I know my Mom went through a heck of a lot worse with her heart surgeries. What's funny is my oxygen level pre surgery was 90-92 percent, after they removed my ULL (which is about 60%-70% of the left lung) my oxygen level went up to 97%! Like Cindy I followed up with adjuvant chemo Let us know if what you decide, definetly ask about VATS. We can help you through this! Dana
  8. Hi Welcome! Sorry you have to be here, but glad you found us. I totally understand your decsion not to have treatment, almost made that one myself. Whatever you decide you are always welcome here. Dana
  9. Hi, Sorry you have to be here but welcome aboard! Your Mom has a great chance! Cancer and cancer treatments are just really strange some people respond really well and some people don't . It's really hard to call it. So keep your chin up! Dana
  10. Michelle, A sticky not only makes you famous, it makes you FABULOUS!!!!! Dana
  11. jstdzy

    severe sob

    I'm sorry I have no answers. But I know who probably does. Dr. West at www.cancergrace.org Post your question over there while you what for a response here! Prayers I can do! Prayers on the way! Dana
  12. Oh my heavens Michelle! You are soooo FREAKING AWESOME!!!!!! GREAT JOB!!!! It is a pleasure to know you!!! Dana
  13. Thank you Connie. I have whole days with no cancer in them. Cancer just rears it's ugly head now and again. Dana
  14. Congratulations!!!! YIPPPPEEEEPEP!!! Dana
  15. I just really would like to spend more time with my pets (cats=Triscuit and Ritz) (puppy=Brin) and with my friends. I would like to spend more of my energy at home. Dana
  16. Lordy! I have so many boxes of cripy crap I wouldn't know where to start some of the boxes haven't been unpacked for 7 years? I don't even know what's in them anymore! Dana
  17. Being a "little ray of sunshine".
  18. Good for you and great for Mom. Prayers for the best!! If Mom starts having side effects let us know! Dana
  19. Prayers on the way!
  20. Hi Annette, No dumb questions! I started drinking green tea and I also try and eat lots of fruits and veggies. That's about it. Oh yeah! And I don't smoke! Quit smoking when they did my ULL in Apr '08. So good for you on not smoking! Dana
  21. I kept my job through chemo, I wasn't here very much, but did get some hours in some weeks. I ended chemo mid Aug. '08 and have just hit a full 40 hour work week these last 2 months. My attitude has definitely changed, I just don't seem to care about my job like I used to. By Friday I'm just beaten in to the dirt. Everyone, including me keep telling myself I need to exercise more, just can't seem to get there. Dana
  22. Hi Nicole, Glad you found us. I was dx'd with sclc like your Dad. sclc does respond really well to chemo so that's a blessing that they got him started so quickly. My chemo was 3 days then a 3 week break, I did that for 4 rounds. Keep us posted and prayers for your Dad. Dana
  23. Thanks Rob, Prayers and everything crossed for you on Friday! KICK IT"S A**!!!! Dana
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