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Everything posted by jstdzy

  1. Ditto to what Randy said! It really helped me to eat every couple of hours. I just snacked all the time. Foods I could tolerate one day I couldn't stand the next. For some reason I liked fruit juice, green olives, all kinds of dairy, lots of crackers. It's just whatever sounds good to her. If she can only eat a couple of bites, Great! In an hour or so bring her a couple of more bites. Also all the drinks, Boost , Ensure stuff like that. Some of my favorite all times food just the smell made me sick! So you can't force her to eat, but you can try and help her find something she can get down. Good Luck!
  2. Hi Carol, Sorry to hear about your sister. Keep us posted and she will be in many prayers. Just remember she kicked once already.
  3. Welcome. Sorry you have to be here, but I am glad you found this sight. I wish I had known about it when I got dx'd. They caught your's early that is fabulous news But I know what a shock it is to hear the words, I think I'm still a little shell shocked about the whole thing. Read some of the stories here and you will feel better, "CANCER" does NOT equal death You will love all the people here. Just take it one day at a time you will make it through.
  4. Hi Cat, I wish I had some info for you. I had an upper left lobectomy April '08, 9 inch incision starting at my side up across my back and I was on pain killers for a couple of months. No ribs were touched. My back still is sore and will occassionally knock the wind out of me. But there is one thing I do know and that is when they start messing with your bones, that's some real pain. If the pain killers bother you talk to your Doc or pharmacist about tapering or supplementing. One pain killer then the next time maybe something else? You are one strong woman and if you need pain killers so be it.
  5. Thanks for the info. Since I was a 37 year smoker it's strange to me that people make that big of deal about LC patients that smoke and those that didn't. It's almost like people say that since you smoked you deserve it. The part I thought was fabulous was when he talked about the early screening and how catching LC early was actually getting more "cures"! Wow!
  6. Stephanie has inspired me! LOL! The hair on my head is finally growing in it's about an inch long now and it is curly (yah!) and it is as soft as a baby bunny! Next sorry guys you probably won't relate, but I finally no longer have my "monthly", double yah!!!!
  7. Congratulations! Way to GOOOO!!!!!
  8. Welcome aboard! The thing I have the most difficulty with is being gentle with myself. So be gentle with yourself and do whatever you need to do!
  9. My first chemo sessioin wasn't that bad. They gave me emend (for nausea) first before anything I think they gave me something else for nausea too. I had cisplatin and vp16. It's really hard to give you a heads up because everybody is so differant and differant chemo drugs do differant things. They gave me alll kinds of prescriptions for nausea, make sure and get those filled right away. I just ate whatever sounded good whenever I could, the more you eat the better off you seem to be. I was munching on something every couple of hours, if I let my stomach get to empty the nausea would get really bad. I would eat something one day that would be the only thing that sounded good and the next day I would get sick even thinking about it. I ran out of the house one day when my Mom was cooking bacon, I thought I was going to die! Tell Dad to just keep eating!
  10. I was dx with sclc had an upper left lobectomy, surgeon also removed surronding lymph nodes, no other cancer was found either in the surrounding lung tissue or the lymph nodes. My OCN still wanted me to follow up with chemo. Not sure if it was because it was sc or to just be sure. Either way I'm glad I did the chemo.
  11. Sorry your Mom is worrying you and your Sis so much. I can't speak for your Mom, but I don't even have the words to explain how horrendous my cancer dx and treatment was for me. I had an upper left lobectomy (not to bad, was a good girl did all my stuff), then I had 12 weeks of chemo. It was horrible. I was so sick and weak and scared and horrified. I almost stopped chemo. Besides being just sick and weak, my body just ached, then I ended up with thrush and then shingles. I know how hard it is to watch a loved one not doing what they are "supposed" to, my Mom is in congestive heart failure, but hang in there. Your Mom might have given up or she could be fighting as hard as she can!
  12. WOW!! Tooo funny! I feel soooo much better! So I guess I am perfectly normal for somebody that had lung cancer and an upper left lobectomy!! I thought I was just paranoid and I didn't care! Try and catch me touching a public door knob! NO WAY! If I'm out in public and can't help touching stuff, I'm very careful not to touch anywhere around my face too, and as soon as I get home I scrub my hands! I also got my pneumonia shot and my flu shot per OCN's orders. But I have been very fearful about getting any kind of chest cold. You guys made me feel better! Thank you!
  13. When I started smoking at 13 yrs old cigs were a 25 cents a pack. All the cool kids smoked, all the cool people in the movies did too. I finally stopped the day they removed my upper left lobe and I got my dx. Towards the end of my smoking I felt stupid, all the money almost $5 a pack, how terrible they now know smoking is for you. I don't think people look "cool" anymore. Not to mention how smelly it is! Yuck! I wouldn't date somebody that smoked. Maybe if she starts to see smoking in a differant light?
  14. I was really "wiped out" and tired all the time. But what I was wondering is my Mom has such a low drug tolerance it's rediculous, wondering if your Mom is the same? Also alot of the nausea meds they gave me can make you sleepy. You are on the right track take all of her meds, over the counter ones too, to the Dr's and see what they say. Also one of my best sources of information is my pharmacist, they have a much greater knowlege concerning drugs. Good luck!
  15. Jennifer, Welcome! I would say don't be scared about a stage IIIb diagnosis, but I know that is just not possible. I was stunned when I got dx. I imagine we all go through that. I was just reading a minute ago on this site about a lady with your dx just getting to her 3 year anniversary. Cancer doesn't mean we are going to die. It really doesn't. That's what I thought at first. Hang out on these boards you will feel alot better. I did! Any questions you have or if you just want to scream this place is for you!
  16. Congratulations! Way to go! When I got dx I thought it was a death sentence, thank heavens all my doc's were so encouraging! I think every single one of them told me I was going to be cured! But it's people posting here that really make me believe! Thanks for sharing!
  17. I schuedule my scans the same time I schuedule my OC appoint. I get them 2 days apart, the tech told me results in 24 hours. I can't even wait 2 days so I always call my OC's nurse and she tells me the results the next day. I can't imagine waiting a week or more for my results! They would definitely be writting me lots of RX's for xanax!
  18. jstdzy


    Cmilo, It started out with my ears ringing in July '08. My OC told me it was probably due to the cisplatin and did I want to continue with my last round of chemo in Aug? Having ringing ears or possibly dying (in my mind) of lung cancer wasn't a hard decision. They don't really tell you what to expect with chemo, because we all react to it so differently. If you're Dad's ears start ringing worry about it then, you have enough on your plate right now. Take it as it comes, it all might turn out amazing! My prayers are with you! P.S. Thanks for posting the link and the welcomes!
  19. Rob, Glad that your results came out good! We can't give up, can we? Good luck and God bless!
  20. jstdzy


    Thank you for the warm welcome. I'm still a little shell shocked about the whole ordeal. It's good to know there are people that understand.
  21. Hi All, I'm new to this site. Wanted to post because right now I'm cancer free when I should be dead. Just because you have it doesn't mean a death sentence.
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