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Angie Daughter of Bill

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Everything posted by Angie Daughter of Bill

  1. Don Glad to hear that Lucie is doing well and that you are watching out for her. I hope she enjoyed going to dinner with her main man. She is lucky to have you. Actually, from the things that you have said about Lucie, you are lucky to have her, too!! In my thoughts and prayers~~~~ Angie
  2. A friend sent this to me yesterday. I thought some of you mothers might enjoy. Now, I'm not sure if David A., Mr. Ry and all the other guys will agree......... Angie The Mommy Test I was out walking with my then 4 year old daughter. She picked up something off the ground and started to put it in her mouth. I asked her not to do that. "Why?" "Because it's been laying outside and is dirty and probably has germs." At this point, she looked at me with total admiration and asked, "Wow! How do you know all this stuff?" "Uh," (I was thinking quickly) "Everyone knows this stuff. It's on the Mommy test. You have to know it, or they don't let you be a Mommy." "Oh," she said. We walked along in silence for 2 or 3 minutes, but she was evidently pondering this new information. "Oh, I get it!" she beamed. "Then if you FLUNK, you have to be the Daddy." WHEN YOU GET DONE LAUGHING, FORWARD THIS TO ANYONE WHO IS OR MAY EVER BE A MOMMY!
  3. I got some news on TBone via TeeTaa a little bit ago. TBone is still in the hospice facility. They are having a terrible time getting the right balance of pain medication for him. TeeTaa is at TBone's house staying with his kids so his wife can be with him. It's really a hectic time for them right now. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE say a very special prayer for this family and of course for TBone. TeeTaa said that she will post a bit more about the situation when she has time. Keeping TBone and his family in my thoughts and prayers~~~ Angie
  4. Dearest Cheryl, Your new Dr. sounds so optimistic!! That is wonderful. We are all cheering for you. In my thoughts and prayers~~~ Angie
  5. Lori For my Mom's 50th birthday, I sat down and wrote her a poem. I AM NOT a writer by any means, but when I got the idea and sat down to do it, the words just came pouring out of me. I went back to my childhood, I thanked her for all she has done for me..........and at the end of it, I had to poke her a bit about turning 50. We had many friends and family members meet at a restaraunt to surprise her. She thought she was only meeting me and my family. It was great. While we were all waiting on our food, I read the poem outloud with my Mom standing beside me. She was crying, I was crying..........heck, almost everyone in the place was crying. It was good tears though. My Mom had the poem framed and it is hanging in her living room so that she can see it every day. She says that it is bar none the best gift she has ever received. Anything that you do yourself, I think that she will love. If you can't write a poem, write the letter that you are taking about. Type it out on some pretty computer paper and print it out. You could read it to her at her party. I also like the idea of you both going for pedicures. No guys....no kids......just you and your Mom. Have a great time at her party!! Angie
  6. Thank you Betty. I wondered why some things seem to sit in my "outbox" and other seem to go quickly to the "sentbox". That clarifies things a lot. I learn something new every day!! Angie
  7. I e-mailed TBone's sister, TeeTaa about three days ago. I haven't got a reply. She ALWAYS e-mails me back within the same day that I send her mail. I hope that TBone is doing o.k. They are all in my prayers~~~~ Angie UPDATE: I just checked my PM's. The PM that I sent to TeeTaa was still sitting in my "outbox" instead of the "sent box".??? Wonder why it wasn't sent??? I e-mailed her again. Maybe this one will go through.
  8. Maybe Snowflake is busy moving. ??? Becky, we sure do miss you when you aren't here. "And you, light up my life........You give me hope......to carry on .......You light up my days......." (Me singing You Light Up My Life in a key that no one would want to hear!! ) I miss ya' girl!! Angie
  9. thank you Gail for posting that. Fay, since you can read the boards, please know that I miss you also. I was wondering if the fires were close to your house. Glad to hear that they are blowing in a good direction for you, my friend. If you need a buddy until you can access the site here, please e-mail me at chismfamily@earthlink.net. I don't have your personal e-mail or I would have already e-mailed you. Take care and GET YOUR 'PUTER FIXED!! We miss you! In my thoughts and prayers~~~~~ Angie
  10. I'm a member of the Dean Fan Club, too!! We think the world of you Dean and care very much about how you are doing!! In my thoughts and prayers~~ Angie
  11. I'm glad that YOU are in control, not the cancer. I pray, pray, pray that this chemo works a miracle for you!! In my thoughts and prayers~~~ Angie
  12. Below is a link to a stress test. There is a picture of two dolphins. If you find more than two differences in the dolphins, then you are overly stressed. You probably should take a vacation. http://www.mountainwings.com/past/4203.htm Angie
  13. Dave and Karen and Margaret, Awesome news!!! The power of prayer!!!! You guys have made my day! Angie
  14. Oh my..........getting to put a face with Robert's name........he was so young. I'm so sorry that you are going through this. May God comfort you and Alex. Angie
  15. I have not had to experience this. (thank goodness) I am an only child and my Dad has only one surviving brother and his mother. I'm not sure exactly how I would handle the situation. I think it is downright rude! For goodness sakes, your hubby is still here. I would probably find a way to gently relay that message. Heck, knowing me I would say, "Dad is still alive. We will discuss this at a later time! I think you're rude for asking such a thing!" I tend to be a little blunt. I hope that they ease up on this so that you don't have to confront them. In my thoughts and prayers~~~ Angie
  16. Hi Ben! Just wanted to give you a warm welcome to the family here. My Dad was diagnosed with stage IV squamous cell carcinoma in January. He has done well. During his chemo, carbo/taxol and zometa for bone mets, the only side effect he had was fatigue. He was fatigued because it dropped his red blood count. He got shots of Aranesp about every other week which did seem to help a bit. Dad did get neuropathy in his feet from the chemo. (numbness in his feet.....it is not uncommon with carbo/taxol) About the bone mets.....my Dad's mets are in the spine. He has had slight discomfort from time to time. I think he has taken one pain pill for back pain. That's it. Our oncologist said that if he started to have increasing pain, we would radiate the spots on the spine. From what I hear, the radiation alleviates the pain rather well. As of now, my Dad is doing well. He gets out every day. He tends to all of his own needs. My Dad is much the same as your Mom..........Dad really doesn't want to know every single detail of his disease. I take him to all of his appointments and I am the one who asks the questions, not Dad. I feel that it is really important for someone to be assertive and ask those hard and difficult questions. You HAVE to know what you are dealing with to fight it. If you know exactly what you are dealing with, you can arm yourself for the fight. It is hard to ask those questions, but someone needs to do it. There are all kinds of treatment options.......standard chemo, clinical trials.......but you have to know what you are dealing with. I wish you and your family the best on this journey. It is not an easy journey. I thought that at age 33 I was a grown up with a husband and two children of my own, but I have had to grow up A LOT. There have been some very difficult things to deal with. My Dad is divorced. He lives with me and I am his primary caregiver. You can do this. Is there any way that you can go to the appointments with your Mom? If so, take a small tape recorder with you. Sometimes it gets overwhelming and you forget exactly what the dr. said. In my thoughts and prayers~~~ Angie
  17. Joyce I'm so sorry that you are on this rollercoaster ride.........it's not fun, huh? We just found out that Dad had a new tumor growing in his lung and it was quite a blow. My Dad just started Iressa on Monday~~~~~praying that it works for my Dad and your Steve. In my thoughts and prayers~~~~ Angie
  18. David A. I can't believe that you put your rear end on the world wide web for all to see!!! I just want you to know that my 12 year old was standing beside me when that rear-end started singing..........she spit her coke out. We both thought it was hilarious. Remember, we're rednecks so it takes a lot to offend us!!
  19. Oh Karen...........what a blessing that would be. I am hoping a praying for Dave that there ae NO BRAIN METS!!! In my thoughts and prayers~~~~ Angie
  20. Right back at ya' David!! Eventhough I am not the one with cancer, I am fighting right along side with my Dad everyday! I'm cheering on all of our lung cancer survivors here every single day. I don't know what my state of mind would be right now if it wasn't for the support and encouragement of this group. Oh yeah, and the laughs that we have here........yeah, David, I even thank you for all of the silly jokes that you post. I even enjoy our "friendly arguements", you know the girls against the guys in the just for laughs forum. There are times that I feel so alone. I come here and that feeling disappears. I love you all!! Angie
  21. Don Please let Lucie know that I am thinking of her also. I am holding the pom-poms and cheering for her. (Although I don't have the body of a cheerleader any more! ) In my thoughts and prayers~~~~ Angie
  22. O.K......you have Ry's permission, now go and have a GREAT time!!! You sooooo deserve some fun in your life. In my thoughts and prayers~~~~ Angie
  23. I wish I could come to Michigan, but I will have to stay here in Alabama and pout! I know that you guys are going to have a great time. Pictures please!! Angie
  24. Well, you sure had a heck of a day! Glad you're back home and that all is well, including your hubby! I'm sure that he really missed you. In my thoughts and prayers~~~~ Angie
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