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Angie Daughter of Bill

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Everything posted by Angie Daughter of Bill

  1. Rick and Katie You have two BEAUTIFUL children! The close up of your daughter just melts my heart. Are you ever able to say "no" to that face?? Thank you for sharing. Angie
  2. Hey my fellow redneck friend! I'm glad to hear that you are enjoying the things which you love. (even if it is through chemistry and at your expense..........shame on your insurance.) I've become quite the "smooth talker" to insurance companies........ya' want me to give them a call?? I must confess, I love the dragstrip! There is a dragstrip, a dirt track, and a regular race track (not the NASCAR kind....not that much speed) within about 30 minutes of my house. When I was growing up, my Dad and I used to frequent one of the tracks. It was wonderful. There is just something about that raw power when the cars go by........you feel your whole body shaking.....the bleachers are shaking........OOOOH, I love it, David!! My mom and dad were divorced when I was four years old, so it was always just my dad and I. That made it extra special. I'm also pretty good at identifying the different types of cars.......especially for a girl! I owe that to my dad also. Keep on making those memories David. Hopefully, your insurance company will begin to pay for your meds. If not, don't you dare feel bad about having to pay for it out of pocket. If that medicine keeps you feeling well enough to do things with your boys............don't you dare feel bad about paying for it. Keep on making those memories.......they are precious! In my thoughts and prayers~~~~~ Angie P.S. I love your ride!!!! And your boys are so cute.......ahem....handsome!
  3. Hey Don..........You better swap garbage bags and laundry detergent......you're doing yourself in my friend!! OR, you could just be extra sweet to Lucie........you know, flowers, unlimited use of the credit card for online shopping, nice dinners cooked by YOU followed by cleaning the kitchen..........that way, you won't have to worry! Angie
  4. I knew that there was a reason that I always buy Tide and Glad brand garbage bags. My hubby better walk the straight and narrow path. Thanks for the laugh. In my thoughts~~ Angie
  5. I just returned from vacation yesterday. I wanted you to know that I am thinking of you, Karen and Faith. I am so sorry that you are having to fight this disease again. The love of your family will bring you through. In my thoughts and prayers~~ Angie
  6. Thank you for that story! My hubby and I just had a discussion last night similar to this. I was telling my hubby that I was sorry about all the crying on our vacation, but that I was only human. I told him to bear with me, that I am not perfect, that God is working on me everyday. I also told him that while I'm not perfect now, one day I will be. Thanks to the Good Lord. Jane, you and your husband are in my thoughts and prayers daily. I am praying that your husband can be healed of whatever is ailing his throat. You know, he can be healed with just one touch of God's hand. In my thoughts and prayers~~~ Angie
  7. Paddy and Peggy, Thank you for your kind words. It is hard. My hubby does want me to take care of my Dad. My hubby is the son that my Dad never had. I think what bothers my husband most is our kids seeing me upset. Most of the time I do pretty good, but there are times when the tears flow freely.......no matter who is around........the Walmart clerk, my hair dresser or my kids. I just can't help it. And Peggy, like you, my husband knows after 10 years of marriage that I'm going to do what is in my heart, too. (that's one thing that he loves about me, though at times it's the one thing that drives him crazy, too) David A., Thanks for the welcome back. And yes, I heard some great blues music on Beale Street. The VERY best was a group on the street. They played for tips. They were awesome...........Mustang Sally......too many good ones to list. While most folks on Beale Street were drinking beer and these beautifully colored drinks, me and my girls were having a "shaved ice" and dancing in the streets. You should have seen us. Really, to me, it was a sad place despite all of the dancing and partying. There were so many people sleeping on park benches and carrying a cardboard box with them. As we were leaving Beale Street, a man stopped us and asked if he could have our "carry out" box. (our left-overs) My husband told him that it was a hamburger that my youngest had picked apart. The man said that he didn't care, he was hungry. We gave it to him. (we were kind of afraid not to) We are not used to scenes like that. We are from such a small community that if anyone is down on their luck, everyone pitches in and gets them through. Wish it could be that way around the world. It was a real eye opener for me. Thank you guys! Angie
  8. I'm back from my trip to Graceland, Memphis Zoo, Beale Street..........all in all it was a pretty good vacation. Who am I kidding.........it was a vacation from H*LL!! Not the city or the attractions.............here goes, first of all, I felt guilty about leaving my Dad. (he was invited to go with us, bo noooooo) The second day into our vacation, I called to check on Dad. He said that he had a really bad headache and took one of his Lortab. Now, my Dad has had a Rx for Lortab since January. He has only used four of them. So, when I found out about his headache, I kind of freaked out. (BRAIN METS?????) (Especially since we just found out that he has a new lung tumor) I wanted to come home. Dad said NO WAY. My hubby said I was being ridiculous and that I would ruin the vacation for our kids............especially since my Dad would not agree to go to the ER if I came home. So, we stayed, I was worried and miserable, my hubby was mad at me, my kids wanted to know why I was crying. I try so hard to be what everyone needs.........a supportive and loving wife, a loving, caring caregiver to my Dad, an active and supportive mother to my two wonderful daughters..............these days though, I can't seem to be what anyone needs. I am sooooo on edge all the time. I DO NOT like myself this way......but I can't seem to be any other way. I know that what I am feeling is nothing compared to those of you who are a lung cancer patient. (may God bless you) Dad goes to his oncologist on Tuesday, so I will "tattle" on him about the headache. I am through with the pity pot now. Yes, Snowflake, I have flushed. Anyone need to borrow my pity pot?? Sad and stressed~~~ Angie
  9. Dearest Cheryl..........so glad that you are back. You certainly were missed. I hate it for you that you will be going through chemo again. It does sound as if you have a wonderful doctor. (that's always good) In my thoughts and prayers~~~ Angie
  10. Praying for pain free days for your hubby. It is really hard to see someone you love in pain. It is such a helpless feeling. Hopefully home health can get your hubby at ease. In my thoughts and prayers~~~ Angie
  11. Carolyn, I will be praying that the taxotere does a miracle for your hubby. Chemo is no fun. In my thoughts and prayers~~~ Angie
  12. My Dad was started on BP meds shortly after his diagnosis. His BP shot sky high. 213/133.......he was about to "stroke out". After several months, he began feeling EXTREMELY weak. His BP was really low. 98/60 We talked to his doctor and stopped the BP meds. Within a couple of days, he was soooooo much better. His BP is staying normal now. Maybe that's the case with your Mom. Maybe she doesn't need the BP meds any more. Wishing your Mom the best. In my thoughts and prayers~~~~ Angie
  13. You guys are sooooo sweet! Ya' know, I was just looking at the photo.....my hubby looks a little "cross-eyed". In real life, he doesn't look that way. I guess that's what heppens with re-sizing and all. Oh well, if someone had to look cross-eyed, better him than me!!! I think they are beautiful, too! Angie
  14. Many prayers for you and your family. It's god that you have your laptop. That will help the time pass. In my thoughts and prayers~~ Angie
  15. TeeTaa I'm glad that Terry is getting some much needed help with his pain. If you guys need me, just give me a call. In my thoughts and prayers~~~ Angie
  16. Rick Thank you for getting my new Avatar up on the board. I'm such a computer dummy! I thought it was time I showed my face around here. Angie
  17. First of all, Ry, I need a hallpass........pretty please. My family and I will be going to Memphis Wednesday and will return on Saturday. (gotta' see where the king of rock and roll lived) Next, Dad had an oncology appointment today. Things were not as well as I expected. The CT scan showed that the primary lung tumor had no change. It also showed a new tumor on his left lung. The doctor said that it was small and we would be watching it. Dad has finished his chemo. Six rounds of carbo/taxol. The doctor thinks that to do more chemo right now would be too risky and too toxic for Dad. He started Dad on Iressa today. I went to have the Rx filled.........the pharmacy doesn't stock it because it is so expensive. We will get it on Saturday when I return and start it then. PLEASE pray that the Iressa works for Dad. Right now it seems that it is the only option that we have. The doctor said that we would do a new CT scan in 3 months. I made the remark that it seemed like a long time.............especially since we knew that there was a new tumor to deal with. The doctor came over, patted me on the back and said that for me, we would re-scan in 2 months instead of 3. I thanked him for being so understanding. He has really been great to us. Anything that we have needed or wanted, we have got. I am glad that Dad has finished his chemo, but at the same time it scares me to death! When we were going for chemo, it felt like we were really doing something. Now, we have to change courses and pray that the Iressa works. I want so badly to be able to DO something for my Dad. This is a fight that I can't fight for him and that is tearing me apart! If love could cure my Dad.........he would be cured. For that matter, if love could cure cancer, all of you fighting this disease would be cured. I have grown to love you all. All I can do is put my Dad in God's hands. In my thoughts and prayers~~~ Angie
  18. Welcome to the family. I am glad that you are ready to become an active member. Stick around..........you will make some wonderful friends here. In my prayers~~~ Angie
  19. Awwwwww, Connie How beautiful! We all love you!! In my thoughts~~~ Angie
  20. Wonderful news!! So glad to hear it. In my thoughts and prayers~~~ Angie
  21. I am so sorry to hear that TBone is not feeling any better. Tell him that we are thinking of him. Love, hugs and prayers~~~~ Angie
  22. Hi Dean! I was just thinking of sending you a PM to let you know that you were in my thoughts........and waaalaaaa.......here you are. Glad you and your infinite wisdom are back! Angie
  23. How about The Facts of Life, Magnum P.I., Knight Rider, The Smurfs (cartoon), The Dukes of Hazzard............I'll keep thinking. What can I say, I watched waaaaaay too much TV as a pre-teen and teen. If I think of more, I will PM them to you. Angie Oh yeah,Flashdance
  24. Cheryl Thinking of you and praying for you~~~~ Angie
  25. David and Larry, Both of these stories are so touching. Just when I finished wiping tears from David's story, I read Larry's story........more tears. Not tears of sorrow, but tears of joy.........joy that can only come from a loving, caring God who is with us all the time. As the children's prayer says.......God is great, God is good............ Thank you for these inspirational stories~~~~ Angie
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