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Angie Daughter of Bill

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Everything posted by Angie Daughter of Bill

  1. I am so sorry to hear this news. You and your family will be in my prayers. Hugs~~~ Angie
  2. Shoot!! I have been praying that your pain will GO AWAY!!!! I'm so sorry that you are having to go through this. Hopefully your onc. can help you get this under control. Hugs and prayers~~~ Angie
  3. I love little kid stories...........having two daughters, I have many myself. Thanks for sharing! Angie
  4. May God grant you some peace. I can't imagine how you are feeling. If you need to talk, just send me a PM. Love, hugs and prayers~~~~~~~~~ Angie
  5. Nina I am so sorry that happened to you. My Mom's house was robbed about four months ago. She described the same feelings that you did. To make matters worse, they were robbed by someone who they had been helping. (giving cash to them for a "fresh start".........long story there) Like the others said, get you a dog. I live in the country also. When we moved here, I went to our local animal shelter and adopted two beautiful dogs. They aren't real big, just medium size, but boy can they BARK big!! The dogs always let me know when someone is around. (or if a coyote is lurking in our pasture, or if a rabbit runs across the yard......heck, they bark at everything) Hope you are feeling safe again soon!! Angie
  6. Absolutely..............yes, I believe in miracles. I have witnessed many miracles. In fact, I witness them every day. Every time I look into one of my children's eyes, I see a miracle. Every time I look into my husband's eyes, I see a miracle. Every time I look at my Dad who is fighting for his life, I see a miracle. Dad's doctors gave him 6 months to live. Hey, it has been right at 6 months and he is still here with a 75% shrinkage in his lung tumor. Another miracle. Finding this wonderful group of people to help me cope with my Dad's illness..........another miracle. It was no accident that I found this place. It was divine intervention. Here is my BIG miracle........my husband was hurt at work in 1999. It was a pretty bad accident. He almost lost his right hand. My mother in law and I had gone shopping. We were about an hour away from home. At about 9:30 that morning, I began to just feel sick..........sick like something was going to happen or had happened. She thought I was crazy. The feeling was just soooooooo strong. I insisted that we stop at a pay phone and call my husband at work. When I asked to speak to him, the receptionist just kind of stammered and said for me to hold on. My husband's boss got on the phone and asked where I was. I told him. He said that I needed to go to the hospital ASAP, the ambulance was leaving with my husband right then. We sped to the hospital and I was able to see my hubby before they took him into surgery. Was it a miracle that I had such a strong feeling to call him right at the same time that the ambulance was leaving with him??? Yep, I believe it was a miracle. I look for miracles every day!! (and I always seem to find one)
  7. Awwwwwww Karen, I'm sorry that you are having a rough time. (but who wouldn't be given the situation??) My Dad is kind of cranky these days too. I think it's a combination of meds and the fear of the unknown. I have learned to just listen to what he is saying, nod my head, say a prayer and go on. I can't imagine the things that are going through his head, so I allow him to be a little cranky. Just keep praying Karen. God will get you through this!! We are all here for you. Love, hugs and prayers~~~~~ Angie
  8. Francine Sorry that we didn't know...........but here are my well wishes anyway. I'm sorry that you will have to endure surgery, but it is good that your dr.'s finally agree and have a plan in place. Praying that your pain subsides. In my thoughts~~~~~ Angie
  9. Bruce Sorry, I have no idea on this one. I just wanted you know that I am thinking of you and hope you are feeling better soon. By the way......did I read somewhere that you are close to Dollywood? Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg area? My family goes to Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg EVERY year. We usually go the first week in December. We LOVE to see all of the beautiful lights. We always give the girls a choice of going to Pigeon Forge or going somewhere new..........they ALWAYS choose Pigeon Forge! Go-karts, beautiful lights, Smokey Mountain Jubilee Show, and yes............Dollywood, which is lovely at Christmas. If you are that close, maybe the next time we head that way we could meet up and our families could have dinner together. (The Peddler, Damon's.........are you familiar with those??) I'm ready to go right now just thinking about it. Hope you feel better soon! Angie
  10. Has anyone heard from Cheryl and Jack?? Connie B., have you spoke with them?? I was thinking of them this morning...........praying for a speedy recovery for Cheryl. Angie
  11. Jane, Thank you so much for that. There is much truth to be found in those words. Angie
  12. Karen, my dear, you are AMAZING!! (and you are right!) Christ is walking every step of this journey with you, Dave and Faith. He will NOT leave you. Sometimes we think that God has forgotten us, but if we really take a close look, we are the one's who distance ourselves from God.......not the other way around. (at least that is the case with me) You have your heart and soul in the right place to get through this...........and get through this you will..........and Dave IS going to beat this again. Hey, with you AND God on his side, how could he not??? Love, hugs and prayers for you and your wonderful family!!! Angie
  13. Ditto Jane!! You are a sweet lady!! Love, hugs and prayers to you and ALL of our members!! Angie
  14. I agree. I know that we are not ALL going to agree on every subject, that's what makes us all so special..........we are all different. I do have to say that if I was a brand new member and I read through this past week's posts, I probably would have left this site and never posted. Yes, it would have been my loss as this site has been of great help to me trying to cope as an only child and only caregiver to a lung cancer patient. But, the last thing that a lung cancer patient or cargegiver needs is a lot of "hull a baloo" in their lives. We all have plenty of that. I hope that we can get back on track.............I have come to love you all! Love, hugs and prayers to ALL of you!!! Angie
  15. Debi.......you mean BBQ grills aren't supposed to be in your front yard??? Heck, where I live, who is going to see it?? Only my cows, goats,chickens and my two dogs that I rescued from the pound.......and they don't give a hoot!! I bet the state was Arkansas......they are waaaaaaay more redneck than Alabama!! (NOT!!) Angie P.S. I pronounce all of my words just the way you described. Can't help it.........I AM a redneck. We do tend to be nice folks though.
  16. Geesh David A..............there are LOTS of Mustang GT's here in Alabama. Are you sure you aren't an Alabama Redneck like me?? You are right.......you DO deserve this car! I'm very proud for you. My hubby just got a Ford F-350 truck..........the kind with 6 wheels.....talk about a kid in a candy store. (now THAT is a Redneck automobile) I hope you have as much fun with your new toy as my hubby is having with his. Now, what is your wife getting??? One to match?? Nooooo, we are NOT leaving your wife out of this. Have fun!! Angie
  17. Oh my goodness!! Now that was cute!! Angie
  18. Yep, another Alabama girl here..........that's o.k. with me though. I love a good laugh. It would take a LOT to offend me. Like Nushka said though, we aren't allowed horse racing down here..........only dog tracks. Still a cute joke. Angie
  19. Debi Well, I'm sure that the state must have been Alabama! It's official........I'm a Redneck! My Dad's name is Billy Joe, we live on a farm and our house is about one mile from a paved road!! I'm SERIOUS! (I DO NOT keep vehicles on blocks and my house is brick) No offense here though.........I'm a proud Redneck. I love a good Redneck joke.......lots of times there is some truth to be found. Thanks for the laugh! Angie
  20. John Thanks for the laughs! I have been in need of a good laugh! Angie
  21. Dave and family, How did I miss this post?? I am so sorry to hear the news. You guys are a great family and together, as a family, you WILL beat it again. Glad that you have a plan in place. We are all here for you guys!! Keep the faith!! (not your little girl Faith........of course you are going to keep her ) Hugs and prayers for the whole "C Family"!! (That includes you too, Becky CW)!!!) Angie
  22. Beth Please accept my deepest sympathy for your great loss. I'm so glad that you and your dear hubby had a chance to "make the most out of life". Angie
  23. Caledone Welcome to our family! Yes, we are like a family. We laugh together, we cry together, we stick together. I hope you continue posting. There are several other sections of this board.............just jump in whenever you feel comfortable. Prayers for you and your Mom!! May God pour out rich blessings upon you! Angie
  24. Hi David! I sure hope you get that pain under control. Don't you guys have a Michigan party coming up?? Hope you feel better soon!! Angie
  25. Hi David! I sure hope you get that pain under control. Don't you guys have a Michigan party coming up?? Hope you feel better soon!! Angie
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