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Angie Daughter of Bill

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Everything posted by Angie Daughter of Bill

  1. Oh Ginny............my heart is breaking for you right now. I hate to hear this news. I really wish that I was closer to you. I would come and help you out all that I could. I hope that you are able to find a kind and loving person to help you with Earl at this time. When my family found ourselves in need of some in home help, we stumbled across a wonderful nurse's aide. She was GREAT. I pray that you will find someone just like her. I am praying for both you and Earl!! Love, hugs and prayers! Angie
  2. Elaine.........I have been picking blackberries all week long. I now have about 18 quarts of blackberries in my freezer. (never know when you might need to bribe a doctor!! ) I would gladly bake you a blackberry cobbler.............just not too sure of how it might arrive after our postal service has had their hands on it. If you ever get remotely close to Alabama..............give me a ring, I'll whip one right up for you! Angie
  3. Hey TBone! I was just about to put an ABP out for a member of your clan to see how the celebration went. I'm glad that you were at least a partial participant. As far as your pain goes, that BITES! You've had your share of pain, that's for sure. (the leg, hip, groin pain.........now joint pain) My Dad had some pretty bad joint and bone pain during chemo. The good news is that Dad's pain decreased with the more chemo he had. ?????? Why? I don't know, but the first 2 or 3 cycles were absolutely the worst ones for him. Are you taking Zometa? I can't remember if you have bone mets. My brain is about gone. The days that Dad got Zometa were the worst. Hopefully, the pain specialist will help you. There is A LOT that can be done to control your pain. My father in law has been seeing a pain specialist for the last 4 years due to SEVERE degenerative disc disease. It has helped him a lot. One bit of advice on the pain specialist...........I don't know how your Dr. will be, but for the first few months, if my father in law needed to come in, they made him wait 2 weeks or more for a medication adjustment. (they were too "booked") Well, I went with him one day. (fresh blackberry cobbler in hand) I asked the Dr. why we had to wait so long for appointments. His answer was "Because pain is not a life or death medical emergency. There is only so much time in a day.) I very politely told the Dr. that he didn't consider it an emergency because he wasn't the one with SEVERE pain. Then I said, "By the way, I made you a blackberry cobbler." To make a long story short, we now do not wait for an appointment. Now, whether it was my confrontation or the blackberry cobbler............who knows. Sooooooooo if you are ever "put off", have one of your sister whip up something sweet and go with you to your appointment. That should do the job. Best of luck!! Angie
  4. Maybe I read more into Ja na's post than was there...............but, if I read it correctly, they were not speaking even before the cancer diagnosis. Now, I agree that communication needs to be restored, but I read a lot of FEAR in that post. Probably a lot more going on there than we realize. Ja na, please try to talk to your Mom. She needs you now. And, while you might not believe it, you need her, too!! This is a difficult, scary time. Believe me, I know. Maybe some family counseling would help restore communication between you and your Mom. Best of luck to you and your Mom!
  5. That is WONDERFUL NEWS!!!! Kepp on keepin' on..........you will have to post a new picture when you return from your vacation..............one of you with a whole lot of trout!! Enjoy your trip! Angie
  6. Jack, Please let Cheryl know that she is in my thoughts and prayers. Sorry that she was not a candidate for the GVAX trial. Something else will come up for her. Angie
  7. Ginny I'm so sorry that your sweet Earl is not doing well. I'm glad that you are keeping that window of hope open. Miracles CAN and DO happen. Why can't Earl be one of those?? I'm praying REEEEAL hard for the both of you!! I pray that our Hevenly Father will wrap you and Earl tightly in his loving arms. Thinking of you~~~~~~~ Angie
  8. Ginny I am so very sorry that Earl is having a rough time right now. I know that it is extremely hard on you, too. Hang in there, dear Ginny. I am praying for both of you. Angie
  9. Carleen It is sooooo good to hear from you. I often think about you and your hubby and wonder how the two of you are doing. Glad to hear that you can find the sunshine. Praying for yu and your sweet hubby. Angie
  10. Dearest Cheryl You are an amazing lady!! It's o.k. to have bad days.............ya' know, tomorrow's a brand new day. Take advantage of that pontoon boat..........grab Jack and head for the water. You BOTH deserve some fun. I'll even help Becky club the big monster and put him in his place...........which is NOT anywhere close to you! May you have many days filled with joy, love, happiness and peace. Saying special prayers for you, Cheryl. Hugs, Angie
  11. Sandy I am thinking of you also. Praying for some good news!! Angie
  12. ((((((((((Shelly)))))))))) So sorry to hear this. I sent you a PM. Much love and prayers!! Angie
  13. TBone clan I wish I could smuggle some fireworks on over to Vivi's house and have fish or whatever will be served. I just can't make it this weekend. I have a daughter coming home on Saturday from church camp. I HAVE to be here when she gets home. I miss my baby girl so much. Well, she's not actually a baby, she will turn 13 in January, but she is MY baby. My hubby said that within the next week he has to make a trip to Rossville, GA. I don't suppose that is close enough to you guys for us to meet up and have lunch????? I have no idea where Rossville is.........I think north GA.???? Anyway, have a GREAT time. After I get my baby from camp, we will celebrate the fourth of July at my Mom's house around the "cement pond". And yes, there WILL be fireworks................and lots of them. Angie
  14. You have a beautiful family............love the picture. Hope you are handling the taxotere o.k. Praying for you!! Angie
  15. Dean It is sooooo good to hear from you. I'm sorry that you are not feeling well. My Dad hasn't been up to par either. He's been extremely tired. It's very aggravating for him not to be able to do the things that he used to do, so I can sympathize with that. Hope you are feeling better. Angie
  16. Glad you are home and feeling better. Like Ry said, no more stunts like that, o.k.?? Hope your chemo is going o.k. and kills the heck out of those cancer cells!! Prayers for you!! Angie
  17. Don and Lucie Happy anniversary!! There aren't too many folks who stick it out for 45 years with the same person. I applaud you both!! Enjoy your night out. You both deserve it. I hope that all goes well with the PET scan. Praying for nothing new. Hugs and prayers for you both. Angie
  18. Hello Preston! Welcome to the group. I hope you stay with us and post often. You will find a wealth of information here. You will also find some of the most caring and compassionate people on this earth. Sounds like you are doing great so far. Keep up the fight. Again, welcome! Angie
  19. It's good to hear that the Dr.'s aren't too concerned. I hope and pray that it's nothing serious. My Dad had a couple of nosebleeds that scared the poop out of me. Dad's Dr. said that sometimes it just happens. One thing they checked my Dad for was low platelets. The Dr. (and our wonderful John here) said that low platelets could cause some unusual bleeding problems. That was not the case with Dad though. It appears that it was just one of those things. I hope this is the case with TBone............just a flooky thing that happened. I know how scary these things can be. My thoughts and prayers are with you, TBone and your whole family. Hugs, Angie
  20. Awwwwwwwww, how sweet! I had a feeling that you was a softie. (so am I) I hope you have wonderful anniversary!!(you deserve it!) Congrats! Angie
  21. Good to hear, Nina. Glad everything is well. Angie
  22. TeeTaa Better watch the invite........I'm close enough to take you up on it. Can you Georgia rednecks handle some Alabama rednecks?? We have gatherings like that also. Although, since my Mom has put in an inground pool, we party around the "cement pond". Seriously, we are planning a trip to Six Flags in Atlanta some time this summer. Are you close enough to Six Flags that we might be able to meet up? I would love to meet some of your clan! You guys are great! I have a feeling that we would get along just fine. Angie
  23. My days were pretty much the same as Ginny's. About every 15 minutes I checked the boards to see if they were up and running. The first thing I did was enroll in a detox program for LCSC junkies. Seriously, I did get some much need housework done and took the kiddos to the pool one day. When I found out that it wasn't just me that couldn't access the boards, and I knew that the site was unavailable, I did a good bit of work in my garden. Now, I've picked the garden bare. I have all of this stuff in my refrigerator.........the site is back up..........now I don't want to go and preserve all of my garden goodies. Too many posts to catch up on. Oh well, I guess that stuff will still be there tomorrow. Angie
  24. Hi Elaine Thank you for thinking of us. Dad did NOT go to his family doctor. He waited it ou until his chemo treatment on Tuesday. I had the nurse listen to his lungs. She went and got the doctor who immediately wrote a prescription for antibiotics and another type of inhaler. Sure enough, bronchitis. (He also had a low grade temp.) I tattled on Dad and told his Dr. that he had been that way for over a week. The doctor then went into the seriousness of any symptom changes with my Dad. The doctor told my Dad to listen to me from now on. Soooooo, next time this happens, I'm going to tell Dad to listen to me and say, "Remember, it's doctor's order!" He is doing better now.....still coughing a lot, but it sounds a lot better. I can at least rest at night now. Thanks again, Elaine, for thinking of Dad. It means a lot to me that you guys here care. (especially since I have no brothers or sisters to share all of this with) But, I do have about 1200 or so friends here to share with. Thanks to all of you!!! Angie
  25. Ry Thank goodness you are not leaving David A. in charge. I will help Debi keep everything straight until you return. Have fun on you mini vacation!! Angie
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