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Angie Daughter of Bill

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Everything posted by Angie Daughter of Bill

  1. John and Dave S. Thank you so much. Dad's nosebleed started suddenly with a pretty heavy flow. In about 30-60 seconds, it slowed down tremendously.....just a little dribble. The whole thing only lasted about two minutes, but it was pretty scary at first. The Dr.'s office just called. I will be taking Dad to get some lab.........just to be on the safe side. Thank you again! What would I do without you guys????
  2. Has anyone had nosebleeds while taking chemo?? I can't find that as a side effect of Carbo/Taxol. Over the weekend Dad had two nosebleeds. .....pretty bad ones. He has never had a nosebleed before now. I have a call in to the doctor, but you know how that can be. (especially when the doctor was on vacation last week) Has anyone experienced nosebleeds during treatment? Thanks! Angie
  3. I understand your ups and downs. My Dad and I both experience ups and downs. As for you having too many visitors and wanting some privacy, how about placing a note on your outside doors that states, "I am resting right now, please call later. We will arrange a visit." Sound a little rude? Well, no more so than people stopping by wanting your things!! Now that is rude. I'm sorry that you are having to deal with those people. The people who are trying to shy away from you may actually be trying to be respectful of you. Maybe they are trying to give you some time to adjust. You are right about the people who have large families. My Dad is the lung cancer patient. I am his only child. I do have a half sister, but my Dad is not her father, so no help there. My parents are divorced. No help there. My Dad has one brother who is so self absorbed that he never comes around. (unless he wants to go fishing in our pond) My Dad's mother is living, but bless her heart.........every time she comes around she loses control of her emotions. Dad doesn't need that. So, as you can see.......I pretty much handle this on my own. If not for the good folks here, I would have already pulled all of my hair out!!!! Praying for good days for you! Angie
  4. o.k........I can open this post, but none of the others. Ry, you was in this forum the same time that I was. What did ya' do? I want to read the updat on MO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Angie
  5. Why can't I open any of the posts here in ther general forum? All of the others work for me. Angie
  6. Glad you decided to return. I know that desperate, helpless feeling that you felt. I know the anger that cancer brings upon us. I had all of that when I first signed on here. Most of all, I had fear. Fear of the unknown. Thanks to this wonderful group of people, I now carry hope with me. Does the fear and anger ever sneak up on me? You bet it does. When it does, I come here and post my fears. These guys ALWAYS make me feel better! I am glad that you are feeling better. Please stick around. You will find much comfort here. Praying for you and your brother. Angie
  7. Hi guys! Below is a copy of an e-mail that shelliemacs sent to me this morning. As you will find after reading it, Shelly needs our prayers for comfort, strength and peace. Angie Email from Shelly................. Angie, Please post this on the board for me. I only have 5 minutes and know you can do a better job than I can dad went into a coma at 1:30 friday afternoon. they told us then it would be only hours. he is still breathing, but no responses at all. as of 8 am sunday i finially left the hospital to come and shower and I am going right back. the hospice ward is great to us and although dad is suffering they are doing what they can. i wont be on again until after its over. i am ok, i am holding up bc i have to right now. we break at moments there and leave his room for a few minutes to compose ourselves. it should not be long now and i want to be there when he goes to mom. they say he is waiting for something but we cant figure out what. sorry for the typos i am rushing. shelly his onc. said the cancer regrouped and just exploded in his body and its billions of cells everywhere just not a tumor that can be seen. go figure huh.
  8. So sorry that I don't have the answers that you are looking for. I'm so sorry that you and your husband are having to go through this. Just wanted to let you know that I will be saying a special prayer that your hubby can make a full recovery. Hopefully, someone will be able to help answer your questions. Angie
  9. Hey Granny!! Don't you just LOVE that?? Congrats on the new baby!!! Give the baby a big squeeze for me!! Angie
  10. I responded to you on the Family/Caregiver's board. This is THE most wonderful group of people that you will find on the net........or anywhere. We are all friends..........heck, we're family! If you post in the mornings, you might have to wait a little while to get a response. (especially on a Saturday morning) I know you want answers RIGHT NOW, but as you will find, having a family member with lung cancer takes patience! Dig down deep and find your patience............I had to do that myself. Angie
  11. Welcome to the boards! Saturday and Sunday tend to be a little slower here than the week days. I personally spend a lot of time with my kids doing things outside on the weekends.........especially with the beautiful weather that we are having. I don't check the boards on Saturday and Sunday until after lunch. I can't tell you for sure if you should go to visit your brother or not. What I can tell you is how my Dad was when he was first diagnosed. My Dad tends to be a private person. So when he was diagnosed, he didn't want a ton of people visiting. He felt like that some of them were coming to pay their last respects to him..........like he was dead. He was and still is far from dead.............he is living............yes, he is living with lung cancer, but he is living. His mother, my grandmother, told EVERYONE that she knew. (I guess it was her way of dealing with the diagnosis) Dad was REALLY upset with her for that. He began getting visits from people had had not seen in years.........nor did he really care to see. He felt like he was on display. Dad did and still does enjoy visits from close friends and close family members. He DOES NOT like for anyone to pity him or to be questioning him about his lung cancer. He wants to spend time with them..........quality time.......not time talking about his treatments, prognosis, etc. He gets enough of that. So, depending on how close you are to your brother..........well, that would decide whether I would go or not. Do you go and visit with him often? (before his diagnosis?) Do you talk on the phone a lot? (before his diagnosis?) If the answer to these questions are yes, then I would probably call and talk to him. I would probably ask if there is anything that you could do for him. If he says no, then ask if it would be o.k. if you came for a visit. Then , respect his wishes. If you do go, do what you normally would do. Maybe go out to eat......things like that. Right now this is so new to him. He probably doesn't want to discuss his lung cancer in length with anyone. (my Dad didn't) The only person that my Dad would talk to is me. It was hard for him to avoid me though........he lives with me. We are very close. In time, your brother will probably open up and talk about things with you. Bottom line, I would talk to your brother, then respect his wishes. I would not go if he said no. In time, his own time, he will want you to visit. Best of luck to you and your brother. Angie
  12. Good for you Peggy. I'm glad that Dave S. had the magic words that got through to you. Let it all hang out, Peggy. We're here for you!!! Call me anytime if you need to. Angie
  13. Ummmmm.........Ry, won't David A. AND his wife be visiting you before too long for the big Michigan party??? hmmmmmmm.....I sure hope Ry doesn't squeal on you David. Ry, I'll pay you $10.00 to squeal. Angie
  14. Could it be possible that your Dad had some type of reaction to the chemo that he had??? I know that he isn't taking treatments now, but it seems he started feeling worse right after his last tx. What kind of pain meds is he taking? Could it be a reaction to pain meds? Is he taking more than just the pain meds? Could there be a "flooky" drug interaction?? Dehydration maybe?? I'm grasping at straws here. I want you to get some answers to your Dad's problems. I know that you are sick with worry. As for the breakdown, I am due for one also. Give me a call..........we'll break down together! Praying for you!! Angie
  15. Good one Betty! Blonde guys!!!!! Ummmmmmmm one more for the girls. Angie
  16. BAM!! Score one for the girls. We'll see if David A. plays fair.....you know he now has the power to zap our men jokes into cyberspace now that he is a moderator. O.K. David..........give it your best shot. (WITHOUT zapping!!) Uhhhhhhh, Frank, what is the score now?? I believe that this should count for more than one point!! Angie
  17. Oh Mo!! Sorry that you have to stay in the hospital. I will say a prayer for you that your are released and in good health very, very soon!!!! Hugs and prayers to you!!!!! Angie
  18. There you are Betty!! I'm sorry that you are not feeling well right now. Hey, girl, remission is great!!! Please try to enjoy it. Life is worth living.......I am selfish.......I want you to be here with us. I hope you are feeling better soon. Sending prayers your way. Angie P.S. You do know that you owe Ry a $10.00 fine for "skipping out" here without permission, right?? Ry is pretty stern. She will grant a temporary pass from the board, but you have to ask permission. Rules............. Good to see you!
  19. I don't remember seeing betplace here for a couple of weeks. Has anyone heard from her? We need her here to do those "happy dances"!! Angie
  20. Hi Jen Sorry I don't have any answers for your questions. I do think that your idea about getting a pulmonary doctor involved is a good idea. He might have a few tricks up his sleave that would help your Mom get past this hurdle and get her on her way to the stem cell transplant. Wishing you and your Mom the very best. Angie
  21. Jimben You are soooooo right. I thought that my Dad's lung cancer was the worst thing in the world. About a month or so after his diagnosis, my daughter had to have some test done due to an enlarged optic nerve. All things were pointing to a brain tumor. (my daughter is seven years old) Thank the good Lord that there was nothing wrong........turns out that God just made my baby girl that way. Going through all of those tests, MRI's, etc. with her sure put things in perspective. Don't get me wrong, I still think that my Dad having LC is terrible, but I do try to find the bright side of things. You have a wonderful attitude that I love!! I hope that the next chemo works for you!! Angie
  22. Thanks for the update Fay. Nancy, wishing you a speedy and smooth recovery. Angie
  23. Bob We have all been wondering how you are doing. I am sooooo glad to see you are up to posting. I pray that everything goes well with your treatments. Great to see you!! Angie
  24. I was wondering about BobMc also. Bob, I hope everything is o.k. with you. Angie
  25. Dearest Shelly You know that I am here for you ANYTIME day or night. I had an aunt to pass away with ovarian cancer. In the end, she was violent and said very hurtful things. I'm sure that your Dad has no idea of how hurtful he is being. Please, take care of yourself. I am so glad that you decided to post. Maybe it will make you feel better.........just getting it all out. Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you. 1Peter 5:7 Hugs and prayers for you, Shelly!! Angie
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