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Angie Daughter of Bill

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Everything posted by Angie Daughter of Bill

  1. Girl, I am crazy with you! There are days that I do fine. Then there are days..........say if my Dad has some sort of ache or pain............all I can accomplish some days is to just sit and cry and type on the computer. Anything more than that, I just can't concentrate on it. (and I don't WANT to concentrate on anything) Becky's right, there are lots of things that you are adjusting to right now.........not just your Mom's cancer. Take care of yourself and cry when you need to. Despite what the old song says..........Big girls DO cry!! Angie
  2. I believe that this subject came up not too long ago. There were several responses. In short, everyone had a different degree of pain. Some folks experienced mild pain, similiar to a pulled muscle, some experienced terrible pain that was hard to control. Everyone is different. If bone mets are found, radiation might be suggested. Radiation helps to alleviate the pain. Also, an IV drug called Zometa is supposed to strengthen the bones which would discourage more cancer cells in the bones. My Dad has not had radiation for his bone mets yet. His pain is mild. He has been on Zometa since he was diagnosed. He has no new spots in his bones. (YEAHHHHHHHH!) Best of luck with the bone scan. Angie
  3. Well, I am glad you took the step that you wanted to take. I have no knowledge of the American Cancer Society. (as far as employment goes) I wish you the VERY BEST in whatever you choose to do. I quit my job several years ago to stay home with my children. I made a pretty decent salary. Was it difficult to quit? yes. Was it harder without my income? yes. Do I regret it? Not for one minute. Like you, I felt I was needed somewhere besides where I was. I was able to raise my two precious daughters. (As opposed to sending them to daycare)For that I am very thankful. Good luck Andrea! Angie
  4. So sorry that the Iressa didn't do it's thing. I am praying that the taxotere will do wonders for your mother. Keep us updated. Angie
  5. This has got to be a JOKE!! I just noticed that David A. is the new moderator of the Just For Laughs forum. Girls.......we will NEVER get ahead. David A. now has the power to just "zap" our men jokes right out into cyber space!! What was Katie B. thinking??? Isn't she on our side?? I bet Rick made THIS decision!! Just joking David A. I'm sure that you will continue to play fair. If not, well........don't make me send the "Snow" to get you!! Angie P.S. David A. I'm sure that you will do a great job. You seem alright for a man. (Take that as a compliment! )
  6. Shoot! How did I miss this post, Mo?? I'm so sorry that you won't be able to make your trip. Hope you are feeling better soon my dear!! Angie
  7. Ummmmmmm........David, are you o.k.? Just kidding. I hope your team wins. I don't keep up with basketball too much. Now baseball......GO BRAVES!!!!!!!!!!!!! Angie
  8. Thank you! I didn't think I was being too sensitive about that. And yes, Becky, it was a new discovery for the lady. She told the nurse, "Well, I guess we now know that it wasn't some kind of stroke that I had!" Poor lady.......I felt so bad for her. And to top it all off, the person who came with her had left to go get a drink and came back to find her in tears. She heard all of this from a nurse, with an audience and no one there with her. Ry, get me the info please. I might not file a complaint this time. I will give them a chance since it was brought to their attention by me. Now, if it happens again, I will raise a "ruckous"!! Thank you for responding. Angie
  9. Typical male! John, I dare you to try this one with Ry!! Angie
  10. Have a safe trip! Hope you are feeling better soon! Angie
  11. Dearest Fay You are such an inspiration! I hope that in five years I can post about my Dad and his five year anniversary of being a survivor!! You are awesome girl!! Congratulations! Angie
  12. I just got back from taking my Dad for a chemo treatment and I would like your opinions on something that happened today. First of all, the way our tx center is set up, there are four tx chairs in a group.......pretty close to each other. Now, there was a lady sitting next to my Dad who was asking if she should see the doctor before tx. She was experiencing some "drawing" on one side of her mouth. The nurse came back with her chart and said that Dr. S. was on vacation, but her latest MRI did show that she had seven brain mets. She went on to say that other tumors had shrunk, but the chemo doesn't work for brain mets..............you know the spill. They discussed radiation and decadron with the Dr. on call. Well, this poor lady just broke down right then and there. I don't blame her. Now, on to my question........do you think it was appropriate for the nurse to tell the patient right there in front of everyone else?? I sure didn't.(And YES, I let them know it!!) Is that standard medical practice?? Geesh, we haven't been fighting this cancer that long, but I have never seen that happen before. I very politely told Dad's nurse about he incident and asked her to make a note on his chart that NO NEWS be given while we have an audience. Dad's nurse said that she was going to get the charge nurse for me to discuss it with..............yep, you guessed it, the flippin' charge nurse was the one who had told the lady about the brain mets. I did discuss it with her. She said that she didn't see a problem with what had happened. I told her that it was a violation of the HIPA policy to do what she had done. At least 12 people heard and saw what happened. Maybe I am overly sensitive and overly protective of my Dad, but I will NOT allow him to be treated as that woman was. Now, in defense of the tx center where we go, up until now, they have been wonderful........helpful, caring and compassionate. BUT, this I did not like. What do you guys think? Am I being overly sensitive?? Was I wrong to bring it up? I value your opinions..........you keep me grounded. Angie
  13. Keep us posted on what the Dr. suggests. Hope you are feeling better soon. Angie
  14. Well Donna, all I have to say is ASK FOR A HALL PASS! I went away for Friday and Saturday. I didn't ask for a hall pass this time as I had just asked two weeks earlier. On Friday, as I was gathering a few last minute things, I stopped at the grocery store, went out to start my car and .......NOTHING.......my car didn't start!!! Called my roadside assistance..........seemed that my battery had a leak and ate through one of the cables! As the guy was helping put a new battery on in the grocery store parking lot all I could think of was Ry probably put some sort of spell on my car for not getting a hall pass!!! I believe that Ry has a special insight to those of us who do not ask.......you should be o.k. since you have asked for permission. Have a great trip!! Angie P.S. Sorry Ry, I will ALWAYS ask for a hall pass from now on!! I guess I owe you $10.00!!
  15. Welcome back Don and Lucie! O.K. Don, where is the kilt? I'm sure you have been busy unpacking, but the suspense is killing me!! Hope you had a wonderful trip! Angie
  16. Hi Cathy I just got an e-mail from Shelly. Her Dad is not doing well right now. He was realeased from the hospital. (heart attck) He was admitted again yesterday. He was having a LOT of pain and his white count is up pretty high. Hopefully, they will give him a good look, find out what is going on, and get him back on track. Shelly did say that she probably wouldn't be visiting the board too much right now, so if she doesn't respond that is why. Angie
  17. Are you sure it wasn't an F-350 truck? Nah, I didn't drive all that way just to score one for the girls! I really do hope you are feeling better soon. (Dave, John, Frank, TBone and the rest of the guys need your help!) Take it easy! Angie
  18. Well, my great distance was 266. I'm certain that is not good, but I was excited since it took me about 15 tries to get past the first wall!! TBone.......you better watch out.......I live close enough to drive over to Georgia and bring the dull garden shears with me. Just kidding.......but letting the Daves influence you could get you in more trouble than you could get out of! Remember, you have sisters!! ( I know TeeTaa's phone number and I'm not above using it!)
  19. Wonderful!!! Thank you ALCASE!! I'm sure that the link will help many people. Angie
  20. Kate I understand the "not knowing". That is a terribly helpless feeling. Hopefully, you will get a good result. Hopefully, it is something else very easily treated. If not, we will be here to support your throughout your journey. Let us know what all of your tests show. Until then, please feel free to post about your fear and anxiety. Angie
  21. TeeTaa I'm with TBone............no treadmill for me either!! If I'm going to walk, I walk out the front door and around the little dirt road that leads to my hubby's little cabin on the mountain. (He uses it for hunting) Nature makes me forget that I am actually walking. Come on over to Alabama, TBone, we'll watch for the rattlers together!! TeeTaa, it was nice to see some of the TBone clan around here. I enjoy your posts. Angie
  22. Glad one MRI is done.........one down, one to go. Good luck with that. As for chat, it is scheduled on Tuesday nights......I believe 7:00PM Central time. Sometimes we decide to chat on Wednesdays and Fridays. Good to see you there.........although I was leaving just as you was getting there. Ry, Becky.......help me out on the chat times. (Makwa, I could be wrong about the times.........I hardly ever remember when it is chat night! ) Angie
  23. Wonderful news!!!!!!!! So happy for you!! Angie
  24. I took my Dad to the oncologist today for treatment, scan results and to discuss the neuropathy and fatigue that has hit him. I have been a nervous wreck about all of this for a solid week. Why do I do this to myself???? No sleep.......couldn't eat.....sick with some kind of bug.........all for nothing. Our Dr. looked over Dad's chart, the scan results, etc. He looked straight at us, smiled and said, "I am da-- happy with all of this!" Seems that the carbo/taxol is working. The scans showed shrinkage again. From diagnosis, Dad's primary lung tumor has shrunk a total of about 70%!! Praise God!!! The bone scan showed nothing new. It still shows mets in T5, 8 and 12 on the spine and a met to the iliac crest. The only one that shows any change is the T12. It is a tad bit larger. As for the neuropathy, the Dr. confirmed that it is indeed neuropathy. He said that he thought Dad could handle two more rounds of chemo. He will then go on Iressa and start some radiation to the spine. This all sounds great to me. I was shooting questions at the Dr. about Iressa and Tarceva. I told him what I knew...........about Iressa seemed to work best for those with Adenocarcinoma with BAC features. He was very nice and answered everything that I asked. Before the Dr. left the room, he turned around, smiled at me and said, "I will have to study before your next visit." He asked if I was in the medical field. I told him, "No, but I belong to a wonderful support group where I find a wealth of information. I am constantly reading about treatments, etc." He asked for the name of the group and I proudly told him. He said that he would pass the info along to other lung cancer patients. It made me feel good to be able to intelligently speak with the Dr. and actually understand some of the lingo that Dr.'s use. I thank you all for my "education". I just love my Dad so much. I want so bad to be able to "fix" him. That is not in my power though. If love could fix him, he would certainly be cured. Praying for you all!! Angie
  25. Jim I LOVE your attitude and zest for life! Your Dr.'s will find a chemo that works for you...........I just know it. Come on over to Alabama..........I'll let you fish in my pond. (Heck, I'll go with you! I love it!) Keep your fighting spirit! Angie
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