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Angie Daughter of Bill

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Everything posted by Angie Daughter of Bill

  1. There you are! I guess the APB worked, huh? Sorry things are so crazy in your life right now. Glad to see you here. Angie
  2. Thank you, Rick! I like a good joke as much as the next person, but that one left NOTHING to your imagination!!
  3. Glad you got the port over with. I sure hope that the radiation helps with your pain. I will be saying a prayer for you. Heavenly Father, please reach your gentle hand down from heaven and touch TBone. Please take this pain from him. Amen. Hope you feel better soon! Angie
  4. Hello gang! Let's ALL remember shelliemacs and lift her up in prayer. I spoke with her on the phone last night. She sounds pretty good. Her husband is going to be going through MORE tests this week to see what caused the episode that he had. She has so much going on. She is such a dear, sweet person..............she has been here for us, let's be there for her. She needs our prayers! We love you Shellie! Angie
  5. O.K. Fay......you've got me going. A few days ago, I watched the Sharon Osborne Show. Sharon is a colon cancer survivor. She had other colon cancer survivors on the show. Soooooo since you got my mind to thinking, I thought "Why not a show on lung cancer?". I sent her the following e-mail. If some of you would like to send her an e-mail also, maybe we will be so LOUD that we can't be ignored. I am off to e-mail Mr. Ramirez now. Thanks, Fay, for lighting a fire under my a..........butt. I am still devastated about my Dad's diagnosis, but I am working through it. Now, I want to DO SOMETHING!! Believe me, I don't let folks ignore me. I have a BIG MOUTH with a southern drawl that no one can ignore! Her is what I wrote to Sharon Osborne: Dearest Sharon, I was very impressed with the show that you did on colon cancer. I understand that the subject hits close to home with you. I would like to make another suggestion for a show. How about a show on lung cancer? There are more deaths caused by lung cancer than any other cancers in the U.S. Eventhough it has the highest mortality rate as far as cancer is concerned, lung cancer gets far less funding than other cancers. I personally believe the reason for this is because most people think of lung cancer as a smoker's disease and that they deserved it. That is NOT true. Almost half of the patients diagnosed with lung cancer have NEVER smoked. Amazing, huh? I would like to extend an invitation for you to visit a support group for lung cancer survivors and patients. The web site is lchelp.com. Rick and Katie Brown are the owners and administrators of this site. They give so unselfishly of their time so that patients and caregivers will have a place online to go for support. There are many long-term survivors of lung cancer on that site. So, Sharon, would you be willing to help spread the word about lung cancer and that it is not just smokers who get lung cancer? Would it be possible for you to have Rick, Katie, or some of the survivors or caregivers on your show? We need to raise awareness about lung cancer and with your help, I believe that we can do it! Thank you in advance. Angie Chism 441 County Road 541 Scottsboro, AL 35768
  6. Maybe Andrea is busy wrestling with another little mouse in her apartment!! (I hope not! Can't stand those little boogers!) Andrea, if you're busy, you are forgiven. If not, you must go straight to detention for not getting a hall pass! Seriously, you are missed when you are not here. I love your energy!!! (Can I borrow some???) Hope to see you soon! Angie
  7. Snowflake As soon as I read the first post, I remembered it was to me. You posted that to me the day I found out that my Dad had lung cancer. When I read it, I cried. It brought back memories of how insecure I felt at the time. The tears are also "happy tears". Tears of joy that wonderful people like you are here. That post meant so much to me. I was at the lowest point of my life that day. You and many others really lifted me up. I have changed so much since joining this board. At first, I had NO HOPE. When I saw the "Just for Laughs" forum I thought, "What is wrong with these people? What is there to laugh about?" But now, I am filled with hope and I visit the "Just for Laughs" forum daily. I honestly don't know how I would be doing if not for you and all of the wonderful people here. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving your time to respond to posts. O.K. girl, now that your head is so big that it won't fit through your front door, just sit down and relax a while. (Until it shrinks back down to normal!) Seriously, THANK YOU for that post, shugah! Angie
  8. I came across this............thought some of you might like it. Have a blessed day! Angie Who You Are ============ I find myself on the downhill slide of yet another trial in my life where confusion seemed to be the only thing I was sure of. Who, what, why, when, how, and how long were the questions I didn't have answers for. Last night, I sat quietly and instead of asking, I just listened. God whispered to me. Who I am is a child of His. What I am is a wife and mother. Why is something we can only figure out as we go along. When is always and can never be more than right here and right now (live for today). How is only with His help, and how long depends mostly on us. He explained to me that I am who and what I am (don't try to be any more or any less) therefore I need to do and be the best that I can at all times. I get discouraged, but I also have the ability to inspire and be inspired. I become sad sometimes, but I can also experience joy. I can become angry, but I have the heart to console. I need to be forgiven sometimes (a lot) but I can also forgive. I feel helpless at times, but can still lend a hand or ear to help others. I am a teacher, but I still have much to learn. I get confused, but deep down I know the answers are within my grasp. It is the same grasp that boldly lifts my hands to Heaven, and gently brings me to my knees. Sometimes I feel lost, but that is merely an illusion because it is not only enough for my Father to know where I am and exactly what I am going through, He has every hair on my head numbered. Life is a series of lessons to be learned. That is the only way we can grow. I wish I had all the answers, but sometimes I think (I know) the only way for us to become stronger and grow into what He wants us to be, is to walk through the fire. So, whatever you're going through, hold your head up, guard your heart, and put all your faith and trust in the only ONE who will never fail you....... JESUS....... Remember all the things you can be even when you are sometimes those things you wish you weren't.
  9. O.K..........that was funny, but you are still in trouble for that one. Go straight to detention. Ry or Snowflake will be waiting for you to arrive. Angie
  10. Good to see you here. I have thought of you and Keith often and wondered how things are going. I hope and prey that the radiation and chemo works for Keith. I know how special those Sundays are to you and Keith. Sunday is also mine and my hubby's day to "reconnect" with each other. Much like your day, we go to church, out for lunch and then just spend the day doing something together. (Usually fishing in our pond or riding around our pasture to check on our cows) Being outdoors is so peaceful to me right now. It gets my mind off Dad's illness. (a little) Treasure each and every moment together. In sickness or in health, we should all cherish every moment with our spouses. My hubby keeps me going...............so do my two beautiful girls! Praying for you! Thanks for checking in and giving us an update. Angie
  11. So sorry for your loss. You and your family will be in my prayers. Angie
  12. OWWWWWWWWWW!! Makes my eye hurt thinking about it! Glad it's gone and that you are seeing better. Get well and take care. Angie
  13. Peggy Thanks for letting us know. Prayers for Peg and Bill. Angie
  14. Fay and Dean I agree with both of you. I don't think ANY medications should be pushed on a person. That is a personal choice of the patient. Whatever my Dad wants, I will do. He has been very clear, as Dean has. I, like Dean, have had a very positive experience with hospice. When my uncle had a brain tumor, we had hospice for him. They were wonderful. I truly don't know what we would have done without them. They came any time that we called. We always had calls returned promptly, etc. Hospice let US and my uncle choose what he wanted. He was alert up until the day that he died. He slipped into a coma one morning and was gone by night. The hospice nurse asked if we wanted to give him some morphine when his breathing became bad. My aunt did not. Hospice was fine with that. My uncle died peacefully after we had all said our goodbyes. As Dean said, there are good hospice providers and bad hospice providers. There are good doctors and bad doctors. That is why it is soooooo important for a patient to have a strong voice when they can not speak for themselves. Although, like in Lilyjohn's case, the doctor's didn't listen. It is sad when that happens. I'm sure it happens more than we know.
  15. Yep, Becky, the first Testical Festival was born. OUCH!
  16. Awwwwwwww! Poor little guy. That was a cute one. Angie
  17. Becky That is this southern girl to a tee! (except for the rich, richer, richest.....money is not that important to me....just need enough to live and little to save) Thanks shugah! (Oh if you could only hear me say this........I have a REAL southern drawl!) Angie
  18. Much thanks to all of you for the prayers that have been said for us! I gotta' give credit where credit is due..........the Lord is hearing and answering our prayers!!! Such incredible shrinkage in such a short amount of time. The doc says that Dad is incurable..........with God in charge, nothing is impossible!! Bless you all! Angie
  19. Hang in there........it won't be long until you can use that IV pole for something else. Take care! Angie
  20. Berisa So sorry that your Dad is not doing well. I will be praying for you and your family. Angie
  21. O.K........yesterday, I was the party pooper......today I am ready to party! We got the news........about a 55% shrinkage in the lung tumor!!! YEAAAAAAAAHHHH! Dad has had 2 rounds of Carbo/Taxol. (2 infusions of Carbo, 4 infusions of Taxol) Dad's doctor said that this is an amazing response!! Praise the Lord!! Then of course the Dr. had to add that although Dad had a great response this time, the next time we scan, we might see growth. He says we should be "cautiously optimistic". The chemo can stop working at any time. I know that....I am aware of that......but today, I am going to only think of that 55% shrinkage!!!! There is one other thing. Dad is getting some tenderness in his T12 vertebrae due to the bone mets. Dad's Dr. said that we will probably need to do some spot radiation in the near future. That's fine. I will be neurotic over that when it gets here. But today, 55% shrinkage........WOOOOOHOOOOO! How can this disease have me lower than dirt one day and sitting on cloud nine the next???????? It truly is a roller coaster ride. You guys really picked me up off of the ground yesterday and I love you all for it. There were some wonderful, heartfelt responses to my post. (and some BEAUTIFUL PM's, too) Thank you! Betplace, I hope you feet are working, girl..........this deserves a "happy dance"! Angie
  22. Welcome to the family! You will find a lot of comfort and support here. Angie
  23. Hope you have a wonderful vacation! Huevos?? Hmmmm, I'll have to look that one up. Angie
  24. TeeTaa Oh yes........a road trip would be good for the soul right now. I'm sure that our little girls would get a great education at one of these festivals. Actually, my seven year old is getting plenty of education living on a farm. "Mommy why is Sampson (our bull) always jumping up on all of the other cows. Huh Mommy?? Huh, why does he keep doing that?? He's the meanest cow that we have. He's mean to all of the others.....always jumping on them. I don't like him." I just smile and under my breath say"You just keep thinking that way, hon." I believe that this festival is somewhere up north. TeeTaa, we would stand out like a sore thumb. (with our accents... well, maybe you don't have a real southern drawl, but I sure do) See ya'll later! Angie
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