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Angie Daughter of Bill

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Everything posted by Angie Daughter of Bill

  1. Aorry to hear about your grandfather. But, glad you are back with us. You are my "neurotic" double. I don't feel nearly as neurotic when you are here. Hey, you better get over to the "Just for laughs" message board and defend yourself. Mr. Ry has been taking advantage of you being on vacation. (Lawyer jokes) Glad you're back! Angie
  2. Wonderful news! Prayers being said for continued improvement. Angie
  3. Ray So sorry that your cancer is back. Please don't give up. You are not out of this ballgame yet!! Sorry I don't have any info on taxotere. Wishing you the very best. Prayers for you. Angie
  4. Thank you all! My day has gotten a bit better. I am still really anxious, but it is a bit better. My kids are on spring break this week, so they have kept my mind occupied. My Dad and I do talk about his cancer. I do cry in front of him. I just try not to "freak out completely" in front of him.(This morning I was freaking out completely!!) He is the type of Dad that would start hiding his feelings if he thought it was upsetting me too much. He has always put my feelings and well being before his own. Right now, he is pretty open and I would like to keep him that way. I appreciate ALL of you so very much. I don't know what I would do without you! Angie
  5. Ya' know Lilyjohn........men just hear what they wanna' hear. Angie
  6. I hate to be a party pooper today, but I am having a terribly bad day emotionally. We get my Dad's CT results tomorrow morning. This is the first CT since he started chemo. This will show us if the chemo is working. I have been a BIG bundle of nerves since he had the scan done. Here is a good example:I slept with my sick daughter last night. This morning, I hear running in the hallway on my hardwood floor. (It was not quite daylight yet.) I jumped up out of bed. I screamed "Daddy, what's wrong? Are you o.k.?" Only to meet my husband who had overslept by 30 minutes and was about to be late for work. I just fell to my knees in the hallway and cried......and cried.......and cried. (My hubby was really late for work then) Luckily, my Dad had left the house to go eat breakfast with his buddies, so he didn't see this episode. What is wrong with me??? Every sound that my Dad makes during the night, I have to go check on him. If he misses a morning breakfast with the guys and sleeps in, I go in and look at him. I watch for the covers to move so that I know he is breathing. When I wake up during the night I go in and check on him. I know this is absurd, but I can't help it. I have prayed for God to take this fear and uncertainty from me. (at least some of it) Will you all do me a favor? Will you please pray that God will take some of this fear from Angie in Alabama? Also, pray for good CT results. I hate living like this. I am usually the strong one in the family, but this cancer that my Dad has is really getting me. Sorry for the rambling.......I didn't mean to dump all of this on you guys. I guess once I started typing and the tears started flowing............I just couldn't stop. Thanks for listening. I don't know what I would do without you guys! Angie
  7. Wow...........you have certainly had a lot on you to deal with. It seems that you are managing beautifully. I agree, Becky was a remarkable lady, but it seems that she had a remarkable hubby, too. I wish you and Katie the very best. I will keep you both in my prayers. Angie
  8. I am so sorry to hear about your Dad's passing. By God's grace, he passed peacefully with the one's he loved surrounding him. I will pray for strength and peace for you and your family. Angie
  9. Welcome Nana! I hope everything goes great on Wednesday. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. Have a blessed day! Angie
  10. Oh Andrea..........I am so very sorry! I will pray for strength and peace for you and your family. Angie
  11. Aren't kids grand?? Here's another good one........While on a trip, my oldest daughter, who was three years old at the time and trying to use big words, was listening while my husband and I were discussing the fact that we were lost. We decided to stop in a small country store to see if we were going the right way. While waitng in line to talk to the cashier, my daughter says(really loud), "Are we getting erections here?" Oh my goodness!!! What she was trying to say was "Are we getting DIRECTIONS here?" She left the first letter off of the word. Don't think we didn't have a few heads turn our way. To make matters worse, the hubby got so tickled that he just went to the car and left me to get the "erections"!! Angie
  12. You better watch it John.........Andrea's gonna' get you when she gets back!! (Although I thought it was cute!) Angie
  13. Berisa This is the BEST news!! So proud for you and your Dad. I will be praying for your family. Angie
  14. Peg Praying that just being home will make Bill feel better. I will continue to pray for your family. Angie
  15. Has someone been watching me in the stalls?? This is so true.............sad, but true!!
  16. You have outdone yourself!! I loved the one about the buttercups. The one about "getting weighed" was good, too! Are you typing all of these? I can't copy and paste here anymore. It would have taken me two days to type all of that! Thanks for the laughs! Angie
  17. So sorry that your Mom is not doing well. I will be praying for strength and comfort for you and your Dad. I really HATE this disease! Angie
  18. I am so sorry that you are dealing with this. This just BURNS ME UP!! Call the person in charge of hospice. Let them know how unhappy you are. My uncle and my grandfather had hospice. It was nothing like you are describing. It was a God send for us. When my uncle was bedridden, the RN came out daily. The Aide came out twice each day to help us change him, turn him, etc. My uncle was about 6'5' and 230 lbs. We couldn't do it alone and we didn't have to. You shouldn't have to either. I hope you get some help soon. Prayers for you and your hubby Angie
  19. Thanks for letting us know. I was thinking last night that I had not seen a post from Peg. I was going to check on her this morning. So sorry to hear Bill is not doing well. They will continue to be in my prayers. Angie
  20. Sorry you are having a rough time. As others have said, you are an incredibly strong lady! I can't imagine what you are going through.......facing the loss of both parents within a year. I hope you are feeling better soon my dear! Much love, hugs and prayers to you! Angie
  21. Welcome to the family BJ. It sounds like you are doing great! I am not experienced enough with sclc to answer your questions. (My Dad has nsclc) There are many survivors here with sclc though. I am sure they will jump in soon to welcome you. There is a sclc message board. Check it out. There is some good info there. Again, welcome!!! Glad you found this group of wonderful caring people. If you stick around, you will grow to love them just as I have! Angie
  22. I think it is Prophylactic Cranial Irradiation.............radiating the brain before you get brain mets. Someone correct me if I am wrong. (which is possible) Angie
  23. Sandy............oh my goodness!!! You are going to have Snowflake and Ry driving all over the country to "Testicle Festivals"!! All the way, they will be tossing out rolls of toilet paper!! They will have the whole country TP'd!! Angie
  24. Good to see you TBone! Sorry you are having so much pain. Hope you are feeling better soon! Angie
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