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Angie Daughter of Bill

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Everything posted by Angie Daughter of Bill

  1. Mo.........I WAS right! Oh my goodness!! I thought for sure that this was a "meaningful" festival. What time IS chat?? Thanks!
  2. O.K. Mr. Ry..........you better wait until David A. gets back. Snowflake is on you " like stink is on poop".(or you could use a four letter word there ) I don't have any good "man bashing jokes", but I will just have to look for some. Snowflake once again comes to the rescue of all women here. Thanks girl! Angie
  3. CHAT??? Is there a SCHEDULED time for chat?? DUH!!! I have been to chat several times.........guess what.....no one was there!!! DUH!! ( I swear I'm not blonde ) Could someone PLEASE tell me what time chat is............I would love to discuss "world issues". Mo........Uh......did you say a Testicle Festival???? Ummmmmmm.....what goes on at the festival?? My imagination is running wild here.......living on a farm, the only thing I can imagine is that they serve "mountain oysters" and the like. Somebody, PLEASE, fill me in!! Angie
  4. Oh Berisa Sorry your Dad is not doing well. I will be praying for that miracle that you are looking for. May you feel God's comfort during this time. You are a wonderful daughter to your Dad. Angie
  5. Oh Berisa Sorry your Dad is not doing well. I will be praying for that miracle that you are looking for. May you feel God's comfort during this time. You are a wonderful daughter to your Dad. Angie
  6. Sorry you are so sick. My Dad gets Kytril (anti-nausea) IV right before his chemo. He also takes either Kytril or Zofran tablets every 12 hours after his treatments AND takes compazine every 4-6 hours. He only takes the Kytril or Zofran for 2-3 days after treatment. I don't know if all of this has done the trick or if Dad's body is just able to take the chemo well........either way, it has worked so that's what we are continuing. Dad has not been sick one time. Hopefully your onc. nurse can help you. Call them today! Angie
  7. Karen I think of them daily, too. It must be so hard for Curtis right now. God be with them. Angie
  8. Oh you guys are BAD!! I would say that David A. would be proud indeed. Ry........Snowflake.........get some order around here QUICK! Snowflake.........retaliate with some MAN jokes! By the way.........I'm ALWAYS losing my pencils............hmmmm.........nah.....I'm not blonde. Thanks for the laugh guys. It was a good way to start off my morning. Angie
  9. Peggy Welcome to the family! You will find much support here. It took me a while to figure out all of the abbreviations also. If you don't know, just ask. Sounds like your hubby is doing much better. I hope he gets to meet NED soon!! Have a blessed day! Angie
  10. My Dad is stage IV. He is still smoking. At first, I felt much like you do. But after I thought about...........well, I decided to be there for him during this fight no matter what.......even with him still smoking. I did ask him if he thought it would be a good idea to quit since he has decided to fight this disease. His response was that he would do what he could to keep this disease at bay as long as he can, BUT he is going to enjoy the time he has, whether its 6 months or 60 years. He said he enjoys smoking and that with the stress of this disease on him, he didn't think he could quit right now. So, I haven't said anything else to him. I made a commitment to him and to myself to support him, come what may, so that's what I will do. I know it's frustrating...........but he's my Dad and I love him. I didn't want to spend what time he has fussing over smoking. I wanted to build wonderful positive memories instead.
  11. Whew.......that's a tough one. I don't have any experience with radiation, but the thought of not being able to ever radiate again would bother me. I know you will make the right decision. Best wishes!! Angie
  12. So sorry to hear that your uncle is still having a rough time. Have they checked for a fungal infection in the lung? I don't know much about it......not sure if it would cause fever and lymph node swelling. I will keep your family in my prayers. Angie
  13. Is your brother taking any steroids? While my Dad was taking steroids, he had terrible bouts of sweating. Other than that............I have no idea. Angie
  14. David Wishing you a speedy recovery. Get your strength back........you're going to need it. (with the "wrath of Ry" coming at you ) My prayers are with you! Angie
  15. Anne It IS inspiring to read and hear about divine healing. It just sends "chilly bumps" all over me. I hold tight to God's promises. If I were not a Christian, I don't know how I would make through this terrible disease that has invaded my Dad's world. I have asked my church for prayer, my Grandmother's church is praying, I have friends in Indiana........yep, I've got their church praying, folks from Florida...........the list goes on. I also stood in at our church for my Dad............I stood in front of our whole church while the elders of the church layed hands upon me and prayed. In a matter of 30 seconds, EVERYONE in our church was up front praying for my Dad. It was such a humbling experience. I felt so unworthy of everything that God has done for me, but yet I knew that he did it all out of love. I could FEEL it!! Anne, I too will be celebrating my savior, Jesus Christ, next Sunday. I thank you for this inspirational message. I have been witness to divine healing.............it is an awesome sight!! Have a blessed day!!! Angie
  16. Berisa So sorry that your Dad is having a rough time. May God bless you and keep you strong during this time. Angie
  17. Sorry you are having a rough time. My Dad had bronchitis about three weeks ago.........well, the cough is still lingering. It was his first time sick since being diagnosed also. Dad took Levaquin (antibiotic) and Lortuss (cough med). His Dr. also gave him a shot of Rocephin. (antibiotic shot) Hope you are feeling better soon!! Angie
  18. Glad to hear that all is o.k. That's one thing you won't have to worry about.
  19. YOOOOHOOO.....................Bestplace.....could we get one of your famous "Happy Dances" please??? Wonderful news Connie. Glad everything is stable. Angie
  20. Wonderful!!!!!!! I'm so glad that your insurance came through for you. I hope the Iressa works. Nice to hear from you. Angie
  21. Welcome to the family. You will find MUCH support here........wonderful caring folks here. Angie
  22. I have been thinking of you and your daughter. You both remain in my prayers. May you find peace and comfort during this time. Angie
  23. Karen You sound soooooooo positive about this surgery. That is wonderful. Sending you prayers and best wishes for a speedy recovery! Angie
  24. Wonderful news, Mo! You are an inspiration! Angie
  25. I have been thinking of Carleen and Keith. I have been praying for them, too. I hope that they are rejoicing in good news! Carleen, if you read this, I am praying for you guys. Let us know how things are going. Hugs, Angie
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