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Angie Daughter of Bill

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Everything posted by Angie Daughter of Bill

  1. If any of you have some tar and feathers, please Fed Ex them to Alabama. I think I'm going to need them for a few folks at Dad's oncology office. Seldom do I go on a tangent, but I am on one today. I posted earlier about Dad's pain in his shoulder.........well, we got to the office and I mentioned to the nurse who takes the vitals to make a note that Dad would need to get a CT or x-ray or SOMETHING of his right shoulder today. She just looked at me kind-of funny and said, "Today?" I said, "Uh......yeah, today. He is having pain." Well, when the doctor came in I asked about it. He said that we would "schedule it". I told the doctor that I had called about a week ago and the nurse who I spoke with said that we would do a scan today. The Dr. said that he was very sorry, but the imaging center was "overbooked" today and that we would have to schedule it. (Dad's cancer center has an imaging center one floor below the Dr.'s offices........CT's, PET's, x-rays.you name it, they do it) Needless to say I was more than a little upset. As I was about to speak my mind, Dad said, "Well, the pain is not THAT bad. I can wait." The doctor then left the room. Of course he wasn't going to squeeze Dad in with Dad saying that the pain wasn't so bad. My Dad just didn't want to upset anyone. I got to the front desk and found out the date that the doctor wrote down was September 21. That's when Dad is due for a follow up chest CT...........assuming to make things easy, they scheduled it for the same day. !!!!!!!!!!!!!**&^%$#@@#$% I asked Dad why in the world he would do that. Why would he tell the doctor that his pain wasn't "that bad" when he has been eating Lortab. His response was that they were so busy he could wait. I don't want my Dad to wait!! I don't want my Dad in pain for that long not knowing what is going on! Soooooooo as soon as we got home I called the doctor's office. I demanded that my Dad get his CT tomorrow at the imaging center or if they were still "overbooked", then send him to the hospital to get it done! I now have an appointment for tomorrow at the imaging center. (I guess they didn't want to lose the money for the CT scan so they sqeezed him in ) That's a two hour round trip again tomorrow when they could have just listened to me today................ I was going to get my way on this one way or the other. I have never had a problem like this before with Dad's doctor. They have always been very kind and compassionate and accomodating. Come to find out, the doctor had been out of town all last week and was trying to catch up. Ya' know, I wonder what my Dad's treatment would be like if I didn't go to EVERY appointment with him and speak up for him. I wonder if he would be cared for as well as he has been. I have decided that EVERY patient needs someone to speak up for them. Dealing with this disease is hard enough on the patient. They should not have to put up with "junk" like this. Sorry for the long post and the rant. This just did not sit right with me today. (I don't think it would sit right with me any day!! ) Please, if you are a patient or caregiver............speak your mind. Speak it loud. Speak it louder until you are heard!! Am I making ANY sense at all??(probably not ) Sorry, I just had to have my little rant! Thanks for the prayers and well wishes this morning. Love to all!! Angie P.S. I sure hope this didn't sound disrespectful towards my Dad. I did not mean it to be disrespectful. I love Dad to pieces. I just want him to get the best care that he can. As long as I am around, he WILL get the best care possible. (even if it means tarring and feathering a few folks along the way )
  2. Hello gang! I only have a minute..........Dad is still having shoulder pain and over the last day or two the pain has increased. This is the first time that we have had to deal with real pain since his diagnosis. For all of you dealing with pain or that have a loved one who is dealing with pain, you have my sympathy. I am leaving in five minutes to take Dad to his oncologist. This is his regularly scheduled appointment. I have already talked to the nurse to let them know that we need a CT or something of Dad's shoulder. So.........today, please take a moment to say a small prayer for my Dad, Billy. I really don't want it to be a met that is causing Dad's pain nor do I want it to be growth of the tumor. But, if that is what God sees fit to put in our path, then say a prayer that we will both have the strength to deal with it and that there is something that can be done. I have read that people were ready to see their loved ones leave because they would not be suffering anymore.........I always thought, "no way". But, I have come to that point in my thinking. If my Dad is going to be suffering every day, every hour, every minute...........then I would rather let him go. Sorry that I am such a sad sap today.........I'm just really scared for Dad. I appreciate all of the support that I receive here. I also really appreciate the 8:00am "thinking of you" call from TeeTaa this morning. Also the "thinking of you" email from Vivi. It means more than you will ever know. Love to all!! In my thoughts and prayers~~~ Angie
  3. Oh, Charlotte, I'm so sorry. There is so much going on for you and your family right now. I wish there was a way that I could help. I will be praying for you as requested. I'm so sorry! In my thoughts and prayers~~~ Angie
  4. Karen, This sounds like great news!! Your Mom's surgery is over, Dave's parents are there to help you............things are looking up for you my dear! (gotta' take the little victories, ya' know???) I hope your days are a bit more peaceful and calm. In my thoughts and prayers~~~ Angie
  5. It is good to hear from you! I hate that you are low on energy, but very glad that you are finding beauty all around you. I love your attitude. In my thoughts and prayers~~~ Angie P.S. I sent you a PM.........don't worry about responding. I just wanted to know that you are o.k. Thanks for the update.
  6. Renee I am so saddened by this news. I will be praying for you, Scott and the whole family. May God give you strength during this time. In my thoughts and prayers~~~ Angie
  7. Welcome Sean! I hate that you have a need to seek us out, but glad that you are here. As far as the questions that you asked, I don't have any answers. We will support you in any way that we can. Glad you are part of the family now! In my thoughts and prayers~~~ Angie
  8. Oh Ry, it's too late. DO NOT come home from work tonight. Stay in a hotel. ALONE!! After having the kids all night by himself, John could sniff a whole container of black pepper and you would still be safe! Angie
  9. That's FUNNY, Fran! Ry, clear your house of ALL black pepper......QUICK!!! Angie
  10. Mary Anne, It is so nice to "meet" you. I would like to tell you what a great guy David was. (I'm sure that you knew that) I miss him so bad around here. I can only try to imagine how bad you and the boys miss him. A new puppy sounds like a great idea right now. And the name.......Harley.....David is proud I'm sure. I hope you decide to stick around here. Let us support you right now. I pray that God holds you close right now and helps to ease your pain. In my thoughts and prayers~~~ Angie
  11. Bruce, have we women here taught you nothing?? She is your wife. That means she is a woman. That means that she can do whatever she wants to. That includes snoring. Now, buy yourself some ear plugs before I send a ribbon to your wife with your name written all over it! Angie
  12. To those of you in the card circle: I received a very sweet "thinking of you" card today. There was no return address and no one signed the card. I always like to thank people when they have shown an act of kindness towards me. In this situation, I'm not sure if the sender wants to remain anonymous or simply forgot to sign the card. Either way, your kindness and support are appreciated!! Angie
  13. Uh..........yeah. I've been taking it for a heel spur. My dr. had me take 50mg for 10 days, now I am on 25mg. Thanks for posting this. I'll have to ask my dr. about it. (Mostly why she told me to take 50mg for 10 days when FDA says no more than 5 days!) Angie
  14. Debi O.K..I saw this yesterday but didn't have time to do it. This is STRANGE!! I hate to say it..........but my foot "jerked" up in air and wouldn't go in a circle either direction. I guess that means I am more like Frank than I ever wanted to be. (just kidding Frank) Angie
  15. Frank........you are sooooo bad!! But we love ya' anyway!! Angie
  16. TeeTaa, Of course ya'll have issues..........you're from Grorgia. You do know I'm kidding, right?? AND, my Mom is still Mom, not mother. I think Elaine explained it pretty well. Angie
  17. Frank, I hope that you and your lovely wife have a well deserved GOOD TIME!! I happen to love Myrtle Beach, too. Although, it's been YEARS since I have been. To be honest, I just can't imagine the drive with the kids. Yeah, I'm a wuss.........if it's more than 6 hours.......we fly. Have a safe trip. We'll miss ya'! In my thoughts and prayers~~~ Angie
  18. You know that you and your sister are both in my prayers. Is there anything that I can do? If so, please call me. Maybe you can take your xanax, call me and I can talk you to sleep. You know what a talker I am. (then you don't have to touch the Smirnoff , o.k.??) I hope and pray that things get better soon. In my thoughts and prayers~~~ Angie P.S. Say a prayer for me on the 31st also. That's the day that Dad goes back to the onc. He has been having some pretty bad shoulder pain. We will get a scan to find out if it is another met. If it is, I'm sure that we are in for some radiation. (since he is having such pain)
  19. David, It is good to hear from YOU! (we usually get Dave updates via Karen....which is fine too) Sorry that those chemo days are so unkind to you my friend. Hope it treats you better soon. In my thoughts and prayers~~~ Angie
  20. Here's a sure-fire set of tests to check your parenting abilitites. This is about as close as you can get to the real deal! MESS TEST - Smear peanut butter on the sofa and curtains. Place a fish stick behind the couch and leave it there all summer. TOY TEST - Obtain a 55 gallon box of Legos (or you may substitute roofing tacks). Have a friend spread them all over the house. Put on a blindfold. Try to walk to the bathroom or kitchen. Do not scream because this would wake a child at night. GROCERY STORE TEST - Borrow one or two small animals (goats are best) and take them with you as you shop. Always keep them in sight and pay for anything they eat or damage. DRESSING TEST - Obtain one large, unhappy, live octopus. Stuff into a small net bag making sure that all the arms stay inside. FEEDING TEST - Obtain a large plastic milk jug. Fill halfway with water. Suspend from the ceiling with a cord. Start the jug swinging. Try to insert spoonfuls of soggy cereal into the mouth of the jug, while pretending to be an airplane. Now, dump the contents of the jug on the floor. NIGHT TEST - Prepare by obtaining a small cloth bag and fill it with 8-12 pounds of sand. Soak it thoroughly in water. At 3:00pm, begin to waltz and hum with the bag until 9:00pm. Lay down your bag and set your alarm for 10:00pm. Get up, pick up your bag, and sing every song you have ever heard. Make up about a dozen more and sing these too until 4:00am. Set alarm for 5:00 am. Get up and make breakfast. Keep this up for 5 years. Look cheerful. INGENUITY TEST - Take an egg carton. Using a pair of scissors and pot of paint, turn it into an alligator. Now take a toilet paper tube and turn it into an attractive Christmas candle. Use only scotch tape and a piece of foil. Last, take a milk carton, a ping-pong ball, and an empty box of Cocoa Puffs. Make an exact replica of the Eiffel Tower. AUTOMOBILE TEST - Forget the BMW and buy a station wagon. Buy a chocolate ice cream cone and put it in the glove compartment. Leave it there. Get a dime. Stick it into the cassette player. Take a family size package of chocolate chip cookies. Mash them into the back seat. Run a garden rake along both sides of the car. There! Perfect. PHYSICAL TEST (Women) - Obtain a large bean bag chair and attach it to the front of your clothes. Leave it there for 9 months. Now remove 10 of the beans. PHYSICAL TEST (Men) - Go to the nearest drug store. Set your wallet on the counter. Ask the clerk to help himself. Now proceed to the nearest food store. Go to the head office and arrange for your paycheck to be directly deposited to the store. Purchase a newspaper. Go home and read it quietly for the last time. FINAL ASSIGNMENT - Find a couple who already have a small child. Lecture them on how they can improve their discipline, patience, tolerance, toilet training and child's table manners. Suggest many ways they can improve. Emphasize to them that they should never allow their children to run wild. Enjoy this experience. It will be the last time you will have all the answers!
  21. Real Mothers . . . Real Mothers don't eat quiche; they don't have time to make it. Real Mothers know that their kitchen utensils are probably in the sandbox. Real Mothers often have sticky floors, filthy ovens and happy kids. Real Mothers know that dried playdough doesn't come out of shag carpets. Real Mothers don't want to know what the vacuum just sucked up. Real Mothers sometimes ask "why me?" and get their answer when a little voice says, "because I love you best." Real Mothers know that a child's growth is not measured by height or years or grade . . . It is marked by the progression of Mama to Mommy to Mom. ************************************************************* I hope all of you real mothers have a great day!!! Angie
  22. So sorry that there is progression of the disease. It is so hard to see our Dad's, our ROCK'S, so sick. Believe me, I know. One thing that I vividly remember the nursing staff telling me after Dad had a bronchoscopy was that he might get a bit of a fever. She told me to give him some Tylenol if he did spike a fever. My Dad did really well with the bronch. They sedated him.........he didn't even know when it happened. When I went in after the procedure, he was certainly a happy man. (drugs, ya' know) Best wishes for your Dad! In my thoughts and prayers~~~ Angie
  23. Dearest Karen, I have been thinking of you a lot lately. I hope and pray that you get a well deserved break very soon. I'm also praying that Dave's tx's knock those cancer cells out. In my thoughts and prayers~~~~ Angie As a side note........I DO understand about wanting to go to the grocery store by myself. Boy, do I understand!! Maryann........do you only have one child? If so, well, you need another one. This is how my grocery trips go......."Can I push the buggy?" NO!! It's my turn to push the buggy." "Can I help you push the buggy?" NO!! GET YOUR HANDS OFF THE BUGGY AND LEAVE ME ALONE!! MOM, BRITTNEY WON"T LEAVE ME ALONE. SHE'S TOUCHING THE BUGGY!!" Up to this point I have said nothing........now I jump in with my meanest mama face on and say, "Unless you want me to pull your toenails off one by one, you had better be quiet!" Yeah, I do say that. No, I wouldn't really do it. Usually something silly like that breaks up the fight and then they are both laughing...............Andrea, my kids have just been picked up by Fed Ex.........they are headed to California!! Prepare yourself!
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