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Posts posted by TAnn

  1. Janet,

    I have a couple of questions for you.

    First, there are procedures that can be done for the pleural effusion. One being the talc procedure and in my case I had a Denver Catheter to drain my fluid, which has not come back after a year and a half.

    Second, does the fluid in his abdomen contain cancer cells? Where is the fluid coming from?

    There are many options for Ron. I was diagnosed at stage IIIB/IV two and a half years ago and have been on many treatments that have held me stable. Currently, I just had my 7th Alimta treatment yesterday. The good news is that after the 6th treatment, I'm still stable.

    Don't let the doctor call all the shots. Talk to Ron and see if he even wants more chemo and then ask your doctor about the many options still available.

    Good luck and keep us posted.


  2. Geeez Cindi - I don't check in for a couple of days and see what happens????? I'm glad you listened to all that nudged you to go to the ER. You know by now that waiting only makes it worse.

    It does sound scary, but glad you can "pee it away"! So very happy it wasn't a pulmonary embolism. I'm still giving myself a shot of Lovenox every day for mine. It really sucks....but everything about this disease really sucks!!!!

    Sorry I wasn't there for you, I'll try to check in everyday! :D


  3. Pat and Brian,

    I am so sorry to hear that Brian had a bad night, but glad to hear he was able to get his Neupogen shot. This will make him feel better.

    It's good that you discussed Hospice. It will help you both.


  4. Timmy sounds like he was quite the entertainer! I know how hard it is to lose a pet and I am so sorry that you lost your Timmy. Just try to take comfort that he is not suffering anymore and is watching after you from above.

    I still dream about my dog. We put him down almost a year ago, in December. They become such a part of our own daily existance that their absense stands out now. I know how you feel about getting another pet, you need some time. I, however, did not follow my own advise and my husband and son convinced me after 2 months to get a new puppy, which we did and he is my little blessing. Gizmo brings smiles to my face even on my worst days!

    Cin, you come here and "talk" as much as you want. I've always thought you expressed yourself beautifully (sp?). So I for one would love to hear more from you! :D

    The prednisone definately sucks, but like you said, if it helps - you gotta do it!

    Take care my friend,


  5. I saw it tonight and hope I can see it in the morning.

    She said the treatments are going well and that she is going in the "right direction", that her tumor is shrinking.

    She also says she looks to her late husband Christopher for strength, because she says he was the definition of strength.

    That was it, maybe 1 minute worth of film....


  6. Elaine,

    I am so glad to hear from you! I have missed you so much. Wow, you have really been through alot... Sending only positive thoughts for your daughter. Sounds like you two have a beautiful relationship.

    So glad to hear your scans came back with such great results.

    I've been thinking of you so often, hope you can find time to post more!


  7. Sues,

    It doesn't surprise me. I don't know that all the states recognize that November is Lung Cancer Awareness month. I know KatieB just had Texas certify that it is, but I'm not sure about the rest of the states.

    I'm so sorry you have been in the hospital. I was in for 6 days back in August and couldn't wait to get home. But, I'm glad you are well enough to be home now.


  8. Addie,

    You are entitled to come here and tell us when you're down anytime, you can't go through chemo and feel strong all the time. Taxotere is pretty harsh and I know that neuropathy must be driving you nuts. I used to put my foot on a ziploc bag filled with ice, it took away the "pin-pricks" but don't hold it on the ice too long, it will get pretty numb.

    I am also on Protonix for the tummy and it seems to really help. In fact I've been gaining weight since I started Alimta, but I don't really need any extra weight. :wink:

    You listen to your body and try to eat, even a bite of something will help you feel better. Not eating can cause that nausea too! And when you are tired, just lie down and rest...


  9. I'm so glad you posted. Sounds like Keith needs a little break, it's always good to get re-energized before the next chemo, even if it's only for a week, it makes a huge difference.

    So glad you and Keith have been partying and livin' it up! :lol:

    Thanks for lifting my spirits...


  10. Mary,

    Unfortunately this is one of the side effects of chemo. My counts always go down. Sounds like you are doing all the right things, including getting the neulasta shot. Are you also getting the Aranesp shot for your red blood cells? If not, ask your doc about that. You get it every 2 weeks. This helped me.

    Good luck,


  11. Pat,

    I am so sorry, but Brian is still getting in the shower and that is a positive sign, but it does take alot out of you when you are undergoing treatment. I agree w/Don, he will feel better if he snacks on a little something. Alimta makes me lose my appetite in the first few days, but I make myself eat, even if it is just a piece of bread, because it settles my stomach.

    Also, the side effects from all the medications he is taking could be partly responsible for his confusion and vomiting. I took a Lortab the other night for pain, which I used to take regularly with no problems, and threw up this time. You just never know how the body is going to react to these harsh drugs.

    Praying for you.....


  12. Joe,

    I am so glad to see your post. You said exactly what I was thinking, but didn't want to offend anyone. Seems, once again that those of us who have never smoked are lost in the count. We are invisible and until the media and medical community recognize that lung cancer isn't just a smoker's cancer, we will continue to be ignored. It is a horrible feeling.

    The month long special on ABC news is Quit to Live, so the title itself tells me they will concentrate more on smoking and prevention rather than on lung cancer.

    I will be e-mailing ABC news also and I applaud you, Joe, your words were perfect. Thank you....


  13. Cindi,

    I'm so glad to hear that you are being the good little patient and taking all your medicine.....seeee, it works when you do it right!!! :P

    I'll be thinking about you when you get your next scans. I know you will do just fine, and you should talk to your doc if those headaches could be caused by the meds. I have a great remedy for headaches, I'll pm you.


  14. I am also on Alimta right now and just had my 5th treatment. How long has it been since your husband's 4th treatment. I found that the first 7-10 days are the worst and then I start feeling better and eating better. I definately think it's a side effect from the chemo.

    But, like all the other chemo's I've been on, just when I start feeling human again, it's time for the next treatment! :?


  15. Joyce,

    I am so sorry to hear of Steve's passing. Your words touched my heart as I read them. I'm glad his passing was peaceful. I pray for you and your boys.

    My deepest sympathies.....


  16. Yes, DonnaG is right. Lovenox is the preferred treatment after the IV heparin because it is a weight specific dosage and coumadin is much harder to get the dosage right.

    I've been on Lovenox since July. My doctor says I have to be on it for 6 months. I'm almost there, that will be December.

    I have to say that I am V E R Y proud of our Astros! They have overcome ALOT to get to the World Series and they are playing well. We just have some issues in the 9th inning! :?


    Sorry, just had to show my support of the hometown team.


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