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Posts posted by TAnn

  1. It's always good news when you're on chemo and you feel good and have less pain. Your Lucy is one tough cookie! Sending prayers that the scans come back with the good news to match!


  2. When people ask what type of cancer I have and I answer lung cancer, they all get the same look on their face, and I always follow it up with "I have never smoked". It's almost amusing to hear what they say next, some just respond with "wow, really?" But then there are those that try to figure out how I got it, "Where do you live?", "Are you near a chemical plant?" "Does your husband smoke?" My answer of "no" to all their questions almost always brings the "pity" look to their faces.

    It doesn't bother me anymore, although it did in the beginning. I've even had nurses, while filling out forms for this procedure or that actually check the "smoker" question without asking. It's like "are you a smoker and they are checking it without even looking at me to hear my response" So even those in the medical community think that if you have lung cancer, you smoked.

    Something interesting......

    Today on the Martha Stewart Show, the actress Linda Dano was on. She used to be on a soap opera, then she had a talk show, some of you may know her.

    She said that this year she lost both her husband and 9 days later her mother died. Her husband died of lung cancer after only 3 months. (She didn't comment on what her mom died of)

    She then went on to talk about all the work she is doing for the breast cancer foundation!!!!!!

    It made me soooo mad. We don't have anyone willing to go public and make it their cause.

    We still have such a long way to go.....


  3. Tarceva is very drying to your body. I had the worst experience with my nose drying out and bleeding. Could be you are just dry, try drinking alot of water or sucking on a mint. It may help...


  4. Oh Addie, I hate to hear this news. I was on Taxotere after Taxol/Carbo like Cindi. I had it once every 3 weeks and the infusion did take a few hours. Yours may be shorter due to you getting it every week.

    The side effects were not as bad as the Taxol, but I was very tired all the time, achy, not much of an appetite and my fingernails did not fall off, but with every treatment, I got a pink stripe on them. It was very unique! Some neuropathy goes along with it too in some people.

    Fight the fight, Addie. We are all here with you.


  5. It's been a while since I've given an update.

    I just had my 5th Alimta treatment on Tuesday. I had some problems after the first 2 treatments, but since then have handled the chemo fairly well.

    I had a CT scan just prior to the 5th treatment and it shows that everything is "stable". (there's that word again :? ) I'll take stable, but I was really hoping that after 4 treatments I would see some tiny sign of shrinkage. Oh well, if I think of the alternative....stable is good!

    I'm still giving myself the Lovenox shots everyday for the pulmonary embolism they found back in July. My doctor says I have to keep taking the shots for 6 months. I'm running out of space to stick, trying to avoid all the bruises.. :( But this too shall pass.

    I have my 6th treatment scheduled and then another scan to see how we are doing. My doc says if I'm tolerating the Alimta well, he would keep me on it past the usual 6 treatments.


  6. Cindi,

    I've been looking for an update and finally found it here! Sorry so late in responding. I'm so glad there is no cancer! That's the great news. The bad news is the asthma is stealing your breath and we have to get that taken care of. I hope getting off the prednisone and starting the new meds along with some therapy gives you some relief. 43% is nowhere near good enough.

    Take it easy and get lots of rest.


  7. I also had 10 treatments of WBR. I didn't start losing my hair until the day after the 10th treatment. That was October of 2004. I'm just now getting hair back. (1 year later) So I guess you could say it's not permanent, but realllllly slow!


  8. Pat,

    I just walked in the door from having my 5th Alimta treatment. I hope and pray that Brian doesn't have any reactions. They have to start him on Folic Acid, which I take in a regular daily vitamin and give him a B-12 shot.

    The Alimta drip only lasts 10 minutes. They give you a dose of decadron before that and then it's over! That's the best part! Keep us posted.


  9. Addie,

    This is great. I am so glad to hear of your great results. When I had my 1st scan after WBR my 6 tumors didn't really change too much, but after the 2nd scan, all were either gone or barely visable.

    Yours will continue to shrink and be Zapped right out of there! Great News.


  10. Very well put Fay. We all have different experiences with treatments, and I know for me, it is invaluable the information I get from all of you. It's good to know the negative so we can look for those side effects.

    The good news is that your dad did not have progression while on Tarceva, so it must have been doing something!!


  11. Eppie,

    Your dad sounds alot like me. I was having random pain "points" in my head and finally asked my doc for a brain MRI, discovered I had 6 mets, all very small.

    I had WBR and it worked! All mets are now gone or barely there. I think your dad will be able to zap those 2 mets with no problem.

    The worst part about WBR is the steroids. They make you feel grumpy, hungry and really crazy sometimes!


  12. Eileen,

    It's good to hear from you and sounds like you've been busy! Rescuing the animals of New Orleans is a huge task, and I applaud your commitment to such a wonderful cause.

    Hope all else is well, thanks for checking in...


  13. Cindi,

    I hate to hear this. I was hoping they took care of this fluid issue with the talc procedure. On the other hand, I hope it is just fluid causing your SOB instead of heart problems. Either way, I'm praying for you!


  14. Eppie,

    I'm glad I saw your post & am able to help.

    If they found cancerous cells in the fluid from the pleural effusion, this is a malignant pleural effusion and an automatic stage IIIb. It is inoperable because the pleural effusion is considered a part of the circulatory system and microscopic cancer cells could be anywhere in the body. It is usually treated with chemo, which sometimes shrinks the effusion and like your dad had, the talc procedure. However, it does not cure the malignant pleural effusion, even if the effusion is gone.

    In my case, they did the pathology on the fluid and discovered the nsclc Adenocarcinoma cells and was how I was diagnosed.

    Feel free to pm me if you have any questions that I can help you with.


  15. Joyce,

    I am so sorry to hear of Steve's condition. I will keep you in my prayers. You have been an incredible support to me and I thank you for all of your kindness. I know this is a difficult time for you and you still sent us your hopeful thoughts.

    Thank you and God Bless...


  16. Eppie,

    I'm wondering why they staged him at IIIb at diagnosis? Is it because he had the nodules in both lungs? I may have missed this info in a previous post, sorry.

    Is his pleural effusion malignant? If not, then his stage may not be IIIb. I was diagnosed with a primary tumor in my right lung and a malignant pleural effusion 2 1/2 years ago. I'm still here and doing pretty well.

    If he is truly at stage IIIb and they are treating him with Taxol/Carbo, then he is getting systemic chemo, meaning it is attacking any cancer cells that may be around in any part of the body. In fact, my doctor says they prefer not to do PET scans at my stage (which is now stage IV) because it would not change the course of treatment.

    I think your dad will do well, he sounds like he is very strong, and has you giving him great support.


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