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Posts posted by TAnn

  1. I also had a very dry nose while I was on Tarceva, and I also had the Tarceva "bumps" inside my nose. Saline nasal spray helped some, "Ocean Drops".

    Unfortunately, this is one of the unpleasant side effects from Tarceva.


  2. Talk about a big sigh of relief! Cindi, I am so happy for you. Now if we can just figure out what this fibrothorax thingy is and get that all taken care of.....

    Oh and by the way, I'm just going to let all my loved ones "fight" over what I leave them.....MY BILLS!!!! HaHa! :P

    Keep us updated!


  3. Oh my goodness Cindi! When you see it for yourself, it's alot different than reading the radiologist report!

    Your anxiety level is a 3???? Well, I hope your surgeon has called today, if not I'm sure you are at about a 5 by now :cry: .....

    Sending prayers


  4. Jen,

    I am praying that the news the "expert" gave you is the correct news. Always take the good news!!! Sounds like a horrible time and confusing as well. I wish you much better news the next time around.

    By the way, when I went through the WBR, my doc originally said I had 6 mets, then after WBR they would not give me an exact number. He said that the radiologists rarely like to give a number, I don't know why......

    Best of luck...


  5. Hopefully your MIL will be a Tarceva responder and it will help with the liver and the lungs. She may have diarreah in addition to the rash and also some fatigue. It kept me stable for 6 months.

    Don't give up, sometimes it just takes finding the right treatment. I'm 2 years and 5 months from diagnosis, stage IIIB at diag, now stage IV.

    Good luck.


  6. I'm glad they are trying Tarceva for your mom. I was on it for 6 months and tolerated it pretty well. I did have the rash, but it seemed to come and go as well as the tummy problems.

    Also, let your mom know that she can't have any grapefruit while on Tarceva. Grapefruit interferes with the way Tarceva works.

    Good luck and keep us posted.


  7. Hi BC,

    I've just had my 4th Alimta treatment. The first treatment I had an extremely bad rash, not sure if it was the Alimta or the combination of pain meds I was on. The second treatment I started running a fever and spent 6 days in the hospital, pneumonia.

    The third treatment went really well, just some mild nausea, muscle aches and weakness for the first 6-7 days and then just fatigued after that. So far the fourth one is treating me the same as the third.

    SOB is not a problem for me. I know Peggy's husband Don was on Alimta and experienced alot of SOB, turns out the chemo damaged his aveoli in his lungs. Talk to your doctor about this.

    Hope they can find another treatment for you very soon.


  8. Darn those sulpha allergies! I'm sure your doc will have something else to start you on. Will be watching for your post on Tues. to see what he came up with.


  9. I am also on Alimta with no other chemo. I don't know for sure, but I "think" that Alimta in combination with other chemo's is through trials. I may be wrong about this, but I think that may be the reason.

    I agree w/Connie, check with the doctor as to his reasons.


  10. Don and Lucie, hope you found someplace to go in case your electricity is out. I know if you had power you would have checked in.

    Don and Lucie live in a part of Houston that has ALOT of trees and I'm sure the reason we haven't heard from him is because he is out of power. They are getting things back on line fairly quickly, so I hope we hear from him soon.....


  11. Rita has come and gone and spared the Houston area for the most part.

    It is like nothing I've ever seen before. It was taking people evacuating 6 hours to get 5 miles. It was a mass exodus. Many of you probably saw it on the news, people running out of gas in 100 degree heat before they ever even got out of Houston!!!

    We live not far from Don and Lucie so we decided to "hunker down" and ride it out. We didn't get much rain at all but we did have some big wind gusts.

    We thought we had it made when today by noon we still had power and the sun was shining, but still had the wind gusting. Our power went out just after 12, and keep in mind, it is NOT fall here in Houston. It's been over 100 degrees here for the past 2 weeks.

    We waited until 6pm and decided to call around to get a hotel room. We got lucky and got one right down the road that would take us and our dog. There is just no way I could have gone the night without air conditioning.

    Well we got all checked in and my son decided he wanted to "tough" it out at home w/the dog and as soon as they got home, the electricity came back on.

    So we are thankful that our plight was not a difficult one and we pray for the safe return of all our friends and fellow Houstonians!!!


  12. Yikes Fay! You must be sore all over, not to mention the toe! Hope your aches and pain level gets better very soon. Not a good thing after such difficult surgery.

    We will all gather together to give you an "invisible" cushion from now on with our magic powers!!!!!


  13. Sounds like you have a great doctor and he is on top of things. Add my prayers that the chemo is working and is not signs of progression. I had some neuropathy when I was on Taxol/Carbo and it helped to put ice on my hands and feet. For some reason it kept them from having that horrible itchy/tingly feeling.

    Enjoy the weekend.


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