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Everything posted by lindseysmom

  1. Hi bbw1, I can't offer any help with the topotecan question. But you have certainly found the right place. There are some very caring and knowledgeable people here. Glad to see that your scans are stable. Best Wishes, Dee
  2. Hi Beth, Glad you are doing well with the treatment, besides the fat eye lids. I have gotten so fat I have bought larger clothes and now I'm coming out of them. I can't blame it on any steroids. It sounds like a good idea on the PET scan. I have one scheduled for next Wednesday. My CT showed some change two weeks ago, hoping its nothing, probally just radiation change. Stay positive and FIGHT,FIGHT,FIGHT. Best Wishes, Dee
  3. Wishing you the best. Best wishes, Dee
  4. Frank, Hoping things go well Wednesday. Best Wishes, Dee
  5. Dean, You certainly brought a smile to my face. Glad you were able to get out of the house for awhile. I too love watching the ocean. Hope the burgers were good. Best Wishes, Dee
  6. Angie, My thoughts and prayers are with you and your dad. Best wishes, Dee
  7. Curtis, She is so pretty. I bet she has you wrapped. Best Wishes, Dee
  8. Well you have convinced me. My sugar days are over, or at least I'm going to try my best to give it up. I going to approach this the way I did with my cigarette addition. I beat that one so I know I can beat this. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS POST. THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I NEEDED. Best wishes, Dee
  9. Frank, My thoughts and prayers are with you. I know why you didn't let anyone know that this was going on is because you didn't want to worry anyone needlessly. But remember everyone is here for you just like you are for them. You are one of rocks of this board. You always have something positive to say. I wonder why in the world these doctors continue to give us these test if they are not sufficient. Guess it's a money thing with the insurance companies. Would a MRI showed anything? Best Wishes, Dee
  10. Frank, My thoughts and prayers are with you. I know why you didn't let anyone know that this was going on is because you didn't want to worry anyone needlessly. But remember everyone is here for you just like you are for them. You are one of rocks of this board. You always have something positive to say. I wonder why in the world these doctors continue to give us these test if they are not sufficient. Guess it's a money thing with the insurance companies. Would a MRI should anything? Best Wishes, Dee
  11. Hoping that Dave will be home soon and feeling better. Best Wishes, Dee
  12. Cindi, Just wanted to let you know you throw a great party. I'm not much of a drinker so ,I'm moving a little slow this morning. Loved everyone's costumes, especially Franks. Frank gives the phrase bottoms up a whole new meaning. Best Wishes, Dee
  13. Curtis, What a wonderful man you are. What a wonderful person you are. Best Wishes, Dee
  14. Karen, Good luck on selling your home. Hope the DC person puts in an offer this weekend. As for the house that was sold probally wasn't the house for you anyway. Well at least its a good way to look at it. Best wishes, Dee
  15. Fay, Sorry that you are having problems with that nasty old rash. Hopefully it will improve soon. Best Wishes, Dee
  16. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your wife Bill. Best Wishes, Dee
  17. I think Jamie Fox' s speech was so sweet. As for myself I have never seen any of my love ones in my dreams. Best Wishes, Dee
  18. Randi, I'am so sorry to see that your Mom is not doing well. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Best Wishes, Dee
  19. Hi Cathy, I really don't have anything else to add. Cindi suggestions are just wonderful. Try to eat a little at a time. Hoping your appetite returns soon. Best Wishes, Dee
  20. Hi Stacia and welcome. I too am stage 111B. I have finished my treatment and feel really good. Tell your husband to think positive and to tell himself everyday that he's gonna beat this thing. Best wishes, Dee
  21. Everyone move over I'M HERE FOR THE PARTY!!! I'm a irritable bowel- Someone fix me a bloody mary. Best wishes, Dee
  22. My vote goes to Grandma and Little Frank submitted by J.C. Best Wishes, Dee
  23. Karen, Sorry to see that the meds are making Dave so forgetful. But glad that the meds are helping with the pain. That's a good idea to write down or check off what meds have been taken. It's good that Daves parents are here and can help. Please keep us posted. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Best Wishes, Dee
  24. Heidi, That's wonderful news. Hoping you Mom has a speedy recovery. Best Wishes, Dee
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