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Everything posted by lindseysmom

  1. Wow Fay that's great. Best wishes, Dee
  2. Kate, Glad to see everything going well. Keep up the good work. Best Wishes, Dee
  3. Cheryl, Sending prayers your way. Best wishes, Dee
  4. lindseysmom


    Cindy, I hope everything turns out fine with the MRI. I had one several months ago because I was having headaches and it showed nothing wrong. Best wishes, Dee
  5. Really cute Beth. Best wishes, Dee
  6. Thank goodness. Hopefully he will be home soon. Best Wishes, Dee
  7. Elaine, Yes Frank did deserve that. Really cute. Best Wishes, Dee
  8. Frank you are just to cute. Best Wishes, Dee
  9. You are to funny. Best Wishes, Dee
  10. Dave, wishing you a speedy recovery. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Best Wishes, Dee
  11. Justakid, I can't believe it. Boy anything that can happen will surely happen to you. Will this be your first PET scan? Hopefully this new doctor will get to the bottom of things. Best Wishes, Dee
  12. Just wanted to let everyone know about the success that the 1st annual Virginia Beach walk/run was. I received a email from Kelly one the the young ladies who organized the event. She said the event raised over $40,000.00 for ALCASE, isn't that great. Best Wishes, Dee
  13. Hi Hebbie, Forgive me if there is a post that I have missed, and this has already been asked and answered. How did your event go on Saturday? I hope you raised a lot of money. I went to the walk in Virginia Beach on Saturday. The scenery was just gorgeous. The walk was held on the boardwalk at the beach. The ocean was as smooth as glass. I don't think I have ever seen it so calm. It was sunny, and warm, but not hot. Really the day could not have been better. I was overwhelmed when I saw how many people were there for the walk/run. It was hard to hold back the emotion I felt. Kelly and Stacy did a wonderful job. I can only imagine on how much work went into putting on an event like that. Best Wishes, Dee
  14. I don't drink, but I think I'll start. Dee
  15. Hi Stephanie, That's great that you want to do a walk. More of us should get involved. Best wishes, Dee
  16. Some of us may live to far away to come to the event. But there is another way we could support her. This event is to raise money for LUNGevity. So I'm sure if we all could just send a small donation to support her, would be appreciated. Hebbie, please pm me and let me know where I can send my donation. I am doing a walk for ALCASE on the 6th,but would still like to send you a donation. I have managed to raise a little over $600.00 for ALCASE. Best wishes, Dee
  17. Hi Beth, As you know I've wanted to get a support group stared here in Virginia too. After several calls to the American Cancer Society here in the Richmond, they finally sent me a book. I was talking with my oncologist last week about getting one started here in the Richmond area, and she felt there was definitely a need for one. She said she had several patients she felt this would help. I told her about my experience with the American Cancer Society and she didn't have nice things to say about them. She said that they will not pick-up patients for VCU because of some of the areas their patients live in. That just about broke my heart that the people who need the help the most are not getting it. I would like to see about getting a non profit started to help the people who are not being helped by the American Cancer Society here in Virginia, but I know that would be very difficult. She also gave me a name and number of a RN at VCU to help guide me in getting one started. I am waiting for her to return my call. Best Wishes, Dee
  18. Great article Heather. I hope your walk raises awareness to our cause and lots of money. I am doing the walk here in Virginia Beach on November 6h also. Best wishes, Dee
  19. You may want to check out www.patientadvocate.org I'm not sure if they can help but it is worth a try. Best wishes, Dee
  20. Jim wishing you good results with your treatments. Sorry that you have to start the battle again. Keep a postive attitude. Best wishes, Dee
  21. lindseysmom

    PET Results

    Boy that's great news. Best wishes, Dee
  22. Kim, I am so sorry for your loss. Best Wishes, Dee
  23. Beth, You look so cute. Not shaving was the best part of chemo. I lost my eyebrows. But you should see my hair now. It is so curly and thick. Some people have asked me if I got a perm. I call it my chemo hair. Best wishes, Dee
  24. Boy that sucks!!! You really have had a hard time. I really am grateful on how well I did with my treatment. Hope things will get better for you. Best wishes, Dee
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