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eric byrne

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Everything posted by eric byrne

  1. www.scotland.gov.uk/News/Re... Good Afternoon Everyone, This morning I attended the launch of the Scottish Government's campaign to improve the levels of early detection of cancer in individuals.The above link is a press release to introduce,to the media three cancer survivors of breast,bowel and lung cancer. The campaign was launched this morning in Glasgow at the Springburn Health Centre (the district I was born and brought up in)by Scotland's minister for health,Nichola Sturgeon.When I arrived at the health centre,I was met with my PR contact person Caroline,who described the mornings proceedings to me.First the assembled press photographers would take photographs of the three survivors standing in front of the campaigns display board,I think there were representatives from every major newspaper in Scotland,that done we were moved to a room,to be interviewed by several doctors,to describe our survivor journies to date,I think I gave a comprehesive account of myself,the doctors were really interested in what I had to say and very much agreed with me on issues I had raised for improvement,the other two suvivors gave a similar account of their experiences. Suddenly Nichola enters the room,introduces herself to me,nice touch that she knows who I am,she sits on the vacant chair beside me,and engages me fully in conversation about my cancer journey,I am surrounded by a battery of cameras,clicking constantly,Nichola tells me that my story is what this campaign is all about,males ignoring symptoms they are experiencing,and not going to their doctors and having them checked out,also acknowledging my daughter's contribution in forcing my hand in visiting the doctor timeously.The other survivors also relate their stories to Nichola. Another photo oppertunity we three survivors are taken as a group,then each suvivor is taken individually against the campaign's backdrop.We are then led into a conference room,seated to watch a TV commercial about the campaign.The scene is a lady walking in a health centre to visit the doctors surgery,she is talking about cancer,its prevalence,but if caught in time,it is survivable,she enters the surgery and sits in the doctors chair,the twist is,she is the one with cancer,not as we expected on her way to meet a cancer patient. I am invited to leave the conference room to another location,I am met by a young lady from Real Radio,would I agree to do an interview for her station,think you know the reply,I did the interview,this time I am pleased,no fluffed lines,I speak fluently and intelligibly,I hope?.Not finished yet,come on wake up,I am now led to a tripod mounted movie camera,to be interviewed and filmed by another young lady,I tell her her tripod is not properly levelled,she smiles,unconcerned,the cameras fine,I do the interview,she seems pleased with my efforts. The morning actually started with a text from my wee sister Irene,a workmate had listened to an interview by me on Radio Clyde 1,in fact, many persons in the health centre also mentioned similar to me,I thought this broadcast didnt start until Monday next?,Caroline said she would email me the link to this prog. One downer this morning was en-route to the health centre,was gridlock on the freeway,I was worried about being late so I came off and made my way through back streets,one section I passed through,I saw two bright flashes behind me,i had just passed through a un-noticed speed camera,drat that a £60 fine and three points on my license,unless there was no film in the camera?but knowing my luck!,Bye for now.
  2. Hi Ella, Sorry to hear of your Mums passing two years ago.Thank you for sharing with us your success in being a 7 1/2 years survivor,I am so happy for you,it also gives everyone here a boost to morale,that we all can survive this disease.
  3. Missing you already Judy,have a great break,safe journies.
  4. Hi Maria, Welcome to LCSC,its a pleasure to meet you.I am sorry to hear of your Dads dx,I k now just how much you and your families world has been turned upside down in hearing this news,it isnt easy,but I do promise you,for your Dad and everyone else involved, its hard at the beginning of this cancer journey,but it does get easier simply just with the passage of time. It did take me some time to come to terms with my dx,I did a lot of research at the outset,mainly to become aquainted with lung cancer its treatments and prognosis,some of it didnt make for very good reading,but I persevered,looking for some silver linings to my cancer cloud.Then one day,I pick up a newspaper,in it an article about a Guy starting up a lung cancer support group in a local hospital near to where I live.This guy was dxd with SCLC in 1993,given only two months to live by his doctors,Robert is hospitalised for his chemo,his family are called to his bedside on more than one occassion,as his medical team dont think he will see the next day,Robert has other plans,he amazes his doctors by making a full recovery,in 2007,he is now dxd with NSCLC,again makes a full recovery after treatment.Today he is 73 years young,now my best friend,living a full and happy,healthy life.I have decided despite having been given only two years max by my GP,three and a bit years ago,to follow Roberts example. Gosh what was your concern?,I have plumb forgot in all my enthusiasm in replying to you. Ah I remember, Dianne's reply was just perfect,for me all my treatments,chemo and surgery was really a breeze,for all my concerns,nothing became a reality,my hair didnt fall out during chemo,not even the gray ones(drat)I wasnt sick,I wasnt a breathless invalid after my upper right lobectomy.Today I am a 5 day a week keep fit nut,swimming,gyming and yoga-ing.Realy enjoying the life I had prior to my dx. OK,I know,every single lung cancer patient is different,but I just want you to know that there can be light at the end of this tunnel,so keep up a positive outlook,I so wish your Dad to be another Robert Lowe.Bye for now.
  5. eric byrne

    Dr. Oz

    Thanks Fred for passing this on,please pass on to Kasey my very best wishes.I have just completed a recorded interview with Radio Clyde,on the subject of Early dx of LC,the interview goes out to lots of independent radio stations in the UK.I have to meet Scotlands Minister for health Nicola Sturgeon on Monday next,to discuss my story,then give a presentation to an audience,apparently it will covered by the media. Sorry I dont mean to be upstaging Kasey contribution,I just think she will be interested to hear early dx education to the public is happening here in the UK also.
  6. Eric Byrne says: February 11, 2012 at 7:09 am Thank you Jack for sharing such an interesting account of your wifes cancer experience.I am sorry that you find yourself questioning the decisions you made in accepting the referral from a friend,for the surgery your wife received.Everyone of us at some time in our lives have made choices that with hindsight we might have made otherwise,your situation is particularly upsetting since in your own words,as you are in the medical profession,accessing information as to who would have been the surgeon of choice to perform this surgery which may have introduced you to another surgeon.Perhaps,you are being too critical of yourself,maybe this situation would have arisen if an alternative “better” surgeon was used?. I have always had complete faith in all the medical practitioners who have treated my cancer,shopping around is not really the done thing in the UK’s NHS,I was simply told that the surgeon who performed my upper right lobectomy was the best in Scotland,Mr Jelawi,I know I am here today due to his skills. It is true,if you are looking for a tradesperson such as a joiner or a plumber,its best to search out some recommendations from previous customers,I dont really think this is as easy in choosing a surgeon,how would a layperson identify the wheat from the chaff?,is there a league table pinned up on a staffroom wall in a hospital,that can indisputably show,who the top surgeon is for a particular procedure?,I think such measurements are unlikely,due to so many variables.
  7. Eric Byrne Hi Everyone, I think I shared with you all that I was invited as a guest by Radio Clyde to appear in a recording of a Government funded public broadcast on Lung Cancer,particularly its early diagnosis.Apparently,this prog will be edited and distributed to independant radio stations throughout the UK.Well I sat a desk for the recording,headphones on,mic in front of me,all I heard through the headphones,was the interviewer,Moira,saying right Eric,introduce yourself,no further direction than that, well,I described my LC journey through dx and treatments,following this,Moira then asked me,what a listener should do if they think,they show some of the symptoms for LC that I had described.Having now completed the interview,Moira thanked me for my contribution,I then left the studio.I wish I could tell you I gave a superb account of myself,but I really felt,I could have done this better,wishing I had said this instead of that,really thought I had blown an opertunity for lung cancer survivors getting their voice heard,since a week after this recording now,I had heard nothing from them,I thought,well,maybe the recording has been binned,and they are now looking for an alternative interviewee. However today,just home from the gym,my wife tells me that someone wants me to return their call regarding last weeks interview,which I did,It was Nicola of Consolidated PR,who are behind the programme which is called Life Matters:Detect Cancer Early Campaign,she went on to describe having heard my recording,she tells me I had said exactly what she was looking for from me,that she is absolutely delighted with my performance,I cannot tell you how hearing this was such a relief to me.She tells me my recording will be broadcast from the 27th of Feb on several radio stations.In fact she went on to ask me if I would like to meet up with Scotland Minister for Health (Nichola Sturgeon) next Monday to share my story with her,then join two other cancer survivors breast and prostate,on a conference platform to share our stories with the public,apearently this event will have extensive press coverage.I will of course let you know how that went next Monday.
  8. Hi KatieB, Briefly,I would love to continue as a moderator,I never got your message asking me to confirm this. With regard to our members who by recent sad events,have decided to leave us,knowing Annette and Stephanie,they would be most upset that some people have reacted in this way.It is at these times,I feel better by being here sharing with my friends.
  9. Good Morning Everyone, Its a bit overcast today,but really mild outside,Scotland for a change, has escaped the Artic weather that has had England in its clutches all last week,whisper it,I can feel spring is in the air. Well its been a bit of a humdrum week for me,nothing much to share with you,still keeping up with my exercising,but with little or no evidence of weight loss.Bowling on Thursday,despite leading the match throughout,we lost the “last end”the game finished as a draw,however a thoroughly enjoyable evening.My gym buddy Jim,have now a regular Thurday lunch date together,at the Horseshoe Bar,we share the occasion with his son John and a friend Joe,really jovial company. Nothing much planned for next week,although Hikers and Bikers are having a ceilidh on Friday,I will be wearing my kilt ensemble,and joining in the Scottish country dancing with gusto,dashing white sergeant,strip the willow,and the gay gordons(before that word had its new connotation). Hi Judy,I hear you have some pillows for sale LOL,shame about the RV cleaner failing to show,I really hate time wasters,shame about the play lacking in humour,never mind how about this joke from my BIL? An Arab Sheik,due for open heart surgery requires stand by blood donations,since his blood group is rare,a search is made to find a suitable donor,finally they find one,he is a Scot,following the surgery,the Sheik in gratitude sends the Scot a BMW,later the Sheik requires some corrective surgery and the Scot is called on again,this time the Sheik sends the Scot a thank you card,disappointed,the Scot hoping for more than a card,phones the Sheik for a explaination,”well laddie,I have got some Scottish blood in me noo” Hi Ann,Whats an alarm clock?LOL,enjoy your babysitting,I am still waiting to be a grandfather,the closest I have got is puppy sitting my daughters new bichon frize.My very best wishes for your sons election campaign for County Judge,this is so American to me,we don’t have such in Scotland since all the judiciary are peer appointed,what is a County Judge anyway?. Hi Bud,I am sorry to hear that your shoulder injury is having such an effect on your daily life.It really seems ridiculous to me that your employer is unable to augment your normal work duties to accommodate you,particularly since you are on full pay anyway.I do hope your envisaged post op rehab is not so protracted.You are absolutely right in using this opertunity as means to do something entirely for yourself,what kind of subject would you like to pursue?,I think this is a gentle way of introducing retirement to you?. Going to Cumbernauld this afternoon,I picked up Irenes glass panel for her back door,that was originally cut to the wrong size,hope it fits this time,bye for now.
  10. I cannot find the words that would adequately describe my feelings when I heard of Stephanies passing.One might say,that this was not to be unexpected,given her medical prognosis,as her cancer had developed in her liver,I suppose naively,I was hoping to meet her again at the Hope Summit again on WashingtonDC in May . I treasure that brief moment in time,when I put my arm around her,to have our picture taken,to hold her,never thinking that we both shared a lung cancer diagnosis,that we could still share unlimited time together.Alas,never thinking that this, would be the last day we would have together.As KatieB described,I spent most of my time chatting with her male friends,who shared with my common interest in the architectural world,now wishing instead I had spent my limited time with Stephanie. Who was this Stephanie person I had come to know and love?,I suppose such feelings would be developed after years of sharing her company?,that was not the case,I could only claim to have have known her through posting in LCSC,over the last two years or so.What was so special about Stephanie?,well I suppose unlike me,she had no history of smoking,and yet she accepted her diagnosis with a resignation I find totally amazing,her courage and humour in living with lung cancer just amazes me,to think of all the feedback she received from her medical team from her dx in in 2008 until recently,which,co-incidentally,was when I was dxd,she accepted gracefully. Since my dx on Oct 2008,unlike many others here in LCSC,having completed my treatments in Jan 2009, ,I accept that lung cancer can be such a pernicious cancer that it may revisit me,sometime in the future,please may God allow me to be so courageous and stoic as Stephanie was in facing this trial.
  11. Good Evening Everyone, Would you believe its 1.50am,I am still up,watched some TV after I got home from the bowling,I really have to say guys,this is not ten pin bowling,its something on a higher level,where do I start? gosh think I really need a bit of video film to explain,this game can be played outside on grass,Sir Francis Drake in the 15th century,was repudiated to have said when the Spanish Armada was approaching the UK,let me first finish my game of bowls,before responding to them.I have been playing indoor bowls as is required in winter,this is played on a rink,where a small ball(a jack) is rolled out onto a rink,each player is required to bowl a ball which has a weight on one side of it,which means its path follows a curve,the idea is to place you bowl as close to the jack as possible,good players can dislodge your bowl already placed by the jack,to occupy the position you had once held,I hope thats makes sense to you?.The game concludes by counting the teams bowls that finish closest to the jack. Hi Judy KW,there are times,where abbreviations or expressions are used here, which are outside my understanding,due to cultural differences,which make it difficult for me to understand,for example "I went to the office max and bought an all in one",well in Scotland we call a all in one, a baby grow,which is an article of clothing for a baby which competely covers their arms,legs and body,which is put on them going to bed at night,but on reading further I understand its something about computers.LOL.Good night everyone,its bedtime for me,see you tomorrow,fuguratively speaking.Bye.
  12. Good Afternoon Everyone, Well its almost evening,its 5.00pm and just starting to get dark outside.Did my yoga and swimming this morning,dropped Sally off at the supermarket this afternoon,she is getting a taxi home,she has been gone nearly three hours,a bigger shop than I thought,unless she she has made a detour,to some bar?. Bowling tonight,second session,8.30pm to 10.30pm not my favourite slot,particularly since its got so cold and frosty here this week,mind you England have had it much worse,ice and heavy snowfalls.Well I set my sat nav to the zip code for Radio Clyde yesterday,it took me to a huge shopping mall,could'nt see the radio station anywhere,I had to get some directions from shoppers to find the blooming place,think I had to ask different people on three separate occassions.At last,I get to the stations reception desk,I tell the young lady of my navigation probs,she said,yeah,all our visitors end up in that shopping mall,because we have the wrong zip code in all our publicity materials,doh!!.No one think of correcting it?I ask,she looks at me as if I have two heads. Anyway my contact person Allan comes along to welcome me,offers me a refreshment,I say yes,he points me towards the water cooler and tells me to help myself,I mean I am not a diva,but come back BBC all is forgiven,at least they kept me continually busy with coffee and biccies.I am directed to a small studio to put on the provided headphones and directed to speak into the mic in front of me,Allan and I have to wait for Moira to join us,in the meantime,Allan and I have a conversation all about me,what better a subject,eh,I waste no time,think he enjoyed himself.Anyway,Moira,comes into my headphones,we dont meet she is elsewhere in the building,she welcomes me and opens with "Introduce yourself Eric,well with no further direction,I talk through my LC story,think I was a bit verbose,but I didnt really know what she was looking for,asked me about LC symptoms,wish I had written them down beforehand as I had forgotten one,unexplained weight loss,after which she said,so Eric how would you advise someone presenting these symtoms,what swhould they do?.Well I described how important it was to visit your doctor as soon as,early diagnosis can save lives,since by the time LC is diagnosed in patients,for the marority it commes too late to be curative.Moira then thanked me for my attendance,wished me good luck,bye.I really felt a bit uncomfortable with my performance,so many things I had left unsaid or could have been put better,is mentioned my thoughts to Allan,his reply,Eric,you said a tremendous ammount about lung cancer,there was plenty of materials for the editors to use,very often we get guests in the studio,who end up with very little to say,you certainly dont have that problem.Well it cheered me up a wee bit,but I just wish Moira had given me a bit more direction,with what this recording was all about,I might have given her more focussed responses. Hi JudyKW,I do read the forums every day,although I dont always post,noticing your comments about a lack of humour in the posts here,and while agreeing with you the absence of Becky and Annette,is seriously missed and cannot be replaced,I still get so much enjoyment reading yours and others posts,so dont downrate yourselves,the regulars here do a remarkable job.Got to go,the taxi's arrived with Sally and groceries,catchup with you later.Bye.
  13. The last one is a winner in my book.
  14. Hi Judy, Sorry, I will not see the superbowl match,however lots of Brits in the UK will,its on some channel somewhere,one of my former work colleagues Linda Muir will be watching,talk about an expert on American football, she's so good,its a total mystery to me,I just dont have a clue whats going on. In the UK the main sporting event currently,is the rugby union six nations competition between Scotland,England,Ireland,Wales,France and Italy,each nation tries to win the league,the Scotland and England game within this league has a separate trophy to compete for,its called the Calcutta Cup,this game is steeped in history,this is its 140th year,there's nothing greater in a Scotsmans ambition than to beat England at this game,in Scotlands National Statium at Murrayfield in Edinburgh,we all wait every two years for this event,since its venue each year rotates with Englands Twickingham Stadium.Well I sat down to watch this yesterday,Scotland were showing such promise,outclassing England keeping about 66% of the play,oh no,a stupid ,stupid,kick out clearance by a Scots defender is intercepted by an English forward,and drops it into the Scottish touch for a try,I cannot believe it,how can anyone make such a basic,grrr,mistake,its kindergarten stuff,unbelievable,I am now chewing the rug with frustration,Scotland are pushing forward again,surely they must get some reward for their efforts,but England are awarded a penalty kick for absolutely no sane reason,they score,the referee is obviously in the pocket of the English,the rascal,the game drifts on,England defenders block every creative move by the Scots forwards,we are getting beat 9-6 I cannot stand the tension anymore,I switch over to the Disney channel which has suddenly become more interesting to me,please dont mention sporting events again,I just cannot cope,now I have to wait for another two years.
  15. Good Evening Everyone, Another beautiful sunny day here in Scotland,well, Janet does groundhog day count here also?think I can cope with another six weeks of this weather,not had much of winter at all this year.I am so glad you enjoyed watching the Corries on youtube,the link you sent for Crooked Still didnt work,but I googled them,you are right, I did enjoy their music. Well it was a busy week for me,gymming,swimming and yoga-ing,bowling and puppy watching,phew,lazy day today.Would you like to hear a fishy story?I promise you this is absolutely true,I was chatting to my friendly neighbourhood newsagent today,I just happened to mention I was going on Radio Clyde on Monday,well of course I would, I hear you all saying,well anyway,he said I was on the radio also a couple of years ago.I was driving on the motorway near Bellshill when something thumped onto my cars roof,suddenly sliding down my windshield was a large fish,it got caught up on my windshield wipers and bonnet(hood),I could'nt stop so I drove home with it still there in place,the fish was solid to touch,but not frozen,showing it off to my neighbour,he suggested this might be an interesting story for the newspapers.The national newspaper called the Sun sent a reporter and a photographer round to my house to interview me,and published the story.The following day BBC Radio4 phoned and asked me if I would like to be interviewed on radio about this story,there would also be a university professor in the studio to share in the programme.Well this professor went on to explain a theory about the fish falling on to my car,he explained the fish could have arrived from waters off Jamica caused by the recent passing of Hurricane Katrina,carried by the Jet Stream up to Scotland and dropped by the falling temperatures.About a week later,two biologists from the environment ministery turned up at his door and asked if he had kept the fish,yes its in the freezer,they took the fish away for a couple of days and returned it,confirming it was not a species from around the UK,I asked my newsagent what was the fishes species,he could'nt remember,I was thinking of Judy's mutton snappers or Buds crappies.Anyway he went on to say that an artist contacted him to make a strange request,could he borrow his fish,as he wanted to paint it,this was done and my newsagent is now the owner of a painting done on canvass of that fish,so I asked hime to bring it to the shop that I might take its pic,send it in here and just maybe one of you might tell us what its species is. Well ABC tomorrow,Ross will be taking the service,for the first time in weeks(Ross 31,was dxd with a brain tumour six months ago)he still attends church and is remarkably upbeat. Dots in the afternoon,some fun and games with Jack and Emma. Have a great weekend everyone.Bye.
  16. Hi Everyone, I just thought I would share with you that I have been invited by Radio Clyde on Monday next to be a guest on a programme which is being sponsored by the Government as a public service broadcast on Lung Cancer. I only have a rough outline of this programme,but from what I understand,its about early diagnosis,recognising Lung Cancer symptoms and getting to a doctor timeously,for a through check up, if such symptoms present themselves. As you can imagine,I am really keen to participate in ths programme,since 80% of Lung Cancers are diagnosed far too late,anything that can be done to raise awareness of Lung Cancer symptoms could save lives. I understand this programme will be fed out to other independent Radio Stations throughout the UK?..I am not at this stage sure if this will be a live broadcast or recorded,I will keep you udated when I receive more details.
  17. Good Evening Everyone, Actually I should be saying good morning,since its almost tomorrow here,what day I am not certain,Thursday?.Special hello to my friends JudyKW and Stephanie,let me say right off,magic juice,spagetti,sausage and meatballs, sound just perfect for me just now. What a beautiful day its been here today,I have enjoyed every moment,weather, well unbrocken sunny blue skies,who would believe this is supposed to be darkest mid winter.I missed the gyming and swimming today,its Stobhill Lung Cancer Support Group today,I pick Sheila up en-route,we had a great discussion ,everyone I think enjoyed themselves,I shared with them my USA pics I took and my Evening Times feature,hope I did'nt bore them too much.Its the first time I have met up with everyone,since before Christmas,so lots to talk about,Robert spent Christmas with his daughter in Phillidelphia and shared with us his pics,Sheila after driving her home,presented me with a wee prezzie of a special edition of Grants Whisky for running her to the support group over the last year,I have to confess in having sampled one of two of its delights tonight, so please ignore any comments I subsequently make,just as well I dont have work in the morning,LOL. Well, I have just booked my flights to the US of A today as from the 2nd of May until the 17th,I know LUNGevity's Hope Summit is only at the tentative stage booked for the 4th to the 6th 0f May,but what the heck,I am coming anyway,still to book my visa and hotels,thinking about one week in WashingtonDC and one week in New York.Funny thing is,I tried (too early)to fill in my Visa application,it asks you to name your USA destination,and address,well I dont know my hotel yet,but I did know I am arriving in WashintonDC,the next question on the form is which state?,well I am not a dummy I know its not Washington,thats over in the West coast,since I have met the Senator Andy Hill,Stephanie and Sara,for goodness sake, in Seattle,well what state is it then?,I check my Oxford Dictionary,surely WashingtonDC is the capitol of its state?,no way, just to confuse me further it seems its called Maryland,I think?,well thats what I put in my application form.Having completed my app form,I get the message back, that my visa I got last year,still has another 30 days to run,so I erase my app,re-read last years app form it says it expires on the end of Feb.Oh well,think I will leave this until closer to my departure date. Well Thusday looms,its bedtime for me,goodnight everyone,enjoy the rest of today.Bye.
  18. Good Morning Jessica, I am looking out at world outside my study window,its a beautiful sunny day,blue skies not a cloud to be seen,which at this time of the year in Scotland you just got to embrace,boy I feel good. Welcome to LCSC,its a pleasure to meet you,thanks for your post,I also spent the time to read your website,so much of life there,underlying it all there is an intelligent articulate,warm human being,who writes a great story,thank you I so enjoyed reading it. I am so sorry to read of course of your dx,the great news is you have tested positive for ALK,not that I know much about targetted therapies,but I do know Senator Andy Hill was also ALK positive and is doing just great on the drug. I am really pleased you have found us so quickly,it took me over a year,perhaps because I live on the other side of the pond?.The support and friendships I have gained from this site has been wonderful,finding this site earlier,would have made my cancer journey so much easier to cope with,better late than never I always say. The other buddies will be along shortly,to introduce themselves,what a great bunch they are,I just know you are going to have a lot of fun,getting to know everyone,as we are going to in getting know you.Can I recommend our just for fun forum?,this is very laid back daily exchange of chat about whats going on in our lives. I am really keen on photography,so can I plug my pics in the members photo album?,lots of interesting ones of Scotland(just flying the flag). Looking forward to getting to know you,bye for now.
  19. Hi Sapna, Welcome to LCSC,its a pleasure to meet you,I am sorry to hear of your Dads dx,particularly the revising from stage 1 to stage 4,following his surgery. The outset of the lung cancer journey by the patient, family and friends is at its most difficult to come to terms with,everything comes with such a unexpected shock,coping with the dx,is just unbelievabley difficult,there seems to be no light at the end of the tunnel. I have gone through this experience,as all the buddies here have,there are many survivors here,with many different forms of lung cancer and stages who have fought this disease far beyond in time scales what their doctors originally predicted.Doctors can only guestimate,only God knows actually.I have a friend Robert Lowe,who in 1993,was dxd with SCLC, was given only two months to survive,during his chemo regime,was hospitalised,during which on more than one occassion,his family were called to his bedside,since his doctors did'nt think he would see the next day,but Robert had other plans,he made a full recovery to the amazement of his doctors,then in 2007,he was dxd with NSCLC,had surgery and chemo,made a full recovery,I am meeting Robert tomorrow at the Stobhill Hospital Lung Cancer Supprt Group,which he helped set up.Robert is now 72 and enjoying life to the fullest. Please believe me,with the passage of time as your Dad goes through his treatments,his, and all the families anxieties will begin to subside,it may be in the meantime he will require some drugs to help him get a proper nights sleep,even anti-depressents if required,use them,its not a sign of weakness,and they will be only temporary.Your Dad does have a future,please keep up a positive attitude,it may not be a cure,but I believe it helps.God Bless,please keep in touch.
  20. Good Evening Everyone, Hi Judy,thanks for posting today,its a shame on weekends,when we should have more time to do so,but so few do?I guess everyone is having fun elsewhere?.Wishing you a early Happy Birthday on Thursday,I really hope you have a super day,god, you so deserve it. Well I went along with Bill to my bowling club last night,we were driven there by Bill's wife May,she would also come and pick us up at the end of our evening,isnt she an angel?.I didnt know what to expect on arrival,it turns out there are 14 guys from Bills outdoor bowling club there we are divided into teams of twos and threes,I am paired with a guy called Mike,its a knockout competion until a team wins the final,despite both Mike and I playing really well,we were knocked out in the latter stages in the last bowl played by the luckiest,jammiest,pair of players ever,grrrr.It was a great night out ,we finished of course with a wee celebration drinky or two,with the winners. A wee bit of gossip now,coming out of ABC this morning,is was taken aside by Margaret,one of our parishioners,making sure we were out of earshot of everyone there,she tells me a little story.Margaret attends my health club,she does aqua-robics every Mon and Thurs,I come down to the pool at 11.45am just as her class finishes,she reminded me that on Thursday last,I gave her a little friendly wave as she was leaving the pool,the lady next to her said,about me,"Thats Mary's new boyfriend",I really am puzzled to hear this and ask Margaret,who's Mary?,well says Margaret,when you go to the yoga Eric you always lay your yoga mat next to Mary,still at a loss since my mat is placed between Jim and Janet,what does she look like I ask?she a blonde with short hair and profoundly deaf she replies,profoundly blind also methinks,so I cannot wait until Tuesday to find out who is my mystery girlfriend is?,mind you I will have to be careful not to cause anyone upset or embarrassment,women, you are such blethers,getting a innocent guy into trouble,wonder if she's attractive?. I have developed a real stinker of a cold on Friday,was thinking about not going to ABC today,but I pick up Betty en route,I did cancel my sister Dot visit though,I bought some lemsips to take when I got home,feeling really low,I suggest to Sally I am going for a wee lie down,she's really annoyed,wants some groceries,I give her my card and taxi fare,I make her swear she wont buy any drink,I know,brains of a newt,I fell asleep for two hours,come downstairs,she's in her chair,no groceries,you know the rest. Hi Stephanie,I was so sad reading your post yesterday,what can I say?,I dont think there is anyone here that has'nt considered your situation,and how they would cope,I have to say,you have always been an inspiration to me and will always remain to be so,you have an inate courage I have always admired,do you remember your observational comments on a disabled man walking in a local park,how you empathised with his condition.My best wishes to you and Michael,I do wish we can meet up again in Washington in May for the LUNGevity Hope Summit.God Bless.Bye for now.
  21. Oops again,speedy recovery Stephanie not seedy recovery,when will I learn to reread my post properly before clicking the submit button?
  22. Good Afternoon Everyone, Just looking out my study window,its a beautiful winters day,brilliant blue skies,and the sun now beginning to set,its 4.30pm now still light,the long dark nights of winter are now beginning to disappear,Hoorah,not long until the spring. Well not really a lot to tell you,continuing daily with my exercises,bowling Tues and Thurs,both occassions we were trounced,however,my own game on Thurs was my best performance ever,but to no avail when the other team are so good,and my three team buddies were well below par,thinks we will need to meet up prior to games and get in a hour or two practice. I took a run up to Jennifers yesterday,I gave Chris a little contribution,towards paying for the recording studio hire,they dont really have much of an income,both only working part time.Chris was a bit reluctant to accept,but I talked him round,well if they make it big,maybe I will get that holiday villa in Spain I have always dreamed about LOL. Saturday night,Bill has organised a mens night out at my bowling club,which for Bill is pretty unusual,he dislikes indoor bowling,he only plays outdoor in the summer,so i am really looking forward to this,hope my Thurday nights performance was'nt a one off?. I dropped Sally off at her Monklands Hospital Arts and Crafts class en route to my yoga class,this class has been running for weeks now,organised by Sally's councillor,glad to say she attends it and actually enjoys it.Downside today,as she has to get a taxi ride home,since my class runs for much longer,I forgot to get change,I had to give her a £20 note,I warned her about not buying drink with the change,she promised not to,I will leave you to guess my homecoming,well on the plus side I can spend more time here without feeling guilty. Hi JudyKW,thankfully another bout of chemo over with,I do hope thats the last forever and ever.Ouch,$1100 for a car repair?goodness me,hope they give you easy terms in paying it. Hi JudyMI,Hoorah, homeword bound,reminds me of a song?,lets singalong,sorry to hear about the pain you are suffering,wishing you the full benefit of your new pain relief regime,maybe it just takes a wee while to kick in.Yes I can imagine the reception you will receive from your fur babies,Randy too,no doubt wondering,how long until you are well enough to fetch his tea and biccies. Hi Bud,gosh it seems like ages since I have heard from you,good to hear with all your recent rainfall your lakes are beginning to recover,we have so many lochs in Scotland,I wish I could send some of our water to you,we would'nt miss it. Ooops I hope I have'nt left anyone out?my apolgies if I have,it was,nt intentional.I agreee with you regarding our missing regulars,hopefully they are having a great time and will return soon as.I will have to visit cancergrace to read up on Stephanie,seems she is having a rough time of it recently,best wishes to her for a seedy recovery. Well thats all folks,hope everyone has a great weekend.Bye for now.
  23. Hi, Welcome to LCSC,phew,I did read every word of your post,I have to say,most of it went right over my head,think I am going to have to read it a few times and then consult a medical dictionary,LOL.My experience is really limited to my cancer journey,you'll be pleased to hear,I am one of the least educated of survivors here on lung cancer,I am sure your post will make perfect sense to the other buddies here. I am sorry to hear of your dx,I do know at this moment in time how you are feeling,all of us here have gone through the same at the outset of our cancer journey. I am sure as you read of the buddies here stories you will begin to realise,that your situation is not the end of your world,that there is light at the end of the tunnel,with the passage of time,your anxieties will begin to subside,and your confidence will develope that you can regain the person you were prior to your dx. I can remember my attitude just post dx,each morning I woke the first thing that came into my head,was that I have lung cancer,its going to kill me and in the not too distant future.I never thought that I would ever overcome this gloomy thought,but with the help of family and friends,posting here,gradually my anxieties disapeared.I discovered a whole world of lung cancer survivors,covering a hugh range of lung cancer types and stages,that are surviving this disease and getting on with their lives.In other words they have the attitude,that I may have cancer,but it dos'nt have me. I have a friend,Robert Lowe,briefly,dxd in 1993 with SCLC given two months to live,had other plans,made a full recovery,then in 2007,dxd with NSCLC,has treatment,today,at 72,is enjoying great health,having a lust for life of a 21 year old. I wish you all the very best as your medical team put together an action plan,for the best course of treatments for you.I had chemo and a upper right lobectomy,I really sailed through the lot with only the slightest of discomfort. Looking forward to getting to know you,bye for now.
  24. Hi Maggie, Just like Bruce a fine Scottish name.Welcome to LCSC,sorry to read of your dx,I know how anxious you will be feeling at this moment in time,the start of this journey is always at its most difficult from the outset.You are so lucky finding here so quickly,it took me over a year from my dx to get here,maybe I took longer as I live on the other side of the pond?.I think had I got here earlier,with the quality of support and information I received,my journey would have been so much easier. As your medical team complete all your tests,they will evaluate the best course of treatments for you,I know personally,I was so apprehensive when they told me about receiving chemo followed up by surgery or radio therapy depending on how my tumour reacted to the chemo,as it turned out,the chemo worked very well on me and I had a upper right lobectomy in January in 2009.What was I so scared about my up and coming treatments?well will the chemo make me violently sick,will my hair fall out(I didnt mind the losing the gray ones)will my surgery be excessively painful,will it leave my a breathless invalid,think if to name it I dreamed up many other unpleasent scenarios.Well I have to tell you,nothing of my worst fears were realised,honestly,I sailed through the lot,one episode of constipation during chemo,which if i had been here earlier the buddues would have advised me beforehand to drink lots of fluids,my post surgery,was best described a bit uncomfortable,but not painful,thats too strong a word. I do wish you all the very best as your treatment plan gets underway,I promise you, that with the passage of time all your anxieties will begin to subside,particularly with the support of your family and friends around you,also us cheering you on from the sidelines,you are not facing this alone.
  25. Hi Muriel, Congratulations on 8 years plus,music to my ears,so much so I am going to copy you.May you continue in posting in here for years and years and years.
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