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eric byrne

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Everything posted by eric byrne

  1. Good Afternoon Everyone, Happy new year,just relaxing here before Jennifer and Chris arrive,they are coming for dinner,traditional steak pie,potatoes and boiled peas,yum.Jennifer will bring her own dinner with her,strict vegetarian,wont eat anything that has had a face, as she puts it.Oh I could'nt live without meat. New year party was just brill,Brian and Janette make you so welcome,it was really like two parties in one house,the kids eg my daughter and all her friends were in one room,the oldies eg myself in another,after a couple of amber nectars we had a singalong karioke,it was fun,Brians brother, Frank married a Thai girl, Aia,would you believe she had a number of Thai songs on the machine,so i could'nt resist joining in,that also included me doing Thai dancing following her movements,her husband Frank was really good at Thai dancing.I think Sally and I were the last to leave for home about 6.00am,its years since I have had such a New Year night,normally I would be in bed about 12.30am,this made such a pleasant change.Frank retires this September and is going to move to Thailand to live on Aia's families farm,they are going to build their own house there,I have already booked my holiday with them in 2013 LOL.My sister Irene spend some time in Thailand a couple of years ago, with Aia's family and she just loved the country. JudyKW,I am amazed to hear of chickens roaming about free in Key West,how civilised your fellow citizens are, that this can happen,I really dont think such chickens would survive in Airdrie for more than five minutes,before hitting the oven . Bye for now,enjoy the rest of your day everyone.
  2. Hi JudyKW, Just to say,I dont do drunk,I just hate that feeling of loss of control.As Churchill once said,"I always got more out of whisky than it did of me".
  3. Hi, I am so sorry to hear of your Mums sudden passing,please accept my condolences.My best wishes for you and your Father that 2012 will prove to be much better year for you both.
  4. Happy Hogmanay Everyone, Having a quiet relaxing afternoon before tonights party at Brians and Janettes home tonight,just back from the supermarket with party goodies and drinkies,I bought some scrumptious Indian snacks,pakora,sumosas,bajjies? etc also mini steak pies.Taxi is booked for 8.30pm,I am so looking forward to tonight. Margarets party last night in Blantyre was really good,everyone had a good time,Sally completely sober.I must be getting old,why do DJs have to play their music so loud?, that you have to shout to be heard,he never even took a teabreak to give me some relief,next time, I am going to take a set of ear defenders. Our central heating has been on the blink these last two days,thank goodness the weather is really mild,we have got by with a couple of plug in heaters,the service engineer was here earlier,typically it needs a spare part he hasnt got with him,some kind of gas valve,fortunately he has ordered it online and he will pick it up tomorrow and return to fit it. Thanks for the poem JudyMI,nice thoughts,wishing you and all our many friends here, a super New year,Bye.
  5. Sorry JudyKW, I seem to have missed your post for the Friday Air amongst the mixed up ones caused by that B***** spammer.
  6. Good Evening Everyone, What a mix up with the airs,I hate these interlopers selling their wares,why do they bog off somewhere else,nuff said. Sorry for my absence,I have an excuse me note from my mother,sigh,if only.Bud thank you for the kayak film,its really amazing,I have never seen anything like it,it certainly can shift and easy to manouvre,just ideal for Loch Lomond. I am just about to get ready to go out to a party,my former colleague Margaret is having a 50th birthday she has a twin,and they have booked a pub to hold the party,so Bill and May,myself and Sally are going,the good thing is no taxi's to pay for May dos'nt drink and is driving us there and back.The pubs in Blantyre (David Livingstone's birthplace,but I dont think he will be standing us a round) Talking about pubs did you hear about Sir Alex Ferguson,manager of Manchester United, last week presenting a cheque on behalf of UK pubs to the Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation for £500,000 ($750,000),Alex lost both his parents to Lung Cancer,and is a brilliant advocate for us all.Is'nt that a nice bit of news at the end of 2011?. I have been buying the Evening Times everyday this week but so far my feature has'nt appeared,hopefully it will appear soon. I went to the bank yesterday to ask about any developements on my stolen debit card,the lady looked at me blankly and told me there was no record of this incident and anyway,its not a branch matter,its will be a police enquirey,I left the bank a bit creast fallen,really is a poor way to treat a good customer of over forty years standing,maybe I was expecting too much,there seems to be little regard for customer loyalty with big businesses today.I did contact the police,they told me they were sending someone out to meet with the bank manager today,so I hope this person will ruffle some feathers,the police were far more sympathetic and supportive of me and just as keen to catch the person as myself,so fingers crossed. Hogmanay to-morrow,a traditional favourite day for Scots all over the world,phoneslines will be jambed with everyone abroad phoning friends and relatives to wish them all the very best for 2012,I think there are more Scots living and working overseas than actually live in Scotland,we have always been a nation of wanderers,all wanting to find out whats over that next hill.UK TV gives the reins to Scottish TV,for bringing in the new year,I usually sit up watching these progs to just after the bells,but not this year,we that Myself Sally,Jennifer and Chris are all off to a big family party being held in Irenes BILs house,all the usual suspects of couse,gosh its the same people we were with on Christmas day,night.Methinks I probably wont get home until well into daylight the following day. Whatever your plans are for Hogmanay and Ne'reday,I wish you all a super time and may 2012 for all of us be our best year yet.Byee.
  7. Good Evening Everyone, Weather here for the last few days have been really unseasonably warm,11 degrees C thereabouts,think thats in the 50s F.Hope you all had a lovely Christmas,I did,dinner in the afternoon at Irenes,I had a great time playing with Max and Mia,Mia is now walking,she is such a cutie,Id love to take her home with me,but I dont think Craig and lorna would agree somehow LOL. We went to Linda's home in the evening for a party,large family occassion we all get on so well,so I thoroughly enjoved myself. We are hosts to Jennifer and Chris today,its great to have them here,Chris got me a Playstation 3,actually its not new,he bought two broken ones on e-bay,then he makes one good one out of the two,he is so clever with computers and anything electronic,he and Jennifer bought me three games to get me started.I didnt realise that this machine allows me to watch TV,get on the internet and a million other things besides,so I am now on a new learning curve,which for me is going to be quite a challenge.I have sneaked upstairs to come online,Jennifer and Chris a fans of the soap Eastenders,well they missed the Christmas special yesterday,so they are watching it on catch-up TV downstairs with Sally,I really cannot stand soaps,I find them so contrived.Jennifer and Chris bought us tickets for the Musical Show, We Will Rock You its on in the Playhouse in Edinburgh,we go on the last night on the 9th of January,I really love Queens music. Hi Stephanie,thanks for the infro on the new Scottish Bar in Seattle,it looks like a really brill place to spend some time in,I 'd just love to visit wearing my Scottish accent and kilt ensomble,now that would be fun,would'nt it?book me a seat for next summer. Hi JudyMI,I can understand your anxiety about tomorrow,remember we are all going along with you also in spirit,I am praying for you that everything will go really well and you will be able to feed back to us with good news. Enjoy the rest of Boxing day everyone,I may drop in later when Chris and Jennifer have gone home.Bye.
  8. Good Afternoon Everyone, Its just gone 12 noon here,I cannot stay long,going to Irenes for dinner shortly.I hope you will all have a great day today and that Santa was good to you. Friday I parked the car in the banks car park,Sally went in to the bank to do a little business,plus using my debit card take out £50 from the hole in the wall,she arrives back at the car hands me my money,and I ask her for my card back,she cannot find it,are you sure she says I didnt give it along with the money? no,so she has a further search of her jacket and handbag nothing there.We retrace her walk back to the bank,perhaps she has dropped it,no joy,maybe the card was swallowed by the machine?assistant checks,no Its not there.I now have to cancel my card,which I did,I also find out that four minutes after Sally had taken out the £50,there was another W/D of £250,the bank was extremely busy,so it seems the person standing behind Sally must hve watched her entering my pin no,and removing the card from Sallys jacket pocket.The good news is cameras are sited at this machine and it is likely we will see this person in the act of stealing my card.The police will make a formal request to the bank on Tuesday to have access to the photographs taken around 12.15pm on Friday. Last night I went to see another performance of the Morgan Lee band in Glasgow,they were excellent,they finished up doing the Pogues New York at Christmas,their version was brill,the audience would'nt let them off the stage until they did a couple of encores.They came over and sat with me after packing away all their gear,they gave me a Christmas Card,signed by all the band,I was so touched by their kindness,the card will stay pinned up on my study wall for keeps,thats not all,Ann the voillinist,has invited me to a music night at her home on the 21st january,there will be approx 80 musicians there all jamming,she also suggested I should bring my guitar with me,gosh I am really not that good competing with the quality of these guys,but I am so looking forward to this night. Got to go,shower get dressed and off to Irene's for dinner in the evening,we are all going to my youngest sister's Linda's house for a party,all the usual suspects are going,Jennifer and Chris are giving it a miss,they want to spent tonight in their own company,funnily two years ago on this very occassion I asked Jennifer to come to this family gathering,she only came most reluctantly,and that was where she met Chris,they've been to-gether ever since. Merry Christmas everyone,see you soon Bye.
  9. http://ak.imgag.com/imgag/product/previ ... 7/graphic1 ] Christmas Card Merry Christmas Everyone,Have a wonderful day.I hope the link above works,although it looks a bit dodgy.
  10. Good Morning Bud, Its 9.00am here on Friday,just to say I love the kayak pic,I have never seen one like it,I suppose its a recumbant kayak like your bikes?.i guess the pedals operate a propeller at the rear?.Wishing you and yours a super Christmas,hope Santa is good to you.
  11. Thanks KatieB and Stephanie, I did send in the Breathe Deep pics where I was taken with yourselves and Sara et al,hopefully they will use them,so you will all be famous in Scotland also.Now to try e-mailing the pic from here to the Evening Times?,I will leave until the morning,I am tired, its almost midnight zzzzzzzz.
  12. Good Evening Everyone, Busy today,I was about to head out to the gym when my phone rang.Four weeks ago a reporter called Sarah Swain interviewed me for a series of articles her newspaper were about to run each evening for one week,on various topics on lung cancer.This in recognising that November was Lung Cancer Awareness month,unfortunately for whatever reason my particular contribution was'nt used and I had since forgotten all about it. Answering the phone,its Sarah,the newspaper are picking up my interview again for some special feature.Sarah wanted some additional infro on such things as my involvement with SIGN in Edinburgh also with LUNGevity,particularly my charity walk Breathe Deep in Seattle,she said a photographer would call at my home to take some pics of me,could I also furnish with pics from my Breathe Deep walk.Needless to say I was happy to co-operate fully.Well I check out the LCSC photo album good, lots of pics of the Breathe Deep Seattle Walk.Later I hit on the idea that I could print off some of these American pics for the photographer to review,oh no printer refuses to print,the gray ink tank is empty,off to PC world then Tesco finally get the one required back home.install ink cartridge,oh no I cannot get into LUNGevity now,I cannot believe it?.I contact my broadband tech team,nice guy spends some time trying to solve the problem,takes remote control of my lap top,to no avail,moves the prob up the line to the advanced team,still unable to fix the problem,they give my LUNGevity's phone number in Chicago,which I use,its seven am but hooray the phone in manned,or womaned to be more correct,I leave her with the problem. I now remember,I dont really need access to LCSC,I have all the material in facebook,doh,yep its all there in Help Eric-etc. This afternoon the photographer arrives,takes quite a few pics,asks if I have any pre dx pics,particularly any where I am holding a cigar,off to the garage where I keep a big plastic box full of old pics,it is amazing for the number of pics I have,so few of them are me on my own,however,we find two,which he uses.I tell him most of my pics are in my harddrive,he asks me to e-mail him approx another six,but solo only preferably with me wearing my Breathe Deep T shirt on.Problem now is all my Breathe Deep pics I appear with others?.I dont know what to do?. I am now off to think what I should do next,goodnight everyone.
  13. Hey Guys, I just noticed that my last post was my 1000th here,think its time for a wee amber nectar,well maybe this evening,heres to another 1000,was that a groan I heard?.
  14. Good Afternoon Everyone, I think God has decided to make a little fun of me today,I have just mentioned in a post elsewhere to Stephanie about males always being right, and how I cannot remember the last time I had made a mistake.Well the post I mentioned this was in Thursday's Air of course,which I thought was what today was called.Blush,excuse me, I am off to hide my face,can anyone do a mail merge.Byee.
  15. Good Morning Everyone, Not long to go now,this Christmas seems to arrived at express train speed,I have still cards to write yet for friends and relatives,however prezzies all bought,Christmas dinner at Irene’s is going to be great.Irenes text me yesterday,could I come into Glasgow and pick her up after work?.She did her shopping for groceries at Marks and Spencers and left them there to pick up later,her husband Pat is in Plymouth until the end of the week, working.I drove her home, deposited the groceries,then she asks,could I now take her to Tesco’s since there were still some items to get,she is looking for a turkey crown large enough for 8 adults and 2 kids,my suggestion of buying 2 smaller ones that were available,was met with a scowl,that wont do Eric,no point in arguing,she has always been a stickler in getting her own way.Oh well,the search will have to continue for another day. I did’nt go to the gym today,I had a request from Mark,the new editor of the Roy Castle Newsletter,to comment on their healthunlocked website and if he could interview me for a feature in his newsletter,we arranged him to phone me yesterday pm,however when he phoned,I was in the kitchen making lunch,I only heard the last ring of the phone,as he left an ansaphone message for me to get back to him and he left his mobile number,I decided to finish my lunch then returned his call,could’nt get him,funny thing was he sent me a e-mail this morning apologising for missing me,he was at dinner,and would phone me today after 4.00pm as he is out doing Christmas shopping.I could have gone gymming,I wanted to talk to Mark this morning since Sally has an appointment with a surgeon at 2.10pm today about a hip operation scheduled for January sometime,he is going to explain the procedure and possible outcome.Our last appointment recently was with the orthopaedic consultant,it was over 1 ½ hours late before we were taken,hopefully this wont happen again?. Hi Ann,I cannot believe your bosses comments to you,its so politically incorrect to make these kind of remarks today.There is a whole host of legislation in the UK now regarding workplace behaviour,think your boss would be in breach of at least three of them and would be likely to face prosecution in court. Stephanie,of course M is correct regarding medicines or any other opinion on any subject,he is male after all,being right comes with the territory.I cannot remember the last time I was ever wrong about anything?. Hi JudyMI,I am really interested in your geo-thermal heating system,I recently visited South Lanarkshire college to see a completely self-sufficient experimental domestic house built in the college grounds,it had a geo-thermal heating system,in which a pipe was placed deep into the earth and water pumped into it,the returning water was then fed back into a heat exchanger providing all the hot water for the central heating and domestic use,the house also had solar panels on the roof,and was super insulated against heat loss,it also had special small porthole windows in the ceiling to light up the house in daylight hours without the need for artifical lighting. Got to go everyone,hope you all are having a great day,i will drop by later tonight.Bye.
  16. Hi Adam, Welcome to LCSC,its always a pleasure to welcome a kid on the block,sorry for the reason you are here,but I can tell you its a great place to to hang out.Thank you for your blog My so called life,I really enjoyed reading it,think I will start a subcription to it. You want to hear some good news stories?well at the risk of boring my buddies here,again,I attend a LC support group in Stobhill Hospital in Glasgow(thats in Bonnie Scotland by the way)the founding member is a guy called Robert Lowe who was dxd in 1993 with SCLC,given two months to live by his Doc,he was hospitalised for this chemo treatments,on more than one occassion his family was called to his bedside,since the his Docs did'nt think he would see the next day,however to his medical teams amazement,Robert goes on to make a full recovery.In 2007 he is then dxd with NSCLC,has a lobectomy,goes on to make a full recovery,Robert is now 72 years young,his energy and lust for life is a joy to see.I am so privileged to have him as a friend,he has certainly done much by his example to give me hope for a long future.Bye for now,have a great festive season,may 2012 be a vintage year for you and your family.
  17. Good Afternoon Everyone, Looked out the window this morning,everything covered in snow.I decided still to attend my yoga class since the snow was only a couple of inches deep,only four of our class turned up,but we still had an enjoyable session.Wednesday’s yoga classes Christmas Lunch was really good,about twenty people showed up,I opted for the traditional fare,Scotch Broth,Turkey with all the trimmings followed by, no prizes for guessing,Christmas pud and brandy sauce the food was lovely,following the meal we retired to the bar lounge,and shared some drinks and conversation,I had one peroni since I was driving,not that it bothered me,I can still have a great time without alcohol.Later some of the ladies started a sing song,which of course I joined in with,unfortunately drinking seemed to diminish the memory for words of the songs for some of the ladies,so I kinda took over,you cannot keep a good man down.Time to home eventually,think I have made quite a few new friends. I am getting lazy,I have yet to put up the Christmas decorations,was going to do this today,but I have come home to find Sally the worse for wear again,and I have lost interest.We are having Jennifer and Chris over for boxing day,I don’t think Jennifer would be best pleased if the house has’nt been fully decked out,ok decorations up tomorrow. I really don’t have much else to share with you,Sunday at ABC,then up to Dot’s for an afternoon of family fun,Jaqueline and her two kids,Jack and Emma will be there,we usually end up playing cards. Time to go,wishing everyone a super weekend,Bye.
  18. Good Afternoon Everyone, Glad to be home from the yoga and swimming the weather today,is dreadful,strong gales,rain,sleet and snow,I am thinking of going under the blankets until spring.This is my second post I am writing,I typed the first in word,so I wont lose it,yeah right- on completion push ctrl A,then ctrl C,up comes you already have a file Tuesdays Air update ? Yes,I get into LCSC,click ctrl V-nothing,try again nothing,I return to word,the old Tuesday’s Air is still there,my new one?into the ether Grrr. Sunday’s Light Up a Star was really a super occassion,everything went according to plan,there was a 30 strong Choir from Stepps,with a similar size Salvation Army Band,the speakers were really good and a hugh audience to boot.The entire service was filmedby a professional media company, so it may be possible for me to post it into here? Speaking of choirs I have just read in the newspaper today that the choir master Gareth Malone is crossing the Atlantic at the invitation of a major American TV network to run a pilot of his UK programme called The Choir,it has been running here for about two years and in that time Gareth has become one of out most endearing TV personalities,I just know you are all going to love his programme,mind you he is only on loan,we want him back. Tomorrow is Christmas Lunch for my yoga class,I am so looking forward to this,it should be fun,Eric in the company of about 16 lovely ladies.Bowling tonight I do hope the weather improves though,otherwise I would prefer to stay at home.I will drop in later tonight to hear what you have all been getting up to?.Whats happened to all the guys recently?, have I bored the pants off everyone? Into moving on?.Bye for now.here goes, ctrl A ....
  19. Good Afternoon Everyone. Just home from Glasgow,I got to Liannes shop in the morning,one desk to assemble,step one,open flat pack,take out the instruction drawings and descriptions and throw away over left shoulder,or right, if you prefer, then begin to assemble unit.I never could understand these instruction sheets.Anyway job done and dusted,Lianne really pleased with the finished article,looks really nice,she is using it for a nail bar.She treats me to a drink in the cafe next door,and tells me after a while is two months pregnant,boy I am so pleased, I get to be a great uncle again,a playmate for Max and me. Left Lianne to do a shop for some Christmas pressies,one on my list was a perfume that Jennifer asked me to get her, Flower Bomb,what a name,found it immeadiately walking into Debbenams,it was at the first counter I arrived at, £72 for 50mls,reduced to £61.50,its apparently refillable for £37.Funnily I went into another perfume shop in St Enoch centre and asked them how much is the 50mls size of Flower Bomb? £61.50 she replied,is'nt that a remarkable co-incidence?.I had a good walk round Glasgow's shopping centre,its just brill at this time of the year,all the shops decked out with Christmas decorations and lights,George Square,just beautifully lit up,they have an ice rink and a hugh Ferris Wheel set up for kids of all ages. Sally was off to the hairdressers this morning,for the Light up a star event tomorrow,unfortunately she managed to visit the off-licence shop on the way home.Thats Life, ho hum,Bye for now.
  20. Sorry Scrubgirl, and oops,its your husband, not your Dad,please excuse me.I do have an excuse of sorts,when I started to write my reply to you, the phone rang,it was my wee sister,well when she phones,you better take a seat,we did chat for quite somtime,I must also plead, I have attacks of senile dymensia that strike now and again.Bye.
  21. Hi Scrubgirl, Welcome to LCSC,I am really sorry to hear about your Dad's diagnosis,I am so glad you have found us so quickly,I am sure you are going to find all the information and support to require from all the buddies here. A cancer diagnosis does turn all those concerned world upside down,particularly where it just happens to be a lung cancer one,given its reputation as a killer. Following my dx,I guess it took me about six months to re-adjust my life into some kind of normal,I was so depressed,I could see no light at the end of the tunnel,this cancer is going to kill me and in the not too distant future I believed.Well with the support I had received from family and friends I gradually relaxed a bit,I started to think after reading all the experiences of lung cancer survivors here and elsewhere,that maybe just maybe,I can beat this disease.Well I have survived over three years now,I can honestly tell you,that my life has been fully restored to me,I am full of confidence that I do have a future after all. I have so much to share with you of a positive nature that to put it all into just one post,would have more pages than War and Peace. Bottom line, please pass my best wishes onto your Dad, tell him there are many survivors here,with all different types of lung cancer and stages,not just surviving but thriving.I have a friend dxd with SCLC in 1993,given 2 months to live,he was kept in hospital for his chemotherapy,on more than one occassion his family was called to bedside,the docs believing he would not see the next day.Well he made a full recovery,then in 2007 he is now dxd with NSCLC,had more treatments,made a full recovery,today he is now 72 years old,with the energy for life of a 21 year old.Bye for now.
  22. Hi Kasey, I never got to know DeanKarl,thanks for sharing these lines with us.Wishing you and Fred a wonderful Christmas and New Year.
  23. Good Afternoon Everyone, Thanks for your comment Judy MI,it is much appreciated.Emma sent me the link to my first interview,I dont think she knows I was interviewed on two further occassions this morning,so I do not have these links yet,when I find them I will post them in. Here is link 1:- It roughly starts at 2.05, http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/console/b017nd4q
  24. Good Morning Everyone, I didnt post in yesterday to tell you about an invitation I had received from the BBC to attend a interview for BBC Radio 5 Breakfast Show,I am becoming a wee bit sensitive about all my advocate activities recently for lung cancer you might be getting a bit bored with me,to the point,you might consider its about Eric promoting himself rather than lung cancer.I can assure you its not about me,while I am around and on the ground,I am going to bang the advocate's drum at every opertunity I can. Emma from the Roy Castle LC Foundation asked me at short notice yesterday if I would be willing to attend the BBC Radio 5 Breakfast Show which will be all about the Cancer Research Foundation UK's report that 42% of all Cancers could be prevented by adopting better lifestyles. Also that 23,000 lives in the UK could be saved each year if everyone stopped smoking. I was interviewed about my lung cancer at 8.05am,then at 8.30am I was moved to another studio for a further interview.I was then approached by the producer of another prog,since I was in the building,if I would be willing to join Kay Adams phone in show,since it was all about the publics reaction to Cancer Research UK report,this show ran from 9.00am-10.00am,I really enjoyed myself,forgot to ask Kay for her autograph,mind you, I left the studio when she was still passing the on air reins to another presenter. Missed the gym yesterday again due to heavy snow,however,typical for Scotland,the weather changed last night to mild and most of the snow had melted overnight,helped by rain,drat, I spent sometime shovelling snow from my drive and the road to clear my path to get out in the morning easily,I didnt need to bother. Weather today lovely bright blue skies and sunshine,this afternoon I am off to the Stobhill LC support group,our last meeting until January,we were supposed to be organising a group Christmas night out,possibly a meal and than take in a show,however its a bit late now and the star man Robert Lowe is jeting off to spent Christmas with his daughters family in the USofA,oh well there's always next year. I will drop by later,have a great day everyone,Bye.
  25. Gareth Malone forms a choir made up of military wifes whose husbands are off on a tour of duty to Afganistan,is this musical adventure successful?,have a look. http://tiny.cc/pdfom
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