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eric byrne

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Everything posted by eric byrne

  1. Good Morning Everyone, Now where was I when we last communicated?,ah yes, leaving East Glacier on the 6.45pm on Thursday for Seattle,arriving Seattle at 10.30am Friday,think I mentioned something about Amtrak timetables being changed from actual hours and minutes to simply saying some time during the day,can I rephrase that to include sometime today or tomorrow?.I was told my train would arrive a little later than stated ie, 8.30pm,well as it turned out it was a little more later than that - 1.40am Friday,train took us as far as Spokane?and transferred us to a bus to take us into Seattle,arrived there not at 10.30am as planned but 6.30pm-24 hours after my setting out time.Settled into my hotel,showered,changed and went down for dinner, after a bit of effort, I meet up with dear KatieB,what a pleasure, after all the time I have been posting here,we finally meet up.The meeting is brief,both of us having a early night,walk in Lincoln Park first thing in the morning. We meet for breakfast,then its off to Lincoln Park,so much happens when we arrive,I get to meet up with all my LUNGevity friends,Stephanie,Sara, later Dr Jack West and Senator Hill. Its so wonderful to meet so many people I have only known online here,to be able to meet in person.The walk commences,500 estimated in attendance,a stroll in the park as they say,its quickly completed,refreshments,presentations of prizes,speeches by Dr Jack West,Senator Hill,and yours truely,I have shared with everyone,a truely wonderful and memorable time. We spent the rest of the day with Stephanie and her friends until late afternoon-thank you Stephanie,I loved every minute sharing my time with you and your friends.Later I meet up with one of the girls from LUNGevity Washington DC,to share a meal in the hotel,whilst sitting there, the TV shows a news programme of the Breathe Deep Walk in Lincoln Park,the sound is inaudible,but its a good coverage of the event,wonder if anyone has recorded it ?. Well I have just met up with another up with another guy at the hotel bar and shared a couple of beers with,Paul works for Boeing and I mentioned seeing a film of their latest production model in Washinton DC Museum of Space and Aircraft,its a completely new design of aircraft,using carbon fibre components in its construction for strength and economy in fuel consumption,the film is amazing-Paul says do you want to actually visit the factory its manufactured in? well do bears ---- in the woods,of course I would love to,so meeting up at 9.00pm to visit this factory.Can you believe everything that has been happening to me since I arrived here in the USA? do you wonder why I dont went to go home on Thursday? Thanks everyone, who has contributed to my wonderful holiday here.Have a great Sunday everyone,Bye.
  2. Good Morning Everyone, Well it seems so long ago since I have posted in here,it has been a bit of a bind not having wi-fi in my hotel room,so my visits to the reception area have to be kept to the minimum,however,I have found this diner that has wi-fi and dont seem to mind me sitting here online. Bags packed again,moving on today to Seattle,the train leaves here to-night at 6.45,give or take a few hours,I have discovered Amtrak timetables are only there as a rough guide,think their timetable should just read sometime today. I had to spend a few hours online yesterday searching out a suitable hotel,Stephanie was right seems all the downtown hotels are booked all over the weekend.I did find one-The Kings Inn,it ticked all the right boxes for price,location and the web page showed a pic of an attractive hotel frontage,so I booked in from Friday until I leave for home Thusday next,well afterwards-yes I know-wrong way round-I clicked on the previous guests comments box,what a shocker,not one guest had anything complimentary to say about the hotel,small rooms paper thin walls,noisy,dirty and smelly,oh dear,took me ages to find how to cancel,but I did,I just could'nt risk staying in such a place,seems I have been charged for one night,but what the heck.I found another one bit out of town,but it seems has good public transport links,can you believe I have a friend booked into the same place-you might know her- KatieB?-isnt that just fun?,I am so looking forward to meeting her. Well since I arrived here,I have been to a Pow-Wow,a rodeo and visited Glacier Park.Think I have mentioned meeting up with a lovely girl called Amber,been spending lots of time with her,nothing romantic,just two people hanging out to-gether having fun,she has a boyfriend-Patrick,who is a really nice guy I have shared a couple of beers with.I was invited by Amber to meet her parents a couple of nights ago,so we spent a pleasant evening,sitting outside their home just chatting. Evenings,really not much else to do but have a couple of drinks in the local pub,usually with Ambers company,all the regulars have been so friendly towards me,the local is a bit frontier landish,but it is such a happy place to spend time in.Last night they had organised a goldfish race,two lengths of plastic guttering were taped to the surface of a pool table and filled with water,well two teams- one to each gutter ,one of the team drop a small goldfish (1/2 inch long approx)into the gutter their partner using a drinking straw,blows into the water behind the goldfish to encourage it to the other end of the gutter,by a process of elimination,there is a final winning team,oh forgot to mention,one member of the losing team has to swallow their goldfish,fortunately not me.Its all so rediculous but this is Americans having fun,well when in Rome. Meeting up with Amber shortly,she is taking a bit of time out from wooden spoon carving this afternoon,I am going to miss her when I leave tonight,she has been such a friend to me,my stay here has been so much enhanced by her company.Gosh another destination to return to next year LOL. Got to go,next post will be from Seattle to-morrow evening,sorry I have'nt been keeping up with the posts properly,but things will get back to normal when I return home next Thursday,I cannot believe how quickly this vacation has passed,I swear I could easliy just continue my journey on and on,its been so much fun. Enjoy the rest of your day everyone,Bye.
  3. Thanks Guys for your comments,I just love being in America,I will be back next year -God Willing of course.
  4. Hi Everyone, Found the facebook link for my Glacier pics,I hope you enjoy seeing these, the park is just wonderful, every scene is picture postcard,hope I have done the place some justice to the place,but you really have to see it for yourselves. http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set= ... a1c&type=1
  5. Good Afternoon Everyone, Relaxing today,nothing much on.I have posted the Glacier Park pics into facebook from yesterday,forgot to lift the facebook link to paste them in here,now I cannot find the link,what an idiot. Following dinner last night I dropped into the local-yes again-two nights ago I was having fun with the regulars there ,mostly young kids,I happened to mention I had brought a kilt with me,well they all encouraged me to go back to the hotal and come back wearing it,well anything for a laugh,so I did,well the bar put on Scottish musc for me when I arrived,Scotland the Brave etc,think everyone had a good time,I certainly did.Last night same place, bit quieter,I got chatting to a girl-Amber-she works at -you are never going to believe this- making hand carved wooden spoons,she runs a craft shop with her Mum and Dad,she invited me to come and see her shop today,which I did,what an amazing variety of spoons made in all different kinds of timbers.Amber invited me to meet her Dad,we had a nice chat,I have been invited back up when their shop closes to share a beer or two.Beaver has just asked me to meet a historical author of books on Native Americans ,he has visiting the Inn at eight tonight,dont think I will make it unless Amber might want to come along,need to play this one by ear. I am a bit restricted in mobility,I can hire a car to get about, but I have two problems,one obviously, driving on the wrong side of the road,the other I have driven a car for over forty years but never a automatic,maybe better I dont try than risk having an accident.Walking about here is also a bit is very tiring for me in this heat,be easier if there was a bit more of tree cover to keep in the shade. Hi JudyMI,Happy Birthday,I love surprises too,hope you have a great day with Randy.I also agree every birthday for al of us here is something extra special,may everyone here have plenty more of them. Hi Bud,Sorry to hear about you not getting access for fishing,I am not surprised at the 9 foot drop in water levels at your lake,when you have temps over 100 degrees for weeks now,hope you get some respite soon and of course some heavy rain. Hi Judy,Seems wishing you well in your tests is a bit repetitive recently,you just have more than your fair share of them,I never stop thinking about you at these times and will always be hoping the feedback is good.Hoping this lot,are the last for the forseeable future. Enjoy the rest of your day everyone,sorry if I missed out mentioning anyone,its not intentional.Bye.
  6. Good Evening Everyone, Just back from my Red Bus trip around Glacier,just going to get changed and then something to eat.I did find the park absolutely stunning and loads of pics to post in after some editing.I spotted a Mountain goat on a high snow ledge above us,took some hurried snaps after changing to my 300mm lens,but they are a bit blurry-drat,coming around a bend on the road,guess what? a great big bear ran across the road in front of us,so quick I didnt get a chance to photograph it,so couple of disapointments,but I do have some beautiful pics of the park,I will post them in tomorrow,I am feeling a wee bit tired just now. Hi Stephanie,Thanks for your hotel suggestions and cautions,I like the studio idea,I really only need a bed to sleep in,so huge spaces I can do without,is it possible its available up until I leave from Seattle Airport on the 18th of August? Got to dash folks,I am feeling I am getting in the way here a bit,I will have more time on my hands tomorrow for a blether,Bye.
  7. Thanks Guys, Its great fun taking the photos,icing on the cake if by sharing these, others can also enjoy seeing them.
  8. Hi Everyone, Just arrived yesterday,the owner of the Dancing Bears Hotel is a Blackfoot Indian called Beaver,I just happened to mention I would love to see a Pow-Wow and a Rodeo,within no time I was off by car to both with Beaver and his son Allan(15) who was competing in the Rodeo,riding the bucking bulls.I know there are a lot of pics,but worth seeing them to the end. http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set= ... 65c&type=1
  9. Good Morning Everyone, Just thought I would sneak a post in when you are all asleep,hooray its Friday all you workers out there.Well at last after a bit of a sweat in finding a suitable hotel,some fully booked,some dont take bookings in the evening,I found one-The Dancing Bear Inn,what fun trying to reserve a room when the male owner is slightly deaf and trying to cope with a Scottish accent,his wife Heather (fine Scottish name)came to his rescue,I know nothing of the hotel,didnt see a pic of it online,but one thing is for sure this couple, who run it,are an absolute scream,they would make a great double act on TV.You know I have never stayed with a dancing bear before?. Its just gone 2.30am,if things go to plan,the train pulls out of not so Grand Forks at 4.00am,arriving in Glacier Park East at 6.45pm tomorrow evening.Not really a journey length I wanted,but I will just have to bite the bullet.I have heard this train recently has been running up to 16 hours late in arriving at Glacier Park,apparently problems of flooding in some areas?. Well have a great Friday everyone,hopefully I will be here tomorrow night,after a punctual arrival at the Dancing Bear.Time to pack my netbook,Bye,sorry no pics of Grand Forks,well think you deserve a break anyway.
  10. Hi Everyone, My last day there,think thats all for a couple of days,nothing much to photograph here in not so Grand Forks.Think the next lot coming up could be pretty special though,hope I am up to the task of capturing the beauty of National Glacier Park,my only problem might be access,since I dont have a car to get around properly in,I have never driven on the wrong side of the road before,and in concern for unwary American drivers,its better Eric dosnt try it,there is the risk of me crossing to the other side.Why after us driving for Centuries on the proper side of the road, did you Americans go and have to spoil everything? http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set= ... 564&type=1
  11. Its me again, Just for the record,its not-Not so Grand Falls-its actually Not so Grand Forks.Why do I keep confusing myself with all these names?.I this chemo brain effects?.
  12. Good Afternoon Everyone, Pin back your ears,well ,and your eyes also, you are going to love this one.Well being very discontent with my hotel and the people to boot,I decided to book the first train out of town and forfeit my money spent,surprisingly Amtrak had no problem booking me to Glacier Park West,so I shopped around on my netbook for a local hotel to the Amtrak station,found the ideal hotel,yes again ahem-the lady asked me for my station arrival time (6.45pm) she asked was I sure,this is not the usual time the train arrives,usually a good bit later?well I am glad she did raise this one,since when I rechecked with Amtrak I was told they are only stopping at East Glacier just now.great isnt it?depending on the people at the wheel to give you accurate advice,when its all baloney.So still yet to find a suitable hotel in East Glacier now. Back to my hotel now,I tell them I will be checking out at approx 2am tomorrow,sorry but the hotel is unsuitable,eventually 3.00pm arrives and I ask for my room,I am told there is no booking in my name,thats not right I insisted,I booked this online yesterday,well one good thing,means I wont forfeit,3 days hotel money for a place I didnt like. Here's the punchline,I phone the taxi firm that brought me here this morning,to come and pick me up,after waiting outside for 20mins,the taxi firm phones to ask me where I am?America Inn of course,taxi man he say-oops my driver has gone to the wrong America Inn,Eric says, you mean theres two America Inns?thats right he replies,Americas Best Value Inn and AmericInn Motel and Suites.Pennies dropped ,when the taxi arrives,I tell him to take me to the AmericInn Motel,yes Eric is booked in here,and its just beautiful,sadly I have to tell them I have my train reserved for leaving at 4.00am tomorrow morning.The girl said no problem we will only charge you for one night and not the three originally booked,this mistake has happened so many times in the past.I had given the taxi driver,a note with the Hotels name and address,he oviously gave it only a cursory glance,we were also giving a lift to another person at the station to share the fare so maybe he was a bit distracted taking note of the other guys hotel?,I never noticed the difference in titles. Isnt life just fun?now to find somewhere nice to have dinner-Roamin in the Gloamin on the bonnie banks o' Clyde,sing up everyone,I am happy again.Byee.
  13. Oh by the way I have renamed the town :- NOT SO GRAND FALLS Think that is a more appropriate title LOL.
  14. Good Afternoon Everyone, I could have sworn I am currently sitting in Wednesday.thank goodness I have here to keep me right.Sorry still not keeping up properly with your posts,thanks KatieB,was a bit concerned about not having a record of my journey.To bring you up to date and myself for that matter,Tuesday eve after Stewart and Lynne dropped me off,I decided on a nightcap in the Brit Pub just a block away from my hotel,fell in with a group of guys on a works conference adventure,well we did share a couple of beers and Scotches,and some really good fun,think I went to bed after two in the morning.Seems I have volunteered to be host to a visit from one of them,who is coming to Scotland on holiday next year,a wee chance to replay the Americans for the reception I have received here,forget which guy it was,never mind they all have my details.Spent yesterday at the Guthrie Theatre and the Mill ruins,good experience in both camps.Well got to the station about 9.30pm last night,unfortunately the train didnt arrive until 12.45pm. Arrived at Grand Forks about 8.00am this morning,only reason for being here was to break my train travel into short 4-6 hour pieces,well its turning out 7-8 hours is the norm.It also gives me an appreciation of small town America as well as the major cities.Well think I should have stayed on the train,I arrived at the hotel to be told they dont check in until 3.00pm,which seems to be common practice in the USA,I am sure that in all my travels through the UK and Europe,you checked in whenever you arrive,well what really ------me off the receptionist refused to check in my luggage also,so I had to search out the nearest restaurant (1 mile away)dragging my luggage,receptionist completely indifferent to my predicament,its not my fault Amtrak train schedules dont match up with hotel check ins.The hotel is illchosen by me,looked better on the net,its very basic,they are not the Americans I am used to meeting,eg,I asked a man in the street where the nearest eating place was,he replied he coud'nt help me, he was only out for a walk and wasnt carrying any money on him,I must look like a vagrant,lugging my cases with me.I have made my mind up,no more small towns,straight to Glacier Park,on the first available train out of town,probably means 24hrs on the train? and I will lose a couple of paid up hotel board,but I would rather feel comfortable about where I am,and I am not here.Strangely the station here only opens midnight to 8.00am,I dont think I am going to get a place on tonights train,I usually book my train ridewith Amtrak two days in advance,but I am going to try. I will post in later,let you know how I am doing,hopefully I will be riding a train tonight.Bye
  15. Good Morning Everyone, Bags are packed again,this is becoming a real routine for me,got to be out of here in 20mins,so going to be brief. Sorry I have'nt even read the posts from yesterday,it had such a busy day,I was invited to a day out with Stewart and Lynne,we spent some time at their home in a lovely suburb of Minneapolis ,then we did a tour of the lakes around their home,it was such a beautiful day and evening.Stewart decided to drive round to show me his childhood home,school,play places,what fun driving up and down the streets trying to access these areas,most of the area's streets were cordoned off for street parties,it was amazing to see the number of neighbours that participated in this event,must try to introduce this to my neighbourhood when I get home.We finished up going for a nice meal in one of the local restaurants.Stewart has suffered a stroke recently,but has made a super recovery,he has to undergo surgery on Friday,to unblock a vein in his neck,to prevent a further stroke,he has already had this surgery on the other side of his neck.If you reading this Stewart,you have my very best wishes for Friday. I really must close the shutters now,its just going on 11am.My train leaves tonight for Grand Forks at 10.15pm.Gosh I did try to maintain a diary of my travels and for the first two to three weeks I did,but too many diversions came my way and I let everything slip,my intention was to use this forum as a way to pool all my adventures and re-write my journey fully when I return home,OK who can advise me on a way to copy and paste all the airs,and where do I store them?Have a great day everyone,I dont know when I will be back,probably well into tomorrow.Byee.
  16. Hi Stephanie and Laurie, thanks for your comments,you are right Laurie,it was National night out,what a super idea,it was really amazing to see so many neighbours getting together for some fun,must try to have this introduced in my neighbourhood when I get home.
  17. Good Evening Everyone, I met up with my train buddies from Minneapolis today,spent some time at Stewart and Lynns home,they didnt think I should leave without seeing something of the cities lakes,hope you enjoy seeing them. http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set= ... 7eb&type=1
  18. Good Morning Everyone, I know for all you workers its Monday,hope it passes without giving you much hassle.I am just about to head off to explore the nether regions of St Pauls/Minneapolis,for the first time since I arrived in the USA,I dont have a plan for the day,maybe I will find a city tour bus to show me around the cities?.DonnaG,if you read this post and you have some free time on your hands,I would love to meet up with you,today or tomorrow,you have my invitation to lunch/dinner,my cellphone number is -804-356-6571. Hi Bud,you getting over th hill,I dont think so,having just completed the hilly 70mile Goatneck Bike Ride,in the Texan heat? I still figure you are from Krypton,nice fish.I actually watched a fishing prog here last night on TV,it was about a couple of guys travelling around the lakes in Canada,most of the time they were doing catch and release,some of the fish they hooked were enormous,I would have loved to have gone on such a trip. Hi Laurie,Thanks for your comment regarding my wee trip around the USof A,I am so enjoying myself.Its so good for us that you have stayed with us after losing Bill three years ago.I hope you have a super time as you set off for Wisconsin,are you driving all that way from Florida?surely not,I get tired just driving into Glasgow from Airdrie LOL. Well I am off,dont want to upset the maid by remaining in here,ruining her routine,I will post in later to let you know how my day went.Bye.
  19. Hi Everyone, My first day out here,went the Mall of America,I throughly enjoyed my day here,OK many of the pics are for the kids,I do have quite a few Great nieces and nephews back home who will love some of these,I do hope you enjoy seeing them too. Share this album with anyone by sending them this public link: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set= ... c31&type=1
  20. Alan and Janet, I just got back to reading your posts after I have posted in.I really think that receiving a dx of lung cancer is unfortunate enough for Americans,without having to face the double whammy,of being put into a financial disadvantage also.I have the benefits of the UKs National Health Service,and my lung cancer treatments have been comprehensive,as well as not costing me a single penny.The UK is not alone in providing this kind of health care,it is available, certainly throughout the EEC,and other developed nations throughout the world. My hope is one day that the whole health care system in America,is completely overhauled and rebuilt on a foundation that access to health care is a right for every citizen,available by need and not on ability to pay.My health care is provided by deductions from my salary called National Insurance,I dont mind in the least that others may benefit,incidentally this deduction was never a arm and a leg,typically it would have been approx £250 ($375)/month from my salary.You pay a precentage on what you earn,so those on higher incomes would pay progressively more.
  21. Good Afternoon Everyone, What a pleasure to see so many contributors in the post today,particularly at the weekend. JudyKW,I dont know how you do it, but you are so intuitive regarding me,I really think you can read my mind.Last night post midnight,I sat down to open the Sunday Air,half way through,though, I was getting so sleepy,I decided to abort and get some shut eye,I was off as soon as my head hit the pillow,these long train do make you weary. Saturday 2.15pm,I boarded the train for St Pauls/Minneapolis,settled into my seat,donned the ipod earplugs,and commenced reading up- Montana-in my Rough guide to America book,as the train leaves Chicago,an elderly gentleman takes the seat next to me,his wife just across the isle,my first thoughts were to offer him my seat,to allow him and his wife to sit to-gether,for whatever reason I didnt,and as it turns out it was the better decision,his wife an avid book reader was content in her own company and her book.I switched off my ipod,as this sprightly 77 year introduced himself to me -Stewart,fine Scottish name, laddie,well who would believe,we could lose 8hrs of train travel,in conversation,I swear we did,never a dull moment.Stewart was your ideal company on such a journey,interesting,intelligent and full of fun.As we arrived at St Pauls,Stewart and his wife insisted that they would drive me to my hotel,they had left their car parked at the station,well we exchanged details,and hopefully we can meet up before I leave for Montana on Wednesday,what can I say? America you have continually done me proud-thank you. Well up early this morning,decided to head off for Mall of America,It seems I have left my "American" Cellphone charger back in Chicago,I really must get a replacement,en route to the tram that goes there, I approach a church,its a fine old building,OK I say to myself if its a Baptist one I will go inside for the service,if not-straight to Mall of America-the church comes fully into view -First Baptist Church,I really think these things are meant to happen,well as I entered the building and introduced myself to those at the entrance,I couldnt have been made more welcome,I got a guided tour of the church,a description of its long history,remarkable that the evangelist Billy Graham started out on his world wide mission from this very church.I really enjoyed the service and the music,really glad I stopped by,I suppose it was a bit like getting my batteries recharged as well as my cellphone.Definately would have been my church of choice if I were a resident of Minneapolis. Well I eventually arrived at the Mall of America,I had never heard of this place just couple of days ago,its every serious shopper's dream,I just loved it,theres nothing that gives me more pleasure,than being amongst so many shops and people,it just makes you feel so alive.Well of course I got lost in the building about five seconds after entering,I did stumble upon a Verizon shop,the assistant even offered to charge up my phone for me and call back later,I had to decline his kind offer,I didnt give myself much chance of navigating myself back to his shop later.I spent a happy few hours wandering about,having a fine lunch (and a Beer)taking pics buying a couple of prezzies to take home.It certainly was a good first day out in Minneapolis,wonder what the next couple of days will bring. Ooops too busy talking about myself,I forgot to take notes of your posts,sorry,my holiday has gone to my head,normal service will be resumed as soon as possible,enjoy the rest of your weekend everyone,bye just now.
  22. Hi Allan, Sorry I didnt mention it specifically but I did order and eat a Chicago hot dog,at the Navy pier,I hope that was the one to try LOL.Now move on to the other channel,to the Sunday Air,its 12.20am.I cannot be here at this time.
  23. Good Morning Everyone, Just a quick post,got to get moving,still to shower and dress,some packing still to do,before checking out. Hi Stephanie,As JudyKW mentioned,thank you for the information you have provided for me on my journey,I really had to laugh when you wrote -St Pauls/Minneapolis-Another city you know very little about,then proceed to provide me with enough infro that you could start tomorrow in their tourist information bureau.Think I am going to need more than three days stay to cover all the ground. Hi Annette,Oh how I wish you could have come up here to attend your business meeting,I would have added a couple of days to my stay to tie in with you.Its too bad wayward can get in the way of other things you would have preferred to do.Hope his "Retreat" works the some majic on him,and has a positive experience on his life. Got to go,thats the maid at the door,gosh they dont give you a minute here,check outs supposed to be 12 noon,well I wont be able to keep in touch with you all until to-morrow,there is no wi-fi on Amtrak trains,despite their publicity burb telling people there is.I did try to limit my train journies to a 4hr limit,to stop getting a numb bum sitting too long,well the best laid schemes O' mice and men aft gang astray,as oor Rabbi Burns would say-my upcoming journey is 8 hours;phew-and the distance on the map between the cities looks so small? Have a nice weekend ,hope everyone can relax and have some fun.Bye.
  24. Good Evening Everyone, Wednesday was really a lost day for me,I still have this cold,and a cough which kept me awake during the night.I decided to get up early yesterday and do my laundry,there's a washing machine and drier on the top floor,machines done their job,so back to my room to iron all my polo and T-shirts,I also picked up my dry cleaned trousers from the lobby.I was really done in after my efforts,so I put the do not disturb sign on the outside of my door and went back to bed,well I slept until my phone rang late in the afternoon,it was Sally,we chatted for a while,I then showered and got dressed,decided to search out a pharmacy downtown,got some pills called Mucinex,hopefully they will clear my cough and the phlegm I keep bringing up,sorry,not the best of writing to share. Well today I am determined is not going to be another wasted day,so out and about-on foot-walked to the Planetarium,they had an excellent 3D film about the universe,its beginnings,black holes,white dwarfs,red giants,two galaxies colliding and supernovas etc,also a visit to an imaginery planet,the film was just wonderful,cannot share it with you photography is banned throughout the performance,another show I viewed was the night sky over Chicago,minus the light pollution from the city,a super visit. I also visited the Field Museum,nothing visible from the outside really which would indicate what the building contained?oh there was a poster of a horse and a whale.Well as it turns out it was a Museum of Natural History,$22 to get in,slight grumbles from Eric,(museums in Glasgow are all free admittance,to ensure those less well off are not prevented from visiting)well didnt take long to appreciate this was one of the best spent $22 on my holidays,the place was enormous and bursting at the seams with all kinds of interesting exhibits,it has three floors,however despite my enthuseism,my tired wee legs couldnt contemplate the basement floor,so it was head off home time.I have downloaded my pics into facebook,this group might not be everyone's cup of tea,but I want to share every part of my journey with you and my family and friends back home. Gosh there's so much I have missed here since yesterday,please forgive if I have lost some of the plots. Hi Janet,Sorry I missed you too,I was going to meet up with Nick at New Haven,but he had'nt been around the forum for a while,so I didnt connect with him,I think I had read somewhere,he was packing his bags to go somewhere about the time I was passing?.I am really so pleased to hear,you are going to meet up with JudyKW,oh how I would love to be there. Thanks KatieB for your kind thoughts regarding my rotten cold,I have just decided now to ignore it,you are so right the LUNGevity Girls are just the Bees Knees,they have done me proud,thanks girls. Hi Sara,I have'nt stopped thinking about you,good to see you,looking forward to meeting up with you in Seattle shortly,hope everything is going well for you. Hi Allan,I really am sorry that you are having to settle for looking at my pics rather than accompanying me along my travels through America. Thanks to everyone who has mentioned that they are enjoying my pics and rumblings as I carry on my journey through America,just to say I am having the most enjoyable time of my life,I just dont want this to end.Bye for now.
  25. Hi Allan, Just back in my hotel room,9.45pm,I had a pizza dinner from the corner pizzeria,think the chef had left the building and left the cleaner in charge,sorry but that was the worst pizza I have ever eaten,well eaten is an exaggeration,I left most of it,the waiter wanted to know if I wanted to take away the portion that was left,well thank you but no.I did retire to the bar for a beer and a couple of Drambuies on the rocks,my cold is preventing me from tasting anything,but hopefully my wee drinkies will see these germs off. Allan,I am really sorry to have missed meeting up with you,I just know we would hit it off,if there is anyway I can adjust my schedule to allow us to meet,I would only be too happy.Off to bed now hoping to wake up free of this rotten cold.Byee.
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