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eric byrne

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Everything posted by eric byrne

  1. Good Evening All, Persistant heavy rain to-day,British Summer Time ended on Sunday at 1am,so it was a miserable drive home from work today in the dark,with loads of surface water on the roads,think even Bud would have given his bike a miss today.It will remain dark going home until Sally's birthday on the 25th of February,by the way Judy this old fellah here, will be 62 years young in May 8th next. Great news Judy in you receiving Traceva for one year,although I am absolutely furious at your health system,that is so obsolete,that allows the less financially well off,to go without drugs that may be life threatening.I thought Jesus said love others as yourselves? Driving into work this morning,I was listening to a report on the American Mid-Term elections on BBC Radio 4,I was so engrossed in listening to Sarah Palin and her activists thoughts on smaller government and lower taxes,I missed my turn off on the Motorway (Freeway)I had to double back to go and pick up Jennifer,(approx 15mins late)Oh I just love politics,mind you it certainly stretches all human understanding trying to follow the American version Tee-Hee,I really hope I am not offending anyone,it is the last thing I would wish,please pm me if you think I should butt out,come on the Democrats-Yeah!!! See you to-morrow,cannot wait for the results to come in on Wednesday,appearently its the Republicans who are going to be smiling?
  2. Hi Judy, I would love to help you,but it seems the research I have made into many aspects of lung cancer statistics apply only to the UK,and comparative "facts" I have gathered vis -a- via the USA may only be considered as hearsay. From what I have questioned about the so called differential between the USA claim to have a 15% survival rate rate of lung cancer patients after five years,compared to the UKs 7%,the medical practitioners in the UK,claim that the USAs methods of recording is totally misleading,due to not counting millions of disenfranchised of Americans,who do not have medical insurance (appearently running at 40 million currently)UK experts have told me that the UK is the only country in the world who actually counts every single person here that has been diagnosed with lung cancer and follows them up throughout their illness to discover their final destination.The findings say generally that every nation on the planets 5 year survival levels are roughly in line with each other,so no country can claim to be more successful. I have a large list of statistics provided to me from Roy Castle LC Foundation giving comparisions with the UK and the members of the EEC countries.Generally the UK has twice the incidence of lung cancer than its neighbours,Scotland faring even worse than England.The mortality rate for males in the UK is on the decrease whereas for females it is on the increase,it is presumed because females are smoking more to keep their weight fashionably down.I will pass on to you further comparisons if you wish,best of luck Judy,I hope you have a good presentation for your journalist.
  3. Happy Halloween Everyone, Just gone 8.15pm,I am just home from having spent a lovely weekend away.Friday night was 21st birthday party night,really nice occassion loads of my extended family and friends were there,including my daughter and boyfriend Chris,seeing all the young kids looking so smart and attractive made me wish to be 21 again.Got home in the early hours then out to Asda for 10am. Eight volunteers turned up,we set out with our buckets to our respective tills,I was really lucky in having a wonderful check out cashier,who was just full to bursting with the Glasgow patter,we shared non-stop laughs with the customers,the time just flew by.One couple of Canadians turned up with a couple of their Scottish relatives,they were just off the plane,coming here for a three week vacation,imagine just arriving at their relatives doorstep,then being whisked off to Asdas for groceries and being left to pay,the cashier and I just couldnt stop laughing,the Canadians were also having so much fun they didnt want to leave us.I later spotted a nun in the queue,on the belt beside her three boxes of Millars beer,you have to laugh,they actually belonged to the lady in front.We stayed until two pm,handed in our buckets then home. Over to Lindas and Gordons for the family dinner party night,I had a great time telling all my lifetime gatherings of anedotes,they have probably heard several times before,but were still polite enoughto laugh anyway .Oh boy did Eric have one too many of the amber nectars,I fell asleep in the chair in the early hours ,well I think two late nights in a row is just getting a bit much for a person of my number of years.Stayed Sunday with Irene and Pat,and went out with Max for his halloween,he looked so cute dressed in his Buzz Lightyear costume.Going to have an early bed tonight,so I am fresh for work.Enjoy your Halloween everyone.
  4. Hi Nicole, Pleased to meet you,your post is most welcome,good news survivor stories here always give me a nice lift,please pass onto your mum my best wishes on her third anniversary,may she enjoy many more to come.Sorry to hear about her fall,hoping that she makes a speedy and full recovery.
  5. OOps, Sorry Tony I often click the submit button before previewing my post first for grammatical errors or spelling mistakes,just noticed i before the e except after c,write 500 lines Eric.
  6. Good Morning Tony, Its a beautiful Autumn morning here in Scotland,its nearly 9.00am,I was up late last night attending a really enjoyable 21st birthday party.Why should I introduce myself to you like this,having read your posting?Just over two years ago my doctor gave me the news of my lung cancer dx,he mentioned some time later after my treatments were complete,when I asked if I could go back to work,his reply? better not,since you have only two years of life left,why dont you take some quality time out with your wife. Tony,you must be feeling your world has fell down round about you,it is a hard blow to take on the chin,but hold on a wee minute,my doctor has failed miserably in predicting my demise,in fact I have never felt better in all my life,incidentally my oncologist was more than a little annoyed with my GP,and told me to ignore him,since his prediction for me is 15-20 years if not a cure.As you may guess I prefer my oncologists opinion. Take some time to read the buddies survivor stories here and you will find I am one of the least remarkable of survivors. This LC dx for me has been a cloud on my life, but it really is one that has a great big bright silver lining,it has taken me to places and meeting people I would have never met and experiences I would have never believed,too many to mention here,but I will mention one,I was invited by the Roy Castle LC Foundation Org to attend a LC Advocates Conference in Manchester as a guest speaker to present to a large audience of delegates,to describe my cancer journey and how to become a more pro-active advocate in getting more public attention and support for LC. My real point is Tony,dont think this dx is closing a door on your life,think of it as more a door opening into a new life,meeting some real lovely people here,and new oppertunities to enjoy better life experiences you cannot even begin to believe-yet.My very best wishes to you as you begin your journey,take one day at a time dont think too much about to-morrow,as for treatments?well I didnt recieve radiotherapy as we call it in the UK,I did recieve the cocktail they dont serve in bars,messrs cisplatin and vinorobean? followed up with a op to remove the upper right lobe.You know what?I sailed through the lot honestly with the slightest of discomfort,ok I did have a wee episode of constipation,and had I found here earlier the buddies here would have told my to drink loads of fluids,so I would Have probably missed that also. Oh another thing just before I go off to Asda (I am doing my hero bit again modestly of course dont want to show off so dont mention this to the buddies here,they think my head is big enough),I am helping shoppers to pack their groceries for money for LC with other Roy Castle supporters.Where was I? oh yes the buddies here are a right nosey lot,what they really enjoy is a no holds barred in wanting to get to know you more and how your treatments are progressing,dont mention to them I told you.See you later Buddy all the best.
  7. Evening All, Almost 11pm here,just about to call it a day,Ill read a few more pages of D-Day by Anthony Beever before going to sleep.Libby if your time zone is as New Yorks,you are five hours behind me.Been showery here today,but strangely warm?. Busy today,not long in from Christianity Explored course,I attend,really enjoying myself,we are off to Dumfries next Friday for the weekend,the hotel is set in the countryside,which is really beautiful at this time of the year,the organisers have set aside plenty of time for enjoying walks in the surrounding area,seen photos of the hotel,thankfully it looks as far from spartan as it can get,so it looks like a really good weekend away. Well this weekend is going to be fun also,21st birthday party tomorrow night,then Saturday,I have volunteered to stand in Asda (Your Wallmart)at the checkout to help shoppers pack their groceries,to raise cash for Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation,hope I dont drop anyones boxes of eggs.My youngest sister ,Linda is having a dinner party on Saturday night,so I will probably be up at the wee small hours,seems like I wouldnt be here until Sunday eve. Judy oh if only it wasnt so late and my energy levels,are a bit low,I would have loved to climb back up on my soap box and exercise my wrath at your drug funding situation that you and probably loads of fellow Americans have to put up with,might give it a go if I havent mellowed by Sunday.Guess who I was watching on the news 30 mins ago? Sarah bloody Palin (sorry about that, it just sorta slipped out) Primary Elections on Tuesday?Republicans anticipating sweeping gains we are being told?oh ,and Sarah thinks she is going to run for being the Prezzy in two years time,gosh if she wins???well I was listening to BBC Radio 4 today and there is a serious proposal being put to NASA about sending some volunteers on a one way ticket to Mars to set up a working colony there,soon,apparently they now have the technology now to make this viable? Ann you live near NASAs base in Florida,would you mind dropping in and getting me an application form please?.See you all Sunday byeee.
  8. Evening All, Really wet and miserable day,as they say here "Its been fair chucking it doon",never mind as long as inwardly I still feel happy and on top of the world (well not quite as high up as Bruce,Tee-Hee).Talking of Bruce,nice to read of his rescue of the Llamas,Bruce are you going to harvest their fleeces,if so,can I put in my order for a pullover size 42" chest,nice if you could have it ready for christmas.Oh maybe its the wrong season to be asking,seems the Llamas will be needing their fleeces more than I will,given where your neck of the woods is,LOL. Oh Judy, the moment has arrived,your first Tarceva pill swallowed-I raise my glass,containing a wee dram of !2 year old Whyte and MacKays to you and a shout of "SLAINTE",hope you heard that in Key West (Slainte of course means your good health).Ahem-"Heres to you,may your experience of Tarceva have the least of downside effects and the maximum of up side benefits,for ever and ever-Amen". Buddy Boy-AW what a shame you having to miss a nice day at work,over a silly wee cold,you must be so disapointed in not feeling up to it.Think if I were you,I would spin it out and go back to work on Monday,well you dont want to be going passing it to your workmates now,do you?.I only hope your day-time TV progs are better than the rubbish they put on here in Scotland?. Just going downstairs now to watch the Footie,Glasgow Celtic playing ??? gosh I really have forgotten,oh well never mind.Oh further the first of my four ordered Andre Rieu DVDs arrived today,so its on after the footie,what a great nights viewing I am going to have,isnt life just dandy.Byeee.
  9. Hi Judy, just online having my lunch break coffee,its 1.00pm and no class this afternoon good to catch you online
  10. eric byrne

    So Lonely

    Hi Ronnie, I really feel your loneliness,I think we should put all our heads to-gether to find new activities/distactions for infilling those down moments.I really believe that in such a crowded planet,there are so many people for a whole range of different circumstances are in the same position as yourself,if only we could identify these people and bring them to-gether.Wait a minute,those people who had the courage and gave themselves that extra push to get out there and get involved have found their own reward.Ronnie,I dont know your geography and the social activities that people follow in your neck of the woods,how about as a start you could advise us here,what we could do if we lived near you,to get out and about,outside working hours,to get involved in a club,evening leisure class at your local college anything at all that you might find something of interest.I know you may think of my post as Dont tell your Grannie how to suck eggs,but really sometimes its the simplest things that can make a difference,all you need is just a bit of confidence to get out there and meet some other human beings who are in the same boat as yourself,who are also looking for some support.By losing yourself in helping others to overcome their loneliness you will lose yours.
  11. Hi Marie, Welcome to LCSC,by jings, you certainly have taken to the water,well done you,what a super attitude you have.I just know you are going to enjoy getting to know the buddies here as much as we are going to enjoy getting to know you,all the natives here a very friendly. I wish you well in your cancer journey,and from what I have read,you have a million good reasons to be optomistic in having a long and happy life ahead.Best Wishes.
  12. Hi Liz, Welcome to LCSC,reading your post I realise you are not entirely new to LC,and you are doing fine,you have the right attitude.This is the most difficult time to adjust and come to terms with your cancer journey. This disease is survivable,I have now started my third year of being cancer free and enjoying life to the full.I have returned to work and feeling physically and mentally as fit as I was prior to my dx.By reading the remarkable survivor stories here you will begin to realise how unremarkable my story is. I wish you and your husband a time in the not so distant future,when all his treatments have been completed,peace and freedom from the current anxieties you have experienced up to now,and start to refind the world you had prior to dx.Looking forward to getting to know you better,God bless.
  13. Good Evening All, Nice to see some well kent faces about today,another bright sunny day today,if a bit on the cold side,these time zones really get me,its 10.30pm here,and I am about to say goodbye to Monday,when you are all just into it. Nothing much to report today,busy work Monday,spent most of the evening,searching out Andre Rieu DVDs on eBay and Amazon,managed to order four I havent got.Was going to spend some time also editing my hikers and bikers pics,too late to-night,bowling tomorrow night,so try on Wednesday. Bud ,really pleased for you that the Texas Rangers are doing well,wish I could say the same for the Scottish Football Team,for years the Scots punched above their weight and could hold their own against the bigger Soccer Nations of the world,alas no more,even the minor teams in the world are giving us the run around,I tell you its computers,ipods,blackberries and raspberries to blame ,kids today dont play kick about the streets with a football as we did when I was young,so there isnt as much talent coming through the ranks. Bruce, good to see you back,hope you have recovered from your fall from your horse.Just thinking,hope you have got him a nice thick winter blanket,it must be really hard on the animals where you are in winter?.I do envy your freedom to do farm type chores at your own beck and call,and away from your previous desk duties,best of luck I hope everything goes well for you,am I remembering correctly, did you mention buying Llamas for your farm? Ann and Lilyjohn,mozzies and gnats? oh come on,pussycats, compared to the Scottish Highland midge,these creatures are invisible at descend on you in swarms usually first thing in the morning or in the early evening,thank goodness they are rural creatures essentially. They particularly like to attack the unwary tourist from eg America visiting our countryside.Not that natives are immune, but you get a bit wise to their habitat,and stay away,trees and moist ground areas.Their bites drive you mad and leave swellings on your body that are a million times the size of the little brutes,I used to smoke cigars when fishing to keep them at bay-see where that got me,you just cannot win. Off to bed now,see you.
  14. Morning Judy, Its 6.30am here just getting ready to go to work.Just a wee rejoinder to wish you well for the arrival of your Tarceva,I can well understand your apprehensions,skin rashes suffered by some are no joke.May your experience have little effect on you and you can derive all the drugs benefits.I am still bamboozled about your health care system where ability to pay is a factor to consider if you are an American citizen.I pray for the day arriving,where this obsolete and totally indefensible system is kicked into touch for good.Everyone should have the right to full access to medical care,regardless of ability to pay. I know if this were done,years later Americans would look back in shame at the present system in how it discriminated against the less well off.You only have to think about pre-sixties and racial attitudes them to realise how archiac they seem now when you look back.Sorry,me and my big mouth always letting it run away with me,please forgive me butting my nose in?.Have a good day Judy.
  15. Evening All, Coming to an end of a super weekend,another sunny and blue sky day throughout,though getting cooler now,temps late fifties, yes winter approaches.More frost on my car this morning. I took my camera gear over to my sisters house to-day,the borrowed SD disc,loaded onto her computer without any problems?we burned the pics onto a DVD,then played them back through her hugh TV,boy the show lasted for more than half an hour,and many of the pics were really good,I think Claire the Boss is going to be pleased.I hope to play them to the 21st birthday party on Friday next,since I think most of the hikers and bikers will be there.Its being held in the same club. Judy KW,please, this charity work takes very little effort,you would fit in easily with this happy group of people,despite you not feeling at your best at the moment.I think when you see my pics (I will really have to do some editing to reduce the volume)Eric amongst 200-300 lovely ladies all enjoying a great evening out,I think you will appreciate why this isnt work for me,this is bliss. Well its back down to reality now,work tomorrow,and I have a class first thing.Bud- hope you can shake off your cold soon as,enjoy the rest of Sunday everyone,bye.
  16. Good morning Michelle, Beautiful sunny morning here in Scotland,just caught your post and you have made my morning that bit more brighter.I am sure Adell is going to have her life brighter too, with your appearance in it,the friendship and conversations you will share will add to her care also.I wish you well in your new adventure,and you get as much from it, as will Adell,tell her I was asking for her also.
  17. Hi Everyone, It has been such a beautiful day today,I decided to take a drive down to Largs (without my camera)the Firth of Clyde was at its best,wish you could have all shared my day with me,I just love our countryside.I had a cappuchino in the yacht marina,then a amerina ice-cream at Nardinis,accompanied by my platonic secret friend of the opposite persuasion. Sorry I have been absent for a while,I am just catching up with you on the forums,gosh I feel so sad with what I have found,ConnieB,KatieB not forgetting Judy KW with the anticipation of the arrival of Tarceva into her life,wish things could be different,dont you?if only do more for our friends in difficult times?. I do feel a bit guilty about the timing or inappropriateness of this paragraph,but I still want to share with you,my exhilaration I havened lost since last night at the Hikers and Bikers Presentation Dinner.I was the offical photographer,and as I started,DISASTER, my camera flashed up no SD card,I had put all my Millport Day onto a DVD_RW disc for the presentation and left my SD card in my laptop.Oh boy if you could imagine how I felt,then miracles of miracles some passed me a 8GB Sd card to use,thank you God,I spent the rest of the evening clicking away at the company and the presentation of the cheques,last year they raised £26,000 this year the target was £30,000 (£30,000 x$1.58 = $47.400) we actually raised £29,277 which was still pretty good.Representatives from 5 charities were there to receive their cheques,and gave a response to their appreciation of what we have achived for them,honestly it brought a lump to my thoat,of the difference this money will make to the recipricants ie,Malawi- this money will feed 495 primary school kids every day for one year,photographs were show to us of the African school kids standing underneath a large banner showing Noreen Davis Hikers and Bikers Scotland,giving a great big smiley African wave,how can you top that?Other cheques went to Marie Curie Hospices and CHAS,a hospice charity for terminally ill hopice for children with cancers.The other two,sorry equally worthy but I have just forgot.I took enough pics to sink the Queen Elizabeth.The night went on I just felt great,I was volunteered to get up on stage and sing to the Karioke? machine,Neil Diamonds Sweet Caroline was chosen for me and I sang it as a duet with a beautiful young relative of my sister,I just love the song and got enormous pleasure in singing it,even more so went they announced at the end of the night we were chosen a the winners,boy my head was so big, I banged onto the door frame head going into my house on the way home.Oh just to rub it in,I won a bottle of Baileys Irish Cream with two presentation glasses in the Tombola,and 2 cds the Black Eyed Peas? and Nelly Furtado? boy am I out of touch or what? Ok last paragraph,had a couple of Baileys when I arrived home,went to bed,got up in the morning,took the SD card out of my camera,to transfer to my laptop to burn onto a DVD,DISASTER,this file is empty my lap top reads,I am almost in tears,phone sis,hubby and her get me to try different things to no avail-this file is empty?.Strange thing is I put the SD card back in my camera,and it can show me all the pics are still there,is there any techies out there that can help me,please,I think I will be lynched, if I cant produce these pics. The young girl I sang with,gave me a card,an invitation to her 21st Birthday Party next Friday,I told her the only invitations I seem to get are for funerals recently,since Claire the Boss will be there I hope to be able to pass on the pics.Do you know what really knocked me for six that night?Claire for all the chartiable work she has done over twenty years,raising hundreds of thousands of pounds for various charities,thanked me personally,for my contribution.This Lung Cancer thingy has led me in directions I would have never been involved with,and strangely you may think it has been a blessing to me,I have never in my life been as happy.Goodnight everyone
  18. Hi Lily, Thanks for your wellwritten post,having completed my treatments I asked My GP if I could return to work,he replied,why not take some quality time out with your wife,as you have only two years left to live,adding, I once had a patient who survived five years with lung cancer,what a character-but you are not him!!!.My appointed lung nurse phoned me the day following my dx,during our conversation I happened to mention my work colleague,had told me his dad survived lung cancer for more than 10 years,and died with something quite unrelated to his lung cancer,her reply? Well Eric that wont be you,your tumor is in a bad position,well how long will I have then? five years? four years ? she replied,Well you are getting close to the ball park figure. I just love the story about the honeybee,Its bodymass ratio to its wing surface area is so ill proportioned,that it just cannot fly,well since the honeybee dosnt know the first thing about the laws of aerodynamics if just goes ahead and flies.Well I have now passed my "sell by date" of two years given to me by my doctor and I am just going to keep going on posting here,boring the pants off everyone for years to come.
  19. Good Evening Everyone, Well for the first time I had to scrape the frost off my car this morning,since it was cloudless skies last night,thank goodness for heated front and rear wind screens,I guess thats the first indictor for oncoming winter. Been a bit of a gloomy day here in the Uk,first the Principal held a staff meeting to talk about cuts in funding next year from further and higher education,to early to forecast its effects on the college,but it could have an impact on courses and staffing. £89 billion cuts in public services over the next five years have also been announced by the government today,forecast of 500,000,public service workers to lose their jobs.Oh them bankers have really mucked up our economy,and they are still paying themselves massive bonuses,one law for the rich another for the poor?Anyway enough of the doom and gloom. Nothing much to report today sorry to say,just work ,eat and sleep,It is really quiet in the air today isnt it? Hi Bud, I dont get to see baseball here in Scotland,have seen many American films with a baseball theme, though,my favourite was Kevin Costners Field of Dreams,must have seen it three or four time since it came out (Sally's always had a fancy for Kevin for years)I dont really understand the finer points of the rules though.I am glad your team won. Got a handout though my letter box today,Airdrie railway station was a terminus station,but for the last five years they have been working on connecting Airdrie with Edinburgh,which means I no longer have to travel into Glasgow,then back out to Edinburgh.It will be 25mins now to Glasgow and 30mins to Edinburgh isnt that just great,service starts early December,saving my a journey time by 1 hour. Just going to watch the European Football Championships now,Glasgow Rangers are playing the Spanish side Valencia looking forward to a great game,see you later everyone,bye.
  20. Hi Ann, Just finished dinner,Sally has just settled down to watch Emmerdale Farm (its worse than suffering from toothache),so I have just quietly crept upstairs,better be quick its only on for half an hour.I get great fun out of photography,and if other people can get some enjoyment out of my efforts,its just great,thank you. Hi Lilyjohn,wow,imagine you can trace your ancestors back to the Mayflower,that is just amazing,maybe you are related to Flora McDonald who helped Bonnie Prince Charlie to escape the English and get to France,after his rout at Culloden in 1745.I wish you every success in researching your grandfathers line,if you can find the time .Mind and let me know if you do, of course. Hi Judy, I do enjoy a wee wander through the big stores like Costco,mind you my attitude is slightly different from yours,I usually have no idea what I am looking for at the outset,its only by walking up and down every aisle and then tripping over something,then I know what I want.Seems I missed a post of yours about a February Cruise,its sounds great,never been on one,there are so many interesting places in your area for cruising I am sure you will have a great time,I seriously hope that sea-sickness dosnt become an issue that would spoil your fun.I remember my buddy Bill taking a Mediterranean cruise recently and his daughter being bothered with sea-sickness which was cured by an injection from the ships doctor.February,what a great time to go,I will be shivering in mid-winter here,green with envy.
  21. Good Afternoon Everybody, Beautiful sunny day,if somewhat cooler,nice walking weather.Left work today at lunchtime to keep my six monthly appointment with my onc Dr McLaren at 1.30pm.We just sat and chatted about my general health then about my advocancy work,I think she is very pleased with the effort I have put in and wished me well in my attempts for better funding and encouraging people to give up smoking.She said after two years in remission,I was doing well and in the nicest possible way,she said there was no need for further appointments with her.I have to maintain my appointments with my respitory Dr McAlpine in the meantime,since they removed the golfball sized polyp from my bowel I have to have regular colonoscopies,one which is due next month-once they get their hooks into you they dont easily let you go. Hi Lilyjohn,I have enjoyed reading your posts since I got here,well knock me over fancy you having Scottish ancestry,it really is great fun trying to trace back your origins,I have got back to about 1850s,I would like to delve into this more when I retire.Yes Scotland does have an industrial history mainly in the central belt,I think I remember reading somewhere that nearly 90% of the worlds shipping was built on the Clyde,and my home district in Glasgow (Springburn) was the worlds biggest manufacturer of steam trains,up intil the fifties Glasgow was the second biggest city in the Uk with a population of over 1 million,think its about 600,000 now.Outside the central belt I think the whole of Scotland is one huge area of outstanding natural beauty,it is my intention to spend umteen years sending in pics of demonstrating my boast,why I havent even started on the highlands yet,or the borders areas of Dunfries,where a much more genteel natural beauty is found. Friday night is Hikers and Bikers presentation night,I am so looking forward to the fun,everybody will be there.I have transferred all my pics onto a disc for projection in the hall for everyone to see,I will also be taking my camera to photograph the revelry and the presentation of the cheques,wonder how much was raised? the bus that raised the most, holds the title for one year as "Best Bus",think it entitles you to graze your cattle on the village green,or am I confusing this award with Freeman of the City? Dinner Gongs just gone,(Sally Roar)must dash now,enjoy the rest of the day everyone.
  22. Hi Nova, I am a comparatively new member here and therefore missed all your earlier postings here.Since reading your current post and Harry's story,I felt I had to respond to you despite my difficulty in finding adequate words that could bring you some comfort.We have all lost close friends and relatives as we pass through life,but I can only imagine how much more debilitating the grief would be at the loss of a loved spouse. I dont think you should reproach yourself for feeling this way,I think it is only natural,I wish you all the very best for a full recovery, and rediscovering the zest for life you once had with Harry.
  23. Hi Mandy, Welcome to LCSC,nice to see another Brit on board,I am one of your Northern neighbours.I must say you could not find a better place to be than here for support,the natives all entirely friendly (I think theyve forgiven us for the American Wars of Independance)I have found being here restored me to full physical and mental health(although some here might dispute my claim to full mental health) It it good to meet new friends,looking forward to getting to know you.Enjoy a read through forums,educational and fun,loads of brilliant survival stories here that will give you some encouragement.Talking about encouragement,how about getting dad to join us here also? I am sure he would enjoy a wee tonic.Catch up with you later.
  24. Hi Judy, You probably have guessed I dont know anything about Tarceva,other than what I have gleaned from Stephanie.Just wanting to wish you well and hope the drug has a minimal effect on the downside and maximum benefit on the up side.Its good your are doing your homework and getting well prepared for any eventualities.Sunshine a problem?why not come over and stay with me,not much of a risk of sunshine until the spring in Scotland.I hope your insurance wrangles are now sorted,in getting the provision of Tarceva,with little cost to yourself.I am thinking of writing a letter to President Obama,to get him to expedite the digit and sort out this health care inertia, well if can advocate for LC,might as well go for better health care for my American buddies,think I will also mention to him I am a bit annoyed about Becky's unemployment benefits problems also?.
  25. Hi All, At work just now,just short note on viewing my pics on flickr,you may know this anyway,if you click on the action button,the drop down menu shows, view slide show- this shows the pics full screen which adds considerably to the viewing quality.Catch up with you all to-night
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