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eric byrne

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Everything posted by eric byrne

  1. Good Morning Everyone, Disturbed sleep last night,a real wild storm was blowing,rattling the louvre blinds through having a open window,didnt wake up enough though to get up and close the window,7.10am,daylights here and the wind has dropped,but still a pretty dreich day out there.Just dropped in for a moment before heading out to work,rather go back to bed though,for another wee half hour. Thanks ladies for the infro on your local hummingbirds,much appreciated,I would just love to have them visit my back garden.By co-incidence on Saturday I bought bird feeders.one on a pole for sticking into the soil and another for hanging,so I have enjoyed watching,the blue and great tits using them,they were dislodged briefly when a blooming great magpie decided to visit,hope he dosnt make a habit out of it. Thanks also folks for your mention of my attempts to raise awareness in the fight for better support and funding for Lung Cancer,you will all be in my mind when I deliver my presentation in Manchester next Thursday at 1.45pm.I do feel good about making a contribution,even if it is a small one. Hi Bud,hope you and Rose get to enjoy many miles to-gether on your bicycles,what kind of weather do you get in Texas,over the winter months,can you cycle through this period? Well got to dash everyone,its nearly 7.30am,I have a manic bit of road traffic to deal with,Thursday is going to be really busy on Glasgow roads,with the Popes visit to Bellahousten Park,only a couple of miles from my work place,his visit is mid-afternoon I think,so getting home is going to be a bit of a hassle.
  2. Hi Judy MI, I am really intregued to read about you having hummingbirds in your garden,it always thought these would only be found in tropical regions,ie Judy's in Key West,I would have guessed Michigan was too far north?do they migrate south for the winter?
  3. Good Evening Everyone, Weather to-day really dreary,its been raining the whole day,a real feel of Autumn in the air.Sorry for my absence of late,been so busy,I did manage to find some time to put my Edinburgh photos in the site album,a bit disapointed about them being severly cropped in size the following day,must talk to Chris about next batch having a link off site for my photos to click on to see them fully sized? I took the morning off work to visit Susan at the Glasgow offices of the Roy Castle Lung Cancer Org,I had to produce some documents to complete a Disclosure Scotland form,to allow me to become a telephone buddy,in the UK,this starts at the end of the month,for a trial of three months and if successful,will be expanded throughout the UK.The disclosure form is a bit rediculous as I already have enhanced disclosure which is mandatory for my work,but rules are rules. As a guest speaker at the Lung Cancer Conference in Manchester along with Susan doing a presentation we took the oppertunity to discuss tactics in what to include,the audience apparently have all seen my video which the students filmed for their college website Healthy Working Lives,so I wont be a complete stranger to them,anyway everyone is booked into the same hotel for the previous day,so there will be an occassion to socialise before the event.I am really looking forward to this event. Hi Bud,good to hear that Rose has decided to take up cycling and has a friend for encouragement,maybe she will enter the Hotter'N'Hell event next year? Well just going to spend some time reading the boards to see what you all have been getting up to,enjoy the rest of your day.
  4. Sorry Guys, Since I sent the photos in,something has happened to the images,in that they now appear cropped and have lost approx one third off the right hand side,this makes for example the tight-rope walker disapear,making the pic look silly,maybe something can be done by the sitemaster to restore the images to their original size?
  5. Hi Judy, Thanks for your much appreciated comments,it is my intention to entertain you in sending these in,sorry about the lack of introductory explainations along with the photos,with Chris not being here that was a task too much for my ability level.Yes that is my daughter,you can google her website by just typing in Jennifer Byrne shes the actress from Glasgow.The photos taken in the dungeons shows the hammocks that were used by the French prisoners that were imprisoned here during the Napoleonic Wars at the start of the nineteenth century,the order of the pics are basically the reverse of the order they were taken in,we are supposed to start by walking into the castle,rather than gradually walking out,I dont know why the process of sending in pics should do this? Oh the statue people are very common here in Scotland,it is usually a type of street begging,although some do it for charities.Braveheart was doing his performance for cancer research.If any viewers would like a description or explaination of any of the photos,please let me know,I am only too happy to oblige.
  6. Hi Guys, Just thought I'd share my Edinburgh pics with you,yes I know I have been a bit over the top,but believe me,this is what remains after a strict editing.Hope it brings you a wee flavour of the fun in Scotland.Still to send in Loch Lomond,Killin and world pipe bands,this is my first go at sending pices in myself,following Chris's step-by-step handbook guide,hope these arrive safely.Bye for now.
  7. Hi Alisa, Just out of bed,Saturday 9.10am,beautiful sunny morning, start of a new weekend,I come online check the mail and wow,icing on the cake,what a wonderful start to my weekend,ten years anniversary?congratulations,heres to the next ten,thanks for sharing your news.
  8. Good Evening Everyone, No mail on Sunday?everyone away enjoying a Labour Day Weekend break methinks.Well it had to happen,the ridge of high pressure over the UK has decided to leave us for pastures new,replaced with a low-pressure one,cloudy to-day but dry and warm,I notice on my drive to work in the morning the tree lined Great Western Road,the first signs of Autumn are beginning to show on the leaves. Enjoyed the party at Susans on Saturday night,all the usual suspects turned up,quite an age spread 4-87years old.great fun with Max playing hide and seek,I was left in charge of the Barbie,feeding 30+ guests,I managed fine and so far I havent received any phone calls about food poisoning. I t really is a small world,I got into conversation with a woman ,who told me she wont be staying very late as she was flying to Germany in the morning to give a presentation to a medical conference on the developement of a new drug her team have developed ,intrigued I asked her what is the drug for?Lung Cancer she replied adding, but its not for you Eric,its for 3Bs onwards,she must have got a briefing from my sister Irene on my situation.She also said she couldnt discuss with me any aspect of the drug because its all very hush- hush at the moment,I will keep you informed if I hear anything later on. I have decided to hold the next party at my house in a fortnight,barbie subject to Scottish weather,you are all cordially invited,with or without the Keg Bus. Managed to get Jennifer and Chris out on Sunday for dinner and then slip in,"Chris I think my laptop has been infiltrated by a virus" I think he took about two hours to flush my system clean,at one point threatened to take my laptop away to re-install Windows 7,however job done and dusted.Also gave me additional infro in a booklet form in how to install my photos in the laptop into a folder and prepare for mailing them,too late to-night to try,but will have a go on Wednesday.Tuesday night I will be out bowling.Well hope you all had a great holiday,enjoy the rest of the day-bye.
  9. Good Morning Everyone, Hi Judy beat you this morning ha-ha,woke up to another lovely sunny day,see our weather isnt always lousey.Is this Labour Day weekend?enjoy the extra day everyone,in Scotland we have bank holiday Monday at the end of the month,some of us also get the Friday as well (me for example tee-hee). Judy MI,thanks for your indoor carpet bowling link,never knew its history,I came over all faint when you said English origins,Scottish if you please!!.I am surprised it is not played in the US of A ,its so popular in Scotland,I think whoever introduces into America will make an absolute fortune.Briefly,its a game that can be played at any age,so most Scots when they retire will play golf and or bowls,the game can be played in pairs,or small groups of twos,threes or fours against another similar sized team,in summer its played outside,on prefectly manicured grass surfaces,good gardeners here, will often boast that their lawns are like a bowling green.It is patronised by the most friendly and polite of Scots,prior to starting the game everyone shakes each others hands and greets them with the words "Good Game" A small yellow ball(jack) is rolled out onto the grass/carpet,distance deliberately varied,each time to try and upset the opposition,and the object is to roll your bowl to finish as close to the jack as possible,oh the bowls have a weight (bias) inside them so that it cannot roll in a staight line but in a curved path,so the skill is in adjusting your release for the curve in aiming for the jack,you may finish at the jack,with your shot but skilled players can strike your bowl out of the way,as in curling for example,its all great fun,why dont you all come over,I will pay for a rink and the wee refreshments as we play. Got an invite to a birthday party to-day,its at Susans new house (of SUMO)yeah Maureen will also be there,so its going to be great fun.Barbie will be on,on such a fine day,bang goes my diet again(I have been sticking to it you know).Hoping to talk Chris into coming to Airdrie to morrow, to help me send in my Edinburgh,Loch Lomond and Pipe Band pics,oh dear there are so many good ones I hate editing some out,yes I know he provided me with an idiot proof guide to doing this by myself,but its still not Eric proof,anyway he just does this so fast my head spins. Have a great day everyone,catch up with you later.
  10. Hi Eric, Hey,we share the same Christian name,a very warm welcome to LCSC,I know from my experience that coming on board here was the best first step one could make following a lung cancer diagnosis,I was a bit unfortunate in taking over a year to find this site,finding it sooner would have made carrying the burden of a lung cancer diagnosis so much lighter. You are about to discover a wonderful new group of friends here,who have walked the walk,and are so capable by their experiences to provide you with listening ears that will respond to you with all the support and encouragement that you need at this most difficult time in your life. Immeadiately following my dx,my world had come crashing down,partly due to my inconsiderate doctor,who coldly told me to take some quality time out with my wife since I had only two years left to live,information which was entirely unsolicited,(I better get a move on with this post,my two years are up in the 14th October),fortunately my oncologist is giving me 15-20 years if not a cure,think I will stick with his opinion. Spend some time reading the survivor stories here,they are so remarkable that even the most pessimistic among us cannot fail to be lifted by them. This site is not all about cancer,its about making new friends and sharing the joy we all share in living our daily lives. I am sorry,I understand as much as you do in your CT scan report,but I know that pretty soon you will be benefitting from the advice provided by the many here,whose knowledge far exceeds mine.I wish you well as you proceed in your cancer journey,going through all the tests,until a treatment plan is individually devised that best meets your needs,take one day at a time,try not to worry about to-morrow,I did,and I can assure you that for all my worry, nothing materialised even close to my imaginings.Oh by the way,the lack of sleep thing? yeah I had that too,solved by a short course of sleeping pills until my nerves settled down.
  11. Good Evening Everyone, Cannot believe what I am reading,Bud saying storms of the heavy variety passing through Texas,Judy MI, cool fronts and raining?come on guys,get on that keg bus and come to Scotland,another boring day of cloudless blue skies 12 hours of sunshine so far,weather forecast this is to last right through the weekend and into next week,och well now youve had your share of the sun,its our turn now,we will send it back shortly. Indoor bowling season starts to-night at 7pm,(thats the carpet type not the ten pin,does this game get played in the USA?)I have been invited to join a Thursday and a Tuesday night team,so thats two nights out a week now until next summer.Dont think Sally too pleased about it though,particularly since to-day is our 38th wedding anniversary,well its not my fault if bowling season started today.Sorry folks got to dash,maybe get back on line later when I come home,as I think Sally will be in the huff with me anyway. See you,bye.
  12. Good Evening Everyone, Another fine sunny day here,I am just loving this weather hope it lasts through the weekend. Not much to report since last night,another busy day at work,class in the afternoon,morning spent sorting out new students problems,mainlly burseries and EMAs (educational maintenance allowances) also timetable and accommodation foul ups,not my fault,honest. Surfing the net last night,got a warning that a virus was trying to access my laptop,I was directed to click some box to activate some defence system,since I have lost my accesss here through Internet Explorer,all it says is"cannot display the webpage" and the trouble shooter couldnt identify the problem.Fortunately I can enter through Firefox by typing in www.cancergrace.org and then click on LUNGevity.Seems I will have to get Chris to fix this one for me. Hi Judy,thanks for the pull through explaination,sorry but beeosh is a new one to me also,suppose it fits with my last paragraph?.My worst nightmare on a wild mountain road and the car wont start,crumbs,I really have little idea what happens under the cars bonnet,so I would have to wait for the RAC or AA rescue,your are really lucky to have Stan on Stan-by, LOL. Bud thanks for the Mulligan explaination.Re-Indian call centres,it is common knowledge in the UK,that Americans do not accept second rate services,so if you want their custom you have to be on your toes at all times.Seems strange to me that these call centres in India are accepted by Americans,in fact in the UK recently due to customer pressure one of our major banks has closed down an Indian site and resurrected its UK call centre. Well apart from still sticking to my diet,nothing else happening here to pass on,so goodnight everyone,enjoy your evening, mine is just about over.
  13. Hi Bud, Thanks for the photos,I really enjoyed seeing them,that is just the type of adventure I could really enjoy.I think sharing the journey with such company,the miles would just fly by with ease,particularly if you can relax and take your time. Well HHH is now on my bucket list,sorry Machu Pichu,Ive got pastures new to think about,now where can I get a bike,to practice on?
  14. Good Evening Everyone, Another beautiful sunny day here,seems its to last right up to the weekend,we are being spoiled. Well jennifer started teaching to-day in the college,made her own way in,seems I go in far too early for her.She was just sharing a class with another teacher just now and unpaid to boot,anyone in the UK working with children and vulnerable adults have to submit to a investigation into your past,to see if you have a criminal record or other misdemeaners,the process is called Disclosure,and if you are teaching,we have to have gone through Enhanced Disclosure,dont know if you have this in the States?Anyway,until Jennifers clearance is through she will not be paid,partly her own fault,when we were at the Edinburgh Festival,she cleared out her bag of all the flyers she had been handed and put them in the bin in a toilet,also including her completed form,so she had to get another one causing a few days delay. Donny glad you are now having temperatures you feel more comfortable with,sorry to hear about your disturbed sleep with coughing and breathing problems,wish they could do something to make you more comfortable,broken sleep can be a real pain in the butt.Would an oxygen cylinder on stand by for your worst occassions not bring you some relief?wishing you better health ASAP. Judy still on the road enjoying yourself whilst we are all working our fingers to the bone sorting out all the problems of the world.Pardon my ignorance again but what is a KOA thats three hours drive down the road? and a pull through, sorry thru, closest I can think of is a jocular reply to a friend who has complained of feeling bloated or suffering constipation,you reply with you need a pull through with a Christmas Tree. Bud,Oh dear I really am struggling with Americanisms to-night,lets get this right "You need a Mulligan on your Lungs,right?.Well I heard Judy MI,mentioning him I thought in a golfing connection,so why would you want a golfer on your lungs,sure beats me?.Started my diet yesterday,porridge for breakfast,pre-packed mixed fruit salad for lunch,single course evening meal,no sweet to follow,I will lose these extra pounds even if it kills me. Judy,Have I misread your posting,did you say you had to deal with a business problem through a call centre in India,well it really is a small world,I thought this problem was exclusively a UK one,oh these calls are so frustrating,sometimes you just feel like banging your head off a wall trying to be understood,maybe its just my Scottish accent?I really think its a cunning plan by big businesses to stop bothering them, and send you off to India, never to be heard of again. Goodnight everyone,enjoy the rest of your day.
  15. Hi Ronnie, Good to hear your are getting out and about,nice to have supporting friends in the church,just what the doc ordered. Still feeling your pain in your writing I am praying that this will ease as the days and weeks pass. Keeping my mind busy is my way of coping in preventing myself getting down also mixing with company as often as I can also helps.I wonder if you would consider enrolling for a leisure evening class in your local college,painting is a great way to relax,learning to play guitar,not only do you develope a new skill but you will meet like minded people to share a conversation with and develope new friendships (a bit like here?)I do all of these things.I also got invited by a old friend to come and join his team at indoor carpet bowling,season restarts 7th Sept so Tuesdays and Thursdays I will be playing. I wish you well,and look forward to reading your postings.
  16. Good Evening Everyone, August has been kind to us Scots,lots of fine sunny days,Sunday and to-day was no exception.We dont get the temperatures you guys are used to,but for myself I find high sixties and seventies prefectly tee-shirt comfortable.Sunday was the second one in a row I gave church a miss,woke up on Sunday morning to sunshine and clear blue skies,phoned Dot to see if she was available for a wee run into the countryside she was and Sally and I,Dot and Jim,set off for a drive to Loch Lomond. We are really lucky to live in this part of Scotland,despite the annual rainfall,as we have surrounding us some of the worlds most beautiful scenery,Loch Lomond is only about one hours drive away,had a nice relaxing stop there on its "bonnie banks" bought some ice-creams for one of these old fashioned pedal bicycles that has an ice cream box at the front,havent see one of these since I was a little kid. Left Loch Lomond after taking a few pics (of course) to drive up to a beautiful little village in the Trossachs called Killin,this village has the "Falls of Dochart" passing through it,they are lovely gentle waterfalls passing through lots of rocks that have been weathered by the water over the centuries.There is a quaint old hotel there called The Falls of Dochart,that we entered and had a nice dinner,bang went my diet again.Dont know if I had mentioned before,but since my lung op in Jan 2009 my weight has gone from 13stone to over 15 stone,I know Americans measure weight in pounds,so 182lbs to 195lbs respectively and I am only a little guy at 5ft 8inches,my excuse is I have very heavy bones?. Well we left Killin after a bit of sight seeing,then on up to Ben Lawers and Loch Tay,what can I say at the risk of boring you to death completely,the scenery was just absolutely stunning added to by the weather being at its best,you could see for miles and miles.Returned homewards through Stirling and passing below its castle set up high on a rocky outcrop.Dropped into Dots for a coffee and chat then home about 9pm,end of a perfect day. Bud congratulations on completing The Three Hs,I really had to smile about you feeling slightly disapointed in not finishing approx five hours,you really are an example to all of us here,I am really so proud to know you. Well its 8.45pm now and the sun has now completey set,its been another beautiful day,too bad I was at work. Goodnight everyone,enjoy the rest of your day.
  17. Good Afternoon Everyone, Cloudy bright day here to-day,sun trying unsuccessfully to break through so far,but very comfortably warm. Not much planned this weekend,maybe visit Dot to-morrow,been to the supermarket this morning,restocked fridge and cupboards then read the morning Times newspaper,before coming on line.My daughter Jennifer has finally decided to accept the job offer to teach English at Anniesland College,she is really impressed by its facilities compared to the Private Language School where she currently teaches,there was a problem over the number of teaching hours on offer only six at the moment compared to the fifteen she currently works,but the rate of pay of $43/hour just about balances out,with the head of Dept Jim promising her more hours shortly when all the full time courses commence. I can pick Jennifer up en route to work in the morning,but unfortunately she will have to make her own way home at lunchtime Tuesdays and Thursdays. I received an email from Susan Christie of the Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation,updating me in preparation for the Lung Cancer Conference at Manchester in September,she also gave me some pointers and suggestions for my presentation as a guest speaker,thinks my job and AmDram experience will make me a natural for this big occassion,now where did I leave my nerve pills?.I am really looking forward to this event and really dont want to waste this oppertunity. I really want my presentation to make some impact on the listeners,not for my ego,this subject is much too important for that,but to try and encourage everyone to become more pro-active in trying to bring about change in the minds of the professional medical practitioners and funding bodies,in their complacent and prejudicial attitudes towards people who have been diagnosed with Lung Cancer.I will have to choose my words carefully,that I do not embarrass the Roy Castle LC Org,as they have given me the priviledge of sharing their platform with me,as they have to work with goodwill and in harmony with all the special interst groups involved with Lung Cancer. In drafting my presentation,I would be most happy to receive any suggestions you may wish to contribute for inclusion,my understanding from what I have been reading in the forums,that we may be separated by an Ocean,but there isnt a Ocean of a difference in the problems we face. Bye just now.
  18. Good Morning Steff, Ive just got out of bed (7.30am)looked out the bedroom window to a lovely new sunny morning,hooray its the weekend again,time for fun and games,isnt life great?. Thought I would drop by briefly,see whats going on in the forums and found your latest posting,what a great read to start my day,your test results are absolutely brilliant,I am so pleased for you.Sorry I must have missed your news about going on a clinical trial,lucky you,all that attention and pampering you will be receiving,oooh I am so jealous,I didnt follow your treatment path,but if the doc says,side effects will be minimal then thats further good news isnt it?. I wish you well for your continuing treatments,thanks for sharing,have a really great weekend.
  19. Hi Judy thanks for the explaination and link to Labor day,methinks it would be more appropriate to call it Laborless day?.Becky you brought tears of laughter to my eyes,your list was just brilliant,didnt know Scotland had a flourishing population of rednecks of our own,although frostbite here is more likely than having a redneck.
  20. Good Evening Everyone, Sun just beginning to set on another lovely August day,the weather here has just been so good recently long may it continue. You know at the risk of you all fitting me with the jacket that Becky once wore,that is, the one you cannot scratch an itchy nose wearing,this dx of mine sure has brought me a huge silver lining to that cloud.I was at the House for an Art Lover for the second and last training day for being a telephone buddy,we were enjoying a super lunch in the sunfilled dining room,seated at a large window overlooking a terrace,where other diners were seated outside enjoying the weather,the surrounding parkland and flowers were just so beautiful,I just felt so good,no it wasnt because I had escaped from my work for a day,more to do with the new people who have come into my life I would have never met otherwise.This includes all the guys I was sharing lunch with,and all you guys out there,I really feel so lucky(maybe Ive gone soft in the head?)Anyway training day was excellent,the presenters were so professional,think I can handle any telephone situation that may arise in the near future,fingers crossed,slightly nervous that I am only one of three in the UK in the pilot before rolling it out further,I would hate to be the one to be responsible for it closing down,no it wont happen,the support team around us are so professional,and we will learn with experience. Hi Bud,Thanks for the HotterN Hell link,I read it before coming on,now I really like the sound of that,would love to join you in this one albeit,I would only accompany you part of the way,since the 10k section looks ideal to me,maybe next year,eh? Well Judy MI,I cannot say how pleased I am in reading about the improvements in your health,its almost unbelievable after all you have been through,think Gods looking after you,may this improvement be permanent. Oh Donnie what a bummer,I was so hoping your lung re-inflation was going to be successful,why on earth was the stent possibility offered in the first place,if it were not feasible,I think somone deserves a rollocking?.Your reunion with classmates after forty years is just remarkable,probably impossible to do that in Scotland,since most of us tend to wander the planet.The funny thing is when Scots migrate the first thing theyll do is join the local St Andrews Association and wallow in renditions of "My Heart is in the Highlands aChasing the Deer,or "My Grannies Hielin Hame" oh we are a strange lot.I did sign up in facebook but that was as far as I got,what happens next?. OK guys just before I go,what is Labor Day or Labour Day(you forgot the U) and Becky whats a redneck vacation ? Goodnight everyone,sleep tight dont let the .........
  21. Hi Angela, A very warm welcome to LCSC,how nice to meet a new friend,you are in for a real treat in getting to know everyone here.There are so many remarkable survivor stories here that even the most grudging pessimst would be hard pushed in not finding something that provides new hope for the future.How is your mum?perhaps you could share her cancer story here,give us some insight as to how we can best support her,you might even get her to join us online also?.Looking forward to getting to know you.Bye for now.
  22. Good Evening Everyone, Just starting to rewrite,this post,just about finished,and the computer blanked out then came up with re-configuring windows,then when completed left me to start up again,message lost,grrrrr.Anyway,beautiful night here sun just beginning to set.Gosh it seems like ages since I have posted,I have not even been reading the forums,I have been so busy in fact last night I was feeling really tired I went up to bed at 8.30pm and fell asleep until the alarm went off at 6.30am,that is definately not me. Spent the weekend at Edinburgh,Saturday with Irene and family,then with Jennifer on Sunday,left Sally at home,she couldnt manage all the walking also Chris called off too.Well Jennifer and I had a great day,walking for miles around the streets,watching all the performers,they were all such a delight to watch,Jennifer had never visited the castle so we spent some time in there also,got loads of pics to share with you,when I get some free time. I have got my next training day to-morrow at the House for an Art Lover,for being a telephone buddy,I have got to read up my training manual to-night they may ask us questions on its contents,so better to be prepared. Alice Foster phoned me at 6.15pm to-night for an interview and questioned me about my cancer experience,positive and negatives thoughts,which I must have overloaded her recorder in happily passing on my thoughts,she also asked me for an opinion on a Lung Cancer advisory leaflet being developed to be sent to every doctors surgery in the UK.Alice and her team seem to be concerned about GPs awareness of Lung Cancer symptoms,so this leaflet should ring some bells,the leaflet will be distributed to the GPs patients to tick boxes in it that identifies common lung cancer symptoms,so it being used a a screening device to identify patients who may be showing early signs of Lung Cancer.Alice asked if I would be willing to be contacted in the future for any other Lung Cancer related issues,naturally I said yes. Since the college opens offically to-morrow,we have been receiving good will messages from countries all over the world we currently have educational links to,think you may be interested in the American ones,maybe you know of them? St Petersburg College,Florida. Davidson County Community College,North Carolina. Johnston Community College, North Carolina. Rockingham Community College North Carolina and Pitt Community College,Greenville North Carolina,gosh we are popular in North Carolina?,oh not forgetting Waukesha County Technical College,Wisconsin. My apologies for not replying to the morning airs recently,promise to do better,will read the ones I have missed to-morrow.Goodnight everyone.
  23. Good Evening Everyone, Gosh its quiet round here today?just two Judies and an Eric,has everyone gone in the huff?Well the sun has just set on another beautiful evening,August and June are usually the best months in Scotland for some reason,July is usually showery and unsettled. Sister Irene phoned to ask a favour of me for tomorrow,could I run her and Pat,her son Craig and wife Lorna to Edinburgh,the lucky devils have got tickets for the Military Tattoo in the evening,but want to make a day of it and set off at lunch timeI have been once before and it was just stunning,makes you so proud to be a Scot,it brought a lump to my throat most of that evening,go on you great big soft lump. Funnily enough I have invited Jennifer and Chris to see the festival in Edinburgh on Sunday as my guests,we usually go every year,and wander round the steets watching all the street theatre and performers,we also take in about three plays and have a meal,this time of the year,the atmosphere in Edinburgh is just so unique and enjoyable.The choice of venues is just staggering,but so far,touch hairy wood,we have chosen well.Oh yes you have guessed it my cameras going too,so head for the hills folks, more pics heading your way along with the pipe band championships.By the way pipe band championships recorded last week by the BBC,is being screened tomorrow night,wonder if I will see myself?. Called to a meeting today on Self Evaluation and Curriculum Review,in prep for HMIe visit March next year Ho Hum Yawn,but the girl sitting next to me said,Eric,I was on the interview panel yesterday,interviewing your daughter,and she was really outstanding,she was so genuinely enthuesiastic about the job and responded so well to the questions put to her,she just impressed everyone on the panel,boy was my chest just about fit to burst,so she was offered a job today and starts August 30th. Alice Foster,Research Psychologist of UCL (University College London) emailed me to confirm she will record my telephone interview with her on Wednesday evening,its a research project she is doing on lung cancer survivors for Cancer Research UK. Thats the funding body that only dishes out 4% of its research budget towards Lung Cancer-boy if I can get a little dig in there I will,hoping to raise their awareness to spend oodles more in our direction,no harm in trying. Judy MI,enjoy the Tigers baseball game,never been to one of them,dont understand the rules,American Fooball is even worse cannot make sense of it at all.One of my colleagues at work is a great American Football Fan,strange thing is she is a woman just about to retire from work (hope that dosnt sound sexist-does it ?)Funnily enough when I was young I used to support speedway racing and the team I followed was hte Glasgow Tigers,their theme tune you might guess is "Iam a tiger" sung by Lulu (Have you heard of her-sang the theme song in Sidney Poitier's "To Sir With Love"?Good for you having the courage to speak publically at a fund raiser and with such effect,its a gift you know,well done, Judy. Judy KW,got my Times Atlas out in front of me,just found Ohio,gosh you are so near Judy MI(about 2 inches in my map) give her a wave,yoo hoo Judy!!!. Goodnight,see you all to-morrow,wonder how many fish Bud caught?. Bye.
  24. Good Evening Everyone, Just looking out my study window to a beautiful sunset, its just gone 8.30pm,weather has been brill last couple of days.New carpet was fitted today,bedroom looks great,just spent some time after work putting all the furniture back in ,phew,I should sleep well tonight.I have been so busy the last couple of days and nights not only have I not posted,I havent even read the forums,so I have just finished reading the posts for Wed and Thurs,just to see if you lot have been behaving yourselves.My goodness I have missed so much,you have all been busy youselves,let me begin with congratulations to "Father of the House" (an affectionate term used in the UKs House of Parliament for the longest serving MP and usually by coincidence the wisest ) Ned,your report is wonderful news,just as I anticipated of course, now go and round up that car thats waiting for you. Donnie,I am not familiar with your proposed lung inflation procedure,but I am rooting for you that its successful,and you regain your old vigour. Judy MI,what can I say?boy have you been having a hard time of it,really hoping healthwise you have passed the worst and that things will rapidly get better,as for your church thingy,dont let it get to you,you transcend these trivial occassions by squabbling people,you have better things in your life to give your attention to. Katie,I was really sorry to hear about Mrs A,what a lousy dx she has had,and also lacking in having a good support system around her at this time.I am sure you dont need me to remind you,that you should also consider your own situation,and not feel so obliged,that you become Mrs A single support system,its not fair on you or your family that you become emotionally drained trying to cope.I am not familar with the USA's Social Support Networks as I am in the UK,here there are MacMillan Nurses that would provide daily house visits,we also have Marie Curie day centres she could visit daily,we also have home helps that visit up to five times a day (free of charge) to help dress a person in the morning,tidy the home,make a meal and get them ready for bed at night,I know this as this was the support we got for Sally's mum (actually had this support for her for two years).Is there not a way failing all above to share out her calls to other buddies here,to relieve you of this task without you feelin a bit guilty? Anyway,briefly, what have I been up to recently?Well Tuesday attended the first of two days telephone buddies for Roy Castle,it was held in "The House for an Art Lover"in Glasgows beautiful Bellahousten Park,what a venue my daughter has visited before and suggested I took along my camera,so glad I did,the house has a walled garden just a riot of flowers and trees,the house was built by my favourite designer and architect Charles Rennie MacIntosh,enough I digress,the buddy scheme is a pilot for three months and if successful it will be rolled out all over the UK,myself and two other women are to be the guinea pigs,the training session was so professional,covered so many topics,we all received a training manual to study up for next Thursday,I did prearrange my early release at 2pm to attend my meeting at Monklands hospital at 3pm.This meeting is important to me anyway,since its to consider proposal for the provision of health care services in Lanarkshire for Lung Cancer.At the moment three major general Hospital provide for all aspects of Lung Cancer excluding Radiotherapy which is done in the Beatson in Glasgow.Proposal is to create a centre of excellence in one of the three hospitals,that all Lung Cancer Oncologists would be based,but leaving,respitory,diagnosis and chemotherapy in each of the three hospitals.Glad to say for many good reasons Airdrie was chosen as best location for the centre of excellence although has to be forwarded to the Scottish health board for ratification.New build will start in Monklands hospital in January 2011. Gosh I am trying to make up for two missing nights?oh just before I go ,Jennifer was at the College today for an interview as a supply Lecturer in the English Dept,talk about nepotism?. Bud gosh nearly forgot you how could I,thanks for the Pecan link,just had a quick look,looks really interesting,think I will spend some time there now,enjoy your fishing tomorrow,good night all.
  25. Good Evening Everyone, 9.20pm sun has just set here on a beautiful day,temperature must have been in the high seventies,thats hot for me.After ABC this morning,it was on with the shorts and sandals,Sunday papers and a new book to read out back, in my lounger chair,total bliss who could ask for more?I even stretched out to get the all over sun tan,well more like a cooked lobster. Just watched the last of the series of the Amish Kids,this week they were staying in a residential surfing school in Cornwall,run by a unmarried couple.The Amish girls were having problems with having to don a wet suit,they were concerned for the boys being tempted by the devil,in seeing the shapes of their bodies,however all was reconciled with a phone call to mum in the States,who suggested wearing a loose shirt over the wet suit,everyone was now happy and the boys and girls really loved the experience.A trip to a night club was planned,the Amish girls really tried to participate,in discarding their Amish clothes to wear modern dresses,even to the extend in revealing their hair,they looked really lovely,however on entering the club,the noise and lighting etc,the girls couldnt cope and left after 20mins,disapointed that they had put themselves out to have such poor reward.I must admit I would have done the same,it was just too noisy,they did not even play Sixties music?.Film finished back home explaining to their folks through the photographs they had taken,what the UK was like,but felt they couldnt really get their experience across.Surprisingly,Becky the one I considered the most Amish,said her experience had left her feeling unsettled,and said she may not stay with her family,or even in the United States. Hi Judy my best wishes for your forthcoming adventure,may you have a safe and happy journey,and have a great time at Stans re-union,keep in touch. Bud, I have to smile you going indoors to enjoy your air conditioning and escape the sun,and me going outside to soak in it,something to do with the 30 degrees temp difference between Scotland and Texas? Donny re-squirrel watching,I enjoy watching them in my garden too,our indiginous red squirrel is being pushed out its habitat by the American gray squirrels more aggressive nature,now rare to see red squirrels near urban areas.Do you have different types of squirrels in America? Hi Libby thanks for taking the time to reply to me about double booking,that was really nice of you,much appreciated,I totally agree with your suggestions,leave early (1hr) to get to Monklands hospital,and giving Alex Salmond a miss the following week. Well enjoy the rest of your day guys,bye for now.
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