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eric byrne

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Everything posted by eric byrne

  1. Hi Everyone, Sorry about the absence of photo captions,we were running out of time last night,Jennifer was getting bit impatient with me for collaring Chris for most of the evening posting here,so had to cut things a bit short. If I may explain now,these photos. Glasgow Green,the oldest public park in the city est 1450AD has a long interesting history(Refer to wikipedia)Michael Jackson performed here in 1992. Pics 1 -11 Obviously motor bike stunts Pics 12-14,Built by the Royal Doulton Company to celebrate Queen Victorias reign,recently restored at a cost of £2 million,shows four empire scenes,Canada(as shown for Bruce)India,Austrailia,and South Africa. Pics 15-17 This building was copied from the Doges Palace in Venice,You will never guess what it was built for?You did?Yes its the Templetons Carpet Factory,my mother worked here for years ,training women to operate the machines,sadly now converted to a Business Centre. Pic 18 Fountain again. Pics 19-20 Glasgows People's Palace Museum and Greenhouse Refectory,Musuem has loads of ordinary Glaswegians artefacts over many years gone by,dates from 1898,well worth a visit. Pic 21-Billy Connelly Pic 22-Exported all over the world now,our national other drink,and hangover cure,coming soon to a place near you(if you are to be lucky)dont forget you first saw it here. Pic 23 -"The Scramble" An ancient tradition in Scotland,a married couple leaving the Church throw coins out their carriage/taxi for future good luck,the kids scramble for the coins.Photo date? 30s-40s?(forgot to look) Pics 24-25-WW11 Posters. Pic 26 WW11 Bomb shelter for Brits placed in their back gardens. I think the rest are self explainitory,thanks for viewing.
  2. Hi Everyone, Just a few more to complete. This is Jack my sister Doris' (Dot) grandson This is Robert Lowe the UK's longest surviving SCLC (1993) and NSCLC (2007) with co-founding partner of Stobhill Lung Cancer Support Group - Penny Downer Glasgow community award winners L to R - Editor of the Evening Times - Robert - Winner - Glasgows Chief Constable Glasgows Lord Provost Penny again with Susan Christie of the Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation. Help Yourself Folks!! Jack with mum Jacqueline Jacks sister Emma Thanks for viewing, Eric
  3. Hi Everyone, My first attempt to send in pics albeit with Chris looking on.
  4. Hi folks, I attended the Glasgow Green Fair last weekend and thought you may like to see the pictures.
  5. Hi guys wanted to show the new pictures I took of Glasgows Science Center, the boy is my sister Irenes grandson Max there is a picture of him with his grandad Pat, Im in there too, see if you can spot me by jove Im certainly putting on the beef...
  6. Good Evening Everyone, Bit brighter to-day,although loads of pesky clouds drifting by,obscuring the sun from enhancing my sun tan. Stobhill Lung Cancer Support Group Day,excellent guest speaker,Dr Gill Highet,currently doing a research project into After care for Lung Cancer Patients,she has completed the first phase,having consulted with medical practioners for their views,she is now spending the next six months touring the Uk,consulting with lung cancer patients and groups like ours.She taped our discussion,and expressed her gratitude for the contribution we have made to her research, at the end of the meeting. I have managed at last, to transfer my pics from my camera into my laptop ,and creating a new file for them,only problem they were supposed to appear in the file "my pictures",but I eventually found them in "my documents"still to figure that one out? Jennifer and Chris are coming for dinner to-morrow,hope to get him to post my pics here into Photo Album,must learn how to do it myself,its just he is so quick in doing this.My task to-night and to-morrow is to select the best couple of dozen out of approx 700 for Chris to send.Its not a chore for me its fun. Bud sorry missed your comments on you fighting a whirlwind with your bike,glad to hear you both escaped relatively lightly,boy I bet that made your pulse race a bit?dont get these freak winds here(thank goodness)Oh no need for any concern about neglecting LCSC when I return to work,me boring the pants off everyone on a daily basis will continue,you didnt think you were getting off that easily do you?Anyway this is my therapy,otherwise I would be spending a fortune on a therapist. Judy,I was only halfway through reading about your today chores,and I got tired never mind doing them,my suggestion,drop everything get in your coach and get back on the road again for a rest. Enjoy the rest of your day everyone.
  7. Hi Ronnie, I am really sorry to read about how you are feeling at present,I really wish I had the wisdom of Solomon,to offer you words of comfort to ease your pain.What really cheered me was reading of your night out with family and friends on Sunday,and made me realise,if you can rise to these occassions and thoroughly enjoy youself,I am not an expert, but I think you are going to be fine,I would have been more concerned if you were unable to participate on these special occassions.You mentioned,your reluctance to go the medication route,you have paramedic experience,should a patient not have the medication they need at the time its required?.If an anti-depressent taken for the short term can help bridge this period of time why not use it.I would recommend a visit to your Doc to discuss your feelings,see what he suggests.There is another route which I am sure you are aware of ,that is grief councilling,sharing with someone can have positive benefits,it may not be an overnight success these things do take time.Being "Tough" is not a realistic atitude in dealing with emotional problems,no one is impervious to reactions to grieving,and as Judy was saying it is entirely individual how one reacts and copes,it is great you are able to share with us here,I do hope the buddies here can lighten your burden somewhat.Please look after yourself,you are not alone,we are all here thinking about you.God Bless.
  8. Hi Snowflake, Oh I forgot to mention the Amish dont do flowers? no explaination given,I am still scratching my head over that one.Thanks for your additional information,the programme just shows "nice things on farm life" no hard work,girls leisurely sewing their own clothes,then another scene,large family group having dinner at a huge dining table,a real nice family scene.I thought cleanliness was next to godliness,daily heavy labour,high temperatures and humidity,no bath or shower?oh come on, why not?maybe a shortage of water on the farm?
  9. Good Afternoon Everyone, Weather here overcast again,I havent seen much of the sun for a couple of weeks now,at least its dry and warm(mid sixties)I dont know how you can work in America when the temperatures are in the ninties or even over a hundred,it would be hard enough to tolerate these temperatures,just lying in the shade eating ice-cream.Our July had 50% more rain than the norm,no wonder Iam on Adcal its lack of sunshine,Iam not getting enough Vitimin D. Just finished re-decorating the bedroom,well not quite,still got to get the carpet and curtains,then I can lay back and read for the rest of the week,got a new book "The Forgotten Highlander"A true story written by a 91 year old Scot,about his experience of being a prisoner of war under the Japenese,he is still very bitter over Japan not coming clean,and telling their schoolkids the truth about their armies behavior to other nations during WW11,he thinks they should be doing as the Germans did,with their young generation.Ill let you know if its a good read or not when I am finished. Well its back to work for me Monday next,where did these six weeks go?fortunately our students dont arrive for a futher two weeks,gives me time to prepare timetables,and handout materials,will be finding it a bit strange having to share an open plan office with all the lecturers in our school,I will need to be more careful about what I say from now on,when talking to the other senior lecturer and head of school. Watched the second programme of the Amish Kids,its called "The Worlds Squarest Teenagers",its really so illuminating and entertaining,these kids are so nice.This week they were staying with some families in Kent,first stop was a visit to the seaside,you know these kids had never been on a beach before,the Amish girls found it difficult seeing all the young girls wearing skimpy bikinis(they wouldnt like the continent either since all the girls go about topless)the Amish girls were worried about the boys being exposed to all this feminine flesh,but boys being boys they didnt mind in the slightest.In fact they were smoking and drinking beers outdoing the English guys. Next outdoor pop concert,Amish girls again didnt like dancing to music,(work of the devil)They dont do art either,its being boastful,if they are not working they can find all the entertainment they need reading their bibles.There were a lot of cut scenes back to America,and their way of life,to me anyway does have its attractions.Next week staying with an upper crust family,on a country estate,should be fun. Donny,glad to hear you have picked up a bit,hope your scan and onc visit next week goes well,as Becky was saying maybe a wee trip to your GP,might help suss out some better medication for your breathing problems.Look after yourself. Enjoy the rest of your day everyone,bye.
  10. Hi Donnie, Its 1.45am here, I am just going to bed now,I am really tired,but I am anxious about you also,please try and get some professional support,will contact you first thing in the morning.God bless.
  11. Hi Randy, Just to let you know I am in your corner every single day.God bless buddy.
  12. Hi Mary, I was dxd with lung cancer in Oct 2008,I had 4 cycles of neo adjuvant chemo of cisplatin and vinorolbean,just prior to surgery in January 2009,I have to say I sailed through the chemo,without any side effects such as nausea,or even hair loss,managed to keep all ,yes, including the grey ones,did have a bit of constipation though,slight discomfort with the surgery,but nothing much to complain about. Brave, you may think of me?not at all,when I see a needle approaching me,I want to make for the emergency exit.They removed almost half of my upper right lung,and here I am,more then a year back at work,feeling great,what more can one ask?.God bless,I wish the same for you.
  13. Hi Donnie, I am really concerned about your breathing problems,please can you contact your GP or other health professional,please keep in touch about your progress,god bless.I will post again shortly,to see how you are doing.
  14. Good Evening Everyone, Weather Ditto,Saturday and Sunday, had a great fun day yesterday,on Glasgow Green,got loads of pics to share of the parade and events,the rain later in the afternoon did curtail our visit somewhat and we went home earlier than planned.However today was a bit sunnier and I decided to go back,with my camera to see things that I had missed,and there a lot more than I realised,what a great afternoon.I stopped into a nearby bar for a drink and something to eat,and the waiter told me the menu was entirely vegan?I nearly fell off the chair when I asked him what he would recommend,his reply "we do a lovely vegan haggis"get outta here I said how can you do a vegan haggis?(I am not making this up you know)Well I ordered it can in a thin pastry roled into balls with a nice salad and separate sauce,now if you have tried haggis youll know it has a unique texture and flavour,well this was delicious,I swear I coundnt distinguish it from the real mccoy,I told the waiter so, and he left bursting with pride,to tell the chef.Ill post my pics when I found up Chris,Donnie you are a rodeo buff,get over here and lasso him. Hi Calintay ,you dont work with Randy do you,59 working hours a week,what is it with you guys,I mean I love my job and all that,but I didnt marry it,come on drop the work and spend more time talking to the buddies here,thats an order. Hi Stephanie,your remark "I havent wallpapered since 1981"brought a large smile to my chops,it sounded like Mr Spock in Startrek,how can you possibly remember 1981?,I have trouble remembering last week. Be nice if you have to go on a Rehab programme to get your social security,you get to choose your own preferrence,may I suggest you tell them eg Wine Taster in the Italian Riveria,or Marine Biology-boating on the Med,or Linguist,six month tour of Western Europe,even better if theyll fund it also. Judy sorry you falling out of bed awake,I just cannot stop laughing,and I do know your dignity hurt.Think you should remove a set of seat belts from your car and install them in your bed,here this sounds a wee bit kinky,sorry,better discuss this with Stan first,he might have difficulty intalling them. Judy MI,I really think it is a bit much,poor hubby, fancy youve got him pushing a mower around the lawn at his age and condition,he should have been directing you pushing the mower.from his favorite garden seat holding a bottle of beer.You have got to think positively,now if you had been pushing the mower,you would not have cut the TV cable,I should think not,and you would still be watching your TV.There you have the answer. Bud thanks for your thoughts on CT scans,interesting.I am sending you a well deseved Yellow Jersey for the Tour de Goatneck,I really hope your gang raised plenty for good causes,well done, you put us all to shame. Enjoy the rest of your weekend everyone,bye for now.
  15. Hi Ronnie, Really pleased for you having such a great night out with your family and friends,by co-incidence,my sister got me a flying lesson for my 60th last year,it was really fun,I took quite a few photos durning the flight as a momento-so dont forget to take your camera,you might even post some here,for us to share? Dont think my stomach could take the aerobatics though-enjoy yourself.
  16. Hi Denise, Sorry to hear about your friend Michelle,please pass onto Bernie my sympathy.
  17. Good Evening Everyone. Judy, I left you looking after the store,wheres all our customers gone,mind you I am one to talk,sorry been a bit busy last two days,anyway paintings all done,wallpapering starts Moday,anyone remember,do you paper towards or away from windows? (something to do with casting shadows at joints) Oh before I forget,weather Ditto. Couple of days ago,I put in for a repeat prescription,to my surgery,doc refused to issue it, wanted to see me first for a chat,she was absolutely delighted about my reaction to my dx,and the positive things I am up to,told her about this site,she really showed her interest,left her with some Roy Castle Magazines for the waiting room,finally gave me my prescription,for simvastatin and adcal for my osteoporosis,she dosnt believe my CT scan in this respect and is senting me for a bone dexa scan,she is going to sent me for a test for my thyroid,which my CT scan says had shown some structural changes,so a least she is taking notice of what my CT scan says, but maintains they contribute nothing to lung cancer survival rates and only increase patients anxiety levels,being only based on a American system of money generation(her words not mine) I reiterated that physcologically? I would prefer the discovery of metz,early rather than later with a X-ray.Her reply, Eric, it makes no difference to the post treatments you will receive,and certainly will not enhance your survival chances,and the earlier you were told about your metz,just means the longer you suffered anxiety.Oh just for a comparision of our respective health systems,we pay £4 for each drug in our prescription regardless what the drug is,but anyone over sixty get them free. Hoping for a sunny day to-morrow,going with my sister Dot,her son Derek and her granddaughter Emma,to the Glasgow Festival which starts to-morrow,so its a great photo oppertunity for me,gosh is Chris is going to be busy posting them in here,along with the previous science centre,and the community awards,possibly a cure for all you insomniacs out there.The Festival starts at George Square outside the City Chambers(political town hall)and the parade leaves at 11.30am to march to Glasgow Green,where all the festivities begin. Relax my hols end shortly,and I wont have the same time to disturb the peace. Bud talking about the temperatures you are exposed to,I just couldnt cope with the activities you undertake at the same time,its a bit like out of the cooking pot and into the fire.I just loved the pic of your dawg,he looks so sad an in such need of a pet. Judy MI,hope the carpets now laid and is looking cool,my offer is still open for you to come over to help me choose mine. Judy KY,I really sympathise with you and having to deal with unsympathetic petty officialdom in government offices.As Frank Sinatra says Its very nice to go travelling,but its so much nicer to come home.Welcome home. Bye,see you all to-morrow,enjot the rest of Friday(mines nearly finished).
  18. eric byrne


    Hi Libby, I threw that keeping the monster at bay stick away,I found having a laugh every day is more potent,you just have to come online here to read rediculous stories like Becky and her keg bus and the monsters just dissolve.Ann's jokes are also antidotes to monsters also.
  19. Hi Bud, Thanks for the weather feedback,dont know if I have mentioned before,but up until my dx,my major hobby was musical theatre,used to sing 1st tenor,no we are not all Pavarottis,now probably second tenor.I sang with the Airdrie and Coatbridge Amateur Operatic Sociery and also the concert party travelling round venues drumming up interest in our once a year show,in the Airdrie town hall.Credits Fiddler on the Roof.42nd Street,Call me Madam,Hello Dolly,Hms Pinfore etc. Two years now I have been away,starts up in September,just a wee bit difficult for me to go back?How did I get into this line of thought,your fault Bud mentioning that Rodger Millar song, almost instantly a song from a show I did,came into my head "Shuffle off to Buffalo" lets see "Shuffle off to Bison" think you are right Bud, best leave things the way they are.OK Ive left the painting, to come on board again,Look I have painted the ceiling and because of the colour difference I am just waiting for the first coat to dry before I attempt the second,at least thats what I will tell Sally.
  20. Hi Stephanie, I had no idea about the extent of your discomfort,with tarcava,it is a real double edged sword isnt it?hope the manufacturers can work on it to refine all the side effects out of it.Seems your are doing so much better now I am pleased to hear,sorry you cant make Bonnie Scotland this year in the keg bus,maybe we can drop in on you on the return journey back to Hawaii. You seem a real fit person, did an "extra few laps" of the pool,Stephanie you dont have to wait for a keg bus,thinks you could swim to Scotland?.Tell your husband I said hello and hope he has had his smile returned.
  21. Hi Ronnie, Happy Birthday,good to hear from you again,bet you really enjoyed the suprise birthday party thrown by your work buddies,isnt it great to have these guys rooting for you,well you can add me to that number.I just know that next years birthday is going to be umpteens better than this years,so start planning now, to have a brilliant time.Look after yourself,hear from you soon.
  22. Good Morning Everyone, Just-Its 11.57am here.Another day as yesterday,overcast no sun but dry and warm,pardon me if just write Ditto if to-morrow is the same.Just noticing recently in the posts from Bud and JudyMI,that my perception of the summer weather in the States has somewhat changed,I used to think all you guys got sunny and hot,but like the popular common misconceptions like bison and buffalos,I thought that Texas got regular rainfall like 2 days per year.By the way still reading my book.Who was the first president of the USA?thats right,Peyton Randolph-who?How many states are there in the USA,Technically there are only 46,Virginia,Kentucky,Pennsylvania and Massachusetts are all officially Commonwealths,but you knew that didnt you.How about Stawberries arent berries and coffee isnt made from beans?The book goes on and on,oh boy I never realised just how ignorant I am. Just dropped Sally off at her work,its her first day back after six months,shes feeling really nervous about it.Her parting words to me were,when you go back up the road,dont you dare go back on that computer,see another misconception, its a laptop(wouldnt dare correcting her)get on with painting the bedroom ceiling and paint all the woodwork,I want to see progress when I come back home.Och well a wee five minutes out wont do any harm,will it?and I can always say I posted Wednesdays Air late on Tuesday night. Donnie,of course you have years of good health in front of you,I have signed you up for a guitar and song duet with me,as part of my Great North American Tour when I retire in June 2014,maybe we could record a CD,we would need a good title,how about Donny and Eric do America?So get yourself into shape and keep practicing them chords. sigh-oh well, where did I put these paint brushes and rollers?See you later guys
  23. Oh Becky, I forgot to mention in the HLI barracks (Highland Light Infantry) in Glasgow ,now sadly gone to domestic housing,at the Guardhouse at the entrance to the barracks the kilted soldiers had to stand over a ground placed mirror so that the guard manning his post,could check that no soldier leaving the barracks was wearing shorts.Absolutely true,as told to me my mother when I was an adult.
  24. Hi Everybody, Gosh I am late,but I have a excuse me note from my mother,actually its 12.40am on Wednesday here,just a few hours I hope to be contributing to the Wed Air,weather today as boring as yesterday overcast no sun, but warm and dry. Bruce,sorry,but I think you are way off target with Judy's white cow-like apparition,first of all the US of A dos'nt have buffalos they have bisons,anyway they happen to be dark brown in colour,I am an expert in this subject you know,since we have a bison in Palacerigg Country Park in Cumbernauld.I have a sneaking suspicion that this is a HUGE white breed of cow from France called a Chari...........,oh I hate it when I forget the name of something,although, come on, it is a French word I dont get to use very often, when I am in the bar with my buddies.Alternatively it could be the abducting alien that Becky is on about,gosh I will be really worried if Judy dosnt post to-morrow?. Donnie,sorry to hear,about your breathing difficulties,hopefully this will pass,I dont know if I am way off now myself,bearing in mind high temperatures for me is mid-seventies for me,but when it does happen I find breathing more difficult?.Iam tired, time for bed ,sleep tight everyone see you in the morning,god willing.
  25. Hi Becky, I must clarify my remarks I made regarding your dress code,it was entirely in reference to protecting you from the dreaded highland midge,however inside the keg bus if you have a perfectly reasonable desire to wear a pirate hat,that seems very reasonable to me ,I dont suppose any of the fellahs on board will object.As you probably know, there are strict rules of wearing the kilt of course,shorts must be worn underneath whenever Scottish Country Dancing is undertaken, or where one anticipates climbing to the upper deck in a double decked keg bus,otherwise the kilt wearer must forgo the shorts(this is absolutely true-check the rule book if you dont believe me)Becky I think we should always accept and allow each countries dress codes to prevail.I look forward to seeing more of you when the keg bus arrives in Bonnie Scotland.
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